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I'll confess I'm not the queen of clean

Is your bedroom dust free at this very moment?  

  1. 1. Is your bedroom dust free at this very moment?

    • Yes
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I'm cleaning today, mostly out of sheer boredom. So... in an effort to make me feel better about the state of my house, I thought I'd start a poll.


Just one room for the moment. Your personal bedroom (not the children's rooms). Right now is it dust free?


Please oh please don't let me be the only one to answer no. :blushing:

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I dust and Dyson the whole house once a week. I don't move all the furniture though. So my bedroom is dust free by my standards, but will not meet those of other people. Every once in a while I move all the furniture in a particular room.


ETA, like Peela, I find it easier to keep the house clean now that the children are out of the house all day, even though I work part time.



Edited by Laura Corin
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:lol: Oh, I'm sorry. Was that a serious question?


You could write your name in the dust on my blinds. I'm afraid to look under the bed. About the only thing that doesn't have a good layer is the top of the furniture because I run the pillowcases over it when I wash the sheets. :)

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*Snort* besides the fact I dust about once every three months or so (hmm 6 months?) I live on a dirt road. If I wanted to be dust free I would need to dust several times a day... not happening.


My room looks as follows...


Dusty, bed not mad, clothes piles 2 feet deep on top of the dresser instead of in the dresser and the floor isn't vacuumed.


*sigh* Now I'm depressed.;)

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Bored? This forum takes up all my free time, I sit here reading instead of cleaning!:glare: If I didn't have this computer then my house would be spotless!!:lol: By no means is my bedroom dust free. I have started some spring cleaning though(throwing old things out-the zen posts on here set me off on that!).:D

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Yes, my bedroom is dust-free. Honestly, it's the one room I work to keep that way, I just think we all sleep better that way. I got into the habit when I shared a room with my husband, who has very bad (dust and dander) allergies.


If it makes you feel any better, though, there are enough fallen hair strands in my bathroom that it could be mistaken for carpet. My hair is thick, black, and waist-length; it's hard to miss! I'm way more lax on that chore LOL.

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Yay! I'm not the only one! I chose to ask about the bedroom because it's a last room thing for me too. I try to keep the public areas clean, but I can't say my living room is dust free either.


However, my kitchen is clean! I worked on it for over an hour today, which is a long time considering it's kind of small. I cleaned out the refrigerator a couple of weeks ago so the shelves are still clean, so I didn't have to do that task. I need to go find that thread on cleaning out dishwashers though! Ewww!

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Ha. I hate dusting and so generally don't. Dh said, when we got married, that he would do the dusting - which he did, when his grandmother came to visit. Once. She died in 1998. :D


The girls will dust sometimes. There for a while, their idea of "cleaning for company" was to run amok with the Swiffer dusters.


I've been noticing that there is rather an excessive amount of dust on the piano so I might have to break down and do that. Otherwise, if it's bad enough for me to care... the kids will be dusting. :lol:

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There is probably a measurable layer of dust on top of my bedroom bookcases. I know the same is true for the cases in my boys' rooms.

I keep a pretty clean house, but I am embarassed to say how often I realize I haven't dusted the tops of the shelves.

Edited by Crissy
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I voted other.


I dusted half of it yesterday and remembered I hate dusting so I stopped.


The part I left looks really bad compared to the clean so it'll get done before bedtime.


:lol: This is me with all types of cleaning. Somehow when I "clean" I always end up making even more of a mess and then halfway through get discouraged and/or run out of time and shove things in whereever they will fit.

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Well, I actually got to vote YES, but only because my best friend is flying down next week. I cleaned my whole room because it will be the first time she is here and I will show her the whole house. If you had asked me a week ago - I would have said you could lose a small child in the dust and clutter on my dresser.

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Well, actually right now, my bedroom is dust free. I dusted it yesterday.

But, I voted NO because it is almost never dusted. I really only dust it good about 4x/year so it didn't really seem fair to vote yes.;)


LOL Honest much? :D

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We're supposed to dust??? Huh. Imagine that...


Nope, not dust free. Not, really, anything free. We haven't gotten our dressers from our old house yet, so there are clothes hanging in the closet (more or less...), our foldables are on top of the closet, and there's one suitcase from an impromtu road trip last weekend that hasn't been unpacked. Then, I have all of my organizational supplies for school, the printer, a ton of books, oh, and the kids' science kit, plus a hamper full of clothes to fold... the baby's pack-n-play... I'm happy to just see the floor! Dusting isn't even on my radar at the moment. ;-) I do hear that burning candles a lot helps with the dust, though.;)

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I only dust weekly, and there is always dust when I get back there. Even in death, I will not be dust-free. Let me see if this famous quote cuts and pastes:


Here lies a poor woman who was always tired;She lived ina house where help was not hired.Her last words on earth were: "Dear friends, I am going Where washing ain't done, nor sweeping, no sewing:But everything there is exact to my wishes;For where they don't eat there's no washing of dishes...Don't mourn for me now; don't mourn for me never -I'm going to do nothing for ever and ever.

Edited by kalanamak
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