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Do you have an ereader?

Do you have an ereader?  

  1. 1. Do you have an ereader?

    • Yes
    • No
    • No, but getting one soon
    • No, no interest, I will nevereverever buy one

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I just got mine last night as an early b-day present (I think DH was tired of me hinting about it :D relentlessly). I got a Nook and so far I like it. I've had the Nook app for my phone for a couple of months & it's been very convenient -- especially if I'm stuck somewhere with the kids. It's nice to have instant books on-hand.


I did a lot of research before we got it. There are benefits and drawbacks to both the Nook and the Kindle, so if you're thinking of getting one I suggest you research it beforehand and try them both out if you can. I think Target and Best Buy stock Kindles you can try.

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I have a Kindle and I love it. I can only buy books when I get gift certificates or I earn the kid's allowances for them. I have some free ones, too. My purchases are limited to very long books that are not available in our library, and that I already know I will love because I've read everything else by the author.


I still like regular books, too. Especially since they are free (library).


What I don't like is clutter. I rarely read any book more than once, and I don't think most are worth keeping for posterity.

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I have the basic Sony ereader. I love it. It's small and takes up little room in my purse. I prefer real books, but this reader has saved me and my dd from boredom many a time when we've had unexpected waits because it lives in my purse. I initially bought it to download all the free books for the AO list, but I've been able to collect many of those rather inexpensively. I will use the ereader for the few that I have yet to purchase, though. While it can never replace the delicious feeling of holding a book in your hand, I am happy we have this. Oh, I use this ereader in connection with calibre software rather than the Sony software. Love, love, love calibre, and it's free!!!!

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I bought a Nook last month. Love it, but I'm still finishing up some hardbacks I've been reading. I did download a Bible on there, though, and like that very much. I am very disapointed, though, that the new Ken Follett book I wanted to but was the same price as the hardback, $19.99! I think that's ridiculous . . .

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I got the Sony ebook reader for Mother's Day 2 yrs. ago. I forgot which edition it is but it isn't the touch screen. I had done a lot of research before buying and there were a lot less complaints about the older version over the newer, more expensive touch screen. I love it and still use it almost every day. It's great for my job since I have to read a lot for that. I've never bought books for it though, just the free stuff. I could see me spending way too much money on that.

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I started with a Kindle, but live in the mountains and couldn't easily download books.


Then I got an iPad and wow, I'm in love! I'm on it now and can switch from reading my books, email and WTM forums. Getting new books takes less than 10 seconds once the thought crosses my mind. Just a few seconds to purchase and start reading.


I can read at night in bed without disturbing anyone. I put my Kindle app with black background and low brightness. Perfect!


We are getting an iPad for my 5 year old girl now too. She loves it as well!

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I had a Kindle 2 (the global wireless one) that I recently gave to dh and then I bought a used Kindle DX off (not the latest one) from ebay.


I liked my Kindle 2, but love my Kindle DX. I have all my REAL Science Odyssey, WWE workbook and SOTW AG Pdf files on there so I can use them without having to drag my computer into the school room. The PDFs could be read on my Kindle 2 but it was hard because they were so tiny.


I just wish JK Rowling would finally consent to putting HP out as kindle books so that I could get them on there. My copies are getting worn out.

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Just for fun, do you have or are you thinking about getting one?


Post which one, and what you think of it, if you want.


If you do have one, do you have a preference for ereader vs. "real" book?


I have a Kindle and I love it! I have read more books for myself since having it than I have in the last two years combined (I have had it for a couple of months now).

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We love ereaders because we are globally nomadic family and have gone almost completely digital with our library. We have five ereaders since we've found that we need one per family member when we we don't have paper books. We have Sony readers for everyday pleasure reading, an iPad for color, and a Kindle DX for the books we scanned as .PDF files.


I cannot eхpress what a difference ereaders have made in our lives. Being able to take hundreds of books with me anywhere, being able to borrow books from the library no matter where I am, and being able to buy new books anywhere is priceless.

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I love my Nook. It was RAD on the airplane. I didn't need to get into my carry-ons at all. It fits nicely in my purse, as others have said I love always having a book with me.


That said, I don't tend to buy books, or I get them used. My library doesn't have a terrific selection of eBooks. I read a few good ones early on, but now I'm having a hard time finding stuff I'm interested in reading for free. I like the idea of reading the classics, but right now I'm mostly using it for when I'm out and about (or bedtime) and it's hard to really concentrate on meatier reading.


However, I suspect that eBooks are on the rise and will be more available, cheaper, and better selection of free titles.

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Kindle owner here and I love it. We just returned from an 8 day vacation to the West Coast and it was so nice to have my books as well as DS's books in one compact place. I cannot tell you the number of people I saw with three or more large paperbacks taking up space in their carry on luggage. I just wanted to scream "Get a Kindle". Since we fly carry on only and I read a great deal, the Kindle has been worth its weight in gold.

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I love my Kindle because it doesn't strain my eyes or give me headaches like reading on a computer monitor/ iPhone/ iPad does. I really can't manage more than an article here or there on those types of screens, but I can (and have, lol) read my Kindle all day without any more difficulty than a print book.

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Hubby and boys gave me a Nook for Mother's day this year. I wasn't convinced I even wanted one, but I do enjoy it. We chose the Nook because I'm able to get books from the library. A few of my friends also have Nooks and we're able to share some books back and forth.


My friend gave me her Kindle to take on vacation with me because she had some books on it I wanted to read. Honestly, I didn't like one over the other at all. I was used to how the Nook works and it took me a few moments to get the Kindle controls figured out.

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SERIOUSLY!!!! What is her issue with that? Anyone know?


Originally I heard it was because she felt books should be appreciated for their paper in hand qualities. She didn't seem to like the idea that books weren't "books" and it sounded like she equated ebooks with video games and other types of technology.


I did see a few things in May of this year that she's considering it now. I know there are pdf copies out there in cyberspace but knowing that the author hasn't authorized any type of ebook makes me cautious to download anything as it's most likely a bootleg copy.

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I have an iPhone 4. I love knowing I have access to books at any time, but if possible, I always prefer the actual book. So I use it when using a real book is not possible.


That is how I use my iPod. I like to use post-it notes to mark my favorite passages, flip back to re-read some things, etc. Doing so on any type of eReader tends to frustrate me. As much as I like my reading app, I still prefer a real book.

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I sold it as soon as I heard about the iPad because I knew I would want that. I just love Apple products!


I use my iPad daily for all kinds of stuff, but I particularly enjoy the book reader apps. I have the iBooks, Kindle and B&N. I don't go anywhere without it!

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