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Mac users, help me solve this dispute with dd

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My dd has never met anyone who has ever had a problem with a mac and is insisting on replacing her pc with one. She believes they process everything faster and with fewer problems. I believe she is not hearing negative things about macs because she really knows very few people who have one. So mac users past or present, what do you think?


I used a mac in school about 20 years ago and loved it, but I only know PCs now and can mostly service them myself.

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We have both Macs and PCs and I would fully support your dd's choice. The Macs are self-sufficient ;) We love our Macs. Ds love the PC 'gaming' laptop though for the availability of the games he likes. I do think that PCs have vastly improved of late. I'd still buy a Mac before a PC though.

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We have had only minor issues w/ our Macs and we own several. Prior issues were faulty power cord on a laptop which was replaced by Apple out of warranty. We had one minor issue w/ something which I can't recall, but took it to the Apple store and it was fixed promptly. We never have issues w/ viruses. My friend's w/ PCs are plagued w/ viruses.


I can't speak to the faster but I love my macs. I'd probably love my PCs as well but nope, no big issues w/ Macs. Sometimes there are software issues when upgrading the software but I hear PCs have similar issues. All of a sudden your fav software no longer works w/ the new OS but eventually the programs get up to speed and issue a patch.

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We just got our first Mac in the fall. WILL NEVER GO BACK TO PC.




Like the PPs stated, Macs are self sufficient, easy to use, fast, no viruses, etc. They are an investment, but rightly so. Macs have been known to last for a very long time.

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:lol: I think you may have your answer!


My last Mac laptop lasted 8 years without a single hitch or need for service. It was finally finished off when DD5, who was a toddler then, knocked water on it for the third time. And even now it's not completely dead--I can connect a keyboard and mouse and still use it. I never once had to replace any part on it.


The only problem I had with my current Macbook (almost 4 years old now) is that the motherboard went down completely a month or so after I bought it. I had to ship it out, and I had it back in 48 hours. I haven't had a problem since, though I do need to replace the battery and/or power supply thingie once a year or so.


So yeah, I'm agreeing as well. IMO, the Mac is worth the money.

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My dd has never met anyone who has ever had a problem with a mac and is insisting on replacing her pc with one. She believes they process everything faster and with fewer problems. I believe she is not hearing negative things about macs because she really knows very few people who have one. So mac users past or present, what do you think?


I used a mac in school about 20 years ago and loved it, but I only know PCs now and can mostly service them myself.


LOVE MY iMAC. It's brighter, cleaner, faster, better organized, not glitchy...never had a problem. It "thinks" the way I do--extremely intuitive. If I don't know what to do, I call 1 800 my apple and they tell me how to work it out. The only problems that I have had with any programs on my mac are those made by...microsoft.


we have two macs and two pcs in the house. hands down the macs win.

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My dd has never met anyone who has ever had a problem with a mac and is insisting on replacing her pc with one. She believes they process everything faster and with fewer problems. I believe she is not hearing negative things about macs because she really knows very few people who have one. So mac users past or present, what do you think?


I used a mac in school about 20 years ago and loved it, but I only know PCs now and can mostly service them myself.


We have a Mac and a PC. It's true that a Mac is a better machine. You will have fewer problems with viruses. But a PC does the trick too. I guess it depends on if you want to spend the extra money for a better-quality computer. If you are used to a PC, there is a small learning curve.


Sorry, I guess this isn't very helpful.

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Yesterday my brother and his wife hosted a Mother's Day party. In the course of events I mentioned that their Mac (which had been my Mac, but was passed along to them 7 years ago) was getting a little "long in the tooth." They looked at me with a look of shock, like I was suggesting putting down the family pet or something.


I had purchased the Power Mac G4 in 2000. It is eleven years old. But they love it and are running OS X 10 Leopard. They seem "hurt" that I would even suggest a new computer might be in order :lol:



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Another satisfied Mac family here since 1984. I had to use a PC for a few years in the working world--always crashed, kind of klunky, and PCs are a lot more prone to viruses. Would never willingly go for a PC over a Mac. Make sure to look into Apple's educators' discount. We were able to get a discount as home schoolers 5 years ago--hope that still exists. Every little bit helps.

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I agree about Macs being better. HOWEVER, not all of us can afford Macs (myself included) so I'm thankful we have another option!


FYI, both of my daughters in college purchased their Macs second-hand on ebay, and have never had any troubles with them.

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I bought my first Mac in 1993 or 1994. I have had about twelve throughout the years. I currently have 2 desktops and a laptop. The only problem I have ever had (besides tech fever for the next model :001_smile:) is an electrical problem caused by an electrical surge during a storm (yes, it did have a surge protector but that did not help). We also lost 2 TVs during that storm, all had surge protectors.


I agree with your dd. We also have 2 PCs in the house and I never use them (dh does and my dd does only when forced to because a game will not play on her Mac). My husband has much more trouble with his PC but refuses to give them up.

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When ds was an incoming freshman at college, the college begged us to get him a MAC. They said he would be one of the few not in line to resolve computer issues!


We have two laptops and an iMac. Not one problem, well, the optical drive broke in the laptop, but we had Apple Care (get the extended Apple Care, not Geek Squad, or any other program). So, the repair was free!


Especially with laptops, you need the extended warranty. If you go to Apple's website, and buy there, you can get a large educational discount (for being a homeschooler). We bought during a tax free weekend through Apple, and saved a lot of money.

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Mac user here, too!


As an interesting side note, at the hs conference a few weeks ago, a company was giving away free math curriculum that came on cd. I think they were trying to compete with Videotext. Anyway, I asked if their cd was Mac compatible and they said, "No, we don't find many Mac users anymore." I was like, :confused:

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Another Mac lover here. The thing I love most about mine is that is simply does not have all the "problems" that pcs have. No viruses. No blue screen of death. No random security or memory issues. Makes life so much easier. In four years the only problem I have had was I needed a new battery just last week. Four years is a pretty long time for a laptop battery to last, so I'm ok with that.

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Dh has his moments with hating Apple, not the computers but the company. Things I take in stride as "well, I just have to do it this way", he takes almost as a personal insult. Apple doesn't fix things. There is an issue with mail, but if you don't have it automatically sorted into folders, you won't have that issue. I can't remember what other things send him over the edge, but I'll have an issue with him if he tried to replace me Mac. :tongue_smilie:


All his frustration being said, he changed jobs this spring and still had the new company buy him a Mac.

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I big puffy heart our Macs. We have two iMacs (one older that dd is using, the other newer that we use) and two laptops. My laptop is ancient for Mac (2005) and when we got a new apple wireless Internet router, my laptop started acting up and getting the eqvivalent to the "blue screen of death". I took it to the genius bar at the Apple store and they told me it was the old system not being compatible with the new router. They installed a whole new system - FREE - because there really wasn't a way to patch the problem. Now it works great!!!


I won't go back to a PC if I can ever help it.

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My dd has never met anyone who has ever had a problem with a mac and is insisting on replacing her pc with one. She believes they process everything faster and with fewer problems. I believe she is not hearing negative things about macs because she really knows very few people who have one. So mac users past or present, what do you think?


I used a mac in school about 20 years ago and loved it, but I only know PCs now and can mostly service them myself.


This is true in my experience and all people I've asked in my circle of friends. Both my Macs process as if I took them out of the box 2 hours ago. The desktop is a few years old and my laptop is..two, I think. Every PC I've owned or used starts accumulating crud in a couple of months. Every PC I've owned has had at least one catastrophic crash and our old PC (2004) is totally, utterly useless. We were using as a "games-only" computer, but it can't even do that properly now. :glare:

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I hate Apple (my ipod, iTunes, all that junk...) but, truth be told, if I had the money, I'd have a Mac. I go through PCs like they're going out of style for some reason. I've never heard anyone complain about having a Mac. ;)

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I liked my Macbook, but I did have several issues with it with charging and usb ports. I must have had that piece (not the cord itself, but the piece in the laptop) replaced a billion times. I will say that I never had any viruses on it and almost all my PCs met their demise or had major issues based just on viruses.


I currently have an ibook and a PC (desktop) and they both suck, but I suppose that's to be expected since both of my computers date back to when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

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I haven't read every response, but DH is a computer guy. (It is his hobby and his livelihood.) We have had both PC's and Macs over the years, and Macs are better hands down. Every.Single.Time. The only reason to ever purchase a PC is if you need a specific piece of software that is not Mac compatible.


DH swears that he will NEVER buy another PC for our family.

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I used Mac in Grad School. When we finally bought a home computer we went with a PC due to the compatibility issues. The compatibility issues are almost gone in 2011 and there are solutions to any that exist. I now have a Mac again. I love my Mac and don't intend to go back. Sure there are problems. Macs can have hardware failures too. That is what Apple Care is for. Sometimes it just gets stuck and I have to do a hard restart. But overall it is so vastly superior to my PC experience that I won't go back to PCs anytime soon.

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If money were not an issue, I'd choose Mac. OS X is NOT the same Mac you were using 20 years ago - it's a much more capable operating system.


Macs bought directly from Apple also come with very good support (AppleCare is really a worthwhile investment).


If money is an issue and speed is a particular goal, PC hardware is generally less expensive for the speed you get. But if that performance is degraded by viruses or whatever, it may not be an advantage.


We were Mac converts for a good while, but chose to go back to PC when we last bought computers - just couldn't justify the added expense. But we use Linux, not Windows, for the PC operating system. I doubt I'll ever voluntarily go back to using Windows!

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My dd has never met anyone who has ever had a problem with a mac and is insisting on replacing her pc with one. She believes they process everything faster and with fewer problems. I believe she is not hearing negative things about macs because she really knows very few people who have one. So mac users past or present, what do you think?


I used a mac in school about 20 years ago and loved it, but I only know PCs now and can mostly service them myself.


I've not had a single problem with my Mac. :)

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I would be firmly on DD's side on this one.




I went kicking and screaming to Mac. Once I found out how much better it was, I won't go back. (And I was a Comp. Sci. Major in college so i don't buy that "Macs are only easier for people who don't understand computers.)

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My DH has gone through three different PCs in the time I've had my one trusty iMac. My only problem with it is that its OS is becoming obsolete and I don't have enough memory to upgrade it. It works just fine; I just can't get the latest iTunes, etc.

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A friend has to use Mac because of her work, and she hates.every.minute.of.it. She's had way more problems--epic failures, lost data, time-sucker visits to the Mac store 'cuz no one else can help...she'd toss that Mac out the window in a nano second if not for her work.

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