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Where did you go to college?

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Elon College - in NC - freshman year, general studies


Old Dominion University - VA - for the next 1 1/2 yrs...Speech Path major, wanted a Deaf Communication minor


Madonna University - MI - for the next 3ish years...graduated with my B.A. in Sign Language Studies/Interpreting Concentration

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Purdue University. It's kind of a family tradition.






Also spent some time at Purdue and IUPUI (Indiana Univ. Purdue Univ. at Indianapolis)


Just wanted to let y'all know that Diann and Sandy are my 2 new BFFs, since we all went "where the Wabash spreads its valley", Purdue.

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Full Sail for recording engineering

Valencia Community College for AA

UNC Chapel Hill for physics/astronomy (got pregnant and happily quit before finishing degree, though)


How did you like Full Sail? I so wanted to go there - my first career choice, way back when, was to be a recording engineer.


Fate had other plans :)

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How did you like Full Sail? I so wanted to go there - my first career choice, way back when, was to be a recording engineer.


Fate had other plans :)


Well, I started there the day I turned 17, so I was awfully young, and many of the other students were older and had been working in the field and had more life experience. In some ways it was a tough program, in that you attended one class for eight hours a day (or fours hours lecture, four hours lab), five days a week, for either two weeks or one month straight. That's a long time to sit and listen to any single person. Sometimes the labs were from, say, midnight to 4 am and then you had to be back for class at 8 am. And my group was the first that was supposed to get to be in their "new" building, so we all got apartments near it. But you know how construction is, and we ended up having to drive 40 minutes in Orlando suburb traffic each way to get to class. But hey! We got a tour of the new facility before we graduated. :tongue_smilie:


The problem after graduation was that I stayed in the central Florida area, and Full Sail had a pretty crappy reputation (late 80's early 90's) because of the sheer number of graduates they cranked out that didn't necessarily learn all they should have. :001_huh: Plus the fact that I'm a chic. But it wasn't too hard to prove myself once given the chance.


I don't regret attending for a minute. I've had several career changes since then, but it allowed me to get my rock 'n roll wild days out of my system. :biggrinjester: My husband actually went there, too, although after I graduated. (We didn't meet for another couple of years after that.) My daughter has considered a career in video game design, so I have wondered if they would offer free tuition to a child of two alumni. :D

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