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Everything posted by lynds2

  1. Hi I have a 2007 edition of Sonlights Core 100 and am missing a few weeks of the IG. Specifically week 8 and 10-12. Weird that it is in the middle, but sometimes these things happen. Is there anyone out there that could scan those for me to insert in? Thanks, lyndsey
  2. They are in the Tests and Worksheets book.
  3. Thanks! I have used SL for 3 years and did not even know that a CD existed. I am off to check it out!
  4. I am using Core 100 and 3+4 for my DD's who are 13 and 9. They are very hands on activity, crafty type learners. Is there a good resource out there like the STOW activity books that would work for this? I have the history pockets but would like more. They really enjoyed the 1st and 2nd activity books. I have looked a the Winter's Promise Early American Trades and Crafts kit. Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I will be the first to admit science is not my thing. My girls could do with out it as well. But, it needs to be done. We tried the Apologia Land animals with note booking and map work. It started to feel like I was pulling teeth, they were bored. So last year I did Real Science 4 Kids - Chemistry. It went okay, but I feel like we need a more general science curriculum. That being said, would SOS be a good fit. They could just do it on their own? I do Sonlight, Saxon and BJU for English, so it's not like I am not being hands on. Any suggestions, idea, want to come to my house and teach science?????
  6. Bought it and have used it! I know it's expensive but it's nice to have handy when you need it.
  7. :grouphug: We had this happen in our family a few years ago. Support your sister, it is such a difficult thing to go through.
  8. My dd thought is was more of a challenge than 65. I ended up getting the dive cd and that seemed to help. We would go over the lesson together, then she would watch the DIVE cd. She did better as we went through the year. HTH
  9. HAHA! You got me, my heart lurched when I read the first sentence. I will have to do that with my girls some time. That is one of the first games I can remember when computers came out and I was a computer cadet at school. Good times!!!
  10. I agree with hornblower. Do you have a church or community center you could go to at least for crucial subjects that require alot of concentration? My dd's would be very engrossed in what ever the workmen would be doing.
  11. Have you tried putting it in a container with rice. I had a cell phone that went to the bottom of the lake and after a few days of rice it is good as new. Not sure how the sugar, etc in milk will affect this, but its worth a try. Sorry.
  12. Early morning before everyone gets up. But I too traded in peaceful early mornings for a new puppy. What was I thinking?
  13. Congratulations!! I had a March baby, its the best time of the year to have a baby in the northern part of the world.
  14. Thanks for sharing this tip, I had never heard of that. I hope you items show up eventually.
  15. Aww, very nicely done! There is nothing quite like a newborn baby!
  16. My kids made it into the local play. On dd got two different speaking roles!! Very exciting!!
  17. :lol: So right there with you!!! But mine is 18!!! Don't you think she should have it figured out by now???
  18. Nothing to offer but a thanks for your sacrifice and a :grouphug: I hope it gets better soon.
  19. I chose to do Sonlight, but used the Story of the World and the activity guide as our schedule. I use the Sonlight readers and read-alouds, but focused on the STOW schedule. We also used their poetry for memorization and then did a separate publisher for math and english. I live in a small community and needed to have the books on hand so this helped me, we just did not do hard core sonlight. Hope this makes sense.
  20. We take a first day of school photo, do height and weight, and have a really lite day of school. I usually take them out to lunch and the library as well. One year when PS started we went to the zoo.
  21. I had to do this last year as well. I do screen my caller ID for DH's calls as he can only call during certain times. It really is no different that if you were working out side of the home. It is your schedule!!
  22. I have two dd 12 & 8 I have been homeschooling for 2 years. We have given our 12 yo the choice to go to ps or to stay home. She will be entering 7th grade, at this point she is undecided. I am just so torn, I know that we are doing a great job at home and she is learning an amazing amount of history and life skills, etc. But, I also get sentimental about the other stuff. Dances, sports, lockers, etc. Does anyone else go through this in the fall? I just don't want to make a huge mistake with my kids. lyndsey
  23. My dd is going into 7th grade, we tired the Berlitz Spanish and it was a total joke. Will they miss out on the writing experience with this program?
  24. We did Chemistry and it was just not a good fit for my dd's. They are not huge fans of science, nor am I, so it was a struggle. They did enjoy the experiments and it was not difficult to find the items needed for them.
  25. Costco has great maps right now. I would guess the ones I bought a few years ago to be about 36". Great bang for your buck! Lyndsey
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