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When does the ps near you start this year?


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We usually try to start 'somewhere' near the same time, but generally not the same day since they often start on Wed. etc and I would rather start on a Mon.

This year mine is starting Fri. Aug 20 :confused:, I guess the teachers must have meetings or something during the beginning of the week, so I think we'll start the 16th, but it seems kindof early.



What about where you live?

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The public schools here start Aug 31st (a Tuesday).

They are then closed Sept 6th, 9th and 14th! I know that drives the parents around here crazy.


As for me and my kids, we will happily be at the uncrowded beach the last week in August and restart our full schedule on Sept 7th. :001_smile:

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Our district starts Aug. 19. I think they start back on Thursday and Fridays to give the kids a day or two to get back in the routine before a full week.


We're schooling year-round, so we've already got 1/5 of third grade done :D

The downside is that I've run out of pre-prepped material, so I've got some work to be doing!

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Most here are starting on the 12th. I talked to one teacher yesterday who said they start on the 20th.


We started this past Monday.


Yes, a Friday.

It can help get the kids back into the school groove. I always thought it was weird until I did my student teaching. We started on a Thursday. That day and Friday we got NOTHING done except going over classroom procedures, classroom management, getting desks organized, classroom management, learning the daily schedule, classroom management, etc. I think the teacher started a few things on Friday but still...not much got done. And it. Was. Exhausting.


By Monday they knew what to expect and were ready to be back in the school routine.

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Ours start September 7th, the day after Labor Day. I think they've had some constrcution going on and that's why they're starting so late. They also finished the Friday before Memorial day this year. Usually they start back the last week or 2 of August. A couple of nearby districts are starting the 23 adn 25th of August.

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I had no idea so many public school districts started so early. When I was growing up, we always started around the first of September, and it's the same here, so I thought everyone did it that way in this country.


I think the purpose is to finish the first semester prior to Christmas break. That way the students don't have 2 weeks off then have to come back for a week or two then take exams. By starting early, the exams are done prior to break so when students return to school in Jan they can start fresh with a new semester. This makes even more sense if the school uses block scheduling where the exams don't just end the semester, but the entire course as well.



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Unless you were in year round schools! We started July 1 every year in CA. I loved year round schooling, well, I loved teaching in one.


Our schools here start Aug. 25th. I can't WAIT!




A couple schools started last week, most schools start on Monday - 8/9.


ETA: When I lived in CA, no one started before Labor Day.

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