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Who out there works and homeschools?

Guest Cindie2dds

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Guest Cindie2dds

I've noticed on some recent posts there are a lot of us out there that work and homeschool our kids. If you do work, what do you do?


I'm a flight attendant. :)


I know being at home with kids is a 24/7 job, especially when one homeschools, believe me. I feel like I get a break when I go on my trips. Please, please don't turn this into a debate. I'm genuinely curious.

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I work as an office manager for my brother's nutritional supplement company. Dd and I do whatever work she needs help with in the afternoon or evening when I get home. My dh is home most of the time (works from home) and he is responsible for some fun field trips and for some great book discussions.

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I'm a writer, but am going on a hiatus. I have a few more loose ends to tie up my most recent book, but then I'm done for a while.


Writing is not conducive to homeschooling b/c I feel like my job is never over. Plus, I started writing at the same time I started homeschooling ds in 4th grade and feel like I've been playing catch up ever since. My mind was never fully on the homeschooling and starting in the middle made it more difficult. Once I feel like I'm caught up, I might return to the writing world.


I think being a flight attendant would add some excitement to your week.



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I work from home as the Director of K through 5th grade Ministries at our church. I also maintain our church website and am now overseeing our Core Groups. As our Core Group ministry grows, I hope to give up the children's ministry portion. My youngest will age out next year and all four of mine will be in the youth ministry, so that will be a good time for me to transition.


I also complete tax returns during this time of the year.

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I work as a free-lance pianist. Right now I am in the final rehearsals of a high school production of The Wizard of Oz. In a couple weeks I'll be accompanying a couple choruses for a local choral festival. And in May I'm scheduled to play a wedding (surprisingly, only one so far this summer).



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I work two days per week teaching ABE (Adult Basic Education) and GED (Generalized Equivalency Diploma) classes and administering another program called the NEDP (National External Diploma Program,) which is a portfolio-based alternative to the GED, available in several states.


I work two more days per week as an Adjunct Trainer and Technical Consultant to the State of Connecticut Department of Adult and Continuing Education, supervising other NEDP staff in adult education sites around the state.


On Friday mornings I work in my office in Town Hall, as I am my town's elected Democratic Registrar of Voters.


So basically I work 4.5 days per week, and homeschool our only child, who is in 7th grade. The trick to this is that my mom is retired and lives with us, and Molly is very conscientious about her schoolwork. We plan together on Sunday evenings and then I check her work and teach any new material after dinner. Dh is very helpful and supportive as well. My key is organization, and the fact that I have only one child. I think it would be much more difficult to work the hours that I do and homeschool multiple kids.


The state consultant gig started two years ago, and since we don't plan to homeschool Molly for high school, I thought it would be best to take the state up on their part-time offer while it stood, as it could parlay into a full time position with state benefits, etc. in time. In CT anyway, when the state comes knockin' and offers you a job, it's often best to take them up on it! :001_smile:



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I work for Body Ecology. I plan and work conferences for them as well as moderate their support groups. I also speak at Autism conferences. The actual planning of conferences is the only stressful part of all of it, the rest is fun. I'm away from the house for a few days at a time but only a few times a year. So the work is alot but the time away from family isn't much at all in the grand scheme of things.

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My dh and I work from home managing an RV park. The office is connected to the house. We get interrupted A LOT but it has been working fine so far. Our busy season is in the winter. Part of why we school year-round is because we aren't bothered too much during the summer so we can actually gets some things done.

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Guest Cindie2dds
My dh and I work from home managing an RV park. The office is connected to the house. We get interrupted A LOT but it has been working fine so far. Our busy season is in the winter. Part of why we school year-round is because we aren't bothered too much during the summer so we can actually gets some things done.


We school year round also since I have a couple of months I am on call and have to be at my home base. Dh, who works at home, brings the girls with us and we just "camp out." On normal months I try to work weekends twice to three times a month.

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I work for an insurance company (managing proposals and underwriting of employee benefits) 40+ hours a week outside the home. DH and I also have a cafe that he runs and manages M-F. Kids are with dad at the cafe during the day and we homeschool year round in the evenings (six days a week), with additional reading, etc. that they do during the day when not helping dad.

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I'm an adjunct professor, co-op teacher, and periodically I do a little tutoring and web development. And I'm perpetually selling curriculum and bits-and-pieces of things we don't need.


Sometimes I wish I could "just" be a homeschooling mom, but at this point I can't scrimp enough to not work some and still homeschool.

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I work in the medical records department at one of the hospitals in town. I work 3 days a week, when dd is with her dad. This job has been such a blessing. I got the days I wanted, the hours I wanted, and they graciously started me higher than entry level so with my shift differential, I make what I wanted per hour. I also get fantastic benefits. If I HAVE to work (and I do!), this is the best place to be!

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I used to be the software licensing coordinator for a major university when we first began homeschooling 5 years ago. I worked 20 hours in the office and telecommuted 20 hours.



My dh and I work from home managing an RV park. The office is connected to the house. We get interrupted A LOT but it has been working fine so far. Our busy season is in the winter. Part of why we school year-round is because we aren't bothered too much during the summer so we can actually gets some things done.



Dh and I now manage the family business which is a campground. We also school year-round as our busy season is summer and we typically vacation in the winter.


We are thankful to live about 1 mile from the campground. I can't imagine the interruptions you must get! When we agreed to run the park for my father, we originally thought we'd build a house on the land.....until we spent a week in a RV on the property. Folks knocked on our door for the least little thing! If campground guests see you, they WILL find something for you to do or something to ask you :D.

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I work twelve hours a week at a group home for autistic children and four hours a week from home working on a phone line for people with mental health issues. Most of my hours are every other weekend, so it works out pretty well right now, and I'll be continuing this schedule once dd starts doing stuff more intensive than the ABCs and animal sounds. :)

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I do home studies for CPS foster/adopt cases. With the exception of the home visit, the rest is done from home. I also score from home for Pearson. In addition to this, I signed up to sub at the school but have never done it b/c I make better money doing home studies so I have not felt the need to accept any sub jobs.

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Dh and I now manage the family business which is a campground. We also school year-round as our busy season is summer and we typically vacation in the winter.


We are thankful to live about 1 mile from the campground. I can't imagine the interruptions you must get! When we agreed to run the park for my father, we originally thought we'd build a house on the land.....until we spent a week in a RV on the property. Folks knocked on our door for the least little thing! If campground guests see you, they WILL find something for you to do or something to ask you :D.


Yes! People suddenly forget to think when they see you. It's amazing how many people think I'm their personal secretary or assume I know how to repair their RVs or can fix their computer. :lol: Often people want to come into the office just to visit. My favorite is when people come into the office to ask where the office is. :001_huh: Even when we are closed, people will knock on the door wanting us to fill their propane tank or to chat about our rates even if they aren't looking for a spot that night. Sundays are our only day off. Most long-term people have learned to respect that and will leave us alone on that day. But then there are a few people who are genuinely offended we don't work 24/7!

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I am a nurse. I work nights. DH works days. Next school year will be our first homeschool year. I haven't quite decided what our schedule will be yet. I know we'll be doing 4 days per week of full school. The other three will be lighter stuff like a math worksheet or a grammar sheet and Scripture copywork on Sundays.

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I substitute teach math and science classes in our local high school. I was working 2 - 3 days per week. Now that my oldest is heading off to college I plan to work 3 - 4 days per week.


Besides giving us some extra $$, it keeps my brain up on the various science and math classes and keeps me from getting into a rut. I love the variety and have the personality type that I very rarely get behavior problems in class. It's not for everyone - esp at the high school level - but for those of us cut out for it, it's about as perfect of a part time job as I can imagine.

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It is interesting to see what everyone does to bring in some extra money and still provide a wonderful education for their child/children. : )


I run an in-home childcare. It keeps me very busy! : ) I have two to three other kids here all day M-F, from about 6:45 AM till 5:30 PM (this is in addition to my own son & daughter). It is all about having a good routine and being somewhat organized.


Right now, it works out fine, but I can't say I will do it forever. The best thing is that I am able to stay home, homeschool and still bring in some money for my family. :001_smile:

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I've noticed on some recent posts there are a lot of us out there that work and homeschool our kids. If you do work, what do you do?


I'm a flight attendant. :)


I know being at home with kids is a 24/7 job, especially when one homeschools, believe me. I feel like I get a break when I go on my trips. Please, please don't turn this into a debate. I'm genuinely curious.


My husband is a plumber/ hvac tech with his own business. I work for him from home as a book keeper/ office manager. I work about 40-50 hours a week during heating season and much less during our off season. This year i had a helper in the office and it was kind of weird...and we actually got less school done because the kids were distracted by having someone else in the house.


Much of my work, except answering the telephone, can be accomplished at night.


It is kind of hectic...especially during swim season, but I have been doing this for 5 years now, so it kind of flows.



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I work full time for a major corporation as a software consultant. I work from home primarily, so even though I'm working full time and then some I'm available for my DD when she needs me throughout the day. She's in 8th grade, though, and is primarily self-directed.


My ex-husband and I have divided the home schooling duties for her. I research, plck, plan and pay for the curricula (with input from my daughter). My ex moved back into my house almost a year ago and doesn't work, so he is more involved day to day and is here when I travel to a client site.


It's not conventional, but it's working for us.

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My dh was laid off of work in February and so I have picked up more hours -- on average 26 hours a week. In June I may have to go full time -- 35 hours a week.


This is not where we wanted to be but I have to say reading these posts encourages me. I guess it is possible to work full time and homeschool, which is what we will do. For now my dh is home, although he feels unable to really help other than supervise the kids. My kids are finishing Grade 8. They're 12, 13, 13. I leave the assignments in the morning and we go over stuff later in the day.


It has been a challenging time but I am thankful for the income from my job. And I like my job so that's a bonus. Ironically, (given my dh's unemployment) I work as an admin. assist. to an Economic Development Officer. Hope we can develop something for my dh quickly! :001_smile:

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Not homeschooling yet but I am a cashier at a little gas station on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Wednesday nights and during the day on weekends, dh works mon-fri. during the day. I am also able to bring dd with me to work if dh has to work late or has to work the weekend to finish an order. Also going to school for pharmacy tech and dh is hoping to go for industrial technician (he has until Monday to bring his algebra score from an 18 to a 27 on the compass)

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I recently started working at a little store down the street. Right now, while training, I'm only getting about 22 hours a week; but later I can get more hours if I want them.


It's not glamorous; but I couldn't pass up a job that would let me choose the days of the week that I work and not make me wear a uniform. :tongue_smilie:

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I really needed to see all the working moms right now thanks for asking!! I have been at home for the last 3 years, but with finances, I may have to start working again, at least part time. I have been concerned that I would have to give up homeschool for our kids, which is not something hubby and I want to do. It is comforting to see that there are moms who work and home school and make it work out!!!

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I just thought I would mention that our new mayor is a homeschooling Dad to his 2nd grade daughter. It was quite a big deal during his campaign as so many believed that he shouldn't be mayor if his kids didn't attend the public schools (one of the worst districts in the state). He was will elected though although it is still brought up on occasion.

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I make specialty desserts for a local restaurant. It's a small town, and a small restaurant, but it is the nicest place around here. My friend is the owner, and is willing to do whatever it takes to make the job fit into my schedule. It's a lot easier for me to work now that all of my kids are getting older, and I've been considering whether I need another job too, since I currently only work about 15 hours per week.

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My dh has a very predictable schedule, and then I have a schedule that is very loose. I work 12 out of every 14 days as a nurse practitioner in a crisis mental health setting. Some days I am finished in an hour and some days I am gone for 6 or more hours. I am able to come and go as I please as long as I get all of my work done in a given day. So, I get school done with the kiddos and then leave a "homework" list for dh. Homework is usually whatever I did't get done that day with the kids. Often, there are math pages that need to be completed, music practice, read aloud time, correcting papers. I am not gone for a set number of hours so I never know if I will be home for bedtime, but my dh is awesome at keeping up with the evening routine.

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I provide childcare to two babies and childcare/preschool to a 3 1/2-year-old in my home. We will be moving in July when my husband is moved to pastor a new church with a larger salary. I really cannot wait to "just" homeschool from that point forward.


I have watched the older girl for three years, and she always fit into our lives and our schedules really well. In August I started to watch my baby nephew and the other little girl's baby sister. I feel as if my whole way of life has been thrown into turmoil this year because of the additions!

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I own an in-home care agency. I take dd to work with me in the mornings. Office is less than a mile from my house. The rest of the time I work out of my home. I have staff cover the office during business hours so I'm very flexible with my time. I've owned the business 8 years and have 50 employees so it allows me the flexibility to do what I need to do.


DD8 does her independent work at the office and we work together at nights.

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