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If you saw these on a license plate...

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#2, yes, but it took some thought (then again, I'm the type to stare at a vanity plate until I figure out what it means anyways, lol). The first one made no sense until I 'got it' in the context of the second.



If I saw the first license plate, I probably would've guessed it was something Japanese (I don't speak the language so I have no idea if "ento" actually means something).

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#2, yes, but it took some thought (then again, I'm the type to stare at a vanity plate until I figure out what it means anyways, lol). The first one made no sense until I 'got it' in the context of the second.


For the record, though, I hate anything related to science. ;)


In red, ME TOO!:D

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Yep. I love vanity plates. We can't get them in Europe (get a sense of humor Europe!) but when we lived in IL, I had one that read:




Any ideas? I'll give you a hint. Think Harry Potter.


I've never read Harry Potter but I'll give it a go. . .


Isn't that what the kids say in the new Disney theme park commercial?

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