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Guess what I got for Mother's Day!

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Jesse Elijah was born at home today on Mother's Day at 5:06 am weighing in at 8lbs and 8 oz and measuring 22 in. long. It was a short labor and delivery, thankfully. We had a scare, though, when my midwife couldn't find a strong heartbeat and I started losing a lot of blood before delivery! We called an ambulance just in case, but Jesse was born w/in minutes of the ambulance's arrival. He is very healthy and there were no complications after the delivery. No need for transfer to the hospital! I just wanted to let you all know that you are honorary aunts/uncles because you put up with my whining and complaining for soooo long! :D I'll post more later..off to feed the cute little guy!



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Kendra...congratulations to you, too! I must have missed the announcement post! Janna..in answer to your question...YES, it was the castor oil. Took it at 9pm, was having contractions by midnight and then the bleeding started at 3:20. We called my midwife and she was worried, but not panicked. She made it up here by 4:30 and I was already feeling ready to push this kid out. That's when she couldn't find a strong heart tone (it was there, but weak). You must know my midwife...VERY laid back. So, when she says it is time to go to the hospital...it's time to go. Luckily, after my dh called EMS, she found the heart rate and it was very strong. She just sort of looked at me and said...you need to get this kid out...NOW! So, thank God, 20 min. later...Jesse slid on out. My dh said it was like the movies. We live in a small town, so when EMS arrived, they asked some questions and just sort of stuck around for a while. The oldest EMS (also our town dr.!), was asking my dd11 if she attended the local elem. school and she said she used to. Turns out, his sister was my dd's 1st grade teacher! We loved her! Too funny.


Anyway, Jesse and I are fine. My midwife suspects that my "true" due date was most likely that later date...May 15. See, most of my babies were way over 9 lbs. This one was 8 lbs. 8oz. Not my smallest (dd11 was 8lbs. 6oz), but close! Well, thank you everybody for the contratulations. We are very relieved. This is my second Mother's Day baby. dd6 (who turns 7 on Tuesday) was also born on Mother's Day...just about the same exact time, also an easy home birth AND castor oil induced! :) Jesse's siblings are entirely captivated by him. Dd11 was awake but missed the actual birth...she said she was too scared to come in b/c she heard me moaning! Poor thing. Ds5 won't stop asking to hold him and dd2 is already calling him "my best friend". Ds6 is way concerned about all the details of the birth (how DID he get out?, why so much blood, why is my stomach still so fat :glare:, why is Jesse so small, etc.").


Well, gotta go. Must get some more rest. Thanks again for all the congrats and well wishes. Janna, I'm thinking about you...you're next and then you, Tara! Hang in there. Castor oil might be yucky...but it does work. :D

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Jesse Elijah was born at home today on Mother's Day at 5:06 am weighing in at 8lbs and 8 oz and measuring 22 in. long. It was a short labor and delivery, thankfully. We had a scare, though, when my midwife couldn't find a strong heartbeat and I started losing a lot of blood before delivery! We called an ambulance just in case, but Jesse was born w/in minutes of the ambulance's arrival. He is very healthy and there were no complications after the delivery. No need for transfer to the hospital! I just wanted to let you all know that you are honorary aunts/uncles because you put up with my whining and complaining for soooo long! :D I'll post more later..off to feed the cute little guy!


Sue, you can see your feet! Isn't it wonderful? Rest, snuggle, kiss that baby for me. (Gah, he's beautiful!)


How were the paramedics when they arrived and you didn't need to go? I hope they joined in the celebration with you. ;) And I'm ever so glad all turned out well in the end. YAY!!!


Kiss that baby, and have Daddy give you a big hug from your WTM homies! We're so happy for you all.



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