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s/o of laundry thread - How often do you make your bed?

How often do you make your bed  

  1. 1. How often do you make your bed

    • Never
    • Sometimes
    • Only when company is coming over
    • Every day

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i make our bed everyday. my kids have to make their beds everyday too. i admit though, i take after my mom in that regard (and it isn't necessarily a good thing), but if the house isn't picked up and tidy i feel tense inside - so every.single.day i make the beds and straighten up...yet no one ever comes over. Ever. i live in the middle of no where. go figure.

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I hope you realize, in creating this poll, that only the bravest will admit to not making our beds! And the ones most likely to respond are the ones we all wish we could be like, and don't want to admit that we aren't!!! :001_smile:


Just didn't want anyone to get discouraged by all the organized, amazing moms that are making their beds every day. They are so cool!


.........But (secretly) there are those others of us out there. ;) shhhhh!!! ;) ...........


I can't see the point in making a bed I won't see all day until I'm ready to jump in it and mess it up again that night....but then again, I'm one of the secretly messy!!! :seeya:

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I used to make my bed every morning, but once I had kids that changed. They love to roll around in my bed and play in the pillows so I let them. I never make my bed anymore because if I do, the kids just mess it all up when they play in it. I figure I can always make my bed when they grow up. I'd rather let them have the memories of playing in there now. :)

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I hope you realize, in creating this poll, that only the bravest will admit to not making our beds! And the ones most likely to respond are the ones we all wish we could be like, and don't want to admit that we aren't!!! :001_smile:


Just didn't want anyone to get discouraged by all the organized, amazing moms that are making their beds every day. They are so cool!


.........But (secretly) there are those others of us out there. ;) shhhhh!!! ;) ...........


I can't see the point in making a bed I won't see all day until I'm ready to jump in it and mess it up again that night....but then again, I'm one of the secretly messy!!! :seeya:



Thanks for posting this. Makes me feel much better......:tongue_smilie:

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Rarely. I don't require children to make beds, either. Our bedrooms our upstairs where no company needs to be.


I have a LOT of things to do; making a bed just to mess it up again wastes time I want to spend doing other things. :lol:


I am NOT a messy. I keep my house in decent order and clean. Beds just don't rate very high. Maybe if they were in the living room??? :tongue_smilie:

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I never did before I married my husband. He, however, likes it made. So now I try to get a chance to do it. I never had to growing up, I honestly don't even think of doing it most days. I leave my room and it never crosses my mind.


I only make my children fold their blankets and put it on their bed, since the twins share a bed but use separate blankets. (I have provided a second bed but for whatever reason they choose to sleep in one.)

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I usually make mine twice/day. Once in the morning and then again after nap time. If I skip it, I shut the door and don't go back in until after my dh has made it. He can't get in bed for the night until the bed is made.


The made bed relaxes me, kinda like the way the house looks after 4:30 pick up time.

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I try to make my bed every day. Occasionally I might jump out of bed running nearly late for something and not have time, but making the bed daily is the norm.


I don't require my kids to do it though. They are required to have clean rooms and made beds before company comes over (theirs or ours), and occasionally they will spontaneously decide to make their beds, but otherwise they only need to pick up when I notice it's a disaster or when I want to vacuum in there.


I figure they know *how* to make their beds, so my job is done in that regard. When they are adults they can decide if they want to have a made bed every day or not, I really don't care since I don't have to look at it all day!

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Hey, there is help for those of you that are not every-day-bed-fixers and would like to be. Before I was married I rarely fixed my bed, then I married an organized, orderly minded dh and he loved to have the bed fixed. Problem is, I usually got out of it last and he was off to work. I eventually figured out he loved to have the bed fixed. So we started a ritual, that he fixes his side and I fix my side and now we have a beautiful fixed bed to look at whenever we glanse or walk in there during the day!


This one one habit that I am glad I changed. I love it! I would never go back to being a hardly-ever-fixing-the-bed person. It feels so great to slide beneath fixed sheets in the evening.


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Well I voted sometimes -- but the term 'rarely' would have been more accurate. I do like to make it now and then when

- I'm trying to make the room nicer

- the sheets and blankets have all gotten pulled out from thrashing husband or pets

- I want to fold laundry on top

- I wash the sheets. Hey, that counts!

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Half the laundrey in the house is unfolded, a quarter is dirty, the other quarter probably doesn't fit anyone any more... BUT, my bed is made every day.


The kids like to sprawl on my bed, if I didn't make it my sheets would get crummy quick.


Besides, I'm very picky about my blankets and sheets being 'just so' when I go to bed. I cannot sleep with them sideways, upside down, or not matching up. It drives dh batty (I will get up in the middle of the night and remake the bed with him in it if he mucks everything up), making it every morning keeps me from bothering him too much when he's trying to sleep.

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I voted sometimes, but only because there is not a most of the time option. I make it everyday, unless my husband is on night shift and gets up late (4:30ish). Normally he is up by 2:00 and it gets made as soon as he is out, but if he gets up late and I am working on dinner it usually gets a straighten-up before I crawl in bed.

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I voted "only when company comes over". I do make it occasionally at other times, but probably not enough to be "sometimes". I don't feel guilty about it at all, although I do like how it looks when it is made. I like to climb into a made bed, but my kids destroy the covers during evening devotional. :tongue_smilie:

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I just don't see the point as it'll be messed up again.


I don't understand this thought. Using the same logic, why would anyone wipe down the kitchen counters when someone is just going to spill crumbs on them again? Fold the laundry when it's going to be worn again anyway? Or sweep the floor as someone is certainly going to clomp through the house in their dirty shoes five minutes after it's done?


I do make my bed every day. Sure, it is a chore that must be done again and again, but so are all the other chores that make our house a clean, comfortable place to live.

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I make my bed every day, but don't require it of my kids. I think it would drive me nuts if I left it un-made. The kids do make their own beds frequently, but it's easy with a duvet - there's not top sheet, blanket, and comforter to straighten, just one duvet.

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I make my bed, my 4 year olds bed & my 1 year olds beds every day. My 7 year old makes his bed every day. In fact, I've been known to take away screen time if he doesn't.


When I go to bed at night, I like to get into a made bed. In fact, I have a lavender linen spray I spray on the sheets & pillows right after I make it. When I lay down at night, it's heavenly. For me, having a made bed is a treat I give myself. I belong to a Classics book club with my homeschool group (just for moms) and I do a lot of reading for that in bed (shhh! Don't tell SWB!) and I don't think I could have the right frame of mind if the covers were all rumpled.

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For the first 12 years of marriage, we made the bed about once a year.


Then, we got a house where the bedroom is right off the main hallway and I see the bed every time I walk thru the house.


So, now it gets made every day. And I've found that I really enjoy getting into a made bed at night. MUCH nicer than shoving the wrinkled covers around.


The kids do not make their beds (no one sees their room from the hall.) And I'm very ok with that.

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Everyday, but we have English style bedding.


A bottom sheet, pillows and a duvet. All I have to do in the morning is grab the duvet and floof(I might have made up a word here) it.


We have a 13 tog duvet in 2 parts, it is great. There is a 5 tog that is nice and thin that we use for the summer. An 8 tog that we use in the spring and fall, then they click together to form a 13 tog for the winter. Don't need extra sheets, blankets all that other stuff that you have to deal with.


Ds has the same, so he makes his bed every morning. I will have to time, but I think making the bed takes me 15 seconds, and looks so nice and cozy.



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Everyday, but we have English style bedding.


A bottom sheet, pillows and a duvet. All I have to do in the morning is grab the duvet and floof(I might have made up a word here) it.


We have a 13 tog duvet in 2 parts, it is great. There is a 5 tog that is nice and thin that we use for the summer. An 8 tog that we use in the spring and fall, then they click together to form a 13 tog for the winter. Don't need extra sheets, blankets all that other stuff that you have to deal with.


Ds has the same, so he makes his bed every morning. I will have to time, but I think making the bed takes me 15 seconds, and looks so nice and cozy.





Same here. We have the bottom sheet over the mattress, then a pillow bed and top sheet over pillow bed, and a duvet covering us. I make the bed everyday and do the kids' most days. My house is often in chaos and I am compulsive about cleaning. Sadly, the kids are faster at messing it up than I am at cleaning, but the beds are always made.

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I make my bed as soon as I get out of it, every single morning.


For me it's a basic homemaking thing. Also, I spent a great deal of time deciding on how to decorate my bedroom, and I sure don't want to see an unmade bed in there. Besides, getting into a bed with crumpled sheets just feels nasty!

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