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Name For Baby That You Love But Will Never Use

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For girls: Cherise and Noelle I really love those names! I am really partial to Amy and Laura, even though they are plain-ish. There are others that I think are lovely, too: Arianna, Isabelle, Claire and Grace...


For boys: I got to use Joseph and Nathaniel, which I love. I would have liked to use Luke and Matthew, too. Even if these names are common, they each mean a lot to me... I would have like to have a Gabriel, too.

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Mabon was to be my youngest son's name. We found out he was a boy on Mabon, had the first ultrasound then. It means "son of the mother." It was so perfect. Still, I look at him and think "Mabon." But the daddio was vehemently opposed.


My next choice was Gaius, Gus for short, but nope, the daddio once again put the nix on it.


He finally ended up a Terran. I don't even really like it, but at least it can be construed to mean "of the mother," if you think of Terra as Earth and Earth as Mother Earth. Every once in awhile it just sounds like aliens referring to our race, though.

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Jackson Michael (dh said absolutely, positively, no way)

Cameron (we chose for our ds and changed it two days before he was born)


Those are the same girl names on our list, but I don't know if we are done having babies, so we might actually get to use one. Ryan was our boy name that we thought we wouldn't use, but alas, he showed up last year! :lol:

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Methuselah. For a girl.


I couldn't find a single person who liked it, go figure. You could barely even say I'm even a religious person. I just like the way it rolls off of the tongue; like butter.


I did have to concede though, its first syllable nickname would have been disastrous.

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Ahh, so many wonderful names... too few babies! :) DH buzz-killed many of my favorites. With ds, we had to go with family names because neither of us liked the same boy names! It was a good thing we had two girls first...













DH has a boy name (Castle) I wouldn't agree to. He still brings it up from time to time. :D

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We're done having babies, but some of the names I didn't get to use were






Cecelia (my dd's middle name, but I'd love it as a first name)




Mahala (a family name on dh's side)





William (my son's middle name)


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A celebrity named her kid Harper during my pregnancy with #3, and I briefly considered it.


Then I realized that was a really really really dumb idea. DH's last name is Harper, and therefore the kids' last name as well. I can't believe I even considered it.


(No relation to the PM, as far as I know.)


That's too funny! If it makes you feel any better, when I mentioned it to my husband he just about fell over because not only is it the last name of our PM, but *our* last name is the last name of another former PM. So he laughed at me, and I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it before opening my mouth. (Good thing I have to tell him my ideas for baby names first. Ha!)

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My husband has said a big fat no to my suggestions of Gaia, Lilith, Athena and Harper.



I think Gaia is a charming name; I also like Linnea. (Perhaps I have a thing for names ending in -a!)


In our extended family, we also have an Eve (aunt) and an Adam (nephew).




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Girl: Lane, maybe Lana (said: "Lawn-ah")


Boy: Kane (pronounced same as 'Cain'), maybe Ty




I like single syllable -ane names :D we ended up giving the kids names names more accepted in my ethnic culture (which, Kane is, but he didn't like it because of the biblical association in his religious culture).


I vetoed his choices of Liliana (nicknamed Lily) and Frank. The first was too popular in our area, the other too much a reminder of my annoying FIL. Did I say that last part out loud? Oops.

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Dh and I have been pretty easy at naming our kids. But it isn't hard if you go with family tradition-LOL. First borns boy/girl are named after family members (Ds#1 is named after Dh, Dd is named after MIL and great-grandparents), and a saints name either for first or middle names (usually family member name is a saints name also).


One name I have wanted to use is for a girl... Katelyn Marie. I just love that name. For a boy... I want to use Joseph Matthew.

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Through sheer force of will :tongue_smilie: we didn't have any boys. So we have our unused boy names.





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Having taught public school for five yearsm it is hard to find a name that doesn't have bad memories associated with some terrible student you taught :glare:


That was my situation and I went with old, classic names before it became vogue. ;-)


The names I'll never use--


Girls--love, love LOVE these girls names:




Boiys--liked these both but my husband didn't, plus neither really fit well with our last name and the middle names we were considering




Thanks for the fun thread. If I were still in the market ;) for baby names, I'd be gleaning for sure.

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I have told my kids that I want a grandson named Patrick!!!


:lol: I've offered $1000 to the first child of mine that uses either my or DH's first name for a grandchild. (Lisa and Tedrick) They all say, no way. :confused: What's wrong with our names??? Gosh! :lol:

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I've always loved the name Edward, but I wouldn't use it now because everyone would assume it was Twilight induced.


Both DH and I love the name Sidonie for a girl, but we'll probably never use it as a first name (we might sneak it in as a middle name) because I doubt anyone in my extended family would bother learning how to pronounce it :glare:

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Both DH and I love the name Sidonie for a girl, but we'll probably never use it as a first name (we might sneak it in as a middle name) because I doubt anyone in my extended family would bother learning how to pronounce it :glare:


How do you pronounce it???

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Does anyone have a list like this? My husband is a total killjoy when it comes to my favorite names. I'm sure there are others out there with a list of great names that their spouse has nixed.


Mine are:











Our girl name would have been Sophie Mireille (our last name is very French). But.... he was a boy instead! And, we were done at one. :001_smile:

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I also wanted to say that ever since I was a little girl I had the names of all of my children picked out. So far God has not let me use any of those names. LOL

My first four came with names already and for fun they helped me pick out their new middle names.

My fifth though adopted I was allowed to name since I was bringing him home from the hospital to be mine.

He should have been according to my childhood list:

Paul Christopher or Caleb Michael

Instead God placed the name Jonathan David on my heart two years before he was born. He reminded me of the name when we found out we were going to be getting the baby boy.

My daughter was supposed to be named Mary Ruth after my grandmother.

The day we found out we were having a girl I knew her name was Lily Grace.

My list has changed totally from childhood. :001_smile:

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For a boy:






For a girl:











Dd12 has a gender neutral middle name but it is typically used for a girl. We used the masculine spelling on purpose. She has a very feminine, long first name so I wanted something to balance it if she wanted an alternate name. She goes by both names now. The 'boy' name at school and her 'girl' name everywhere else. I am glad we gave her the funky middle name as it fits her well.


I wanted to name a little girl Jade/Jaden since I was in high school. It was immediately vetoed by dh when we had dd12. (Ahead of the trend, I don't really like trendy names) I never used it because dh thought Jade sounded like a stipper name and Jaden has a negative connotation to it. FFWD to dd4....her birth middle name is Jade. LOL We will eventually change her name, as we don't use her bio-name on anything except her legal paper work, but out of alll the millions of names, I thought it was quite the coincidence. :D

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I love names and have played with them for years. Dh and I don't have very similar taste so here is my list of loved but never used names,



















There are just so many great names out there I could go on and on. I'm done naming kids though so I'll have to wait for grandkids.


To be fair, dh didn't get to use Beth, Caroline, Grace (rhymed with oldest son's name) or Samuel


It's fun to see some of the names we considered like Anneliese, Ainsley, etc on people's list. Most friends and family thought those names so far out there at the time. (20+ years ago) when we first started trying to start our family.

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We had three boys. And my grandfather's name was Abraham (Avi is short for the Hebrew name for Abraham), no less. Avi would have been PERFECT, and I fought hard for it all three times.


But, alas, DH just wouldn't hear of it. Our last name is Chinese, and he felt that Avi Wong* would be just "too much."


Sigh. So I now feel that everyone else should name their baby boys Avi.


*Not our real name

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How do you pronounce it???


Everyone tries to pronounce it "Sid-oh-nee" or "Sigh-doe-nee", which wouldn't be too bad, but both DH and I prefer the more classical pronunciation of "Say-dah-niy". We've considered using it as a first and then just making sure all the family knows how to pronounce it... but I've got a couple of family members that would either refuse to pronounce it correctly or shorten it to "Sid" because they think the name is to "uppity". While we tend to prefer more obscure, exotic-ish type names for girls, that one was probably the "most out there" on our list so we'll end up compromising and using it as a middle name.

Edited by theAmbitiousHousewife
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Sigh. Unless God opens the door for adoption, we only have one child.


Names I love, but never got to use:


















Dietrich (for a middle name - after Dietrich Bonhoeffer)



Marius (for a middle name)



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