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I'm feeling a little guilty....

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...in light of all the posters who aren't having a great Mother's Day. :(


Is anyone having a great day? I didn't ask for anything and rarely do, but my dh and boys know me well. Even though I have been losing weight for the last year, they bought me lots of chocolate. They know I will eat it and they know I love it. I got cards too. Not much, but they are also cleaning up the house and DH is putting Rabbit w/ Spring Veggies in the crock pot to bring over to our evening bible study.


Don't get me wrong, I am not being waited on. In fact DH has asked me at least a dozen times to grab or find something for him while he is preparing the rabbit meal. I keep jokingly saying, "It's Mother's Day, quit asking me to do stuff for you."


:grouphug::grouphug: to the moms that are having a bad day. Can you lock yourself in the bathroom with music or a book for a soak in the tub? Can you get out by yourself for a while, just to get some peace and quiet?

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It sounds like you are having a well deserved day!!!! :001_smile:


I am having a wonderful time with my children and am looking forward to seeing my precious nephew Zach at my brother's house. My mom is having a lovely day too with my children.

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I am having a great day! The kids brought me their crafts they made at school and DH made breakfast for me!


I would have been happy with a cup of coffee! :)


I dunno, for me I don't need ONE specific day to feel appreciated as a mother.


Now we are going to work on the yard.


I hope everyone has a blessed day!

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I am having a great day. I never ask for a gift, so I dont expect anything. This year I got 3 carnations and a new wedding band (I lost my engagement ring and lost a lot of weight and 3 ring sizes so I cant wear my wedding ring) and homemade cards that are adorable.


Hubby made breakfast and is now tilling the garden. Me and kiddos are hanging out :)


Its about as good as it gets!

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I have a dozen beautiful blush roses and a very funny card. :001_smile:


Mike has a music gig this afternoon and one of the boys is laid up on the couch with a broken toe, so I'm on full duty as usual. That is fine with me. I'm not very comfortable with being waited on or being Queen for a Day, but I'm pretty used to doing all the work around here! LOL


So I got everybody ready for church and fixed the dinner, and I'll be cleaning house and administering medicine and ice packs all afternoon.


They laid it on too thick at church this morning. I'm pretty sure we were worshiping mothers instead of God. So I'm happy with our mild family celebration and a day full of sensible work after all that mush!

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I'm glad to hear you're having a great day.


I am having a good day too. I got a crappy gift from dh, but that doesn't define me or my motherhood. I'm past it (after venting here :D and yes, crying a little). It's not going to ruin my day or my marriage or how much I love my kids.


I'm going to take the kids out and spend the afternoon with them- stress free. That's what I wanted today to be about. Enjoying my kiddos and how blessed I am.


:grouphug: to all you mommies out there!!

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Another wonderful day here. My ds has given me at least 10 random kisses for being the bestest mommy. DD made me a beautiful card. My father still thinks I'm a good mom after knowing our school choice. He also took the kids out for cards yesterday, but it's never needed. I love the stuff the kids come up with on their own!

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My husband gave me a computer game I wanted, is currently doing the food shopping all by himself without my having to go, is going to make me dinner tonight, and has agreed to mow the lawn and clean the turtle tank today hehe.


He also left me a message on Facebook that said:


"Happy Mother's Day! Thanks for all you have done for my children and myself. You are a great mother. Enjoy your day. Love you very much."




My teen bought me a card, my 10 y/o daughter made me one, and they were both quite willing to help do some straightening up around the house today.


My 5 y/o son made me a card and also gave me a gift which consisted of a toy Tinkerbell cell phone (which used to be his sisters and which he "wrapped" in one of his old baby blankets before giving to me) LOL. :001_wub:

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I am having a really nice Mother's Day, even though all the kids are sick, poor things. This morning my dh brought me donuts and a frappuccino and a newspaper, along with two beautiful cards (no gift--we are buying each other braces for all of our bdays and holidays this year, lol, thanks to my oldest's crooked teeth). Dh is making me a steak dinner, and he will make my favorite butterscotch cookies for dessert. He is truly a wonderful husband and father, so I feel a little bit like every day is Mother's Day for me, but I am looking forward to being especially spoiled and pampered today!!! :001_wub:

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I'm having a great day!


We went to church last night after the kid's choir concert so we could sleep in, so I did. When I woke up dh was showering b/c dd wanted to go back to church so she wouldn't miss her Sunday School (even though she had the same lesson last night. My cousin from California called and I spoke to him for a long time, while I was on the phone my uncle called from Tampa.


Dh marinated the lamb that we will have tonight, but he just called from Whole Foods buffet and asked what I want for lunch.


No gift but that's not my love language - and we just discussed this a couple weeks ago in our last marriage class @ church. Mine are acts of service and quality time. So I'm getting the acts of service now, and I know the quality time will be later.


So mellow, relaxing and no stress - it's been grand!

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I'm having a great day. My dh got me a beautiful card. The boys have cards waiting for me when I visit my mom's later today. (She watches them while I work afternoons.)

We're going to a little boy's birthday party today. His dad is between bone marrow transplants and is feeling good today so we are going to have a wonderful celebration!

Then, I'm having dinner with my momma and dad. I got her beautiful flowers and a big pot and dirt for her. She's going to love it!

Best of all? Today is my son's 11th birthday! We're having a party for him next week. But, to see how excited and happy he is, well, that's the best gift of all!

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I am having a Great Day! Little Aidan is being my scrumptious little sweetheart, as usual. DD is going to make me a tuna salad sandwich, with Miracle Whip and tons of onion and sweet pickle, for lunch. I'm reading a good book. And for the first time ever, if it rains, I will be extra happy because it will soak the fertilizer into the ground and the grass will grow another 6" and give the boys something to do tomorrow.


I think it helps to have had a surgical procedure last Thursday, because I can't do anything even if I want to. Odd how that brings out the desire to clean bathrooms, mow the lawn, do laundry, and mop floors. This will pass the instant I am able to do those things.

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Dh bought me what I wanted this week (iPad). We found a great deal on the first generation and he bought it for me.


Other than that we had a lovely day at church. Two of the boys are working at a friends and the other two are playing on the computer and watching a video. We are going over the friends to eat a late lunch/early dinner in a little while. Over all it is a wonderful day.

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I'm glad to hear you're having a great day.


I am having a good day too. I got a crappy gift from dh, but that doesn't define me or my motherhood. I'm past it (after venting here :D and yes, crying a little). It's not going to ruin my day or my marriage or how much I love my kids.


I'm going to take the kids out and spend the afternoon with them- stress free. That's what I wanted today to be about. Enjoying my kiddos and how blessed I am.


:grouphug: to all you mommies out there!!


I am glad to hear that! Enjoy the rest of your day :)

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Good day here. It is mostly like any other day, but the weather is nice and we are able to enjoy some together time.


The kids made me one of those books where they record their voice. It is cute, and I know I will love it as they get older. Even the baby had some babbling on it. :001_wub:


We are about to go on a walk and then the rest of the day I want to do some projects around the house. Yes, it is work but they are things I really want to get done. And today I can pull out the honey-do list and actually cross a few things off. ;)


Happy Mother's Day, everyone. :grouphug:

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I'm having a great day, too--my husband is grilling out for lunch and the kids are taking care of setting the table and making sweet tea. Nothing for me to do! Had a couple of little handmade cards come my way, and they are the sweetest of all.


...I'm going to take the kids out and spend the afternoon with them- stress free. That's what I wanted today to be about. Enjoying my kiddos and how blessed I am.


:grouphug: to all you mommies out there!!


I saw your other thread! Guys can be so clueless, and some more than others. :tongue_smilie: Sounds like spending the afternoon with your kids will be exactly what you need! :grouphug:

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Having a great day here! All my kids and dh made breakfast, and the kids made me cards. Dh also bought pretty daisies and they were in a vase on the table at breakfast. I got to take a nap!!! :D Now we are watching a batman movie.


Life is good. :001_smile:

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Coffee in bed, long chat with husband, kids quiet and happy and willing to do any chores I ask, time to piddle, or watch TV, no pressure. Remembering the BEST mother in the whole world, who is watching over me, finally having a really pleasant relationship with MIL, after many years of strain and stress. Counting my blessings. And its easy to do.


Happy Mother's Day to you all.

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My daughter made me a beautiful bracelet out of metallic pipe cleaners in different colors. She twisted them really carefully and tightly so that it looks like one big multicolored band instead of, well, a bunch of pipe cleaners.


My son pasted foam shapes on a piece of paper in his Sunday School class, and the teacher asked him to tell about his mother and wrote down what he said. So the paper says, "My Mama has a M. She gets my breakfast for me." :lol:


My husband gave me a card and a package of Ghirardelli dark chocolate raspberry squares, and he picked out cards for the kids to give me. I'm going to make a nice steak for dinner, and an artichoke solely for myself because no one else in the family will eat them.

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I got cards from both kids, and some Godiva (yum!), and a little craft thing that the little one made for me at school. Took the girls to breakfast at the Waffle House, then to a movie (Rio 3D), then we went to the mall and I bought myself some shoes, and nothing for anyone else. :-) While we were at the mall we stopped by the piano store where my new Mr. Wonderful works and he played me a song saying how great I am. :001_wub:


Then we went shopping for the dinner that I'm going to make, but it's EXACTLY what I want, with no consideration whatsoever for what anyone else may like or dislike. :D


The highlight, though has to be this note I got from DD 8 (exactly as written):


A note to my mom!


I just want you to know that you are a great mom. You take me on very good vactions. I appreshiate that you make wonderful dinners. Thanks for giveing us a home to live in. You are the best mom anyone can have. Thank you for getting me a cofterable bed.


Your favorite dahter,



So....yeah....I'm having a really nice day, too. :-)

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We're having a great day. FYI, I am now the Queen of the United States, and I have the crown to prove it.


I like Mother's Day. For us it's not just a "Hallmark holiday". My kids hug me often and make me feel special almost every day, but they seem to really enjoy having a special day set aside to pamper me. (Same with their dad on Father's Day.)


So far I've gotten breakfast in bed (which I carried downstairs to eat at the table, lol), lots of hugs and kisses, my construction paper crown, flowers from the yard, and I was kicked out of the kitchen by ds10 and his dad and it smells *delicious* in here. Dd15 gave me some bubble bath and a candle. And our exchange student, off on a camping trip, texted me to check if she'd left her wallet on her desk, and she'd left me a gift and a note about being her "American mom" that made me cry. :001_wub:


There's a lot of whispering going on in the other room.....now ds wants me to come see what he amde.



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Took my Mom out to lunch yesterday! Good time was had by all.


Then, we had a Derby party at my dsis's home. We slept over at my dsis's place where she cut my hair this morning! Then my BIL made us breakfast. Low key and relaxed. We made the trek home, and some plants had arrived yesterday. Rearranged my garden to fit them in.


Kids gave me my gift, a hardback version of The Snowball, the autobiography of Warren Buffett (thank you DH!).


And, you know what? NONE of that was necessary! My family puts up with me the other 364 days a year. And for that, I am eternally grateful!

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Had a great weekend! I wouldn't have thought so since my Mom passed on just a month or so ago....but I've had a good time with my hubby and kids.


Went on a ride through Tamarac Nat'l Wildlife Refuge; Badminton with the kids; a bonfire with smores; lazy wet/rainy day at home; flowers and a "Big Band CD set"; Hubby fixed the Pooper Scooper and now I can scoop the backyard better!


Who could ask for more! :lol::lol:

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I am having a very nice day. We don't give gifts on days such as this, and cards are hit and miss.

But I did get breakfast in bed and lots of hugs and kisses.


This is my first Mother's Day since my mom died, so it's bitter sweet. I spent a long evening with my dad last night and we talked and cried for hours. I think I'm cried out for a while.


My boys are getting ready to go to a Little League game. Two will umpire while the other one watches. I'll spend the quiet time reading before I start dinner. I think I'll ask everyone to watch The King's Speech with me this evening to wrap up a lovely day.

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Well nothing too amazing here but DH got me $50 in Starbucks cards and a $50 to bath and body works.:001_huh: How do I tell him I would have preferred one to Amazon:tongue_smilie:. He is trying to keep the little man away so I can prep for this week(my favorite thing to do-lol). I got flowers too and they are grilling for dinner. I said just regular hamburgers and stuff would be great. Hope everyone has a great day!

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...in light of all the posters who aren't having a great Mother's Day. :(


Is anyone having a great day? I didn't ask for anything and rarely do, but my dh and boys know me well. Even though I have been losing weight for the last year, they bought me lots of chocolate. They know I will eat it and they know I love it. I got cards too. Not much, but they are also cleaning up the house and DH is putting Rabbit w/ Spring Veggies in the crock pot to bring over to our evening bible study.


Don't get me wrong, I am not being waited on. In fact DH has asked me at least a dozen times to grab or find something for him while he is preparing the rabbit meal. I keep jokingly saying, "It's Mother's Day, quit asking me to do stuff for you."


:grouphug::grouphug: to the moms that are having a bad day. Can you lock yourself in the bathroom with music or a book for a soak in the tub? Can you get out by yourself for a while, just to get some peace and quiet?



I've had an awesome Mother's Day! The guys took me out in our :auto: for a ride with the top down. Out to a great German restaurant for lunch and then we had spaghetti eis on the ride home. They got me a beautiful Vera Bradley bag and new wallet to match and loads of spa stuff. I'm so lucky to have my dh and son. My oldest sent a package and it should be here any day. Our daughter with our new grand-daughter has sent us pictures and we can't wait to see them. I feel so blessed! :D

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Yup! Great day here! My kids made me cards in Sunday School (which is sweet and all, but loses something when done by assignment), but the real treat was that a very kind lady at church encouraged me to leave our two little foster kids in the nursery with her (something I haven't done before) and I got to enjoy the service in peace. It was Blissful. And we've had a beautiful afternoon here and the kids are playing Outside. And I got to call my mom and sing "Happy Mother's Day" to her. No complaints here!!!

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On Friday my oldest dd and I went to the Anne of Green Gables musical while my dh watched the younger 3. The my dh took me clothes shopping so I could get a couple of much need shorts and t-shirts. Yesterday we as a family went to a really cool nature center and had a blast. Then this morning we went out to breakfast after Mass. My kids got me a bouquet of wild flowers from our backyard and tied it with a pink ribbon.

Absolutely perfect weekend. :)

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I've had a great Mother's Day weekend. Yesterday I had a prenatal massage (courtesy of dh, who arranged this without my knowing or prompting). Dh also picked up Portal 2 (new video game that I've been dying to try). This morning he got up with the boys and let me sleep in, then we all got dressed and went out for Andy's (greasy, diner-style food), bowling, and home to ride bikes/walk/toss the football around.

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Yep, good day here!


Yesterday I arranged for my mom to get a beautiful Australian Labradoodle puppy as a guardian, which she has been talking about for over a year now. Happy Mother's Day, Mom! She was so happy, she cried! She left the puppy to bond with my dad this morning, and we went out to a Mother's Day brunch, just the two of us. I've always wanted to go to a MD brunch, so it was really a great treat from my mom.


Down side: I've been having GI issues for the past week or so, so when I got home from brunch I didn't feel that great. Up side: I got to take a long nap this afternoon while dh mowed the lawn and played with the kids outside to keep it quiet in the house. And he fed them two meals today too so far.


Now everyone's waiting for me to be ready to go out to the local homemade ice cream place. I don't feel much like ice cream, so I'm hoping they have a nice sorbet...


I think this may be the best Mother's Day I've ever had!

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I had a really nice day. My mom, dad, sister and her kids came for brunch and then we sat around talking for hours. My children gave me some beautiful tulips and my husband did the weeding and helped me with some of the heavier cleaning yesterday.



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I am having a wonderful day, but not in a typical way. I asked Dh and the kids to NOT buy me anything as we have our trip to D.C. coming up and I wanted to save our funds for that. I also asked for a low fuss day because I have to work at the farm the next two days and we leave on Wednesday so I needed this afternoon to pack and organize.


I am getting exactly what I asked for. Dh and my dad planned a light lunch and picnic snacks. They took the kids fishing at my uncle's pond. Yeah! I have had the whole house to myself. I've picked out everyone's clothing for the trip without fuss and muss. My favorite music or movies have been playing all afternoon and I the dog has been well behaved.


I've had the time to post a question here - for those of you that have not responded in the outdoor wedding thread but have attended one - GET OVER THERE NOW! :D


It's been a nice afternoon and I have been promised a coconut oil massage, including some good therapeutic on my bad ankle, this evening by dh. This has been an excellent Mother's Day!



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He moved out of his dorm yesterday and got home last night. Everyone wished me Happy Mother's Day this morning, then we all went to church together, then went to the restaurant where we go every Sunday for lunch, and then we came home and watched a movie together. Now dh & I are piddling on our computers, and EK & ER are playing a video game together in the den. Ahhhh... I love Sunday afternoons. It's been a good Mother's Day for me.

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I'm having a good day. Three years ago on Mother's Day my MIL was lying in a hospital bed and we honestly didn't know if she would live or die, and if she lived if she would fully recover or have to be an invalid in a nursing home for the rest of her life. Today I'm just very thankful that she is alive and doing quite well despite her many health problems. And that we were able to celebrate Mother's Day with her. I don't know how many more we will have left.


Susan in TX

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I had a great day! It was beautiful weather and all the flowers and blossoms are out to enjoy. My kids made beautiful cards and gave me nice gifts. We had a lovely church service with an all male choir, and spent the early afternoon at the park and going for a walk.


In the afternoon, my two oldest boys went to a meeting about making bracelets for a Kenyan orphanage.


What a blessed mom am I!

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Great day here, too!


I have flowers on the kitchen table that arrived last week (that I ordered myself, so they are exactly the kind I like , DH did dictate the card to me though :lol:) and today in church the kids all made wonderfully sweet little crafts for me. Absolutely precious.


After church we went to MIL's house and had lunch. FIL made ribs (yummmm) and we ate on paper plates and had store bought sides so there was almost no cooking and no clean up for the moms :). We had a lovely time there and then headed home for rest and family time.


Glad so many other people had nice days as well!

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I'm having a great day! I'm just hanging out at home (it stinks that my husband has to work, but he doesn't have a choice). But, I'm all jacked up on coffee from the new Keurig that my daughter insisted on buying for me. :D

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I also guilted my 15 year old into cleaning/vacuuming the interior of my car. That's a pretty awesome victory in my book. ;) And I just pulled a pan of Pioneer Woman's chicken spaghetti out of the oven and had two Oreo-stuffed chocolate chip cookies in addition to my diet food for lunch. :D

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