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Are you a pessimist who loves Fall, or an Optimist who loves Spring?

Are you an optimist or pessimist? Which season do you prefer?  

  1. 1. Are you an optimist or pessimist? Which season do you prefer?

    • Optimist- prefer Spring
    • Optimist- prefer Summer
    • Optimist- prefer Fall
    • Optimist- prefer Winter
    • Pessimist- prefer Spring
    • Pessimist- prefer Summer
    • Pessimist- prefer Fall
    • Pessimist- prefer Winter
    • I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist/ I'm not an optimist, I'm just happy (which season do you prefer)
    • Obligatory Other (please elaborate in a post below)

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I love the warmth and slow pace of summer.

I love the crisp air and crunchy leaves of fall.

I love the bright blue sky and falling snow in winter.

I love the world becoming new and green again in spring.


Seriously. How can you choose? None of them last and each needs to be enjoyed.


Now if I had to live in a place that only had one season, I'd want it to be summer all the time.

Oh and I am a realist.

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I am a realist with an optimistic bend.


My season preferences have changed along the time depending on where in the world I am. In Spain, my preferred season was spring until I started having seasonal allergies. In England, summer was best (at least the couple of weeks a year that deserved to be called summer). In Maryland, the fall and its gorgeous folliage was my favorite. In Southern California, I am still undecided... there is very little variation between seasons... but possibly summer.


As you can see, no correlation with personal outlook, only with geographical location.

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I voted "Other" because there was no choice for "Non-committal Chucklehead Who Can't Decided."


In the Spring I will tell you that it's my favorite season, in the Fall, I'll claim it's my favorite season. I can't decide between them. All I know is, I like them both far better than Winter and Summer.

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I guess I am a multi-personality type. Each time a new season starts showing up I'm estatic to see it. I'm always so tired of the previous season that I'm just happy for some change.


For example it would be easy for me to say I am a fall person right now. But I know that in reality it's because I'm so tired of stinking hot summer! LOL I will be as equally happy to see spring and, amazingly enough right now, equally happy to see summer and the pool.


I love the beginning of all seasons, just not the ends. :)

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I love the warmth and slow pace of summer.

I love the crisp air and crunchy leaves of fall.

I love the bright blue sky and falling snow in winter.

I love the world becoming new and green again in spring.


Seriously. How can you choose? None of them last and each needs to be enjoyed.


Now if I had to live in a place that only had one season, I'd want it to be summer all the time.

Oh and I am a realist.


:iagree:This is me almost exactly. I love all the seasons, when they're real seasons.


I didn't like the 'seasons' in Florida which ranged from viciously hot to moderately uncomfortable. And I don't like the 'seasons' in England which range from somewhat dreary to hurricane like weather for weeks on end. But when we do get bright blue skies and snow or a hot, sunny summer day or a cool, crisp autumn day, I'm ecstatic.


And if I HAD to choose a favorite season, it would be spring, not summer.

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I am a realist that prefers fall. I am pretty good at seeing things the way they really are. By the way, there is research that supports the hypothesis that realists are more prone to depression or conversely that people prone to depression tend to see the world more realistically. Neither of these apply to me as I tend towards hypo/mania but I thought it was an interesting bit of information to throw into a conversation about optimism, pessimism and realism.

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I'm a realist, and I like all seasons equally as long as they are a true season. This year here in VA we seemed to skip right over spring and that was a bummer.


I used to love summer and hate winter when I was a kid, but I think that had more to do with waiting in snowdrifts as tall as I was for the PS bus.

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I love the warmth and slow pace of summer.

I love the crisp air and crunchy leaves of fall.

I love the bright blue sky and falling snow in winter.

I love the world becoming new and green again in spring.


Seriously. How can you choose? None of them last and each needs to be enjoyed.


Now if I had to live in a place that only had one season, I'd want it to be summer all the time.

Oh and I am a realist.


Perfect... except my one season would include temps that range from 65 at night to no more than about 80 during the day. Rain, only every so often in the afternoon or early evening. And a nice sea breeze with a mountain views.


Not sure this place is real, but I'd sure love to find it. :D

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I see only Daisy has admitted to being a pessimist so far. I will join her. I will also join her in saying my season preferences follow my weather preferences. I hate the heat! I put "other." I love fall because it is the farthest season away from the heat of next summer. I also love the early spring, say from February through early May (here in CA), because of the freshness; however, the approaching hot summer is lurking in the back of my mind then! I'm just weird that way! :D

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I'm an optimist who prefers Fall.


Summer is SO hot.


Spring is very nice, but summer comes right afterwards.


Fall is SO nice, and it leads to the holidays, starting today!

Reformation Day (today)

All Saints' Day


Christ the King


My Birthday

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

New Year's Eve

New Year's Day



Lots to look forward to in the Fall!

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I voted "I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist" and my favorite seasons are Fall and Winter. I have a hard time choosing between the two. I live in New England so I've just always loved the snow and the pretty colors of the changing leaves and the Fall/Winter smell that comes along with it.


I love being able to smell when it will snow soon, and smelling all the bonfires and chimney smoke :)


So, while I'm definitely happier in Fall/Winter, I am a realist year-round. I may tend to be grumpier in Spring and Summer, but I'm still a realist.

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Seasons in order of preference.





Summer (I loathe the heat of our 110 degree summers).


Mine has more to do with the temperatures. I just don't like hot weather.



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I wanted to create a poll to see if there is any correlation between optimism/pessimism and preferred seasons.


I'm a realist, and I'm just happy. I used to hate summer because where I lived, it was always summer and always hot. There was no chance to appreciate another season because they just weren't there (or at least not there long enough so that you'd notice).


Now, I live in a place that definitely has distinct seasons, and I appreciate summer in a whole new way -- what with our long winters. I love the burst of new life and promise of warmth in the Spring. I love the long days and warm nights of Summer. I love the absolutely stunning display of fall colours in Autumn, and I have even come to embrace (quite literally) the beauty of snow in Winter.


Which is my favourite? I can't really say. They're all so marvelous in their own ways.

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I'm a realist with a pessimistic side. But maybe it's because I'm slightly PMSing :001_unsure:


I love spring, and I love fall. I can never decide which I prefer, but I know that whichever I'm in, I love it the best. (Make sense?!) Primarily because it's just the right temperature for me - around 10 C. Warm enough not to make my hands dry, cracked and bleeding, and cool enough to walk the dog without getting overly hot. :001_smile:

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I see only Daisy has admitted to being a pessimist so far. I will join her. I will also join her in saying my season preferences follow my weather preferences. I hate the heat! I put "other." I love fall because it is the farthest season away from the heat of next summer. I also love the early spring, say from February through early May (here in CA), because of the freshness; however, the approaching hot summer is lurking in the back of my mind then! I'm just weird that way! :D


Ha, I listed myself as a pessimist because I'm a realist about it. :lol::lol:

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I am an optimist who lives in the Frozen North ;) and I love summer. Spring is good too, when things are starting to green up, and Fall can be beautiful, and I do really like snow when it's pretty. But, if I had to choose, I like summer the best. When you have 5ish months of cold weather, summer becomes very important. :D

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I am a realist that prefers fall. I am pretty good at seeing things the way they really are. By the way, there is research that supports the hypothesis that realists are more prone to depression or conversely that people prone to depression tend to see the world more realistically. Neither of these apply to me as I tend towards hypo/mania but I thought it was an interesting bit of information to throw into a conversation about optimism, pessimism and realism.

That is interesting. I haven't voted yet, I can't decide if I'm a realist or a pessimist. *I* think I'm a realist, but I bet my oldest and maybe DH would say I'm more of a pessimist. I have always struggled with depression too, though I definitely have my manic episodes (not really true 'mania', but very manic for me).

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