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Poll: Do you display a picture of your wedding day?

Do you display your wedding photo?  

  1. 1. Do you display your wedding photo?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Ubiquitous Other

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My grandmother made us a sampler which is hanging in the living room. Whenever DH asks when our wedding date was, I just point. ;) I have a collage frame of 5 photos in the hall, a large photo in our bedroom, and several small photos mixed in on shelves and on the piano. A close family friend took our wedding photos, and she did a great job. I love having them out. The collage photos include group family shots, and my DH has spent lots of time with each baby teaching them the names of all our family members, especially important to him now that his father has passed.

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I eloped, and have no wedding day pictures. There's one Polaroid of us about a week later, and it's somewhere on my refrigerator buried under eight years' worth of other junk (kiddie art, recipes from magazines, stickers from apples, alphabet magnets, et cetera LOL). It's technically displayed, I'm just not sure where or to whom :)

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Nope. We have very few pictures from our wedding day, and I've never really liked the dress I wore. I only bought it because it was cheap and got the job done. :tongue_smilie:

We had gone through all the ceremonial motions, but kept it very small, inexpensive, and as informal as possible. Dh's cousin took some pictures, but I don't even have them all. MIL kept the negatives. :001_huh:


We just celebrated our 10th anniversary, and we went through the old pictures with the kids that afternoon, which was a lot of fun. But definitely not display worthy!

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No. But, I think that's in reaction to a place we bought just before we got married. The young couple we purchased from had HUGE portraits all over the condo of themselves from their wedding day. To this day, we refer to them as Mr. & Mrs. Narcissist.

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Yes, because of dh's line of work, actually. He is a therapist and often gets women transfering onto him and adoring him and he decided having a wedding photo in obvious view was a good idea.


Our official wedding photo however is a picture of one of each of our feet. I have a beautifully henna painted foot, and he has a wedding ring on his foot (with carpe diem engraved on it).

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Of course! We have a b&w in the living room and a smaller (4x6, IIRC) color photo on my night stand. I like to remember the day and Indy loves to look at the photos. We've been married 15 years.


Oh, my mom bought a 16x20 of me in my wedding dress that hangs in a hallway at her house. It's a great photo, but it kind of freaks me out that it's so huge. :001_huh:

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I'm feeling a little goofy, because it's been eight years and we still have about six pictures from our wedding on display. :).

My mother practically has a shrine to our wedding right when you walk in her house. I'm sure that will change when my little sister gets married in a few years, though. :)

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Yes. I had a big, Catholic wedding in a gorgeous church, and my train was probably 10 feet long :) Everyone likes the picture (it's a large photo, mounted on the wall in the living room). Dh and I look so young. Dh was 21, I was 23.

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I don't, but not because I don't want to. We got an album full of pictures, so I didn't purchase any to frame, but when we were married a few years I thought I'd purchase one to have framed. Couldn't find the photographer.


He told us that before he'd dump the pictures we'd be notified in case we wanted to purchase, but we never heard from him. Makes me sad. I suppose I could see if I could get a photo out of the album to copy.

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to have photos of yourself on display.


I have a small one you could find if you were looking, and I have many in my wedding album. I am not saying I personally think it is tacky. I don't really think that when I go to someone's house and they have a wedding photo on display. But if I did it, my mother's eye rolling would annoy me, so I don't!

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I wore a pink flowered sundress to get married. My dh wore a suit. We didn't have a professional photographer. I did my own hair that morning and, frankly, it looked kind of limp.


So, no. I don't have a picture to display. We didn't do a big wedding and so the pictures from my wedding are just snapshots a friend took.

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I'm an "Other."


I don't HAVE a picture of my wedding day. <sniff, cry, pout>


So my husband and I had a TINY wedding. Like, it was us, my mother, my brother and his (now ex) wife, and that was IT.


And a non-denominational minister did it at his beautiful, water front, Long Island home, and in all the excitement, can you believe that neither my mother, my brother, OR my husband or I brought a camera with us? Nor did we hire a photographer for such a small event.


Then the non-denominational minister informed us that he had some of those disposable cameras and that we could have one of those.


So we took it, gladly took pictures, later went to develop them...


...and found that not a SINGLE one of them came out.


Then we saw that the camera/film had been "expired" (who knew!)... by several YEARS.


So.. I don't have a single picture of us on our wedding day.


Otherwise, I'd have displayed it. :P

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Considering I was 5 months pregnant. NO. Not that I'm ashamed, well, yes I am, but need to protect my children. I don't need to advertise it to them since I sill have so many little ones. My older ones are aware but not my little ones. Yet!


Me too!


I'm not at all ashamed, though (and yes, my dc know - never been a big secret). I just looked utterly ridiculous in the big ol' white dress...what was I thinking?!


I was 5 or 6 months pregnant, when I got married, too, with my now 10 y/o daughter :D (I didn't wear a big white dress considering I was pregnant, AND it was my second marriage anyway haha and like I said, it was a VERY tiny ceremony with VERY few people, no reception or anything like that).


It's not a secret or anything and I still wish I had pictures though! (if you read my earlier post, we totally forgot cameras, then the guy who married us gave us a disposable one he had on hand, and we took and developed pics only to find that not ONE of them came out, they were all black, and it turned out the film was expired- by several years!)

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And I wear my wedding dress every Halloween!



I wanted to, and Wolf lost his mind, demanding that it be kept in case one of our dds wanted to wear it. :001_huh: And they say women are sentimental. Or is that semimental? Whichever, he's it :tongue_smilie:


Our wedding pic is on our Family Wall. All the kids baby pics surround our wedding pic, with a baby pic of me up in a corner, diagonally from where I sit in the wedding pic (same side of the wall).


Everyone, including us, prefers the pic of Diva and I together...we're cheek to cheek, and she's so stinking young and sweet looking...*sigh* But I figure it might not be quite...polite...somehow to take down the pic of Wolf and I and replace it with the one of Diva and I...:lol:

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I had to post 'other'. We have a collage of photos from our wedding day that we do usually have hung. Unfortunately we haven't gotten it hung in our new home yet. We've only been here for 9 months and dh hasn't gotten to it on the honey-do-list. ;)

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