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what will you do on Christmas when your dc are grown?

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Our family stays home from EVERYWHERE on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We don't go to Grandma's or anything. (yes, we are both introverts!)


When my kids are grown I think I will take my dh to a warm and sandy place for Christmas.


(with my luck all my kids will want to gather at MY house for Christmas! I know I would probably enjoy that too!)

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I hope my kids gather here. To that end, we do travel to grandmas house for Christmas. Both grandmas. One always does Christmas the other does a close day to accomodate my ER nurse sister and her paramedic husband. It works out where our family either gets Eve or morning to ourselves.


I'm trying to indoctrinate...er...build a love for being around family and lots of cousins.

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I hope my kids gather here. To that end, we do travel to grandmas house for Christmas. Both grandmas. One always does Christmas the other does a close day to accomodate my ER nurse sister and her paramedic husband. It works out where our family either gets Eve or morning to ourselves.


I'm trying to indoctrinate...er...build a love for being around family and lots of cousins.



all of our family is about 2 hours away. So to visit them is generally an overnight trip.... I think that is why I feel the way I do. Spending a couple days with people makes me tired. If we could just do an evening or a couple hours in the afternoon I think I could handle it!

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I would hope that our kids would gather here and create their Christmas memories in our house. But I understand wanting to create your own memories in your own house with your kids (DH and I vowed we'd stay home this year to enjoy Christmas with us. We love our families, but we really wanted to experience Christmas here, as well, without the travelling, etc.).


So if that doesn't happen, if we're invited, we'll spend our Christmas with whichever son's family we're with that year. Christmas is all about family for me, I can't imagine NOT spending it with them if we're able.

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I hope my dh and I will take turns visiting our children's families for Christmas... I really liked that my gradparent's did this. I really like that MY parents do this. I really *don't* like that my IL's version is, "if you want to see US, you can pack up your 5 children, the presents, etc., and drive 22 hours out here through the mountains." (Well, it was like that when we lived in the same town too... only it was, attend their Christmas Eve Dinner -- which was fine -- and THEN, if YOU want your presents you will be HERE Christmas morning to open them in front of us.) It wasn't worth it to me. We didn't go Christmas morning, but then my mom wouldn't have gotten away with telling her 30yo daughter she had to get up and get dressed up, take her baby, and go to someone's house for Christmas Morning, either. :D


If I am fortunate enough to have all of my children close enough to spend time with during the holidays, I would "hope" for a Christmas Eve together, and then send everyone home for celebrations in their own homes, in their own ways.


Our family tradition is Christmas Dinner on Christmas Eve, and a very relaxed Christmas Day (stockings, breakfast, then presents, then brunch... playtime, movies, finger foods... I don't think any of us even get dressed.) It's my kind of Christmas!

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I want ds to come and celebrate with us, and bring his family. :D


Honestly, when I am old(er) and silverhaired I hope dh and I can spend a few holidays sitting on a warm and sunny beach with our toes in the sand. Ds can come and bring his family. :D


Then again, we might get in the car and go visit, granted that dh hasn't forced to live in an RV parked in my son's driveway already.

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I grew up going to both sets of grandparents' houses every Christmas (and Thanksgiving, and Easter). It worked out well. We tried that arrangement with our family, and it DIDN'T work out well, so we stay home for everything now.


With 5 kids who will be who knows where, married to who knows whom, I don't have any expectations. I just hope that we can make an arrangement that everyone is happy with.

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I'm easy. If they want to invite us there then we will try to go there. If they want to come here, great. If they want to see us on Christmas eve instead, great. If they aren't here for either Christmas Eve or Christmas day, we will either invite others who need somewhere to go or will have a small intimate Christmas breakfast, reading of the Christmas story, singing carols, opening presents among dh and I.

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all of our family is about 2 hours away. So to visit them is generally an overnight trip.... I think that is why I feel the way I do. Spending a couple days with people makes me tired. If we could just do an evening or a couple hours in the afternoon I think I could handle it!


? I don't get why two hours is an overnight visit. I don't think that's far at all. My college best friend lives two hours from my parents. When I visit I drive up to see her for the day while my family's at work several times. But, to go home for me? Is a ten hour plane ride and then a 3 hour drive. So, I guess my perspective on what constitutes being far away is just a lot different. ;)

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Sleep in? JK Kind of...


This year we will only have two at home, out of 11 plus "significant other"s.


It will seem SO quiet. But, I went all out for Thanksgiving. I told dh that I would not be cooking on Christmas at all. I look forward to slowly waking up... lounging a bit... stretching... and who knows... going out for a meal? And while that might seem sad or lonely to some, we are having a huge Christmas party this weekend with our Christmas gift giving for the children this Sunday morning... so, we'll have experienced that...


In the future, I suppose we will have different get togethers all through December.

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I hope to be in Chalet in Flagstaff or Aspen. My mother had kids around for 40years now she and my dad want each of us to be making memories with our own families. We see them throughout the year which is so much nicer and less stressful than everything being based around a single day on the calendar. She and dad are perfectly content to have quiet. They have friends they go out with and mother being a nurse, bless her, she usually volunteers to work Christmas Eve so the younger nurses can be with their families.

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I hope to be in Chalet in Flagstaff or Aspen. My mother had kids around for 40years now she and my dad want each of us to be making memories with our own families. We see them throughout the year which is so much nicer and less stressful than everything being based around a single day on the calendar. She and dad are perfectly content to have quiet. They have friends they go out with and mother being a nurse, bless her, she usually volunteers to work Christmas Eve so the younger nurses can be with their families.



I think this is how I am going to feel.

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all of our family is about 2 hours away. So to visit them is generally an overnight trip.... I think that is why I feel the way I do. Spending a couple days with people makes me tired. If we could just do an evening or a couple hours in the afternoon I think I could handle it!

We are expected to drive 2 hours for every.single.holiday. It gets tiring. I get to look forward to a sit-down with my in-laws in January, as I want to change a few things.


? I don't get why two hours is an overnight visit. I don't think that's far at all. My college best friend lives two hours from my parents. When I visit I drive up to see her for the day while my family's at work several times. But, to go home for me? Is a ten hour plane ride and then a 3 hour drive. So, I guess my perspective on what constitutes being far away is just a lot different. ;)

My in-laws have dinner at 4pm - every holiday. She did change Easter dinner one year to 2pm, but we still didn't sit down until 3:30 (it's the thought, right?). Do we HAVE to spend the night? No, but 2 hours is a long drive when you have already had a long day. Plus, if we spend the night I might get a chance to see some of MY side of the family or some friends - which is really nice.


We'll probably just do whatever the dc want us to do - stay home, go to one of their houses, etc. It's not a big deal to me like it always was with both our mothers. Both mothers could absolutely ruin any holiday based on what 'should' or 'shouldn't' be done. The sky's the limit, as far as I'm concerned. :D

I would like to allow my grown children to stay at their own houses if they have children, but I wouldn't mind going there - with food if desired!

I never grew up near family, and my brothers and I all moved out of state pretty young. For a number of years my parents alternated flying to my brothers' homes - and my mom would happily cook a large meal in whatever kind of kitchen they had. Now my parents prefer to not see snow - and have started coordinating a pot-luck dinner for couples on Christmas Day - in Florida with other snowbirds. My older brother will sometimes go to them. I miss them, but am glad they can enjoy the holiday and meet new people along the way. I want to be able to do that - enjoy the holiday and not have "shoulds."

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I'll hope to see them around that season, but I will expect them to be with their own families on that day.



This is an aspect I appreciate about my mom. About a month ahead, she talks to each family and gets a few days they can make it. It's usually within a week on either side of the day. We celebrate when the most people can. It hasn't happened where the same person has to miss, so it's efficient for us. And we like making the effort for everyone to get together. dh's mom is less accommodating. It's on the same day/approximate time each year.

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Well... DD is a long, long way from grown, and I hope to have more children (and not for another... 10 years!!) so this isn't an issue for me for a lifetime. But, I imagine I'll be spending the holiday with my children. Eventually I hope to move permanantly to another country, probably Brazil or another South American country, so I guess I'll fly home and visit. (Or fly them out to visit me! :D)


But.... who really knows. I have at least 14 years until I have to worry about that, most likely longer.

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I hope that my kids will want to come to my house. I'd love to see my grandchildren on Christmas morning.


My parents (who live right around the corner) get up bright and early (like 6 AM) and come to my house to see our kids open gifts. Right now, my two kids are their only grandchildren. DH and I decided two years ago that we were no longer going places on Christmas Day. We used to go to my grandparents house, as well as his aunt's house.....it was too much stress and the kids didn't get to play with their new toys, and the real reason of Christmas was overlooked. Now we stay home....and my family has decided to come over to our house on Christmas Day, which I am fine with. His family we just see sometime after the holidays are over.

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I would hope that my adult children would stay at their own homes with their children on Christmas, enjoying a relaxing day together without outside distractions and diversion. I would like to be able to host a Christmas celebration on a different day during the holiday season where our entire family could get together but I realize this may not be the case. For example, I haven't been able to celebrate Christmas with my family (Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, etc) since 1997. It stinks, but it's life.

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Christmas without kids- presuming they are busy, travelling or whatever- might look like an orphans party here or elsewhere, or maybe a trip to Bali. Generally dh and I dont make a fuss over Christmas except for the kids.

We are actually looking forward to spending more time together and travelling more, even now..the kids are pretty busy a lot of the time with their friends and we already get much more time together. We went to the beach the last 2 mornings, had a long walk and chat, a swim, and a coffee. Its so nice.

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I would hope that my adult children would stay at their own homes with their children on Christmas, enjoying a relaxing day together without outside distractions and diversion. I would like to be able to host a Christmas celebration on a different day during the holiday season where our entire family could get together but I realize this may not be the case. For example, I haven't been able to celebrate Christmas with my family (Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, etc) since 1997. It stinks, but it's life.


:iagree: Without knowing where my children will be living when they're grown, I don't have anything set in my mind. I'd be happy to have them here but I want to be flexible.


I haven't spent Christmas with my brother since we were teenagers in the 1970's as we live several states away. But we're close and have talked on the phone at least once a week for most of our adult lives.

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Our family stays home from EVERYWHERE on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We don't go to Grandma's or anything. (yes, we are both introverts!)


When my kids are grown I think I will take my dh to a warm and sandy place for Christmas.


(with my luck all my kids will want to gather at MY house for Christmas! I know I would probably enjoy that too!)


I'm hoping my kids will come home for Christmas until they get married. And then I'll have to share them with in-laws. Since we don't travel now, I need to have my traveling shoes ready once they have kids. "Just remember, it's easier to pack up 2 people than to pack up an infant." She says to herself. :001_smile:

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When my kids are grown, I will either cajole them to visit me (with a big house, paid plane tickets, spoiling the kids-in-laws, nice baby-sitting grandparents while grown kids go to the movies, etc.) or I will happily visit them if they'll have us (and will spoil them on their own turf). If they won't have us, and if they won't visit us. . . then I'll call us failures as parents. . . and book the trip to the tropics to drown our sorrows.

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We always stay home. We made that rule when the kid were born. Bud and I agreed that we want to have this time now and when they are grown we will not put any guilt trips on them for what they choose to do.


I hope that when they are grown they will want to come here or have us in their home. If not, we'll find something to do with ourselves - a beach, a ski slope, an ancient ruin. It'll all be fine. :001_smile:

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I'll hope to see them around that season, but I will expect them to be with their own families on that day.






Reading this thread just made my heart so warm!! I wish my mother had the same outlook as most of you mama's! It's hard for her to see we want the holiday to ourselves with our kids and want it to be a LOVING and ENJOYABLE day without stress! The kids get to play with their toys and we don't have to worry about fussing over who will do the dishes and when can I put the baby down to nap because the house is loud and crazy.


I want to get up early. Make a YUMMY special Christmas breakfast, cook a delicious meal and have all the treats and fixins out most of the day snacking, listening to Christmas music, tripping over wrapping paper, opened boxes, toys scattered galore, stockings thrown about and kids laughing! I don't want to worry about time frames for visitors, dinner being ready at the time for everyone and making enough for extra people. Call me fussy but I want this holiday without the fuss that my parents and siblings bring to it.:glare:


This year we're without them during this holiday and I'm super excited to share it with dh and our children only!:001_smile:

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