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Husband was suppose to come home tonight from fishing...

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Was there a possibility that he may stay longer? Could they be somewhere cleaning fish?


One of the times I was maddest at dh, was when he didn't come home on time from hunting. It was long after dark and he wasn't home yet. I tried calling the other hunters home and no one answered at his house.


He was fine. They had shot a deer and were at the friend's home cleaning it. The wife was on the phone for a couple hours, and wouldn't answer the call waiting. He couldn't call me because she was on the phone and wouldn't let him use it for a few minutes. :glare: This was pre-cell phone. He didn't realize I was trying to call, and that she wasn't answering. He knew I would call if I got worried or wanted to get in touch with him, so he didn't realize I was worried.

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Was there a possibility that he may stay longer? Could they be somewhere cleaning fish?


One of the times I was maddest at dh, was when he didn't come home on time from hunting. It was long after dark and he wasn't home yet. I tried calling the other hunters home and no one answered at his house.


He was fine. They had shot a deer and were at the friend's home cleaning it. The wife was on the phone for a couple hours, and wouldn't answer the call waiting. He couldn't call me because she was on the phone and wouldn't let him use it for a few minutes. :glare: This was pre-cell phone. He didn't realize I was trying to call, and that she wasn't answering. He knew I would call if I got worried or wanted to get in touch with him, so he didn't realize I was worried.

It is possible.


I just hate not knowing. :(

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I'm sorry. I've had some experiences like this and it's horrible. I hope you hear from him very soon. My husband tends to not think to communicate with me at times--is your husband like that in any way? Maybe where he is doesn't have cell reception?



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I'm sorry. I've had some experiences like this and it's horrible. I hope you hear from him very soon. My husband tends to not think to communicate with me at times--is your husband like that in any way? Maybe where he is doesn't have cell reception?



Yes. And I know his phone doesn't work where they are.


Just so inconsiderate not to go into town and call or something. I am trying not to worry, but then I start getting angry.


Then I feel guilty for being angry because something bad could of happened. :(

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Been there. Done that. I'm so sorry you are going through it. My dh is like sbgrace's dh. He sometimes just doesn't think about it. He is thoughtful and considerate in so many other ways but...this is just a challenge for him occasionally...to think what I might be thinking. He is out of town right now and I am awake due to dd6 waking up with a tummy ache. I will pray for his safety and your peace.

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:grouphug: As my husband would never do this, unless injured, I can't imagine what you must be going through. I suppose I would be worried, and then have a conversation with him when he did come home (hopefully). :toetap05:


Is he back yet?

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I made this mistake today :blush: walked up to the ferry to meet dh getting in from work and I missed him by a matter of minutes and he took a different route home. I had children in tow and had to keep carrying a bicycle and handling a dog who felt walking on a leash politely was too much trouble. :glare: By the time I got home dh was no where to be seen and he'd left msgs on the answering machine. I was freaked. Turned out he'd gone out looking for us and gone up the beach. Then come back home and gone back up the other side of the beach and was now in a total state of panic and debating calling the police. Poor fellow.


I hope by now you've heard from him!!

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:grouphug: I hate where my mind goes when DH doesn't call . . . Is he okay? . . . Is he really where he said he was going? . . . Am I so insignificant that he doesn't care enough to call? . . .


Praying that your DH calls soon.

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This same thing happened once when my husband and his friend went fishing. I finally went to bed and then woke up at 1 a.m. to find out that he wasn't home yet. This was before we had cell phones (I don't even know if they were invented yet :001_smile: ). I was a wreck wondering what to do. Finally an hour later I got up the courage to call the wife of the other guy to see if he was home yet. I woke her up. She said she'd check if he was home. Sure enough...he had just come in. So, it wasn't long before my dh arrived home. Turns out they were far from where they had parked and the boat motor went out. They had to row back and it took forever.

Please update....I'm worried now.

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Hope all is well!

I remember when we were building a house and DH had not come home by midnight. This was before cell phones and no close neighbors to where he was.

I thought for sure he fell off a ladder and was laying on the floor.

Finally, at 1am I could stand it and drove out there (only a 25 min drive) and he was there working away.

He knew it was late but had no watch so didn't realize how late it was.

I was so mad but also glad to find he was safe.


Hoping your DH is fine and makes it up to you big time!

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I hope he's all right. We'll all so concerned!


This happened to me, once, when we lived in Iowa. Dh was traveling with work, and several hours late. We didn't have a cell phone, I was 38 weeks pregnant with no car (we are a 1 car family), no family nearby (9 hours away), etc., etc. It was well past midnight. I had expected him home at five! I called systematically every person on my speed dial, and was on the phone with my sister deciding whether or not to call the police, when he came driving up the driveway. I've never been so happy to see dh in my life! I can't even remember WHY he was late; I was just so relieved. (But it must have been a pretty good reason. :D)


I hope all is well this morning :) :grouphug:

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That poor man has no idea that instead of one anxious/angry wife to deal with, he now has a couple 100! I hope you both are just sleeping in this morning.


No kidding! Be sure to tell him how he frazzled so many. We're all here "don't EVER do that again!"

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That poor man has no idea that instead of one anxious/angry wife to deal with, he now has a couple 100! I hope you both are just sleeping in this morning.


:lol::iagree: I was thinking the same thing. Every time DH is later than usual and doesn't call, I start to worry. One time he was an hour late getting home from work before I finally called. He had fallen asleep at his desk.:001_huh:

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Hoo, boy, have I been there. After 16 years (this Friday! woo hoo!) I finally have dh trained to call almost always. Every now and then he won't and I try not to yell at him but I do let him know my displeasure. He seems to have no concept of how worrying it is not to know when he's going to be home.


I hope your dh is OK! Be sure to let us know he's safe.

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I was hoping to see an update! I hope all is well!


That poor man has no idea that instead of one anxious/angry wife to deal with, he now has a couple 100! I hope you both are just sleeping in this morning.



:iagree: to both of those.. please update us as soon as you get up. Praying you are just sleeping and nothing bad going on. :001_unsure:


How far out are they? Is there anyway a Sheriff can go and just make sure everything is ok?

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I had a bad scare once. It involved me walking around campus in the rain at night looking for him after he was four hours late picking me up and not answering his phone. I was convinced he got hit while on his bike and was laying in the dark somewhere. It was soooo unlike him. He had never been even 5 minutes late before.


I banged and banged at his apartment door. It was awful. I finally got the RA to check for him after sobbing in front of him. It turned out that he fallen asleep at 4pm with the sound turned down on his phone. I was so happy he was alright, but I was also furious. Not to mention soaking wet from looking for him.



:grouphug: Please update soon.

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