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More on names . . . Who were the women of your grandmother's generation?

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Now, my aunties have some interesting names! Altamaude, Merita, Ina Elsabeth, and Lovella. My mother has the given name of Sewilla Maro (combined from Mary and Rose my grandmother's best friends).


The men's names are even more interesting; Hardy Grady (first and middle), Goosel (not sure of the spelling), Larkin, Trady, Buck, Bee, and Lamar. There were more, but I cannot recall their names right now. My mother actually had aunts and uncles who were quite a bit older than she was, and I don't know them very well.

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Mother level - June Beryl, Marian Minerva


Gma level - Iola Agnes, Lillian May (but called Toots all her life), Frances Elizabeth, Maude Agnes, Ellen Jane, Marion, Sally Mary, Harriet,


I would have used the name Lillian (if I had had a girl).


Were we supposed to include men?


William Augustus, Philip Norman, Robert Lee (yes, from the south!), William Jesse, Nelson Franklin, William Jasper, George Washington, William Richard, Edwin, Harold Moyer, William Ellis, Harrison,

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Annie's sisters were Susanna, Lydia, Mary, Lizzie, Sadie. I think I'm missing a few.

Leona's sisters were Alma, Grace, Magdelena, Mary and Martha (twins)


Mom's name is Eleanor and her sisters are Vera, Minerva, Anna Mary and Erla


I named one of my dd's after my maternal grandmother and my sister named her dd (3 days younger than my dd) after grandma's sister.

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My grandmothers were both named Anne. Their mothers were Celeste and Fauna. One of the sister's was named Bretta. My dh's grandmothers were Agatha Rafeleah (first and middle) and Hersel. Hersel had sister's named Chloe and Hadessah. They called Hadessah "Dess". They had several sisters, but these are the only ones I can think of right now.

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My grandmothers are Emma Marie and Myrtle Bell. My great-grandmothers are: Nellie, Anna, Katherine, Mary (Marie).


Dh's grandmother's are Gladys Marie and Natalie Inez.


Some of my daughter's are named after their great-grandmothers: I have an Abigail Marie, Sarah Natalie, and Judith Emma.


Susan in TX

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My paternal grandmother was named Georgia Mildred and her sister was Marie. I don't know her middle name (they had a falling out when I was born that had something to do with the fact I had red hair. Marie made fun of it and that was the final straw for my grandmother. They never, ever spoke after that. Sad, isn't it?)


Anyway, my maternal grandmother was Frances Mildred, her sisters were Marsolee and Bessie and I can't remember the others. This grandmother died before my mother was married to my dad, and she never allowed me contact with the family, except for her aunt Marsolee.


Emma, Anna, Caroline, Chrystl, Minna, and Elisabeth.

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My grandmother's names were Elsie and Arlene. Dh's were Shirley and Celestine. When I told everyone we were naming our second daughter after my Grandma Elsie, there were looks of shock until I explained we were using her maiden name (Lauricella) as a first name. :D


Our third daughter received her middle name from the middle name of both my maternal grandmother and dh's maternal grandmother: Mae. When we told everyone this, my MIL said, "Don't you think when she grows up she's going to hate you for giving her that middle name?" :001_huh: I was like, "Seriously, if that all she hates us for, I'd be okay with that."


Grandfather's names were Joseph Anthony (my brother is the III) and James. Both are used as my son's middle names. Dh's side wasn't included because their names were Clifford and Leonard. I liked the idea of a Leonard (a little Leo running around), but dh didn't. I figure, they get his last name.

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My paternal g'ma: Birdell Gwendolyn (she was very proud of the Gwendolyn), her sisters were Leonora, Mary, and Thelma.


My maternal g'ma: Genela (no middle name), her sisters were: Lola Frances, Mary, and Callie Lois.


A few days before my dd, Caroline, was born, my ancestry-searching cousin called to tell of her findings. We had a great-great grandmother who was named Emily Caroline. (We knew her initials from her tombstone, but she had been called Bill:confused:; so we didn't know what the initials stood for). Anyway, I was pleased because we had already decided on Caroline because I loved the name; the family connection was an added bonus. A few months later, my mom went to the cemetery. This Emily Caroline died on August 9, 1899. My Caroline was born on the same day!! (several years later, of course). Later, when I started doing more ancestry research of my own, I found another paternal grandmother and a great-aunt named Emily Caroline. I might have used that had I known. My Caroline has my middle name, which is Melissa - also another great-grandmother's name.


Sorry for the novel but I love discussing names:blush5:



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Okay, I'm not making these up, I promise...


Paternal: Gparents: Quincy and Manda (NOT Amanda); various siblings: (M) Enman (Kizzie) Dillman (Talitha) Gatchel, Duncy, Orangey, Etta, Mae Ola, Elsie (Alonzo), Girley (Clegie), Edith, Oma (married to Mounterville), Maye (Millard Roscoe), Nellie, Ivan.


Dad: Joe Hillery (NOT Joseph) Siblings: Dennis Luther, Ottis Estel, Inez, Ora, Dessie & Lessie (twins) Veda, Otis, Milford (AKA Ducky) Dean (F) Leon, and various others, too numerous to name.


Maternal GP: Virginia & Charles; sibs: unknown (I'll have to start researching that one...)



MOM: Charlotte Virginia, Patricia, Hazel, Mary, Charles, Harold (Bud)

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DH's and my dads are named Joe & Dean, we joked about naming our daughter JoDean. We also teased about naming her after grandmothers or mothers....Eunice Virginia or Juanita Charlotte. Not good combinations and I'm sure she would have killed us, later on. :D

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a name we thought was old fashioned... Grace...and now it is super popular.


I think I'm one of the few Graces of my generation - growing up, everyone who seemed to be a hundred years old was Grace, and now there are lots of girls named Grace....


I was named after my g'grandmother - Geesje (Dutch) - it was a close approximation of the sound, I guess....


My paternal g'mother was Lily Hortense (b 1900), her sisters were Violet and Rose. Grannie HATED her name with a passion - always went by Lil, for want of a better thing to change it to (since she cdn't very well go by her middle name! --- which by the way, I tried to use as a Charades word when I was about 9: "first syllable...." My dad (at the dinner table) just about fell out of his chair laughing at my confusion over trying to think of a way to depict that syllable.... :lol:)

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Grandmothers: Rachel and Susan

Great Aunts: Lucille, Ruth, Carol, Louise, Dorothy, Nellie, Chelnissa (Nissie), Margie, Elizabeth (went by Bushy, I swear it's true), Alda.


My great grandmothers were: Lena, Clara.....


You're right, most of these you don't hear any more.

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My grandmothers are Ellen and Lorraine. Sisters- Madeline (Midge), Nancy, Delores(Del) and Francis(Franny).


The guys are Kenneth, Clifford, Edward, Francis (Franky) and Douglas. The 2 Francis's were brother and sister. Frank Sr wanted a namesake and Franny was the 4th girl in a row. #5 turned out to be a boy, so he also ended up being Francis.

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I was blessed with three grandmothers as my paternal gparents divorced and he remarried. So I had Leona, Norma and Beatrice. My great grandmother's name was Luella. (the one great that I knew) My mother's name is Elvina Henrietta; her sister was Lettie Madge. Mom decided to name us "plain" names--PTL! (How you can hang Elvina Henrietta on a tiny baby I just don't know.) You can guess what my "official" name is; my sister is Jane. That's about as plain as you can get.


On DH's side, there's Iova, Ione, Dorothy, Ida, Denita, Donna and Diana.


My mom rarely uses her "real" name. Most people call her Barney, a nickname her sister gave her very early in life by teasing her about the doll Mom carried all the time. (her Barney Google doll) You should have seen folks when I introduced my parents as Ray and Barney....


No, we didn't name any of our kids after my mom!

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My grandad on my dad's side (born in 1892 and died just short of 101 in 1993) was Fred. His sisters, my great aunts, were Cora, Sarah Margaret, Ida May, Beulah, and Mary Jane. My aunts were named Cora Nell, Ida Ann, and Flora May. My great-grandmother was Trinvilla and grandfather was Armstrong. I was almost named Trinna for her.


My dad's mom was Dona Belle or Belle Dona, I've seen it both ways. Her mom was Hannah. I'm not sure of her sisters.


My grandma on my mom's side was Audra Iris. I know one of her sister's was Wilda, I'm not sure if there was more than one.

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My grandmothers were Juanita and Florence, and their sisters were Elizabeth (2 of these), Mary, Glenna, and Clara. They were all born in the early 1890s. Some family names from the previous generation include Capitola, Sophronia, Alma (man and woman), Elizabeth, and Mary. Names really fascinate me!

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My grandmothers were Ethel and Arcenia. Their sisters and s-i-l's were Ida, Mabel, Bessie, Alice (I like that one!), Bobbie, Grace, Lora, Vera, Effie, Rubenia, Mildred . . .


All of these great old names make me want girls. Let's see, my grandmothers were Marjorie and Nilda Lu, and their sisters were Emma, Helen, Gloria and Olga. Their moms were Rose and Clotilda. And now you know my middle name.

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My grandmas were named Clara and Eleanor


They had sisters named Mary, Cecelia(who legally changed her name to Cookie then changed it again to Jean), Marion and Geenya. My grandma Clara also had a half brother named John


My grandpas were Edward (don't know if he had any siblings) and John, who had brothers named Felon and Casmier (who is called Kashu) and a sister named Laura. My grandpa John was the 1st generation in the US, his parents came here shortly before he was born. Thus his brothers names, we're told they are traditional Polish names. In fact their mother my Busia (Which is traditionally what people where I grew up in SE Wisconsin call their Polish Grandma's), never learned english, she didn't want to come to the US so that was her way of rebelling, thus all her kids spoke fluent Polish. Unfortunately they didn't pass that on to their kids.

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This is such an interesting thread. I can't believe that with all these names, I haven't seen my maternal grandmother and great-grandmother's names, Bernice (pronounced BURN-iss) and Levada (prounounced Le-VAID-uh). My grandmother's sister was called Willie Murl. Her brother was Dovel.


I had a grandmother and a great-grandmother (paternal and maternal respectively) named Lily Mae. I sort of wished I could have named a little girl Lily, but it makes too many "L"s with our last name.


I had a great-grandfather named Brown.


My grandfather was Barney Mansel.


My uncles on my father's side are L.E. (Lovard Ezekiel), James, Shyne, Robert, and Marvin.


My mother is Sarah Catherine and is still called SarahCatherine (all one word) by people who knew her when she was growing up. She prefers to be called Sarah. Yes, we are in the South.

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My mother is Ella Dean; my mil was Madalyn Mae.


My grandmothers were/are Pearl Marie and Opal Reginia. I'd have to look up sister names of the first, as I was not brought up too close to them and can't recall them right now. Opal's sisters were Ruby and Edith and we were all just talking last weekend about how we loved them (my grandma just turned 100).


We were also discussing a fiesty aunt I really loved (by marriage). She reminds me of that older cartoon lady, Maxine. Her name was Cleo and her rootin' tootin' sisters were Dewie and Avo. What a set of girls! They could drink, gamble, and tell very-proper-while-still-off-color jokes with the best of 'em. I miss 'em......

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Ellen always went by Helen, but I inhereted Ellen as a middle name.


Rosaline was Irish, but her name was spelled the 'British' way - I have no idea why. So when she had a dd, they named her (my aunt) Rosaleen (spelled the Irish way). Then, when Rosaleen had a dd, she named her Rosaline (after her mother). When Rosaline had a dd, she named her Rosaleen (after her mother), as did a couple of Rosaline's sisters (my cousins). When I had to choose a confirmation name, I chose Rosaline (after my grandma). So we have LOTS of Rosaline/Rosaleens in the family. The trouble is remembering which way to spell it. :)

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I only read through the first 4 pages but I think I counted 4 or 5 Alice's..interesting as I never meet anyone of my generation with my name.


My maternal grandmother was Alice (I'm named after her). Her mother was Natasha (she was Russian).

My maternal grandfather was Julian. His mother was Ruth. Others in her generation were Estelle and Catherine.

My Mom is Christine. Her sister is Lisa (short for Elizabeth).


My paternal grandmother was Rosalie. My paternal grandfather was Julian. Others in their generation were Hazel, Mason, and Frank. f

My Dad is Richard but goes by Dick...which is definitely a generational thing. His siblings are Ray and Alice.

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In one of the families, using state names or colors was popular. Some of the kids were named Brown and Blue. My grandmother & her sisters all had a state as part of their name (usually the middle name); my grandmother's middle name was Missouri.


That's funny since my g-mother, Eula, had 2 friends (sisters) named Arizona & Tennessee!

My other g-mother was named Geneva.

Dh's was Mildred.

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Louise and Doris were my grandmothers. On my maternal grandmother's side, I've done a lot of genealogy research, and common names for women were Jesse, Christina, Mary, Isabella, Anne, and Margaret. My great-aunts were/are named Florence, Dot, June, and Alice.


On the German side, I've got lots of relatives named things like Hilda and Erna.


I had a great-great-great-great-aunt (I don't remember the exact generation) named Christy Bella. I like that name! :001_smile:



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