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Great Homeschool Conventions kerfluffle, continued

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Wow. I haven't posted on any of the other threads about this, because quite frankly, I figured SWB had enough on her plate and didn't need my inane :iagree: to wade through. I can't do that this time though.


Susan, you have got the patience of a saint and the skin of a rhino! The bile I read on those fb links was nauseating. (and I couldn't get past the first 15 or so!) Thank you for putting up with the putzes of the world so that we get a chance to hear you speak. I always walk away from one of your talks renewed, inspired, and eager to get back to schooling. I'm sorry some presenters seem to think a homeSCHOOL convention is the place to try to proselytize, rather than simply try to help people be the best teachers they can be for their children.


I'm glad the organizers have taken a stand. I'm hoping to be at the Philly convention, and while I had no interest in hearing Mr. Ham speak anyway, I'm glad he won't be there to spread his hate.

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I'm just happy that I chose to attend the Great Homeschool Convention and that they did the right thing. I'm happy to continue supporting them. It's a refreshing change from 2 years ago when Sonlight was told they were not Christian enough to attend the CHEC conference. :glare:

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You know, it's just common decency that one not criticize or disparage the other speakers at a convention where you have been invited to speak. I think this all sadly speaks to Mr. Ham's lack of professional courtesy and simple etiquette. It's truly a shame that he is spinning it into a religious matter. If it feeds his persecution complex and makes him feel better, then fine. Whatever. But it's really quite distressing to think that other homeschoolers will be mislead into thinking that some of the finest homeschool materials on the market today are merely a tool of Satan to strip them of their faith *insert Dana Carvey and his Church Lady voice here* and lead them astray.


Methinks Mr. Ham needs to :chillpill:.


Wish I could go to the Cincinatti convention, Susan. I think the WTM boardies en masse would be a force to be reckoned with for any of the haters who might show up. Perhaps some t-shirts are in order? Think of the fun slogans we could have. :D

:iagree: How extremely unprofessional of him. What utterly childish behavior.


I sent a message of appreciation to the Cincy convention as well.


Geez, let's start a conflict and claim persecution because you can't handle the debate. How mature. :nopity::smash:

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OK. I'm not seeing the big deal. I dont know much about Ken Ham. I've used their science stuff, but it was someone else who spoke at our tiny, local convention. I don't get the uproar. So he disagrees with another speaker? So what? I imagine those who agree with him would like the heads up that this other guy doesn't. And those that don't wo't be reading his facebook page. Why is this a reason to be disinvited?

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OK. I'm not seeing the big deal. I dont know much about Ken Ham. I've used their science stuff, but it was someone else who spoke at our tiny, local convention. I don't get the uproar. So he disagrees with another speaker? So what? I imagine those who agree with him would like the heads up that this other guy doesn't. And those that don't wo't be reading his facebook page. Why is this a reason to be disinvited?


I think the issue is the personal attacks that said that other presenters (who identify themselves as Christian-- a distinction dependent on the grace of Christ & nothing else, IMO) are enemies of the Christian faith. If I understand correctly, that's the real issue.

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I took a look at the new Bible curriculum on-line and decided it wasn't for our family, and, FWIW, we are young-earth Reformed Baptists. :D


That said, I think it is outrageous that Ken Ham is doing this! The entire reason we homeschool is due to reading The Well-Trained Mind when we were panicking about our horrible local public school. Furthermore, I'm so grateful to have read Susan's article "A Neutral Education?" a few years ago because for it encouraged (challenged?) me to not get my doctrine from curricula companies and to get it from my local church.


I'm so angry that I feel like a riled up momma grizzly ... The female of the species is more deadly than the male... :)


We took the family to the Creation Museum a few years ago and thought it was pretty neat. I just told dh about the controversy and we will definitely not be going back there or supporting AIG anymore. Urgh!

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:iagree: I am a young earth creationist, BUT that is not what my salvation is based on! I have enjoyed hearing Ken Ham speak in the past and I have visited the Creation Museum, but I am so disappointed in him (and others) who disparage other believers over nonessential theological differences! There are SOOO MANY theological doctrines Christians can disagree on that really don't matter in the light of eternity. My salvation is based on faith in Christ alone! THAT is what is essential. My beliefs about creation, or the end times, don't make a hill of beans difference to my salvation. And while I definitely have opinions on those things, I certainly believe it is very possible I may be wrong! It makes me sooo sad to see Christians beating up other Christians over things like this. Argue over theology all you want, but don't attack the person or namecall!




I was once told by someone of Ken Ham's ilk that I should question my salvation because I had questions and reservations about YE teaching.:glare:

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OK. I'm not seeing the big deal. I dont know much about Ken Ham. I've used their science stuff, but it was someone else who spoke at our tiny, local convention. I don't get the uproar. So he disagrees with another speaker? So what? I imagine those who agree with him would like the heads up that this other guy doesn't. And those that don't wo't be reading his facebook page. Why is this a reason to be disinvited?


_Ad Hominim_ attacks are not even allowed on this board. It seems reasonable to me that a conference would not allow someone who brings _ad hominems_ ---against other conference speakers!--into the conference sphere.

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By the way, Dr. Wile has another blog post up in regard to this discussion.




Here is a partial quote:

I was talking to a representative of Answers in Genesis about this, and he seemed flabbergasted that I do not agree with people who see the days of Genesis as something other than 24-hour days, but I fiercely defend them. He said something like, “If you think it’s bunk, why are you defending it?†That’s the point. I think it is wrong, but I do not think it is bunk. C. S. Lewis doesn’t come up with bunk. Norman Geisler doesn’t come up with bunk. Gleason Archer doesn’t come up with bunk. William Lane Craig doesn’t come up with bunk. These people are not “compromisers.†They are devout scholars who love the Word, and they have some good arguments to support their case. I am not convinced by their arguments, and I think mine are better. However, given that they each have forgotten more Biblical knowledge than I will ever learn, I will at least use them to temper my view with a bit of humility.


I think Dr. Wile is a class act.

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This sort of thing has happened before.


I can certainly see why conference organizers don't want speakers attacking each other unless a debate is specifically set up for that. I can see why they put that sort of thing in the contracts they set up for speakers. To do a diverse conference like the Great Homeschool Conventions do, how else would you manage it?


I'm impressed that they made a decision not to sponsor personal attacks.

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Sadly, Mr. Ham is getting a LOT of support on his FB page. He's not posted the entire story and my disappointment in him deepens.


He is NOT being persecuted for "standing for truth" and I really REALLY dislike it when Christians who act like donkeys start hollering "persecution!" when in reality, they're being called on their bad behavior. His rights to free speech are NOT being denied. His POV is represented at the conference by the fact other YE vendors will still be there. His spin on the situation is ridiculous. :glare:

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Indeed, that was classy.

(Though as someone who studied in Maury Hall, I thought his example was interesting. No naval officer would suggest that there weren't currents in the oceans or routes with more favorable winds. But path doesn't have to mean a literal path from which you diverge at your peril. The Bible is a rich book that uses some of the best literary techniques to stir the heart and mind. Metaphor abounds. I like that Wile is willing to consider seriously the reasoning of those with whom he disagrees.)

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Indeed, that was classy.

(Though as someone who studied in Maury Hall, I thought his example was interesting. No naval officer would suggest that there weren't currents in the oceans or routes with more favorable winds. But path doesn't have to mean a literal path from which you diverge at your peril. The Bible is a rich book that uses some of the best literary techniques to stir the heart and mind. Metaphor abounds. I like that Wile is willing to consider seriously the reasoning of those with whom he disagrees.)


As an Old Earth Creationist and literature major, I completely agree. :D

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Ken Ham just posted a big 'response'....http://www.facebook.com/notes/ken-ham/aig-responds-re-being-eliminated-from-homeschool-conventions/186618808050260



I just posted this on Ken Ham's FB wall: You can refute beliefs/ideologies/interpretations all you like, but when you start naming names and commenting that fellow believers are "attackers of Christ" because they have a different viewpoint.....in my opinion, a line is crossed. I'm very disappointed. :(


And this on Cinci Convention FB wall: While I happen to largely agree with what Mr. Ham teaches, I cannot support his recent comments & actions towards fellow presenters- it was unprofessional & should not be condoned. He could have chosen to refute or disagree/criticize the ideologies of others- there is nothing wrong with debate. Yet, he crossed the line with personal attacks & spiritual judgement. Homeschool conventions should not be a platform for such behavior. Thank you.

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By the way, Dr. Wile has another blog post up in regard to this discussion.




I think Dr. Wile is a class act.


Thanks for posting this! I completely agree with him.


"I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

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OK. I'm not seeing the big deal. I dont know much about Ken Ham. I've used their science stuff, but it was someone else who spoke at our tiny, local convention. I don't get the uproar. So he disagrees with another speaker? So what? I imagine those who agree with him would like the heads up that this other guy doesn't. And those that don't wo't be reading his facebook page. Why is this a reason to be disinvited?


This is part of my question also - not sure what was actually said at the convention last week, but facebook is a place for personal opinions, as are blogs. That's their main purpose, isn't it?

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Thank you for letting us know. My family and I attended the conference and were very troubled by his comments concerning other speakers in attendance.


While I am a young earth creationist, I am not offended that there are Christians who are not. I only hope the feeling is mutual. I don't want this kind of division in the body of Christ, but the body is full of imperfect people.


Susan, thank for you being at the conference! My dd will be 9th grade next year, and though I've been very intimidated to cross this bridge in our homeschooling experience, your workshop on preparing for college really inspired me and excited me about these coming years!

Edited by mom31257
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this is absolutely ridiculous. How can a business cancel a contract a week before the event and use this as a reason? The whole thing is just unseemly!


“After much prayer and deliberation over the weekend, Great Homeschool Convention's Advisory Board has unanimously decided to disinvite Ken and AIG from all future conventions, including the Cincinnati convention next week. The Board believes this to be the Lord's will for our convention and searched the Scriptures for the mind of the Lord and the leadership of the Holy Spirit before arriving at this decision. The Board believes that Ken's public criticism of the convention itself and other speakers at our convention require him to surrender the spiritual privilege of addressing our homeschool audience." full text of letter posted here

Edited by RanchGirl
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The whole thing is an embarrassment to me as a Christian, as a homeschooler, and as a thinking human being. Dr Wile is the only one I can really get on board with in all this!



It is SO embarrassing. But, a couple good things have come out of it for me. First, this is the first time I've heard of Biologos and I'm loving their website! I was looking for something like this for my 9th grader to read. I want him to hear about all opinions on evolution.


Second, we've been using Apologia for science and I am a bit bothered by the constant repetition about creation. But, I haven't found another program I like better for my kids yet. Reading Dr. Wile's response to this whole scenario makes me feel so much better about using his materials.

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:iagree: I am a young earth creationist, BUT that is not what my salvation is based on! I have enjoyed hearing Ken Ham speak in the past and I have visited the Creation Museum, but I am so disappointed in him (and others) who disparage other believers over nonessential theological differences! There are SOOO MANY theological doctrines Christians can disagree on that really don't matter in the light of eternity. My salvation is based on faith in Christ alone! THAT is what is essential. My beliefs about creation, or the end times, don't make a hill of beans difference to my salvation. And while I definitely have opinions on those things, I certainly believe it is very possible I may be wrong! It makes me sooo sad to see Christians beating up other Christians over things like this. Argue over theology all you want, but don't attack the person or namecall!




I'm a theistic evolutionist and I completely agree with you! Preach it, sister!


-Faith (who is looking forward to the Philly conference)

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Last post on this subject....


I have a lot of writing/kid teaching/parent-caring-for/cooking/etc. to do this week, and I don't want to get derailed. I don't want to read any more Facebook posts, I don't want to visit any more hostile blogs, and I've already posted my thoughts about this on my own blog.


So I'm going to step out here with four final statements...


1. You guys on this board are great. I'm particularly grateful to those of you who are young earth creationists and who think Peter Enns is a loon and I'm a liberal--and who are still weighing in on the side of grace and humility in speech.


2. If you have questions about Telling God's Story, please feel free to ask them of Justin Moore, the editor who handled the books and who has posted several times on this board about them: justin@olivebranchbooks.net.


3. If you have questions about Peter Enns, I strongly urge you to visit his own website, peterennsonline.com, and read some of his writings for yourself.


4. If you have questions about the decision, direct them to the Great Homeschool Conventions organizers. I believe that they are going to post a statement about the decision shortly, but I don't know anything else about it.



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Sadly, Mr. Ham is getting a LOT of support on his FB page. He's not posted the entire story and my disappointment in him deepens.


He is NOT being persecuted for "standing for truth" and I really REALLY dislike it when Christians who act like donkeys start hollering "persecution!" when in reality, they're being called on their bad behavior. His rights to free speech are NOT being denied. His POV is represented at the conference by the fact other YE vendors will still be there. His spin on the situation is ridiculous. :glare:


In my limited experience, those who are quickest and loudest to cry persecution are the biggest, ah, "donkeys". I e-mailed Great Homeschool Conventions to let them know that even though I am a conservative reformed young earther, I support them.

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The Great Homeschool Conventions organizers just called to tell me that Ken Ham has been disinvited from his speeches at the Cincinnati convention.


This was a private conversation between the organizers and Mr. Ham, but since he has now made it public on his Facebook page, they wanted me (and others) to know that this was done NOT because of his point of view (they still have three other invited "young earth ministries" in attendance), nor even because of his disagreements with Dr. Enns, but because of his personal attacks on Dr. Enns, Dr. Wile, and myself. (This was also an independent decisions arrived at by the organizers. None of us, to my knowledge, lobbied or asked for it. We get sniped at a lot. It's not really anything new.)


They also wanted to make it clear that several of the board members who stood behind this decision have similar objections to Dr. Enns' work. However, they felt that on this issue, there was room for a diversity of opinions.


I appreciate the courtesy shown to invited speakers by the convention organizers (and in fact would like to point out that every state convention I've ever spoken at has a contractual clause asking speakers not to condemn OTHER speakers at the same convention).


Judging from the size of the FB thread, which I haven't read (I'm kind of scared to), Mr. Ham's followers will interpret this as persecution. If you have a chance to stand up for civility, even in disagreement, between Christians, I encourage you to be vocal in your support.


The conference will be issuing a statement.




(re: bold) Well said!

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Haven't read all of the supplies here, but just wanted to say that if you think Mr. Ham's comments section is bad on his latest post... you should see my wall. I went grocery shopping while this all blew up. Whewee!!! Did I have some wading to do when I got back!!


FWIW, I completely support you, SWB, and the Convention's decision. :grouphug:

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Haven't read all of the supplies here, but just wanted to say that if you think Mr. Ham's comments section is bad on his latest post... you should see my wall. I went grocery shopping while this all blew up. Whewee!!! Did I have some wading to do when I got back!!


FWIW, I completely support you, SWB, and the Convention's decision. :grouphug:


I'm wading through myself. Getting a chuckle out of the people taking AIG's word as gospel instead of just their take on the situation.



I've had people say that Dr Ham never called anyone's faith into question. I must have reading comprehension issues because my opinion on Dr. Ham is based SOLELY on HIS facebook posts on the subject.


Jay Wile's responses have been what I expect from speakers. Calm, reasoned and rational. I do not think I will be barred from heaven based on if I believe in a literal 7 Day young earth creation or not.

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I've had people say that Dr Ham never called anyone's faith into question. I must have reading comprehension issues because my opinion on Dr. Ham is based SOLELY on HIS facebook posts on the subject.




"shaking their fist at God's Word"


"undermines dreadfully the authority of Scripture"


"Don't be led astray"


"It is an attack on the Word—on Christ."


How are these phrases not questioning someone's faith?

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Billy Graham's take was different:

"I don't think that there's any conflict at all between science today and the Scriptures. I think that we have misinterpreted the Scriptures many times and we've tried to make the Scriptures say things they weren't meant to say, I think that we have made a mistake by thinking the Bible is a scientific book. The Bible is not a book of science. The Bible is a book of Redemption, and of course I accept the Creation story. I believe that God did create the universe. I believe that God created man, and whether it came by an evolutionary process and at a certain point He took this person or being and made him a living soul or not, does not change the fact that God did create man. ... whichever way God did it makes no difference as to what man is and man's relationship to God."


Wow - Thanks for posting this wonderful quote!

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"shaking their fist at God's Word" "undermines dreadfully the authority of Scripture"


"Don't be led astray"


"It is an attack on the Word—on Christ."


How are these phrases not questioning someone's faith?


Not to mention "undermining the faith of our children" (!?)


You can also show support on the facebook page of Great Homeschool Conventions:


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Why is Great Homeschool Conventions still showing KH on the bill and selling tickets for future GHCs as if nothing had changed?





They owe truth in advertising to their paying attendees and sponsors since they seem to have reached this decision at least a day ago. I don't get it but I am pretty much scared off by these conventions at this point.

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Here's the Contact Us link for the convention.




His supporters are making waves for contacting the convention against their move. Please contact them in support of it if you can!


Thanks for posting this link - I will be contacting them to express my support for their decision.

Edited by ELaurie
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Why is Great Homeschool Conventions still showing KH on the bill and selling tickets for future GHCs as if nothing had changed?





They owe truth in advertising to their paying attendees and sponsors since they seem to have reached this decision at least a day ago.


From their facebook page:

Although we have made no public statement, our Advisory Board recommended changes for this year’s remaining Homeschool Conventions. The Board is preparing a public statement, but in the meantime, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, of Creation Ministries International, who will be speaking at next week’s convention & future conventions. (Revised schedule available soon)
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I am very glad to know that the conference organizers are willing to listen to feedback and that a strong message is being sent that this sort of behavior will not be tolerated. I assume I am one of many, many conference attendees who wrote and complained.

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In my limited experience, those who are quickest and loudest to cry persecution are the biggest, ah, "donkeys". I e-mailed Great Homeschool Conventions to let them know that even though I am a conservative reformed young earther, I support them.


I read through the entire post at the AiG blog that included the email from the convention sponsors. (Though I had to draw the line at the comments section. Life is short, and I've got dinner to go burn.)


My general reaction was that it was an interesting example of a wrathful person being condemned by his own words. The post seemed to demonstrate just the lack of civility that he was excused from participation for.


I have no issue with a speaker explaining the shortcomings of another program. I think you've gone far beyond that when you call someone a "compromiser" or use video clips of them to illustrate Christians who are preaching heresy.


On the other hand, the convention may have to consider giving refunds. If I had made travel and hotel arrangements to see a particular speaker and then the organizers had disinvited them, I would feel quite bitter about what might seem like a bait and switch.


I feel sad that many convention goers will use this as a reason to not consider the publications from Peace Hill Press. I think they have been an incredible blessing on our life. I think they could bless many others who may end up being too stiff necked to consider the possibility.

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