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High school reunions - do you go?

Do you go to high school reunions?  

  1. 1. Do you go to high school reunions?

    • Yes, I have been to all of them!
    • Nope, never been to one and don't want to.
    • No, but I'd like to someday, maybe
    • Other!

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I have decided not to go to my 10-year high school reunion that is coming up in June. There are too many NOT so great memories attached, and I really don't want to dredge up the past with many people I didn't care for (and who didn't care for me) in the first place. I'm a much happier person now and don't feel like I have anything to prove.


One of my friends, though, thinks I'm absolutely nuts for passing up this "great opportunity" to see everyone and show off how well I've done despite all the shenanigans I put up with all those years ago.


The rest of my friends from high school that I'm still in contact with are divided about 75/25 between people who aren't going/people who are. I'm just trying to work out if we're normal or not. Morbid curiosity more than anything.

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There is no WAY I'd go to my highschool reunion. Not. A. Chance. I mean, it was torture enough the first time around, why in the world would I want to relive that.


I went to an awful school district, in a largish city that is known for it's horrible economy, crime, etc. I was in the minority race, and there were (and still are) horrible race issues in the city. I was short for my age, dirt poor, unpopular, and, well, let's just say unattractive. It also didn't help with my peers that I got good grades and actually WANTED to learn at school.


It's a wonder I made it out alive, and I have no desire to go back.

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No way would I go to such a function! If my hubby wants to take his very social self to it, he'll have to go without me. Thankfully, the first time around, we were moving into our first house that same weekend, so I had a great reason not to go. I hate large gatherings, anyway, and I have no desire to catch up with people I haven't seen or spoken to in more years than I care to add up. The people who are important to me share my life now. I don't need to flaunt or prove anything, compare myself to anyone else, or waste an evening on inconsequential conversations with people I most likely wouldn't see again anyway.

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I've found most of the people I want to contact through facebook. Most of my friends were a year after me. My 20th was last year and for my dh and I to attend it would have been over $300. So, no. I have no interest in attending.

I did enjoy seeing the pictures people posted on FB though. :o)

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My sister was bullied a lot in school, but once she hit college she came out of her shell and blossomed. Her 10-year was a chance for her to come back and kind of rub her success in the faces of those who used to give her a hard time.


The thing is, time changes people and many of those who thought they were the cat's pajamas in high school have met with real life - The Great Equalizer - and now realize how stupid they'd behaved and are genuinely sorry. In my sister's case, many of those who bullied her in school are now her friends. It's not because she "proved" she could make something of herself, but because life changed all of them.


I'm looking at my 30-year coming next year and I haven't missed one, yet. Go and enjoy - and be prepared to forgive.

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I went to my 10th and 30th. No one changed much at the 10th one. But the 30th one was wild. I hardly recognized a lot of people. The funny part was listening to people say...


"I don't have my glasses on right now so I can't see that too clearly" when people were exchanging pictures, notes, etc.


By the end of the night I heard that several times. So I realized everyone was walking around "blind" knowing they wear glasses so that they could look "cute" I guess. lol

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My 20th is this year and there is no way that I am going. I have made so many wonderful friends since high school. Why would I want to go and try and dig up the unhealthy friendships that I had in high school? No, thanks!

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I am "going" to my 20th in a few weeks. I'm not actually going to the reunion itself, but I will be in town and meeting some old high school friends (not all from my class) and their families at a local park for a picnic. There are 2 reasons I am not going to the reunion itself:


1) It's expensive. $70 per person. This cost covers the place, the dj, and a pasta buffet. I'd rather eat with my parents at home or in a park with my family and friends.


2) There is a 200 attendee limit. Considering my class was 575 people and most people attending are bringing a date, less than 1/5 of my class can attend. Why bother?


I'm looking forward to a more casual picnic where I can see friends' families and actually spend time talking without having to shout. Plus, I can see my friends who were not in my class.

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I'd love to go. I graduated from high school on the other side of the country though so going to a reunion is cost-prohibitive. There were only 12 of us in my graduating class (christian school) and I'd enjoy seeing them all. I'm on FB with several. Oddly 4 out of the 12 all homeschool. :D

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I have only been to one, my 20th, 2 years ago. I begrudgingly went because my good friend was on the planning committee, I just moved back to my home town after 20 years, and my good friend threatened me with bodily harm, if I didn't go.


It was HORRIBLE! All of the cliques were still there! Nobody talked to anyone else unless they were in their HS clique :001_rolleyes:. As the night wore on :cheers2:, all of the fun started :boxing_smiley:. Can you believe there were fights? At my 20th reunion???!!!! I guess it was entertaining, seeing the same tools make fools of themselves again......or the woman who got herself liquid courage before arriving, continued to drink, and then did a strip tease.


Um, yeah, I won't be attending another reunion.

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I went to my 10 year, but then moved out of state before our 20 year. I actually flew back to attend the 20 year, but got caught up helping my mom and sisters with projects. I really regret missing my 20 year reunion and there is no going back and redoing. My gf's dh died a year later and another gf got a divorce. We still exchange Christmas cards, but I wish I had spent time with them at the reunion.

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My parents go. But, they really enjoyed high school and had very fond memories. Plus, they are still in contact with some of their high school friends.


I hated the private high school I went to and never felt the slightest attachment to the place or the people. The place was so strict that we may as well have been attending a military school. I occasionally run across alumni from there and none of them attend either. As a matter of fact, alumni functions were canceled several years ago because the attendance was pathetic and none of the alums wanted to organize the events. Usually, the teachers were the ones trying to make a go of these functions.


DH graduated from a huge high school in Fort Lauderdale. He didn't have very many friends, was kind of shy at the time, and the few that he did have, did not turn out real well as adults and so he doesn't really want to have contact with them. I doubt he will ever attend one.


Though we had very close friends in college, we haven't had any desire to attend college alumni events either. Plus, we aren't real happy with the direction that our alma mater has taken and would never send our children there.



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but I lived in the area. It didn't do anything for me. When I left the area, I decided that I'd never go to another. It's not worth a plane ticket to sit around a keg of beer with a bunch of middle-aged people I hardly know now.

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NO WAY! When I walked out of that school, I swore never to enter again. Unfortunately, I've had to a couple of times. Anyway, I've gone with dh to his reunions (same school). I did not enjoy them, and neither did he. The last one was so ridiculously expensive, it will be the last.

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I did not go to my 5 or 10 year. First, because they were just gatherings at a local bar and I am not even sure that they bothered to make sure that everyone from the class was notified. And second, because I felt like it is too early, everyone I want to "see" I stay in contact with on Facebook, etc.


I want to go to a big one like 25 and really see what has become of people.

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Dh & I graduated together, and he loves to go. I am fine with it. I knew some very nice folks. We did not go to this last one ebcuase it interferred with a family function, and we missed the 5th because we were in Grad school far away. But we've been to several and always have a nice time catching up with some folks. We attended a HS that had a huge array of activites, and people pretty much did their thing. No one area was more important. Fi, the Drama productions were as well-attended as some sporting events. Oftentimes the plays sold out, and they were always popular with the student body, in general. It was cool that way. Some of my friends defected from the swin team to be cheerleaders...so I would go to the games to watch them cheer, and never watched the games. lol I wouldn't say I loved high school, but it was tolerable because of activities and some good adults.

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My husband and I both graduated from the same small, sweet Christian school. We have just had one reunion -- last fall, our 30th!! (No, we did not have to get passes from the nursing home to attend.)


It was a very sweet time, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.


We had a BBQ at the school on Friday night, with many of our old teacher's in attendance. Some traveled long distances to be there. Saturday morning the women had a brunch at the home of one of our classmates, where we could talk more casually. And that night was the formal dinner. It was really lovely. We had like 90% of our classmates there, and a couple who didn't graduate (left just before graduation). (We established a donation pool to help some of the folks who couldn't afford to attend, and to pay for some of the group expenses.)


It was fascinating to see what everybody looked like and the various lifestyles people had chosen (some not what we expected). One of our classmates was a recovering alcoholic, and he gave his testimony. It was so fascinating.


Two of our classmates have passed away, and we did a very classy tribute to them.


We had a keyboard, and the "kids" who were always our pianists played, and we sang some of our old songs that we all knew. We had a slideshow presentation of whatever pictures we could gather from the old days. We did some goofy games like "Who can remember the theme of our Junior Banquet?"


Just, all in all, a good time. I'm really glad we could participate.

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I went to my 5 year and was thoroughly bored. Posturing, cliques, nothing had changed. Haven't been back and you couldn't pay me. My 25 year is this year and there's no way I'm going. Plus, my ex went to my high school and college. I really don't want to run into him or have DH run into him. Lord knows where that would end up (seeing sirens and either ambulances or handcuffs...)!

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I have gone to my 5th, 10th, and 20th. For our 5th, our class just had a night at a bar and a picnic; my family just attended the picnic and it was jolly. For our 10th, we had a bar night, a ticketed event, and a picnic. We went to all 3 things. I really didn't like the formal event--it was stuffy and clique-ish...and boring! So for my 20th, I just went to the bar night, even though bars are not my thing. People just seemed more relaxed and chatty and interested in everybody.


I have an affection for my class. Many of us went to school together from K-12. I guessw it sorta makes us like siblings, when you look at it like a homeschooler.


And I like watching people. What can I say--sociology was my favorite subject at college!

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Other. I think I went to my 5th & 10th...and my 25th reunion has passed! I wasn't geographically close after my 10th reunion, and it wasn't something I would go out of my way to attend.


I did recently go to my 30th Grammar School (8th grade) reunion -- gosh we had a blast! Everyone looked fabulous and almost the entire class turned out. I guess we're old enough to accept/appreciate our differences, and to mourn those that have already died!

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Missed 10th as I was in emerg with kidney stones while 6 mos pregnant.


Went to 20th. Meh. It was ok.


Missed 25th. Really didn't care one way or the other (& it was held so close that I could have easily WALKED to this hotel)


I don't really keep in touch with people from hs - well, except dh! - & I don't really care that much. Our graduating class was ~ a 1000.


We've lived in our house for 4 years and just about a month ago I found out that my next door neighbour, whom I've cat sat for regularly during the last 4 years, whom we chat to over the fence, whom we've had a bbq with ...... was in my graduating class.


LOL. We had never set eyes on each other before as far as we know. Dh doesn't recognize him either.

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I don't plan to attend any of them. My 20th was last year and I did not go. I have managed to reconnect with a few people through facebook that I actually have enjoyed but many of them are not in my class anyway. I have no close friends remaining from that period of my life.

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I was out of the country for my 10th and the area was still recovering from Katrina on our 15th. I am not sure if I will attend the 20th because I live 800 miles away. I had fun in HS but frankly I can't imagine it being much of a party. I graduated with 61 people :D. I didn't stay in touch with many of the people so it is no big deal for me.



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I voted yes, but almost voted "Other." I'm trying to decide whether to go to my 25th this summer.


My good high school friends and I, shy high school nerds all, have stayed in close contact. We are dear friends and have stayed in close contact since we graduated 25 years ago. We've always gone to our reunions together, making the class reunion a small part of a get-together weekend for our group. The informal parts of the reunions were very nice, but the formal parts kind of stilted and not really my thing.This year (our 25th), two of my girlfriends don't want to go at all and the rest of us are on the fence.


There are a couple people I'd like to see, but I think it would be rude to ask to see the RSVP list before I decide whether to go or not, lol.


The curious friendly part of me and the shy part of me are battling one another, lol. And it's my dd's birthday that weekend, AND we're hosting some Korean teachers for the weekend.


I wish there was a multi-year reunion. Besides my dear friends, I realized through Facebook that most of my other good friends in high school were a year ahead of me. I'd love to see some of those people.



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I went to my 10th. It was fun! I graduated with people I went to preschool with so it was fun to see them all again 10 years after graduation. :)


I'm not sure if I'll go to my 20th. Now that we have Facebook I can connect with some of them there. Anyone else I'm not really interested in reunioning (lol :tongue_smilie:) with.

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I went to my 10th and 30th. No one changed much at the 10th one. But the 30th one was wild. I hardly recognized a lot of people.


I went to my tenth. It was incredibly boring and predictable so I skipped my twentieth last summer.

My brother-in-law went recently went to his 30th and told me *that* is the one to go to.

He says everyone is finally comfortable with themselves and not worried about impressing anyone with fantastical stories of their careers and families.


If that is the case, I think I might go to my 30th when it rolls around.

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For the record, I have never went to my high school reunions. (Too much $$ to travel and we never had the funds.) I do, however, participate in the questionnaires that are made into a booklet and mailed to everyone. We were a group of 96 grads in a small rural town. It is fun to read up on how everyone is doing... and now with Facebook, easy to see that too.


I attended my hubby's 20th class reunion -we lived in his hometown- and had A BLAST!!! I didn't know these people. But his grad class were over 800 people. Only like 150 came to the reunion. Hubby was the king of the prom, captain of the baseball team, joe jock... (he married a band geek artist. ;)). I had the best time jabbering away with ladies I had no clue who they were over child-rearing, parenting, and teaching. (I was just leaving my full-time teaching career at the time and others were fellow teachers in ps. We talked shop. LOL) Hubby was miserable as his career was not showy enough to his peers. Whatever. Go figure.


Now his 30th reunion is this month and he does not want to go. I'm telling him his peers could care less. They're going to talk about their kids and grandkids. I think folks do like to show up and flaunt themselves to their peers... me? I just like to chat with strangers. :D

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NO WAY WOULD I GO! I have no desire to relive high school or reconnect with anyone I went to school with. I also don't facebook or myspace for similar reasons. The people I want in my life already are and those that have fallen to the wayside did so for a reason. Not to sound mean but, I could care less what my prior classmates are doing in their lives.

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I had a great time at my high school reunion. I was shy, and still am. I also didn't remember names very well, and embarrassed myself a few times, squinting at name tags. But, all in all, it was great fun, and I got to spend time with my best friend from high school, who I haven't seen for a few years. One of my other best friends was totally drunk the whole time, so that was a bit disappointing, because I really wanted to talk with her. I would do it again.

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I voted "other" because I went to my 10th and my 15th, but not my 20th. The 10th was a great time, and it is where I met my dh! We had gone to school together since 1st grade, but were in different crowds. Anyway, after reconnecting at the reunion, we were both smitten...and the rest is history. We went to the 15th, but it was a dud...just too soon after the 10th, imo. We considered going to the 20th, but the cost was high for activities we had no interest in, plus we already had contact with most anyone that we cared to see from high school. So, if they have a 25th, I guess we will think about going...who knows. I am just SO happy I went the 1st time! :001_wub:

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I went to my 10th. It started out ok. Everyone was mingling, it was nice to see the "tough guy" showing pctures of his kids around, and see how people had changed and what everyone was doing. Within an hour, everyone was sitting around in their same old cliques. Now, I hear that most of them still live in the same town and their kids are forming the same cliques all over again. I probably won't bother with the next one.

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I voted other. I went to my 10 year reunion and have no desire to go back. I had a lousy time. First of all, most of the people I knew from the "in" crowd had gone to a pre-party and were having way too much fun, IYKWIM. Not many of the "smart" kids came and those that did didn't have room for us at their table. Dh and I spent most of our time talking to spouses of my classmates because they felt just as left out as we did.


Funny, I had a blast at dh's 10 year reunion - some of his friends married people I knew in college and we had fun. But dh had no desire to go again so we didn't. Don't really miss it.

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I have no interest in my own hs reunions. I had a huge high school/graduating class. I had no clue who many of the people were when their names were called. I kept in touch with those with whom I was connected in high school. I don't see a need to go find out what happened to, essentially, strangers or acquaintances.


However, my husband graduated in a small school. We have gone to his reunions.

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I actually haven't had one yet!

My 10yr was canceled for lack of participation. It turns out, not everyone "goes home" for Thanksgiving weekend, and those who still live "home" wind up going away!


There's a 15yr reunion in the works right now, scheduled for August. It's the same weekend as my cousin's wedding, so I'm not sure if I really want to add another long drive.


I like catching up with some former classmates on Facebook. Most of us have changed dramatically. It might be interesting to get together.


Pro: I'll be 5+ months pregnant and not have to worry about looking thin.

Con: I'll be 5+ months pregnant and not able to drink if it blows. :tongue_smilie:

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I really didn't want to go to my 20th, dh did. The catch is that I graduated, dh didn't so he couldn't go without me.


I went because dh really wanted to go. I went for him. I only hung out with a few people in high school and they weren't going to be there. Dh knew Everybody. He was very, very popular. In fact at our 10 year reunion, people thought I was 'the wife' instead of the Alum. People kept treating me this way all night and it really got old after a while. I hated our 10 year, and thus why I didn't want to go to our 20th.


The 20th was better though. We sat mainly with people that we had current things in common with, not people we hung out with in high school. I spent quite a bit of time with a girl that I went to elementary school with, and one guy I did know pretty well in school, but he was just as much of a recluse as me (probably why we knew each other-we both hid in the same places LOL)

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