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I've met someone! I mean.....a man!


I'm so excited....he is of my faith, 2 years younger than me, 2 boys near my son's age....2 years out of a 21 year marriage where wife just up and leaves..another man involved.....he is a friend of my BEST friends in the world......


He and I both drove to their house for a cook out/to meet each other and we really hit it off. It was amazing.


I might survive this divorce afterall.

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Does he know yet that there are about 800 bees supporting you - happy bees if you're happy but very angry bees if you aren't?:D


Hee Hee....I might keep you guys my happy little secret for a while.


Unbelievable though. I mean he is gorgeous and smart and raised in my faith...and did I say gorgeous? My friend's husband called him and said, 'hey having a cooking out can you come?' He says, 'No, I really can't. Gotta a lot of work to do to get ready for the week...' Friend says, 'got someone who wants to meet you.l' 'I'll be there.' he says.



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I'm so happy for you! I met my husband and love of my life 6 months after leaving my exhusband. Within 5 minutes I decided I was marrying him.....not that I told him that of course :) I wouldn't wish a bad marriage on anyone, but it sure does make you that much more appreciative of a good guy!!!!


Oh, and mine is gorgeous and raised in the same faith as me too. My ex converted to buddhism right after we married, so this was important to me. DH is not very into organized religion, but he goes to church with me, and holds my hand during the service, and once, when we first got married, he actually took my hand, led me to my knees, and said a prayer thanking God for me and asking his blessing on our marriage. I cried like a baby.


May this be everything you hope it can be.

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Get OUT! You work fast :D




Ha! Xh has been out of the house since last June (09).....discovered his affair almost a month before that....and the divorce was final end of November. It has felt like a million years to me. But I guess really not.


I can't stop smiling. He was so sweet....

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Well, I'm pretty sure there was only one person who actually doubted THAT. ;)


Romance is so exciting!!!!



It is exciting. I went to sleep smiling and I'm smiling as I type this.


First day of school year and I can't even THINK about teaching.


He lives a little over an hour away....that might be a good thing for the moment.

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I believe there may be many cookouts and other get-togethers in your near future.


Congrats sweetie.


Friends were so sweet....Husband took the kids out to the pool and wife was in kitchen cooking so that we could go in the living room and talk......


It was wonderful to hear him casually mention yesterday's lesson....I think I am going to LOVE having someone on the same page as me spiritually.

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I hope he's every bit as wonderful as you are, and you finally get someone that DESERVES to be in your life.


Remember that. Its him that should be grateful for you.


Oh, I HOPE that this is nothing but good and wonderful for you! :grouphug:

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Guest Cindie2dds
I've met someone! I mean.....a man!


I'm so excited....he is of my faith, 2 years younger than me, 2 boys near my son's age....2 years out of a 21 year marriage where wife just up and leaves..another man involved.....he is a friend of my BEST friends in the world......


He and I both drove to their house for a cook out/to meet each other and we really hit it off. It was amazing.


I might survive this divorce afterall.



Oh, how wonderful! Enjoy! :D

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I've met someone! I mean.....a man!


I'm so excited....he is of my faith, 2 years younger than me, 2 boys near my son's age....2 years out of a 21 year marriage where wife just up and leaves..another man involved.....he is a friend of my BEST friends in the world......


He and I both drove to their house for a cook out/to meet each other and we really hit it off. It was amazing.


I might survive this divorce afterall.



Im so happy for you!! As a single parent who hasnt been on a date in over 3 yrs.. :tongue_smilie: Im wishing you the best!! I think it happens when its least expected !! :D


I definately need to get out more!! ;)

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Im so happy for you!! As a single parent who hasnt been on a date in over 3 yrs.. :tongue_smilie: Im wishing you the best!! I think it happens when its least expected !! :D


I definately need to get out more!! ;)


That is what my brother told me just a few weeks ago....gotta tell you I was driving down the road praying VERY hard on Thursday....very specifically asking for help in coping with my anger with XH and his homewrecking girlfriend....and I said, 'if I need to meet someone to help me get over this then please help me meet the right man.'


I got home and there was an email from my friend telling me that this man (she had previously told me about) wants to meet me. I was like, 'Whoa! That was fast!' :tongue_smilie:


As far as meeting men....my problem was meeting a man in my faith. I asked several close friends for their 'help'...in other words made it known to those who know me well that I'd like to meet someone. It worked.



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:party: :party: :party:


I'm so happy for you, Scarlett!


But of course, being me, I have to be the one idiot who has to remind you to take it slowly and carefully at first. One very positive thing about this is that you were introduced by mutual friends, so hopefully this man is as great as he appears to be, but please don't fall for him too quickly -- I don't want to see you get hurt again.


The very best thing about this is that you now know that you're still pretty hot stuff! I mean, this man is already texting you!



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:lol: It is being made up into a queen size, isn't it?





Ha! For sure now!


Ladies....thank you all for your warm thoughts...After he got off work he drove 2 hours to come have dinner with me. We ate down town and talked for a couple of hours.


I just can't believe he drove so far to have dinner with me on a weeknight.

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Be really careful, go really slow, he sounds to good to be a rebound guy so take deep breaths and go slow. I'm so, so, so happy for you :grouphug:


.....He has been divorced almost 2 years....me almost a year....both of us separated some before that....


The good news is he and I have both been through the rebound disastor. Made some mistakes, discussed those with each other....ready for real now.


And how slowly is really slow?

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Just make sure that you like him because of HIM, not because of how he makes you feel. It's tempting after a bad relationship to really enjoy the positive attention from a man, only to realize later that it was the attention, not the man that you liked. But, if its the MAN that you like, then enjoy! But be careful with how quickly you get your children involved. I am a romantic, and ignored everyone that told me to take it slow when i met a guy on the internet. And as we are now married, with a gorgeous baby girl in the next room, I am glad that I allowed myself to fall head over heels in love the first time we met. But...as impulsive as I am with my own heart, I waited months before introducing him to my son. I was willing to risk my own heart, but not my sons.


That said, isn't love wonderful?!!!

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