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Is it rude

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to unfriend your niece on Facebook after she posted this:


"I don't think people realize how ridiculous they look when they post their political opinions. Like you're embarrassing yourself. Stop it."


She is 19. She attends a liberal, private, very expensive college. I get it. It isn't even me she's referring to, but I am offended by that attitude. Why is posting the most inane, useless information about your daily life OK to post, but current events that will affect everyone are not? I'm not offended by the constant stream of games it seems people play on Facebook, even though I think they're a ridiculous waste of time.


Why should Facebook be off limits to anything?

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I don't know if it is rude, or not, but I wouldn't "unfriend" a 19 year old, family, or not, over such a statement. I remember being 19. I remember things I said. Thankfully, there wasn't such a thing as FB that would cause family members to remove me from their friends list because of my ramblings.

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I don't know if it is rude, or not, but I wouldn't "unfriend" a 19 year old, family, or not, over such a statement. I remember being 19. I remember things I said. Thankfully, there wasn't such a thing as FB that would cause family members to remove me from their friends list because of my ramblings.



Well said.



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I wouldn't remove my neice for that. :)


I do get tired of people posting politics on FB, it might not have been someone you have in common she was referring to. I don't mind some politics and I have people of all ideologies on my friend list but I do mind when people get nasty about it. If someone is posting something hateful I am probably going to hide them so I don't get sucked into stupid things.

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To hide her, put your mouse over her posts on your newsfeed and a "hide" option will appear to the right of her post. Click it and it'll ask if you want to hide her and will tell you you can unhide her later in the edit feature. You can still see her in your friends list and click her there and see her wall if you've a mind to, but her daily ramblings won't show up on your newsfeed.

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I don't know if it is rude, or not, but I wouldn't "unfriend" a 19 year old, family, or not, over such a statement. I remember being 19. I remember things I said. Thankfully, there wasn't such a thing as FB that would cause family members to remove me from their friends list because of my ramblings.


:iagree: totally. Everyone thinks they know everything at that age. Just hide her if she is getting on your nerves.

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to unfriend your niece on Facebook after she posted this:


"I don't think people realize how ridiculous they look when they post their political opinions. Like you're embarrassing yourself. Stop it."


She is 19. She attends a liberal, private, very expensive college. I get it. It isn't even me she's referring to, but I am offended by that attitude. Why is posting the most inane, useless information about your daily life OK to post, but current events that will affect everyone are not? I'm not offended by the constant stream of games it seems people play on Facebook, even though I think they're a ridiculous waste of time.


Why should Facebook be off limits to anything?[/QUOTE]


I'm seeing a bit of irony here ;)! (I guess what she said is "off limits")


Not meaning to be rude, but I found it kinda funny :001_smile:.

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I don't know if it is rude, or not, but I wouldn't "unfriend" a 19 year old, family, or not, over such a statement. I remember being 19. I remember things I said. Thankfully, there wasn't such a thing as FB that would cause family members to remove me from their friends list because of my ramblings.




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to unfriend your niece on Facebook after she posted this:


"I don't think people realize how ridiculous they look when they post their political opinions. Like you're embarrassing yourself. Stop it."


She is 19. She attends a liberal, private, very expensive college. I get it. It isn't even me she's referring to, but I am offended by that attitude. Why is posting the most inane, useless information about your daily life OK to post, but current events that will affect everyone are not? I'm not offended by the constant stream of games it seems people play on Facebook, even though I think they're a ridiculous waste of time.


Why should Facebook be off limits to anything?

Do you really want to be burning bridges with your 19 year old niece ? Be the bigger person and do not unfriend her on facebook. It's easier and less generous to be easily offended. Hopefully, you will be able to maintain contact with her for many years. Try to remember what it was like to be only 19 and how the way you relate to others may have changed since then.

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My niece is actually the one who rountinely unfriends family members. Her mother told me I'd be lucky to last a month because she doesn't want any family members as her friends.

In that case, you may not need to wait long before she is the one unfriending you. I think you should just wait and let her be the one to do the small spirited deed, if she does in fact decide to unfriend you. I think it's sad that she is unfriending her own family members (but maybe she has good reason ). But consider that if you think it is small of her to be unfriending family members doesn't it make you feel a little small and petty to be considering doing the same to her ?

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I have decided not to unfriend her. She is only 19 and has almost no real world experience behind her positions. My problem with her statement is its passive aggressive nature. If you have something to say, say it. Don't pussy foot around it. Just say it to who you are directing it to.


And we are not talking about political conversations here. We are talking about the posting of political articles and the occasional opinion. Yeah, the poster is generally known to be a bit of a radical, but he also happens to be on the way other side of the political spectrum than she is.


I think I am holding a little bit of a grudge against her from past real life discussions (where her 19-year-oldness made it clear that I know nothing and she knows everything about the world). Now that I think about it, her attitude about homeschooling ("WHY would anyone want to do that?") and the world in general is a bit superior. I was raised in a generation that respected its elders. She obviously doesn't ascribe to that belief. Kinda sad.

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I don't know if it is rude, or not, but I wouldn't "unfriend" a 19 year old, family, or not, over such a statement. I remember being 19. I remember things I said. Thankfully, there wasn't such a thing as FB that would cause family members to remove me from their friends list because of my ramblings.




Not only that, but you might not have all the information in regard to what she actually means. I've seen people send out mass email forwards containing truly ignorant and offensive political statements, and I have to tell you, I think such statements make people look ridiculous, too, only they're too ignorant/narrow-minded/prejudiced or whatever to realize it.


Maybe this is her way of taking a stand against such attitudes, and if so, good for her!

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I won't even let my nieces and nephews on my page. I keep it family free:D because I get enough crap for stuff from them. I did accept my mom as a friend, just to shut her up, and then I hid her and removed her from my posts so she can't see my status updates. You'd have to know my family to appreciate it.

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to unfriend your niece on Facebook after she posted this:


"I don't think people realize how ridiculous they look when they post their political opinions. Like you're embarrassing yourself. Stop it."



Oh, what a sweetie! :glare: I would probably turn around and post something like, "I don't think people realize how extremely rude they look when they post their hateful, crass opinions. Like you're embarrassing yourself. Stop it." :D

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I just check the news on Facebook. If I start reading too much into random opinions, then I'm spending too much time there.


There's no cost to keep a niece as a friend. There may be one to do otherwise. You never know if down the road you might want a good relationship with her!


And like others have said, I'm so glad no one ever mentions the stupid things I may have said at 19!



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I am offended by that attitude. Why is posting the most inane, useless information about your daily life OK to post, but current events that will affect everyone are not?


I have unfriended several people on Facebook due to their constant stream of political rants. My opinion is that Facebook is like a big party, and posting a bunch of political stuff is kinda like standing on the table trying to shout everyone down. Of course people can do whatever they like, but they have to realize that they may end up making themselves unwanted by certain friends.


Very occasionally I will post something political. Very occasionally I will post something vegan-related. More frequently I will post things about adoption, the medical issues my kids face, or homeschooling. Mostly I just post updates on our day-to-day lives. I know that I have some extremely conservative friends. I don't feel the need to have it constantly thrown in my face that they think so-and-so is an idiot or that we're all going to hell in a handbasket because we don't have a certain president, and I don't feel the need to constantly throw it in their faces that I think they are wrong.


Would I unfriend my niece for posting that? No way.



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I don't agree with my neices and nephews tht are now in their 20s. Sometimes their posts on Facebook make me cringe. Other than the family connection we have nothing in common. I have 2 that I will hide on occassion because they just grate on my nerves with their postings. Not so much for the political sway but for the cursing and poor language in general.


However, we live 2000 miles away and have not seen them in 11 years now. We know more about them now than ever thanks to Facebook and I like knowing what is happening in their lives. When I remember why we are friends, I am less likely to be offended and just blow it off.

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Why is posting the most inane, useless information about your daily life OK to post, but current events that will affect everyone are not?


Why should Facebook be off limits to anything?


I would humbly ask you the same question. Why is it okay to post your opinion about current events, but not okay to post your opinion about reading others opinions? ;)

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I think I would post something along the lines of


I wonder if some people know how ridiculous they look when they start a sentence with LIKE. Happy Days.



Trying to calm the ruffled feathers of a 19 yo and tell her at same time she is acting like a fool. It is my experience that teens know everything till they have a job and a family. Then all of a sudden adults have knowlege again to share with them. Try to remember she is 19 and while an she is an adult she is still not quite right in the head:lol:

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to unfriend your niece on Facebook after she posted this:


"I don't think people realize how ridiculous they look when they post their political opinions. Like you're embarrassing yourself. Stop it."


She is 19. She attends a liberal, private, very expensive college. I get it. It isn't even me she's referring to, but I am offended by that attitude. Why is posting the most inane, useless information about your daily life OK to post, but current events that will affect everyone are not? I'm not offended by the constant stream of games it seems people play on Facebook, even though I think they're a ridiculous waste of time.


Why should Facebook be off limits to anything?


I'd respond with, "LOL, some people would consider that a political opinion!"

And at some point, I'd ask if her liberal college professors are teaching her to carefully consider all sides of a debate, or only the side they want to promote?

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One of my Friends recently posted a snarky article about all the lame things that people post on Facebook with a reminder to her followers to read the list and heed it. Hmm...I don't recall asking for her permission to use Facebook in any matter I choose. If she doesn't like what I post, she can hide me or unfriend me.


But yeah. I would point out that her comment itself is a political statement.

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She's a teenager and your niece. I would not unfriend her for that. She's 19......


:iagree: Trust me... there are LOTS worse things she could be typing. I have a second cousin that I used to be very close to when she was a small child. I babysat her for many years. She has gone down a road that is not the best. At one point, I unfriended her because I didn't like her trashiness. She asked to be my friend again. I thought about it for awhile and thought that just maybe I could be some sort of inspiration to her. Over time, we have had brief fb messages that were hopeful.


I also have lots of my oldest ds' friends on my fb. Sometimes they write crazy stuff. Lots of Army guys and they can be crude at times. I don't care. They loved my son, so they are my friends.


Take stuff like a grain of salt and move on. JMHO.

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to unfriend your niece on Facebook after she posted this:


"I don't think people realize how ridiculous they look when they post their political opinions. Like you're embarrassing yourself. Stop it."


She is 19. She attends a liberal, private, very expensive college. I get it. It isn't even me she's referring to, but I am offended by that attitude. Why is posting the most inane, useless information about your daily life OK to post, but current events that will affect everyone are not? I'm not offended by the constant stream of games it seems people play on Facebook, even though I think they're a ridiculous waste of time.


Why should Facebook be off limits to anything?



I would hide her... but keep her because she's family.


Politics on FB is tricky, probably because most people only talk about lightertopics. I have conservative & liberal friends, and some days status updates is an emotional roller-coaster ride if there is something going on in the political world.


I have not defriended people for political statements, however, I have de-friended those have a negative outlook....I like to keep my FB world as positive as possible. :D

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