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what gift can your child NOT put down?

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so, what gift did your children get that they haven't been able to put down! other than a wii or a ds or an ipad or an iod or a computer! :D


my son (7) loved a book called cosmic that i got him. he has told me about 3 times today what a good book it is..he loves to read, but this is the first time in a while he has been that excited about anything.


my younger one (4) got a broom and dustpan set that he has used several times to clean up!



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ds15: video game related anything

dd 11: nano, Wii related

dd7: cooking related (real bake set, play foam to go with bake set, dried legumes and pasta to go with cooking set, chef hat/aprons)


ds18: no comment. He loved everything but none of it is stuff he'll use constantly. The most use is probably the leather driving gloves and new tires.

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Mine have been alternating between the following:


Their new jigsaw puzzles w/puzzle board and their fairy/equestrian design kits.


Also, they can't stop reading "Turn Left At Orion", and are itching to try out their new telescope. (It's been too cloudy, so we are hoping for clear skies tonight).:)

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The Hex bugs and Zhu Zhu pets (Kung Zhu of course for the boys LOL) have been played with A LOT!


My 3 yr old just loves his Toy Story flashlight. He also spends a lot of time in his Fisher Price Cozy Coupe police car. :)


My almost 2 yr old just rotates around between everyone's toys. haha But he did carry the big Woody doll from Toy Story all around with him the first day.

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scooters. just the simple ones like razors but hers is barbie and his is hot wheels. They have been on them (yes, in the house) constantly. We don't get snow often but had 12 inches dropped on us yesterday from the storm. So, we have allowed them a path in the house. They are both very active type children. He is ADHD. She is actually in a cast, so we told her no pogo stick (also new for Christmas) otherwise that would be her present of choice.

BTW, the cast is because she broke her toe in half, after 3 weeks buddy taped and in a shoe type thing the bone did not heal. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because she is a lunatic nut who doesn't listen to her mama and jumps around constantly like her tooshie is on fire. So the dr. had to cast her, up to the knee because of a toe! She has already broke a piece of the cast off and I caught her on the pogo stick twice before I finally hid it. The cast may have come off today, but the dr office is closed because of the foot of snow we got yesterday. So, dd is mad as a hornet as if I made it snow :glare:. Apparently, it is all one great conspiracy to keep her away from her pogo stick!


sorry for the rant, I just couldn't contain it anymore!

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18month: Anything big brother has. Yes, he's at that stage. :glare:


5 yr old: His toy cash register. He's not allowed to play with it while little brother is around (see comment above), but every time little brother goes down for a nap, the cash register immediately comes out.

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His Scrabble game - how many games can I play in two days? (And today, darn it, he beat me and he is only FIVE!)


The other is his Razor Rip Rider 360. Too cold here to play outside (snow) so we have created a cleared space in the house. Back and forth, back and forth, etc, etc, etc.

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DD--Monchichi doll. She thinks it's so cool that I had one when I was little.

DS7 & DS4--Playmobil airplane. This was actually DS7's 'big' gift, but DS4 is having just as much fun with it. When one of them puts it down, the other is playing with it.


Everyone (adults included)--electronic 20 Questions game. It's been fun to see what it guesses correctly, especially the less common words such as ceiling fan.

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The Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku was a big hit for my ds. He's also wearing his new sweater and socks on the plane today (back to Tokyo :crying: )


My middle can't wait for fencing to start - she has a new epee and some new knickers.


And the youngest..... She did sleep with her giant bear from Santa for the past few nights.


Most of the presents are still in the big bin that we stored them in when we drove back from the mountains.

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Her Unicorn pillow pet that she has been wanting for... ever. She's been carrying it around, sleeping with it...


Other than that, she's been rotating pretty well among her other toys. Everything has been played with, and I don't think anything is less well-loved than anything else.

(Well, the only things that haven't been played with yet are the dollhouse furniture sets, but we're out of town with family and the dollhouse is back home!)

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We got CJ a Sansa for audio books. It was a hit. His grandma and grandpa got him the set of The Lightning Thief books, which he's read already and has finished the first book of the series again. :D


Ana got books, and no, she hasn't put them down, but no surprise as she is never seen without one in her hand.


Rebecca got art supplies... Same as Ana. The child is never seen w/o pencil in hand so this isn't much different. :P


Liz is still waiting to spend her birthday gift. She was content with Christmas but there was nothing she DESPERATELY wanted except yarn and beads. As she wanted to pick them out herself, she got a gift card for her birthday on the 23rd.


That's about it. ;)

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18month: Anything big brother has. Yes, he's at that stage. :glare:


5 yr old: His toy cash register. He's not allowed to play with it while little brother is around (see comment above), but every time little brother goes down for a nap, the cash register immediately comes out.


My 4.5 DS got a cash register also. Funny thing is we had this exact same cash register but we donated it when we moved to California this summer. Well just about a month after we moved he started saying he wanted it back :glare: He asked Santa for it, and is pleased as punch to have it back. Plays with it non-stop!

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Lego, Knex, "american girl" doll with all the accessories. DS 15 got his first nice watch and keeps announcing what time it is...lol I guess he likes it.:D I looked for weeks trying to find one that met all his criteria. Rubiks cubes and loopz game get played with frequently.

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My two oldest have been playing the Wii that my mother bought them, non-stop for two days. They are getting sore from playing it so much. I told them to enjoy it while it lasts because when school starts back, it WILL be restricted.


Cora has been playing with all her "fancy girl" stuff: her dress up clothes, lotion, lip gloss, and high heels. :)

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My kids got remote controlled cars and a remote controlled helicopter that have been going (and buzzing me) since Christmas.

I see lots of Pillow pets there. We did that one 2 years ago and my daughter made her kitty one her lovey. She sleeps with it every night and drags it around everywhere. It says they are not washable but I have washed hers on delicate several times! I had to, she had a pacifier and drooled on it every night for the first year she had it. Sure, it is about an inch an a half thick now but she LOVES her kitty.

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