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Am I the only one freaking out over filling up the gas tank?

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We spent $762 on gas for our two cars in March. We are on track to spend the same in April. And we don't even drive an SUV.


I have seriously started making cutbacks in where I'm willing to drive. We've started asking dd to add gas to the car from her personal money when she goes to social events (the gas money I mentioned above doesn't even include what she's put in). I called two doctors this week to switch around appointments and combine them with another trip. I haven't been to yoga lately because I don't want to spend the $8 in gas for each class. Dh tries to work from home one day a week to save the commuting costs, but he's not always in control of that.


Other than living like hermits...I'm not sure what else we can do. :blink:

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No, you are not. We are a dual SUV (Yukon and Tahoe) family and we budget $225 bi-weekly for gas. That will work if I stay home a lot, and if we don't have to go anywhere else. This week, I had to drive to Atlanta for a doctor appointment, and that took another $50. I try to only go "out" once a week, for my sanity and to save fuel. It takes nearly $75 to fill up one tank, and gas here has stayed in the $3.60/gallon range. My son in Florida is paying almost $4/gallon.

Edited by PentecostalMom
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And it's predicted to only get worse. I saw a headline of $5/gal by Memorial Day (6 weeks!!!) Not only does that affect driving, but EVERYTHING is shipped plus has plastic (or other petrol products) in it.


Tell me again why we're helping the Brazillians drill & refine, but we're not allowed to do it domestically????

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In this area I'm glad I don't leave the house much.


Dh started taking the car to work. Since he only drives 6 miles round trip a tank of gas lasts a long time. I've the truck now (yea!) and only drive to the market, 4 miles round trip, a time or two a week.

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...gas here has stayed in the $3.60/gallon range. My son in Florida is payment almost $4/gallon.


In southern California, we are paying about $4.27. When I am nearby, I stop at Costco which can be 15-20 cents less than other stations. BUT since it will only save me about $2.25 on a fill-up, I don't drive out of my way to fill up at Costco, nor am I willing to wait in a long line - last time I decided to give up on Costco, I'd have been lined up outside the gas area, waiting to get in and be the 7th car in any of the lines! Lines have gotten crazy there since the first of the year.

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We spent between $275 and $400/month on gas depending on how much work DH has (onsite IT consultant) and how much traveling we do. DSS18 pays for his own gas because he drives by choice, not by necessity (He could catch the bus to school rather than drive the 18 mile round trip each day) and his job reimburses mileage. It's the price of food and household goods that are killing us, and that is driven up by gas prices as well.

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Tell me again why we're helping the Brazillians drill & refine, but we're not allowed to do it domestically????



I would also love to know the answer to this question.


I truly cannot understand the decisions that are being made in Washington. Maybe I'm just an ignorant, backwoods bumpkin "clinging to my g*ns and my religion", but I did take economics, history and Constitutional Law. Decisions like the one above are baffling. We are not only endangering our economic future with these decisions, but our safety.

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I am freaking out. I really do not know how people do it. Really!!! We are a one car family. My hubby has a work vehicle. Those that drive two cars....I just do not know how people are doing it.


We have an SUV and it is a gas guzzler. We only drive it on the weekends. My mom is letting me drive her van during the week. (They have 3 vehicles which I do not know how they are doing it either) I pay for the gas in the van for my mom and myself.


We only put what we need in the suv. We do not fill it up unless gas really drops in price drastically.


I really wish we can drill on our own soil esp. the coastal area in Florida. WE are NOT allowed to do it but other countries can come in and drill on those coastal shores in Florida!! GGGGGRRRRR!!!!


sigh!! I need to take a :chillpill: I really do not know how people are doing it here in the United States.

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Hoo, I've totally changed where I go and where I shop because of the same thing. 76 dollars for my last filly up (granted, it's a 15 passenger van but my family is *huge*).


No weekly costco runs (and it's only 20 minutes away). Shopping totally local.


We have too. My husband has been doing most of the shopping, as it is on his way home.

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I would also love to know the answer to this question.


I truly cannot understand the decisions that are being made in Washington. Maybe I'm just an ignorant, backwoods bumpkin "clinging to my g*ns and my religion", but I did take economics, history and Constitutional Law. Decisions like the one above are baffling. We are not only endangering our economic future with these decisions, but our safety.


No kidding!!! It is really amazing how people really do not get economics. It is so easy to understand. I am one of those backwoods bumpkin clinging to my guns and religion.....Economics was my favorite subject in school. I still study economics on my own. I am baffled at what people on the news are saying about the economy. If they would just get their heads out of their butt and start learning econ again.

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I'll give a different answer just to add balance.


Yes I sometimes freak out over filing the gas tank. But that is because it's a new van. I don't like driving and don't drive much. I usually only have to fill up the tank once or twice a year. My dh does it the rest of the time. I have yet to put gas in our new van, and I don't' want to. I find gas stations stressful. So many cars going in different directions. Sometimes having to wait in line to fill up - but have to do so without blocking anyone else. ... But I suppose that isn't what you meant. :p


I don't like to drive, and either does my dh. When he was looking for a new job a year ago we turned down any place that wouldn't let us live close to work and in a good driving free area.


Whenever he saw a job posting that he liked I would first google map the area and make sure we could afford housing, and that housing would be within 3K of his work, a library, and a recreation center.


Happily we were able to do this. :) (Yes, I know not everyone can). We currently live 2.5K from his office. 1/2 K from a recreation center and 1K from a library. If it wasn't for visiting my Mom (2 hours away) or my FIL (6 hours away) a tank of gas would last us over a month.

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We had to move because of gas prices, literally.


DH worked one hour and 20 minutes from where we lived, a place that we really loved (not the house itself, but the area). Gas for just him was $600-700 a month, that is essentially all of our "extra" income, plus more.


We asked to get out of our lease early, landlord agreed (wanted to sell house anyway).


We moved last week and now live 8 minutes from DH's work. So now our gas expense will mostly be "luxury" versus necessity, ie places we choose to go, instead of have to go.

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I definitely bike more and am more careful to find opportunities to carpool.

When we bought our house, our primary criterion was that it had to be within biking distance from DH's and my work. DH bikes daily; I used to drive more because I was doing all the errands. I try to bike a few times a week.


We do not drive an SUV, van or truck. We have two smaller cars that get good mileage. So, no freaking out here.

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We, too, are in CA and paying well over $4 a gallon.


We've limited our driving as much as we can. I'm staying at home a lot more.


We've gone back to walking also. The library, post office, park, and grocery are only 1.5 miles away.


I wish hubby's scooter wasn't in the shop. It gets 70mpg. Right now he is having to take the car and that really stinks.

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Whoa, $700 - $800 must mean you live out away from things and have to drive. Ouch!!


We are one car short. Ds drives to school 15 miles away in opposite direction dh drives to work 17 miles. So I am without a car unless I take ds to school. Both call when they leave and pick up things for me on the way home. Wal Mart is across from ds school and Sam's club is near dh work. I also order a lot online so it comes to the door. Drugstore.com is great for toiletries etc. The health food store is over 30 miles away, so I order online at iHerb.com. Then we do errand day and go in order in one direction, and catch the rest on the way back.


I also refill at 3/4 empty so its not as much $$. I think dh fills twice a month, and I refill 3-4 times a month. So I guess we are $300 - $400 a month right now, thanks for reminding me!! :)

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We only have one car, and it gets mediocre gas mileage. Luckily, my husband walks to school. But for us, even an extra $20 expense can really hurt. I've had to stop leaving the house except for once a week and even have had to turn down social invitations because we simply can't afford to go.


For those on really, really small incomes like my family, this really hurts.

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We are currently a one vehicle family...we have an old Jeep Comanche Pick-up in the garage but it needs work and at this rate it isn't going to get it.


Hubby drives the van and uses $300 per month in gas to get to and from work. We don't do much else.... groceries and that's about it. When the weather breaks here the kids and I are going to get out (we have serious cabin fever) and start walking. I could stand to lose a ton of weight and this is my exercise plan. :D Everything in town is within a 1 mile walk one way.... so doing this walk for one or two times a week should help me get in shape......... or kill me.

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DH and I both drive Honda Civics, but he drives 100 miles per day to and from work. We were budgeting $220/month for gas for both cars, but now that's just his portion for the work week; the budget is now around $300/month. We would move closer, but we'd end up in another state (with double the property taxes and way higher priced everything) and an hour away from family. Between the gas prices and the ridiculous toddler behavior, he runs all the errands he can on the way home.

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And it's predicted to only get worse. I saw a headline of $5/gal by Memorial Day (6 weeks!!!) Not only does that affect driving, but EVERYTHING is shipped plus has plastic (or other petrol products) in it.


Tell me again why we're helping the Brazillians drill & refine, but we're not allowed to do it domestically????


GRRRrrrrrrrr....... nothing makes sense these days....


We are feeling it, I am starting to limit trips and definitely making planned runs instead of here, there, then back the other way...


This is a good lesson for ds. We make him calculate the fuel necessary to get back and forth to his CC classes, calculate the fuel cost and fund him accordingly. Gas to go to work and play comes from his own earnings. Once in a blue moon I have him drive me up to the Quik Trip for a coke and a mercy fill, but overall it has been a terrific exercise in hard work and budgeting for him.


I feel really bad for those of you who live way out from things, to the point that you are having to restrict regular activities.:grouphug: I feel bad for all of us, though, because I feel pretty sure that grocery budgets across the boards are taking big hits. We sure are eating a lot more pasta and tuna these days, and even (never thought I'd see this) cutting back on coffee (that's not even SB's, but brewed-at-home).

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dh has quit driving his awesome manly truck to work and now drives my banged up old (but fairly fuel efficient) Ford Taurus. This turn of events happened the day he filled the truck with diesel for over $100. An equal number of miles in the Taurus costs $45-50.


I'm still stuck with the mini-van (which is even less cool than the Taurus) but I only leave the house twice a week.


(gas has run between 3.50-3.75 typically here in the past month)

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honestly I am not freaking out too much just yet. Gas is down 10 cents at our local speedway and we have a saver card and get an extra 3 cents off per gallon. We will get gas at Kroger with our saver card we get between 50-80 cents off per gallon (that means we spent 500-800$ of food though)


We are a one car family we do all our errands on Fridays (library, post office etc.) We have a local convenience store we can walk to to get milk and such. Dh does work out of town 5 days a week and drives about 60miles round trip but its all high way and we get about 28 miles per gallon so it hasn't been to terrible.


I don't like driving (especially because we are new to the state and my gps signal is weak here for some reason) so its easy to limit trips. We also have a nice park at the end of our street an my kids are content with going their a few days a week and don't want to go all kinds of places.

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We have an old 1988 Dodge Omni that we are hoping to retire this year. DH bikes to work most of the year. I have a bike........town is three miles away. We have a bike trailer to haul the kids in, and dd7 is ready to get real bike of her own so that means that I can haul two kids in the trailer and have her follow me. Ugh. I am not exactly enthusiastic about it.

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In southern California, we are paying about $4.27. When I am nearby, I stop at Costco which can be 15-20 cents less than other stations. BUT since it will only save me about $2.25 on a fill-up, I don't drive out of my way to fill up at Costco, nor am I willing to wait in a long line - last time I decided to give up on Costco, I'd have been lined up outside the gas area, waiting to get in and be the 7th car in any of the lines! Lines have gotten crazy there since the first of the year.


Yup! I've noticed the same thing at Costco. I do fill up there most of the time because I shop there often and there is one near our home, but the waiting time has definitely gone up in line with prices!

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this thread makes me feel better. There are no kids in our neighborhood for ours to play with. so it's a 25 mile drive for playdates. plus music lessons, gym days, co-op, etc etc.


basically 20 miles each way every time we leave the house. :(

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I'll give a different answer just to add balance.


Yes I sometimes freak out over filing the gas tank. But that is because it's a new van. I don't like driving and don't drive much. I usually only have to fill up the tank once or twice a year. My dh does it the rest of the time. I have yet to put gas in our new van, and I don't' want to. I find gas stations stressful. So many cars going in different directions. Sometimes having to wait in line to fill up - but have to do so without blocking anyone else. ... But I suppose that isn't what you meant. :p


I don't like to drive, and either does my dh. When he was looking for a new job a year ago we turned down any place that wouldn't let us live close to work and in a good driving free area.


Whenever he saw a job posting that he liked I would first google map the area and make sure we could afford housing, and that housing would be within 3K of his work, a library, and a recreation center.


Happily we were able to do this. :) (Yes, I know not everyone can). We currently live 2.5K from his office. 1/2 K from a recreation center and 1K from a library. If it wasn't for visiting my Mom (2 hours away) or my FIL (6 hours away) a tank of gas would last us over a month.



It is obviously wise to think of location relative to your needs but even if you have given location a high priority it will be hard not to be feeling the price increase these days. We are close to pretty much anything we need on a weekly basis -the longest weekly trip is less than 10 miles away, a couple of places are around 5 miles away but most are within 2 miles of home-, we drive two small cars, and still we are feeling the pinch.

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Yes, it is getting much more difficult with the gas prices being so high...We only have one car and I REALLY wanted to get a car for myself this year, but now we can't afford it...We are spending $400 a month at a minimum on gas, and I can't go anywhere because my husband takes the car to work...He works 45mins away from home...

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I'd be freaking out if I had to spend the amount some people here have to spend. Holy cow!




We gave up space to live close to my husband's work, plus he drives a (2000) Honda Insight which gets something like 50 mpg. He uses virtually no gas. I think we spend about $120 a month now.

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Not happy here either. It's hitting us very, very hard. We definitely have curtailed our driving, and if the high prices continue, we may have to drop the few outside activities we do, simply because the gas costs to get to them are not affordable. It's going to be heartbreaking if I have to tell my kids that they're going to be at home all day every single day, or else we won't be able to afford for DH to get to work. :(

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