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Do you make your own birthday cake?

Who makes your birthday cake?  

  1. 1. Who makes your birthday cake?

    • I make it myself.
    • My husband.
    • One of my kids.
    • Someone in my extended family.
    • I buy one from the bakery.
    • Someone else in my family buys one from the bakery.
    • I don't get birthday cake, but I wish I did.
    • I don't get birthday cake. White flour! Sugar! DisGUSting!

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For much of my marriage, if I wanted a birthday cake I had to make it myself. A couple of years ago I thought about how long it would be before my daughter was old enough to make one, and then I sat my husband down and said, "You have an engineering degree. You are fully capable of following the directions on the back of a cake mix box."


And hey! It turned out he was! He gets totally nervous about it, but once a year he makes me a cake. (And the questions he asks are really funny.)


Do you make your own cake? Does it matter to you if you have to make your own cake or not? Just curious.

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The last 2 years my parents have made a point to be in town, and my mom and the kids make my cake together. The year before that, dd make me a cake with just a little bit of help from me.

Dh is starting to learn that just because HE doesn't want a cake/fanfare, doesn't mean I don't. His mom has been good at pestering him. :D

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My birthday is a week before my son's, and knowing I'm making his cake the next week is enough for me. I really wouldn't want any dessert my husband might make. His tastes are a bit too 1970s for me.


I have been know to make myself a pie. Chocolate silk or berry pie is much better than any cake.

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I make one. Or, sometimes we do something else....strawberries with ice cream. My daughter is allergic to eggs, so I have a no-egg recipe we use for all cakes in my family.

My hubby has recently started making me a birthday dinner, which I enjoy very much! I think it shows the kids he cares. Heck, it shows ME he cares! I love it. It is the one meal each year that he makes. :-)

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Nope. I make wedding cakes on the side so that is the last thing I want to do. I'm easy though - Hubby brings me home a Carvel Ice Cream cake and I am a happy camper. We might be switching to Coldstone Creamery this year though :drool: It's so cute - every year he acts like it's a big surprise and one of the kids slips about the birthday cake and everyone says "SHHHHHHHHH!!!!" as if I don't know - and I pretend I don't know what they are talking about :lol:

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DD has made me one a few times, and DH has made and/or bought them in the past, but I often make my own, b/c I love to bake.


A couple of years ago I was dieting and didn't want to have a whole cake in the house, so I told dh I didn't want a cake for my birthday. DH surprised me with a single slice of my favorite kind of cake from a local bakery. It really touched me b/c he knows me so well -- I *did* want cake on my birthday, but I didn't want to be tempted to eat a whole cake, so I planned to skip it altogether. His solution -- a single slice of cake -- was perfect.


He's a good guy. :)

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Dh's birthday is three days before mine, and since neither of us wants to eat two cakes in three days, we usually have one cake sometime in that three-day period.


I usually make the cake, but since DH cooks dinner almost every night of the week, I don't mind.


He's much better at giving presents than I am, so I don't feel neglected on my birthday.

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I usually make my own. I like hot milk cake with a toffee type topping, and it takes a little more work than many cakes. My husband's a good sport, but I'm pretty sure the first few attempts wouldn't be pretty. This year, we traveled to visit family a few days after my birthday, so I waited, and my mama made my cake. ;)

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I don't think I usually have cake on my birthday - all those calories! If I want one though, I would make it. Our division of labor says I do the cooking. Dd is old enough to make it now. She loves to bake, but cake isn't a family favorite, so I'll have to wait and see what she does on my next birthday. :001_smile:

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I don't want a boxex cake! I don;'t want an over-sugary grocery cake. I don't want a bakery cake. Instead, I pull out a great recipe from Best Recipes or Marcel Dusaliers (sp?) restaurant and I make exactly what I want. It is *my* birthday!



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I wish there was an "other" choice. After all these years, dh made me a birthday cake last Dec. He asked me what my favorite cake was, found one on the internet from Bobby Flay and proceeded to make a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting from scratch. It was not a complete success, but to me it was the best cake I've ever eaten. It put a smile on my face to find tiny red cake batter dried on my kitchen cabinets too! :001_smile:

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My oldest daughter has a birthday 5 days before mine so when I buy hers from the bakery, i just make sure to get a big one and then I hoard the leftovers so I usually will have a piece left for my birthday. I really like cake but I have no desire for 2 cakes that close together.

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My older sister was a baking nut, and she sort of started a childhood tradition that had us each make our own birthday cake. It was the highlight of the day, you and mom alone in the kitchen baking and decorating together ... warm fuzzies, and all of that ... then sharing the final product with the family, after dinner.


I'm not a big birthday-celebrating person, and I don't much care for cake. I'm good with a nice dinner out, which my family has always gathered together for and we pick a random dessert off of the menu. Then I had kids. Who like to bake. So now they've continued our childhood tradition of preparing their own birthday cakes every year and since they'll take any excuse to get in the kitchen with grandma ... and to eat cake, which they both love LOL ... they've taken over my birthday, and make a cake for me. It's always a square cake divided into half, with each side uniquely decorated by one kid. They choose their favorite icing and cake mix, and I eat the obligatory piece. If I had to choose, though, I'd like the German Chocolate icing. I've never gotten it :)

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I usually make all our cakes/pies (DH prefers strawberry pie on his b-day). I enjoy decorating cakes, so it doesn't bother me at all, and on my birthday I get to choose chocolate cake and I get to choose the shape. On my birthday I'm not trying to please anyone else, it's MY cake and I'm decorating it the way *I* want to- no pressure. It's much more relaxing.

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My wonderful children (particularly my aspiring chef ds13) always make my cake, sometimes with help from dh, or my mom if we are at her house.


My birthday was a couple of weeks ago, and ds made me his own original creation, layered in a souffle pan:


chocolate mousse

cherry pie filling

chocolate ganache



pie crust




Oh yes, and rather than buy a couple of number candles, he actually put the correct # of individual candles all over the top of the cake. :glare: Needless to say, I needed some help blowing them out! :tongue_smilie:

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My kids really enjoy making their own cakes and decorating them too. Every year I ask them what they want to do for a cake. I will buy one, make one for them, or buy what they need to make one themselves. They nearly always choose to make it themselves. They prefer to use a cake mix and do some creative frosting. My kids nearly always do this from about their 9th birthdays on up.

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