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Are you a coffee or tea kinda gal or guy?  

  1. 1. Are you a coffee or tea kinda gal or guy?

    • Coffee
    • Tea
    • Neither

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If I had to choose one, I'd say tea, although I rarely drink either. Coffee? Can't stand the stuff, never drink it, yuck. I enjoy tea, particularly the herbal variety, but it is not something I think to have on a regular basis. I sip tea when visiting with friends, curled up with a good book on a snowy winter day...I just don't get that kind of down time very often ;). I guess I equate a warm beverage with leisure time, not a daily thing.


I drink milk with breakfast and water (maybe with some Crystal Light powder) the rest of the time.

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We just heard about a child drinking coacoa with breakfast and my kids thought that was the greatest idea ever.


We had no idea that people drink hot chocolate with breakfast.


That is amazing.


~Julie Still a coffee lover, but thinking I might mix it up with hot chocolate one of these days

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"I love the Java Jive and it loves me!"


(Lyrics from Manhatten Transfer - vocal jazz)


I am not human until I have had at least two cups of coffee in the morning and I usually have four plus one or two more in the afternoon.




"A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup . . . ":D



Oh yeah. I am not a Christian until I have coffee. Just ask my family. :tongue_smilie:

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We just heard about a child drinking coacoa with breakfast and my kids thought that was the greatest idea ever.


We had no idea that people drink hot chocolate with breakfast.


That is amazing.


~Julie Still a coffee lover, but thinking I might mix it up with hot chocolate one of these days


My sister and I used to drink hot chocolate AS breakfast! ;)

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There's no option for both!


I drink coffee every morning, unless I'm sick. Then I drink tea.


I like tea when I have a headache, or it's cold, or I'm unwell. Sometimes I just want tea. I like tea with certain cookies. I like tea with my Chinese food. At a coffee shop I always order a chai tea rather than any kind of coffee.


I also have coffee after dinner when we go out to dinner or on special occasions.

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I assume that you are speaking of hot drinks. In which case, I am very much a coffee gal.


I am Southern for Pete's sake. Tea should be served cold and ungodly sweet over ice. The sugar should never be added after the fact, but always added to a pot on the stove.



hot coffee

cold, sweet iced tea


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I assume that you are speaking of hot drinks. In which case, I am very much a coffee gal.


I am Southern for Pete's sake. Tea should be served cold and ungodly sweet over ice. The sugar should never be added after the fact, but always added to a pot on the stove.



hot coffee

cold, sweet iced tea


But some of us Southerners also drink hot tea, in which case it must have milk added, not lemon. Lemon for iced sweet tea, milk for hot.


That is all. :-)

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Another that likes the smell of coffee, but isn't fond of the taste. That said I will drink it when half of it is hot chocolate and covered in whipped cream. I also like it in some deserts. So I drink it about a dozen times a year.


My go to drink in the mornings is Mt. Dew. From mid June to about the end of September I'm drinking mostly Mt. Dew. The rest of the time after the first can I'm drinking some kind of black tea.

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Coffee. I love my coffee. I look forward to it everyday. I limit myself to 2 cups, though, because I don't drink it black and I've got the metabolism of a snail.


After trying a lot of tea, I finally found that I kind of enjoy peppermint tea. I drink it without adding anything, so it's a decent no-calorie substitute when I want something warm to drink in the evening.

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