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How long have you been here? (looking for 'oldies' from a few years ago)

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I know I've been here for several or more than several years. But, I don't remember the specific date or season. Some of you gals amaze me with your memories!


Btw -- are you supposed to be incognito in your avatar?




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I read the WTM when my oldest was in 1st grade (she's heading into 9th, next year), and got online and found the boards soon after.


LOL, I remember the Y2K days (I was preg. with child #3), that's one of the reasons I know it was '99. :-) (Along with the fact that my dd was in 1st grade when I read it).


So...isn't that 8 years?! That seems unreal. Time flies. ::Sniff::

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I read the WTM when my oldest was in 1st grade (she's heading into 9th, next year), and got online and found the boards soon after.


LOL, I remember the Y2K days (I was preg. with child #3), that's one of the reasons I know it was '99. :-) (Along with the fact that my dd was in 1st grade when I read it).


So...isn't that 8 years?! That seems unreal. Time flies. ::Sniff::


Yes, I think that is about right for me too. It is unreal, isn't it?!

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Do you remember when math was the most irritating subject on here? The Singapore/Saxon Wars were something to behold!


Oooh yes! I remember that. :lol:


Toni (gothicgyrl) are you the same 'toni' that used to advocate heavily for singapore math years back ? Or was that a different toni? I always remembered her, whomever she was.




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I'm mostly sure it was summer 2003 when I first started with the AL and SN boards. I rarely ventured to any other boards until about 1 year ago and then started more on the General board and curriculum. So I'm newer to most, but not to all. 2003 is when we pulled dd out of ps and around the time I started using the internet more. We only got a computer in 2002 as dh didn't think we needed one until 2001.

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I read the WTM when my oldest was in 1st grade (she's heading into 9th, next year), and got online and found the boards soon after.


LOL, I remember the Y2K days (I was preg. with child #3), that's one of the reasons I know it was '99. :-) (Along with the fact that my dd was in 1st grade when I read it).


So...isn't that 8 years?! That seems unreal. Time flies. ::Sniff::



Yep, I think I had been reading it about a year at that time. And do you remember the nearly weekly posts, "is KHE as good as KIHOW?"


And then serveral of us were able to find the green British version of KIHOW under a different name at Half Price Books. I bought and resold about 6 of them for $15--that was a real bargain for those ladies, when KIHOWs were going for well over $100 at the time. And there was nearly the same madness related to Picturesque Tales.


I miss Rosemary in CO. Jill, OK I'm glad you're still here! Taz and Storm's Mom still pops in now and then (under Carmen & Co.). Mmel has been gone a couple of years, and I don't think she'll be back. MFS seems to have left us since the board change. Ree rarely posts any more but we all know how to peek in on her! :) Who else am I forgetting?



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I've been on the boards for five years since I started homeschooling dd. I was very active for the first year or so, then I quit the general board completely. The last few years I mostly lurked. Now that my computer is in the kitchen and with this new format, I've gotten addicted again. Because of the "New Posts" feature, I even show up on the general board again.


I have to give this board credit for suggesting most of my curricula--Singapore Math, Miquon, Latina Christiana, Classical Writing, etc. I don't know what I would have done in the early years without the Accelerated Board. I wouldn't have known how to navigate that alone.

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but I was TanyaS back then. Since there were a couple of other Tanyas, I thought it might help people to connect me to a geographical location (esp. during Hurricanes Ivan and Katrina). Back then I was homeschooling. Now I'm in graduate school. I still enjoy reading about curriculum choices and the many, many children's issues we face.

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Sarah had just been born, and Meghan had just come home after a disasterous 3 month school trial. I was looking for something meaty that I could put together myself. I was tired of drifting and all the hit and miss. David Albert (of "And the Skylark Sings with Me") used to trash TWTM method on the TAG boards as being too structured, sequential and mind numbing for gifted kids. Since he always struck me as a little pompous, I ordered the book to see it for myself.


After reading The Book, I realized this was precisely what our homeschool was lacking. My oldest desperately needed more structure, but I'd been influenced by the TAG boards' heavy emphasis on unschooling for so long that I was afraid of damaging her. I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type and I didn't understand the structured type at all until I began to see the results from using TWTM. I learned to structure my structure-loving children and give my flexible kids options and freedom within a daily routine. Meghan goes on to college (on full scholarship!) next year after 9 years of TWTM and I'll graduate my first all-WTM baby about 3 years after that. Pretty cool.




PS :seeya: Hi Tracy! What took you so long to find the new boards??

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Well, oldest is in 6th grade and I think I found the boards during the beginning of his 1st grade year or later in his K year. I'm always back and forth on that. So, that would make it 2001 or 2002. I'm never quite sure.


Edited to add: I think when I started Quiver was only a Quiver of 8, maybe. And, if I'm remembering my people and history correctly, she and her husband had a bit of side business of selling refillable copier ink. I bought some and it was great. Am I putting the right story with the right person? That was a long time ago and I was Jessica in NC back then and now Jessica in AL for over 3 1/2 yrs.

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For those of you who have been here for a long time - Do you remember when math was the most irritating subject on here? It was outrageous how heated that one got. The Singapore/Saxon Wars were something to behold! We could even argue about vacuums.





I remember telling RL friends that if you ever wanted to get a bunch of homeschooling moms to rumble, just bring up math! :boxing_smiley:

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I found WTM in the fall of 2000 but I lurked for about 1.5 years. Used to post as VH in VA, then VH in MN for the past 4 years. With the new boards I decided to go with "TeaTotaler" because we might be moving again soon.


I used to post more frequently while ds was doing his school work but now I'm working in my workbooks alongside him so that has cut down on board time. By the end of the day when I have the time my brain is fried.


I don't think I will be able to completely wean myself off these boards. I have met some wonderful ladies here.



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I kinda miss the boards flipping, but it was the most fun before it was at the same time. I did get to be first one time before it became predictable and a few times after. :-)


Yes, the math wars....and, the Harry Potter conversations.....oh Lordy, the Harry Potter conversations!!


And there was a period of time where Quiver was adding arrows at a furious pace! :-)

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I was brought over to the WTM boards after being on the Vegsource boards for over 5 years...


I remember when Quiver was having number 7.


I've gleaned more from this board than from any other board I've been a part of!


I started out as TexasMommy--but that name soon became 'shared' so I defaulted to plain Jann in TX And yes, my name is really Jann--with 2 n's!

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I'll start. I've been here off and on for about 3 years. (I think!) ;) I'm usually off more than on, but I just love the advice here, the ideas I get, and the support.






((((Holly in FL, are you still here?))))


I've been on TWTM boards off and on I think since before my eldest was in K. She's now finishing up sixth grade. I went by Jenmom on the other boards but switched to this username on the new boards.

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