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Please pray for my sweet boy...

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we're bringing him to the children's hospital shortly with what I think is appendicitis. My boy has severe autism and just can't handle IVs, bandaids, needles, you name it. Just a few months ago he went in for dental surgery and he ripped the IV out of his wrist causing blood to spray everywhere. Freaked me out... but seriously, no amount of extra bandaging helps him to leave it alone. He will literally try to chew his arm off. :crying: Please pray for him, preferably that this is not appendicitis or anything requiring surgery, and if it is, for some amazing comfort to reign over the whole healing process. Thank you muchly!

UPDATE on post #37...

Edited by specialmama
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I don't know if you have left yet, or if this would even help your son. My friends son has noise reducing headphones. I know it seems unrelated, but he is calmer during medical procedures with those. For him he has issues with too much stimuli coming in, and hospitals have a lot of extra noises. By reducing that he has an easier time with the IV's. sometimes he covers his eyes with a sleep mask too. (He is autistic too, I know they are all different though, but if there is a chance it would help)...



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I should not be surprised... but he is feeling all better now! THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!!!! He began to sit up (instead of being doubled over) within half an hour of posting this, and another hour later he was completely fine. Wow. Thank you thank you thank you! We stormed Heaven's gate and I'm so happy that He answered this prayer. Bless you all! :grouphug:

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I should not be surprised... but he is feeling all better now! THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!!!! He began to sit up (instead of being doubled over) within half an hour of posting this, and another hour later he was completely fine. Wow. Thank you thank you thank you! We stormed Heaven's gate and I'm so happy that He answered this prayer. Bless you all! :grouphug:


Yeah!!!!! I'm sitting here smiling from ear to ear!!! I'm SO happy and relieved for your son!!!! (And you too!)

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I should not be surprised... but he is feeling all better now! THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!!!! He began to sit up (instead of being doubled over) within half an hour of posting this, and another hour later he was completely fine. Wow. Thank you thank you thank you! We stormed Heaven's gate and I'm so happy that He answered this prayer. Bless you all! :grouphug:


I'm glad he's feeling better. Keep an eye on him, though, because if it was his appendix, it will feel much, much better (even all better) when it bursts. I don't know what symptoms to watch for, but I know that if an appendix bursts, it will feel all better and then the person will get really sick. I know the children's hospital near us sees a few kids every week with burst appendixes (appendices?).



I hope it's not that, and that he really is all better.

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