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For moms of all boys

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Do you miss having girls? Do you wish your friends with one or more girls would invite you over for girl stuff? Not do stuff with their girls, but to do girl stuff - paint your nails and watch a chick flick. Giggle, laugh the way you can only do with other females.


I have both girls and boys and I just wonder if boy moms miss doing the stuff I get to do anytime I want because I have girls.

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For me, no. I always hung out with the guys anyway. I prayed hard to have a boy when I was pregnant. I would have no clue how to raise a girly-girl.


My ds and I laugh together and do silly stuff. I'd rather have a nerf war than paint nails anyway. I'm much more at ease with a boy.


My dog is a girl, simply so I don't feel too outnumbered (the cat is male). She has a pink camo collar, and a hot pink raincoat.

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Nope, don't miss it at all. I was a definite tom boy growing up and am thrilled to be raising a future rock climbing and mountain biking partner. One of the things I love about homeschooling is all of the adventures we'll be able to have during the day while DH is at work. :) Can't wait until my boy is a little older.

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I have twin boys and a friend once looked at me sadly and said, "I bet you wish you had a girl."


Now, I don't offend easily. I really don't. I cut people all kinds of slack. But, no, I've NEVER once thought longingly for a girl.


In a cognitive sort of way I wonder what dolls, dresses and pedicures would be like to have in my life. . . but I've never had an actual longing.


I will say, though, that we have little girls in our lives and I really enjoy hanging out w/ them.



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This is an interesting thread! I have two DD's (not sure what the sex of #3 is yet). I NEVER pictured myself as the mother of little girls LOL! I was SUCH a tomboy as a kid (and still am). I never paint my nails, never been waxed or plucked, never colored my hair, etc. I thought for sure DD#1 would be a boy. People who knew me prior to having kids will see my girls in bows and say "Wow, you put BOWS in your girls hair?" LOL.


Now, of course, I can't see myself as being the mother to anyone else. It's just funny how God works things out.


And ironically, DD#2 (just turned 4) is the epitome of a girlie girl. She wakes up and asks to put on a "fancy dress", loves all things princess, and loves her long "Rapunzel" hair. And I indulge her LOL. I never could have predicted this one when I was a young adult LOL! I pictured myself at Little League games, wresting around with a son, and shopping on the boy toy aisle. :D

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No, I don't long for girlie-girl anything, but I never imagined I would live out my life without a daughter. When I found out I was having a second boy, I was devastated, because I knew that would be my last pregnancy. I'm delighted with my boys. Adore them. But every once in a while, someone will use the words "my daughter" and it's like a knife in my heart, and I think, "Where the hell is my daughter?!" And then I think, "Oh, my! Still not over it, huh?" Then I chuckle at my foolishness.


I'm crossing my fingers for an awesome daughter-in-law or two. I have a good relationship with my boys, so I think they'll chose well.

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I had all boys for a long time! Can I answer? I really thought I was more of a boy mom. I was shocked when I had a dd!!! I don't think I missed having a girl until I actually had one!




I didn't know what I was missing and was perfectly content with my two boys when my girl came along. :)

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I have five boys, no girls. I could always use a girls' nights out. I think any mom could.

I was a bit sad reading your post though, because it reminds me of what I don't have. :(


As a mom of all boys, I try hard to daily remind myself of the positives. ;) I don't like to dwell on what I could have or don't have.

I have five healthy children so I think that counts as being quite blessed. :)


That said, we're trying to get PG again and really hoping for a girl. We'll be happy with any baby God gives us. However we (me?) really hopes for a daughter. At least one. I need one other person in this house on my side. lol

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I'm a mom of 4 boys with a baby on the way. I was convinced #3 was a girl and was sad for a day or two that he wasn't (after u/s) but now I wouldn't have it any other way. With #1, #2 and #4, I just knew we would have boys.


This time is the first time that I really wouldn't mind not knowing ahead of time (dh HAS to know though!)...I'm totally content either way.


Besides, my main reason for wanting a girl was the shopping. I like those cute girly dresses from Hanna Andersson's catalog. :o) Yup, I'm shallow.


But if this is another boy, that's awesome. I'm the queen and anything pink in the house is mine :001_smile:

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I have three boys and while I don't long for a daughter, I do struggle with the idea of being "done" or not. I'd love a fourth to round out the family, boy or girl, but unlike after #2, I do NOT want to be pregnant again.


From the first time I ever contemplated the idea of having kids, I knew I'd be a mom to a family of boys!


I have a delightful two-year old niece and I imagine I'll get plenty of girly time with her (if she's that kind of girl). All the fun stuff! I, too, pray for lovely DILs one day, and I'm taking notes on how not to be the MIL I have.

Edited by Zuzu822
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I, too, pray for lovely DILs one day, and I'm taking notes on how not to be the MIL I have.


On the old board (I think) there was a horror story posted by someone about her monster-in-law, and several of us pinkie-promised that we would never allow each other to become like that woman!

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I had a girl first she was our girl. Pinks and princess and pretty things. I prayed I would never have another girl because I could never love another girl the way I love her. Two pregnancies two boys later I wanted another girl so bad lol. The fourth baby was a much anticipated little girl. I adore my boys and they are mommas boys but a little girl is just sweet. If I had all boys I would love all boys I suppose because I am thankful for what I get but I love the little girls God has blessed us with!!

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On the old board (I think) there was a horror story posted by someone about her monster-in-law, and several of us pinkie-promised that we would never allow each other to become like that woman!


I told my first when he was a baby that he had to be a priest and wasn't allowed to get married. Lol! I've mellowed since then. :D

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Do you miss having girls?


No, I've honestly never thought about what it would be like to have a girl.


Do you wish your friends with one or more girls would invite you over for girl stuff?


No. It's not something that I think about.


Not do stuff with their girls, but to do girl stuff - paint your nails and watch a chick flick. Giggle, laugh the way you can only do with other females.


I do those things with my girlfriends. I'm sure I would have nail parties with my daughter, if I had one, but it's not a big deal.




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Yes I do miss girl stuff. As a result, I have become more of a girly girl than I would have been otherwise (even still I'm not a hugely girly kind of person). I have a feeling I do it as a way to hold on to that part of me since I'm generally with all males pretty much all the time. I've also adopted my closet friend's daughter. She calls me her second mommy and will even call me mommy when we are together. I love that. I get to do the pedicures, girl clothes shopping, room decorating and all the other fun girl stuff with her. It's not the same but it helps feed that desire I have for girl time. It just makes it that much more fun because of course her mom is there too. In a way, we've become a family. So I definitely miss having a daughter but I've found my own little way to get a piece of what I'm missing until those grand daughters start coming along.

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I had all boys for a long time! Can I answer? I really thought I was more of a boy mom. I was shocked when I had a dd!!! I don't think I missed having a girl until I actually had one!


:iagree: Same scenario here. Did not know what I was missing but love having dd and all things girly although she can be a jeans and t-shirt tomboy at times..

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I had three boys and was happy being a boy mom, but when the opportunity came to adopt a baby girl, I jumped on it. It was so great, I did it again! I also gave birth to one more boy during our 2nd adoption process. I LOVED being a boy mom, but I'm so glad I have my two girls.

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I don't miss having girls at all. I grew up with seven brothers so I'm used to being the only girl. Most of my closest friends before getting married were guys. Now, if I want to do girly things I just call up my friends. I have some great friends that are like sisters to me. I love my boys! During my pregnancies, I was asked if I wanted a girl. People were shocked when I told them I wanted a boy. Even now, if we were to have a third child, I'd love to have another boy. :001_smile:

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I did for a long time. Then the little girls I found so adorable in the church nursery grew into moody teenagers (they are really great 90 percent of the time) and I realized I was meant to have only boys for a reason.


I was a tomboy, always got along better with boys and am very satisfied to be the mom of three boys.

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Nope. I've never wanted a daughter. I'm thrillied to be a mother of four boys. In fact, I would have had a 5th baby if I had been guaranteed another boy.

I love be queen of the house. I've always been more interesting in frogs and rocks than dolls and nail polish.

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I have five boys, no girls. I could always use a girls' nights out. I think any mom could.

I was a bit sad reading your post though, because it reminds me of what I don't have. :(


As a mom of all boys, I try hard to daily remind myself of the positives. ;) I don't like to dwell on what I could have or don't have.

I have five healthy children so I think that counts as being quite blessed. :)


That said, we're trying to get PG again and really hoping for a girl. We'll be happy with any baby God gives us. However we (me?) really hopes for a daughter. At least one. I need one other person in this house on my side. lol


:grouphug: As the mother of five dds, I can relate to thinking about what it would be like to have one of the other sex. I grew up with four brothers and one sister and really liked hanging out with my brothers. Dh and I are leaning toward having a sixth child and I'd love it to be a son. I miss boys. :)

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Well hmm. I have a stepdaughter, which of course is different, because she has a *mom*. I love her to bits, but of course I understand that I don't love her the same way her mother does.


So with that said, no, I don't wish I had a daughter. I see how HARD it is for my stepdaughter and her mother right now, as dsd is growing up and pulling away. I remember how hard it was for me as a teenager. And no, I do not want to experience that. I will take my mother/son relationships that I have, and cherish and enjoy them, thankyouverymuch. :D

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Do you miss having girls? No Do you wish your friends with one or more girls would invite you over for girl stuff? No Not do stuff with their girls, but to do girl stuff - paint your nails and watch a chick flick. Giggle, laugh the way you can only do with other females.


I have both girls and boys and I just wonder if boy moms miss doing the stuff I get to do anytime I want because I have girls.



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The only time I long for a girl is when I see Mom's with their grown daughters, still close-close, the random chatty close I have with my Mom and my husband doesn't have with his because he has me.


I jokingly say, I want my boys to marry orphans. :001_smile: In reality, I hope to have a sweet daughters-in-love someday. Maybe it will be almost the same.

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I don't qualify to answer but I will anyway :) I was sure I would have a boy with my first. So sure that we had boy names picked out. We felt this little being was so strong it had to be male (hows that for sexist :) ? ). I was only psychologically prepared for a boy. I felt comfortable having a boy.


When she was born I was blown away because I was never a girly girl and it seemed to alien to me to have a girl. It turns out she is very very strong, and very gentle, and capable of being both a tom boy (co-ed Scouts is her thing) and very girly girl. It has been healing for me and I am much more honouring of my femininity because of her.


And when my boy came along next he turned out to be highly emotional and clingy and all those stereotypes of the worst female characteristics! My boy clung to me for years. He's the manipulative one. But still all boy.


I have 2 friends with only 2 girls each and neither wishes for boys. They turn up in droves when the girls hit their teens anyway :)

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Emphatic yes. I was in a sorority, I love fairy tales, sewing dresses, and I am such a girly-girl. I get pretty lonely when dh & the boys take off to build something or watch Star Wars all together. I wish I had a girl to watch my costume dramas with and have tea parties!


I can't have anymore due to health issues, so yes, I am sad that I don't have a daughter. We have talked about looking into adoption, but right now is just not the right time.

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Nah, I don't think I'd do any of that stuff anyway. I think I'm more of a boy momma, so God knew what he was doing when he gave me boys.


When I teach classes, I do enjoy having girls in my classes - they are so different in terms of learning. I do enjoy attending moms night outs whenever we can get one together. We always close down the restaurant, LOL....

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Initially when I found out my second son was not a girl (I thought for sure I was having a girl), I felt saddened by the news. I always thought I wanted a girl, but God clearly had other plans for me. I have nieces and see how they are, so knowing what I know about them, I am truly content with the fact that I'm meant to be a mom of boys.

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I am a girly girl. I always assumed that we'd have at least one of each, either by birth or through adoption. Now, though, I have 3 boys, and a surprise due in 3 weeks. I'm feeling very done, one way or the other.


I adore my boys, and I am so fortunate to have them. I would never trade one for a girl. It upsets me when people insist that I *must* be hoping for a girl. I won't lie. I'll be very happy if lotus is a girl. But if lotus is a boy, I'll also be very happy. I want a healthy, living, breathing child. I have complications and we are way beyond lucky to have what we do. The fact that none are girls is so far down our list of concerns, kwim?


The only time I had a hard time was when I expecting my 3rd, my mom got sick and died. I was sure I would have a girl, because it would be so unfair to go through life with no mother, no sisters, and no mother. I just felt so alone.

But when he was born (emergancy birth, he was in serious trouble), and he was such a beautiful, healthy baby, I saw how foolish I had been to care at all about his gender. He is so pretty. He has long blond curls, and big blue eyes and perfect creamy skin. He's far more beautiful than my other 2 children. he's exactly perfect, just as he is. I wouldn't wish for him to be anyone else.

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I was from a family of all girls. I probably would have loved having a girl, but I can't really say I miss it. I really like having all boys, and while having a girl would add something different and special, it would also mean loosing something I really cherish. I really like just having boys.


Do you miss having girls? Do you wish your friends with one or more girls would invite you over for girl stuff? Not do stuff with their girls, but to do girl stuff - paint your nails and watch a chick flick. Giggle, laugh the way you can only do with other females.




No. Absolutely not. I guess maybe I am a good mother of boys, because watching a chick flick and painting nails with someone else sounds sort of hellish. I have two sisters I am close to, and we don't paint nails or watch chick flicks together.


I do really enjoy my little relationships with girls - I teach a couple and drive a carpool, and it's fun to get to see what they are like, but I really enjoy my boys.

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Mom of all boys in the process of adopting a dd. I love my boys. I love that I am the "princess" in the house (my dh says). But there is a whole in our family and our heart that we believe God has placed there for a daughter. I don't necessarily miss out on girly things. But there are some things that I know I will enjoy about having a daughter.

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mom of two boys, no girls. I have to say that I get some of that stuff with my sons. Both my boys aren't really 'traditional' boys. Both like pretty toys. The elder (10 yrs old) is growing out toys in general. But we have our fair share of fairies and unicorns and My Little Ponies mixed in with the Legos and Star Wars toys.


DH and I have tried to not limit their choices based on gender. So, they are both ballet dancers and in martial arts. They like swords and pink nail polish. We have made all things available to them and let them explore whatever they find interesting. They say me with paint on my nails and thought that was fun. Could they have paint on their nails? Sure!


Both my boys were blissed out by tea parties when they were 4 years old. We have a Curious George tea set and that thing has seen many tea parties.


It works out well for me because I am not really a girly-girl. I couldn't stand full on princess mode. A few ponies and a bottle of nail polish is about all I can stand.

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The only time I long for a girl is when I see Mom's with their grown daughters, still close-close, the random chatty close I have with my Mom and my husband doesn't have with his because he has me.



I feel the same way. And sometimes the way friends talk about their MILs kind of gets me down. I get along great with my own MIL -- who also only has sons -- so that gives me some hope.


But having three boys has been such a trip so far. And it's only just begun!

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Hm...I guess I am one of the odd ones in that a part of me does long for a daughter. Don't get me wrong though, I really love my 3 boys and wouldn't change that. I think I'm a much better mom to boys than I ever would be to a girl. However, as they are getting older and want to be more like Daddy (again, wouldn't want that part changed) I do feel a bit left out at times. Part of that is probably because I don't really enjoy things like sports and video games.


Oh and I love to sew. Girl clothes are just so much cuter than boys.


I do have a couple of high school girls who love to come over and bake with me. My boys love to bake with me also, but there is something different about having a female in the kitchen.

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I know a couple moms in RL with all boys and I just sort of wondered. I'm not really close enough to most of them to ask. There is one mom at church with 3 boys that said she really missed having a girl. It was when her youngest was still less than 3. He's almost 6 now so she may have changed.


If it was an overwhelming "I really miss girl stuff" I'd try to reach out to boy moms more for girly stuff. I'll reach out but no more than usual. Thanks!


I do love my boy. Out of my three he's the only one that still gives me hugs freely. :001_wub: But I am also thankful that I don't have 3 bringing me worms and snails. :001_smile:

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I have all boys and have never desired to have a girl. Girls terrify me. LOL At my house I am the QUEEN. Nobody messes with my clothes, my makeup or my shampoo. I get back scratches and foot rubs and people randomly bring me chocolate. A daughter would drastically change the dynamics here!:D

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no but we actually had a girl for 2 years from foster care. we hoped to adopt but it didn't work out so 2 boys here.


I love my boys wouldn't trade them and even though it was nice to have a girl. I do say we tried out the girl thing and gave her back

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I have four boys and love being a boy mom. I do sometimes mourn the loss of being able to dress a little girl (we are 99.99% sure we are done), but I'm not sure how well I'd do at actually raising one. My mom and I have very strained relations so that might be my hang up. I'll always wonder what it would be like to have a girl though.

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I have 4 boys and 1 girl. The irony is that my one girl can't stand dolls and girly stuff anyway. She'd rather climb a tree. She does like to shop and she does like pretty clothes, but she hasn't let me pick those out for a long time. Sometimes I feel sad she won't have a sister, because I had brothers and no sister and always longed for a sister myself, but she doesn't seem to mind.

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