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I should have said something...

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but I didn't. My ds2.5 was being a pain in the bum so I just didn't want to add more to the plate at the time.


We were checking out at Wal*Mart, after being there for about an hour and then standing in line for 20 minutes (yes I timed it). My ds2.5 was starting to act up. He had a bag of M&M's in his hand (I realize now I shouldn't have given them to him but at the time I gave them to him he was behaving).


So I finally get up to the belt and start loading stuff on. Not even half done emptying the cart and my son bangs the bag of M&M's and they go flying in all directions! :willy_nilly::banghead: So my ds8 starts picking them up for me :hurray:. WELL, a boy in the next line over (we were at the last belt line and the speedy checkouts were next to us) says "I'll help you!" and gets an empty Wal*Mart bag and starts pick up M&M's off the floor and putting them in the bag. I said, we aren't keeping them just throw them away (I did pay for them), we can't eat stuff off the floor.

So I finish putting stuff on the belt, ds2.5 is getting rambunctious :glare: again and the boys finish picking up the M&M's. I hear the boy (he is about 11 or so I wager) say here I will throw them away and he wads up the bag.


WELL he checks out (he was alone) and still has the bag. I glance at him as he leaves.. he still. has. the. bag. The little bugger took off with the M&M's.


I should have taken them from the boy, after all I *DID* pay for them.


I just couldn't believe the gall! And lying! He lied to my son saying he was going to throw them away, they were right behind me so I heard it! For all he knew he was stealing those! Well technically he did steal them from us since I paid for them. :glare:


Not to mention eating candy off a Wal*Mart floor. :ack2:


Maybe I am looking to much into it? Still it irritates me. :mad:

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Sounds like a tough time at WalMart.


However, the behavior of the young man who cleaned up would not bother me. Well, I'm not a germ-phobe but the WalMart floor part even has me :confused:. The fact that he took off with the candy that I paid for and wasn't going to eat? Wouldn't phase me in the least.

Edited by Joanne
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Sounds like a tough time at WalMart.


However, the behavior of the young man who cleaned up would not bother me. Well, I'm not a germ-phobe, but from that perspective I'd be :confused:. The fact that he took off with the candy that I paid for and wasn't going to eat? Wouldn't phase me in the least.




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Anybody who wants food that I dropped on the floor of a Wal-Mart is absolutely welcome to it.



But where the heck was his mom/dad in all this? And why the heck didn't they pull more employees up front to work the lines! 20 minutes in a Wal-Mart line with my kids would turn me into a rampaging psycho.

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Ok, Ok I was being touchy, but I wasn't in the best of moods anyway! That is why I posted, I needed the Hive opinions that weren't in my fog.

Completely understandable given the circumstances. :grouphug:

I didn't even have a thought of getting him a bag... :blush: Didn't cross my mind at the time...


Why would you?? You thought he was going to throw them away. He said he was going to throw them away. He was the only one who knew that he was going to keep them and he kept that information to himself. ;) It wouldn't have crossed my mind either. :) I really do hope that he really did throw them away outside though. :ack2:

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Ok, Ok I was being touchy, but I wasn't in the best of moods anyway! That is why I posted, I needed the Hive opinions that weren't in my fog.


I didn't even have a thought of getting him a bag... :blush: Didn't cross my mind at the time...


Oh no! Don't worry, Rachel! It's okay. An hour and a half in Walmart makes me evil. :grouphug:

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Sounds like a tough time at WalMart.


However, the behavior of the young man who cleaned up would not bother me. Well, I'm not a germ-phobe but the WalMart floor part even has me :confused:. The fact that he took off with the candy that I paid for and wasn't going to eat? Wouldn't phase me in the least.


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Well, to be fair to M&M boy, the only garbage cans in my WalMart are in the restrooms, the McDonald's and by the door. The nearest to the cash registers is by the exit door. Of course, I doubt an unsupervised 11 yo is really going to chuck the bag of candy, germs or no germs, but it is technically possible.

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Never know what happened...


Maybe he threw the bag into the trash can by the door as he exited...


Sounds like a nice kid, though, to help pick them up.


My kids would only know a few places to throw trash. They would never ask a cashier where a trash can was unless the circumstances were dire. He may have taken the bag home and thrown it away.


And don't worry about not buying him a bag. After that episode, I doubt any of us would have had our wits about us to think of that!

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Although it is GROSS! I would think that he thought...well, if she is just going to throw them away.........:glare:

yeah this is me


we lived in Uganda too, the things I saw children eaten,

the walmart floor, well that wouldn't have given me a second thought.



Well I WOULDN'T EAT THEM but oh well

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Wouldn't have bothered me in the least. I wouldn't have wanted them and I would just assume he was going to throw them away by the door. I wouldn't feel like he took something from me, as he helped you pick them up, and you guys weren't going to eat them. I wouldn't feel "responsible" if he was going to eat them. He should have some supervision. I wouldn't have thought to buy him his own bag either, or assumed he was hungry even if he did eat M&M's off the floor. He's a kid. They do weird things. ;)

Edited by littleWMN
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Someone taking candy off the floor and planning to eat it makes me SAD, not mad. You had not intended to eat it...and that poor kid should have known not to eat something off the floor. You told him to throw it away...so he wasn't stealing anything but "trash." Poor kid...I would have bought him a fresh bag. :(




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Someone taking candy off the floor and planning to eat it makes me SAD, not mad. You had not intended to eat it...and that poor kid should have known not to eat something off the floor. You told him to throw it away...so he wasn't stealing anything but "trash." Poor kid...I would have bought him a fresh bag. :(



I agree. My first thought was that it was sad that he wanted the candy enough to eat it off the floor.

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Wouldn't bug me at all. It's like when you put trash on the curb for the garbage man. If someone else wanders by and takes the vacuum you're tossing out, who cares? You were throwing it out anyway. Not stealing at all in my opinion.




And they were m&m candies on a tile floor...not sliced apple bits dropped in the sand. I don't think the kid is gonna contract ebola or something. :p

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Sounds like a tough time at WalMart.


However, the behavior of the young man who cleaned up would not bother me. Well, I'm not a germ-phobe but the WalMart floor part even has me :confused:. The fact that he took off with the candy that I paid for and wasn't going to eat? Wouldn't phase me in the least.


:iagree: You said you were going to throw them away. You let him "take care of it". After that, it's really not a concern of yours if he chooses to do otherwise. And honestly, though it's disgusting to us, because we KNOW what all is on those floors (or the potential), kids have killer immune systems and I'm sure he'll survive ;)


:grouphug: on having a rough day

Edited by mommaduck
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:lol: Do kids actually get sick from eating candy off the floor?


I'm surprised that anyone think it odd that a kid would rescue these M & Ms to eat.


They were going in the trash. I am sure that made his pulse race. "She is going to throw away perfectly good candy??!!"

Edited by LibraryLover
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Oh my gosh---laugh it off!! :chillpill: How much was the bag----less than $1?? You were going to throw them away, he did help clean up the mess----and like pp's said----some kids will do ANYTHING for candy, even if it fell on the disgusting floor of Walmart. Maybe you just made the day of this poor, candy-deprived kids day :D

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I was a pretty smart kid, and slightly obsessed with things like clean hands. However, I suspect even I would have eaten M&Ms off the floor when I was 11. Chocolate melted and scraped off the bottom of a shoe? No. M&Ms that could be wiped on my shirt and popped in my mouth all 'clean'. Yeah, probably. So he sounds like a pretty normal kid to me.


Also agree that they were going in the garbage anyway, so who cares what he did with them after he carted them off. Eating them instead of trashing them doesn't dismiss the good deed, IMO.

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