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Any Other Gamer Moms with Gamer Families?

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I am totally peeved at the anti-TV and anti-gaming attitudes here sometimes so I'm going to step up and proclaim that I am an avid gamer.


I am in fact an hours-at-a-time gamer. Recent favourites have been the Tomb Raider anniversary edition and Metroid Prime on the Wii. Currently I'm battling my way through Oblivion on the XBox 360.


We have a Wii, Gamecube, XBox, XBox 360, 2 Nintendo DS's, several computers...And that's just the stuff that's currently hooked up. Gaming in our house is a social thing. A family acitvity the way board games are for other families (although we like board games too). We spend what many moms here would think is waaay too much time with them and we love it.


I can not be the only one here.

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Nope, not the only one. :D


Dh and I have always had a PlayStation, we got a Wii shortly after they first came out, not for the kids, but for me. :D


We bought a PS3 when the ones with backwards compatibility came out and anxiously awaited the new Tomb Raider game to be released. We played that together every night until we wrapped it. :tongue_smilie:


I bought Super Mario Bros for Wii the day it was released. Again, not for the kids, but for me. I didn't even let them play it for the first few weeks. It was MINE. lol


The kids don't play all that much but when they do, it's a family affair. We play Wii Sports Resort, PS3 Lego Indiana Jones, PS3 Spyro, Wii Fit, and Wii Outdoor Challenge as a family. The kids take turns playing and enjoy watching us play. It's family bonding time for us. Sure, we like board games and bike rides as much as the next family but we also have lots of fun around the glow of the television if the game systems are on.


3 of my kids have a DS, although their time on them is limited. I've been known to play them after they're in bed or during their naps. Shhhhhh. I do take one of their DS's with me if I have a doctor apt I'm going to or if I know I will have to be sitting in a waiting room. Sure, I do bring a book, but sometimes, the video games are just plain old more fun. :leaving:

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Gamers here! I'm currently playing Torchlight and my ds enjoys playing his own games on the PC as well. He has his own bookmark list of "safe" game sites I let him go to. He also has a Game Boy Advance (oldie but goodie). The main rule around here is no gaming until after school!

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We're table top gamers here, but back in our pre-children lives, we were known to enjoy the odd LAN party :) Now we are waiting for them to grow up so they can either a) play too, or if not then b) find something else to do so we can indulge occasionally.




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My boys have often said they think I'm the only mom who plays video games with her kids (I'll let them keep thinking that, even though you all are proving that wrong). Sometimes I stay up late trying to beat their scores.


Dh once asked what we would do if the XBox360 broke, and I said, "Why go buy another, of course. Same thing we'd do if anything essential broke" I put it in the same category as my car, but slightly below running water. :tongue_smilie:

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Wii and PS3 here. Whenever they are on, we've got a gathering.


I just play Rock Band, can I be called a "gamer" too?:D


BTW, my dh (Modern Warfare) and I (Rock Band) and our adult friends have way more hours on the game systems than my boys. We have "Rock Band Saturday Nights" with our friends. My kids think we are silly.


They don't seem to want to play for more than 20 to 30 minutes at a time and then they are off to pursue their other interests....

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Heck no you aren't the only ones. We are total WoW junkies here up till 2 weeks ago we all played. 2 have since decided that Star Trek is the way to go. Not all kids enjoy playing sports or reading; mine love video games. We have the Wii, PS3 an old xbox, ps2, and gamecube that get used too. We still get outside and play and go on field trips. We do spend more time in front of a box but for us it works and its great. :001_smile:

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Wii and PS3 here. Whenever they are on' date=' we've got a gathering.



That's what I find. Even if I'm playing a one-person game like Oblivion the kids are gathering around to offer advice, tell me stories about the world, giggle when I sell my pants and have to walk around in underwear (um. Yup. I've now done that twice.), etc. It's classic quality family time.


But I grew up with video games as a social activity. I wonder if the problems so many mom's have with video games is that they don't see or don't get how intellectually active and family oriented it can be if you choose.

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But I grew up with video games as a social activity. I wonder if the problems so many mom's have with video games is that they don't see or don't get how intellectually active and family oriented it can be if you choose.


My dh and his mother (he's 37, she's 65) share a very close bond over games. They both enjoy games like Final Fantasy and share strategy and games with each other. Some of dh's fondest memories are staying up late playing Mario with his mom when he was a kid :D.

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Chalk us up as another game family. We have gamecube, xbox, playstation, nintendo dsx3, gameboy advance, gameboy color, super nintendo, and sega. We have looked into Wii the last two Christmas's but the kids decided to get Ds's the first one and more games this Christmas. This coming Christmas we'll get the Wii since they are out of games to buy for all the systems except DS.

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I don't know if we'd qualify as a "gaming" family these days, but we are pro-gaming. Dh and I have friends we've kept in touch with (online and by phone) from the gaming community, some for longer than my second dd has been alive.


The kids still play a few games, and I'll grab a turn now and then. Dh will pull the occasional late night gaming. Overall, we just don't have the interest or the time that we used to. But we totally understand it!

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XBox, 360, Wii, DS, and multiple computers.

Unfortunately, I don't game as much anymore since I really can't handle 3D environments. I managed to play Oblivion, but I'd get nauseous if I played too long. Most recently, we all were playing Plants vs Zombies - each on a different computer :D


Dh recently pulled out some old games. We were talking about how cool the Prince of Persia graphics were at the time (back in 1990).


Ds recognizes many fish thanks to Endless Ocean on the Wii (sequel coming out soon...)

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My peeps!!! :grouphug: I opened this thread and felt right at home. :D


We are gamers too. I think we played Fall Out 3 every single night for 4 months straight!! I'm so anxious for the next Fall Out to come out that I'm foaming at the mouth. :drool5: Fall Out is made by the same people that make Oblivian (which I love too by the way.)


We have owned game systems for decades. We even have an original Atari. :001_smile: We have the original Nintendo, Nintendo 64, PS 2, PS 3 (we love our Blue Ray too ;)) and Wii.


I pre ordered the new Mario Wii months before it was released. I got it the day it came out. I was a master at the old Super Mario 3 (Nintendo 64) so I couldn't wait to get the new one.


We have all of the Lego games including Batman, Star Wars: The Complete Sage, and Indiana Jones 1 & 2


We have Wii Sports and Wii Fit.


Well, you get the idea. ;) I can't tell you how many hours we have shared as a family playing these games. We have shared so many laughs that I couldn't even count them.


We LOVE our games! Wow, that feels good to announce!! Normally it's something I don't disclose around here or even in my real life. Can you say "closet gamer." ;)

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Gaming in our house is a social thing. A family acitvity the way board games are for other families (although we like board games too). We spend what many moms here would think is waaay too much time with them and we love it.




We don't have the # of game systems, but the above is very true for us. DH & the kids play together. (I usually sew or work on paperwork, but I'm watching them and participating in their discussions...)


For us, personally, it's just all about balance. We love the video games, but dh is sure to spend as much/more time with the kids outside roller blading, biking, swimming, etc, etc, etc. :D

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I'm not a gamer, but I'm married to one. And I love him anyway. ;)


Our kids get some game time, but I do keep it pretty limited for the most part. But I'm not "anti". I do prefer encouraging them to play board games and dh is a Eurogame geek.


Dh works for a game company and so much of his ability to design aesthetically pleasing games comes from time spent playing games as a boy that I'd be a little foolish to be too adamantly opposed to all gaming.

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I used to play an online multi-player role play game (like Wow), but I finally quite in February of 2008. My husband also used to play.



So while we are no longer game on a regular basis we are not against it. My husband and oldest son will sometimes play Never Winter Nights together. The four of us have also played Diablo together.

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We are complete gamers in my house. We have 2 Xbox 360s, so that DH and I can both play if we want too. We have a Wii too but it actually barely gets used because we like the XBox360 so much better. We have 3 DSs and one is my 3 year olds, yes my 3 year old games too, I am pretty sure the 1 year old will start within the next year or so too.


DH and I use to be fairly into MMORPGs, but we haven't really had time for them since DS arrived, we do hope to get back to them once DS and DD get a bit older, we still play Toontown, which DS loves, and we occasionally play City of Heroes/Villains since it is very soloable.


We have tons of Xbox360 games and a bunch of Wii games, I am eagerly anticipating Fable 3 and DH is looking forward to Portal 2, along with a bunch of other games. DS, the three year old loves to play Lego Rockband with DH and direct him as he plays other games. Actually his favorite game right now is Ghost Busters :blush:.


Gaming is a very social thing in our household. We don't watch TV often, but we often game together as a family. I remember gaming with my Dad when I was young, it was fun and there were so many interesting games out there and it was great father/daughter time.

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Yes, we are a house full of gamers! Ds is the Mario guy, dh likes shooters, and I'm more of the puzzle type game player. We all play some Wii together, and of course Guitar Hero!! We have PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, DS, DSi, NES, Gamecube, and of course too many computers. Ds is saving for an xbox 360, and the new 3DS coming out next year... He's also excited for the new PS3 wii-like stuff coming out. We do have the occasional battle to get him to stop playing, especially when a new game comes out that he really likes.

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All the big people are addicted to one specific PS3 game. My kiddos are gamers though, and I don't have a problem with that at all. But hey, I'm just a lazy unschooling heathen parent, so WTH do I know? (LOL, that's what I feel like after reading some of the posts here sometimes, and usually that's when I just take a loooong break from the board and enjoy my gaming/crafting/reading/whatever)

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Oh we love our games! We have 2 XBox 360s, an original XBox, a PS2, a PS3, 2 PSP's, a GameCube, a Wii, a DS, and 2 GameBoys. 3 desktops, 2 laptops, 2 iTouch's, and a mini-computer. Whew. Happy gadgety geeks!


We LOVE being home together and playing games. Very seldom does this lead to anyone being off alone, as we generally play together as a family, or we watch each other play. DH and I have recently beat Borderlands, Left 4 Dead (which we let our kids watch *gasp*), Res. Evil 5, and the list goes on and on. Our boys will ask, "Mom and Dad, can't you play a game together so we can watch?" :D


No shame here. We don't play all the time, but it's great fun when we do. :D

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Gamers here. We have a PS3 and a Wii in the family room as well as 2 PS2's, an XBox 360, a GameCube, a DS, and 3 PSP's in this house. We also own an IT business and there are 3 laptops and 3 desk tops available as well.


I'm more of a Guitar Hero/Rock Band/Wii Fit/Monkey Ball/Just Dance kind of gamer. My husband loves games like Resistance Fall of Man and Sabatour. The boys like first person shooters, the Lego games (Batman, Indiana Jones, Star Wars...). And DD will play some games on the Wii.


Of course we also play Dungeons and Dragons (all the way down to the 8yo) and tabletop/board games on a regular basis.

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MMO fan here


Started with Everquest, and I built a famous bard class site that ran for maybe 10 years. Played the game 80 hours a week. My husband and coworkers would play with me.


Played a few other mmos but then had a baby so stopped for several years.


Skipped WoW, then played Warhammer and Aion, leveled up to experience the end game but had to stop. These games are way too addicting to me.


I have all the consoles - but only play Wii mostly these days.

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We're gamers and have the computers and headsets to prove it!


We are currently back to EQ and play with extended family from all over the country. My oldest son is currently in Navy bootcamp and our little family guild is missing him .....and his monk. :lol:

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Gamers here! We have a Xbox 360, Wii and 3 DS'. The guys at Game Stop know us very well... I sat outside all night so that we could buy a Wii when the first batch came out...and the girls are upgrading their Ds' next week to the new DSI XLs. We have had almost every Nintendo game system put out...and both Xbox systems.


We have Wii nights, where we invite other people to play. We are thinking about buying a new Wii...because it is a pain to move it from room to room. The girls and I sit around and watch DH play the Halo games, and they sit and watch me play Oblivion. I also play Fable...but I don't let the girls watch that one.


The girls really do not have restrictions on playing time...other than they are not allowed *any electronics (through the week) until 6 in the fall/winter and 7 in the spring/summer. We do not have a problem with them taking advantage of playing time...I think because they have so many other things to do.


Funny story: When the first X-box came out, my Dh got one right away. As the girls got older, they started noticing that there were games like "Barbie Horse Adventures" on the X-box. He flat out refused to buy them...because the "Man-Box" did not play Barbie games! That year for Christmas, the girls got a Game Cube...so they could have their own games. For years we had the "Man-Box"...and the "Girl Cube" :) I am happy to say that ALL the *children (DH included) share a lot better now :)

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Okay, I'm not a gamer, but I wanted to share with you guys. My 14yodd was introduced to Runescape a couple of months ago. She can be a little obsessive and spends a good portion of her day playing. I brought this up to her psychologist (who I respect greatly) and she is all for it. She has pointed out how it is helping dd's socialization skills and how that will spill over into her face-to-face daily interactions. I can see it already. :thumbup1: She is making friends and it is giving her a new level of confidence. Do I worry? Yeah. I'm not sure what to make of her friendship with a supposed 20yo male college student in OK.


Here's the other thing I think you all will enjoy: Jane McGonigal: Gaming Can Make a Better World

Edited by PollyOR
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I don't think I'm cool enough to be a gamer ;) but I am my kiddos are pretty mario obsessed. :D We bought super mario galaxy primarily for me and over time it became a huge favorite for all the old-enough-to-play kids. And it's totally social - we play together, offering tips and help on the harder moves. We cheered and celebrated when son #3 beat the game a few weeks ago (I and the older 2 boys beat the game over a year ago). Just a totally fun thing for us. Oh - and I have my own Nintendo DS. :) I actually got one before any of the kids....:D


I think it's like anything else - it can be a totally fun thing to enjoy together. :)

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One of the things that brought dh and I together was our similar background in rp games from our childhood, on our first date he sat recalling some fun times he spent with friends as a teenager gamemastering...and I found it attractive! Yeah, we are total nerds and geeks!


I grew up with the video games of the time in my house and it's always been very social for us. We currently only use a Wii and both older boys have a DS (had XBox and Playstation 1 and 2, Nintendo 64 before that and who knows what I can't even remember anymore!). They aren't allowed to play games until after school is done (same rule for mom!) and I do limit their time. My time is naturally limited by having three kids, a big house to take care of and lots on my plate. I usually only do my MMO playing at night after they are in bed.


I got "sucked" into WoW back shortly after my 4 year old was born, I couldn't leave the house anyway so it gave me something quasi-social to do. My husband, mother, brother and sis in law all play on the same server and are/have been in the same guild and raid together. I still raid 2-4 nights a week now...but have been strongly considering pulling back because I just need more sleep! LOL


My 45 yr old husband works in the IT field (naturally) and has his regular gaming group that meets every Saturday night. All of the group are guys his age, married with kids. They do RP games, take turns being the DM, sometimes they do some tabletop games or miniatures and every few weeks they have Magic tournaments. He has also written some adventures and articles and been published several times by Steve Jackson Games.


The difficult thing is that we are also Christians, I was/am a homebirther and into cloth diapering, we homeschool, etc...we have a very hard time finding families that we fit in with IRL. Oh well, at least I have all my guildies on line and a great forum to network with here! :lol:

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I am in fact an hours-at-a-time gamer. Recent favourites have been the Tomb Raider anniversary edition and Metroid Prime on the Wii. Currently I'm battling my way through Oblivion on the XBox 360.


I can not be the only one here.


You are not the only one, and I play Oblivion too. :D Also play Thief, Diablo and Morrowind....for hours at a time.

Edited by mrscopterdoc
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Have you all watched Second Skin? We watched it on Netflix instant play this evening, and I started wondering what actual gamers think of this documentary.


"Second Skin takes an intimate look at three sets of computer gamers whose lives have been transformed by online virtual worlds. ... From individuals struggling with addiction to couples who have fallen in love without meeting; from disabled players whose lives have been given new purpose to gold farmers, entrepreneurs and widows, Second Skin opens viewersĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ eyes to a phenomenon that may permanently change the way human beings interact."

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My boys play Xbox for reasonable periods of time. 2 of my 3 kids have Nintendo DS's.


Runescape. That's all I'll say.


Except that I have a farming cape and a quest cape. And yes, everyone in the house plays it. Even the cat would playt if he could figure out how......


I was a level 96 before I quit playing. I played the last year of my first marriage and my early single motherhood. Want to buy my account? I bet I have great herb, a dragon skirt, a couple of whips, over a mil in cash.....:lol:


Maybe I'll log in.

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Precocious youngest was beating Age of Mythology at 5 and cracked Twilight, Legend of Zelda in 6 days at age 9.


My dh loves the PS2 and James Bond type games and he is a huge Tomb Raider fan. I am going to get him the anniversary one for the Wii, or is it the legend one, anyway, it looks great.


I love my Wii and the whole family plays it until I want to play my Lego Star Wars and then it's mine, all mine!! I have also loved the more recent Harry Potter games but NOT the newest one. I must have stayed in Hogwarts for days when I first got Order of the Phoenix, the graphics were so amazing. My only disappointment was that it was a one player game.


Having never played video games growing up, it was a revelation when I got Zoo Tycoon for Christmas about 10 years ago. Feed yourselves kids, my animals need me!!! :D


It is both a family thing and a relax it's my turn thing. As a family our current favorites are Outdoor Challenge, EA Active More Workouts, mini-golf and the idiotic and hysterically funny Wario Smooth Moves. I just ordered Walk it out for our 13 year old, it is the only exercise she can do because of some physical difficulties. Raving Rabbids is fun too. God help me, I bought the Disney Sing it's for our girls and they love those too.


I am waiting very impatiently for the Lego Harry Potter years 1-4. It was supposed to come out in March but is delayed.


Life is all about balance and for us, games are part of it.

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  • 1 month later...
All the big people are addicted to one specific PS3 game. My kiddos are gamers though, and I don't have a problem with that at all. But hey, I'm just a lazy unschooling heathen parent


Lazy heathens unite!


I am slowly coming around. I have one kid with CAPD and wow, what those Wii games have done for that kid. Having to react instantaneously to sound, having to balance just so, has changed this child's personality. Now we have conversations. We've learned the kiddo is witty! So, yes, we do an amount of it that I shudder to reveal on this forum, and we all do it together ('cause togetherness is one of the major reasons we homeschool).

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Lazy heathens unite!


I am slowly coming around. I have one kid with CAPD and wow, what those Wii games have done for that kid. Having to react instantaneously to sound, having to balance just so, has changed this child's personality. Now we have conversations. We've learned the kiddo is witty! So, yes, we do an amount of it that I shudder to reveal on this forum, and we all do it together ('cause togetherness is one of the major reasons we homeschool).


I love you, Rose! Glad to 'see' you again.

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I am totally peeved at the anti-TV and anti-gaming attitudes here sometimes so I'm going to step up and proclaim that I am an avid gamer.


I am in fact an hours-at-a-time gamer. Recent favourites have been the Tomb Raider anniversary edition and Metroid Prime on the Wii. Currently I'm battling my way through Oblivion on the XBox 360.


We have a Wii, Gamecube, XBox, XBox 360, 2 Nintendo DS's, several computers...And that's just the stuff that's currently hooked up. Gaming in our house is a social thing. A family acitvity the way board games are for other families (although we like board games too). We spend what many moms here would think is waaay too much time with them and we love it.


I can not be the only one here.


Nope...gamer here too!



We're gamers and have the computers and headsets to prove it!


We are currently back to EQ and play with extended family from all over the country. My oldest son is currently in Navy bootcamp and our little family guild is missing him .....and his monk. :lol:


EQ1 or EQ2? I play EQ 2 on the Permafrost server and played EQ1 on the Povar server.


My Mother, Father, Sister, Brother-in-Law and my daughter (my son once in a blue moon) all play EQ2 as well. Although we don't play a lot we do play! I have been gaming since 2003 :)

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Another gamer family here! We've got 2 Xbox 360s, 1 PS3, 1 original Xbox, 1 PS2, 1 Wii, 1 original Nintendo, 3 Nintendo DS, 2 PSPs, I think we still have a Sega Dreamcast buried in the basement lol, and the gaming computer. I will also count in the boys Leapster games they have, they play the Leapster more than their DS systems lately.


We are total Halo junkies (thus my username). Dh, ds #2 and I will play it against each other between the 2 systems, we have a blast! Dh and I also are major Castlevania junkies. Dh is also into Fallout and Gears of War (he is foaming at the mouth waiting for the new ones to release, lol!)


Dh will play games I will navigate with the walkthrough books.


I need to get back into Oblivion and Twilight: Legend of Zelda.:tongue_smilie:

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My ds is a gamer. A very savvy trader too. He recently traded in his Wii, Ps2 and countless games to get a brand new Xbox 360 Elite. He got 2 games with the system, 2 addtional games, an extra remote, and a few other things and paid $5.00 for the whole thing after trade. He's happy as clam, play his Call of Duty game and the New Halo beta release (forget the name). He also has a ds, a ds lite, and a game boy. Ds plays with him sometimes, I just watch.

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I am totally peeved at the anti-TV and anti-gaming attitudes here sometimes so I'm going to step up and proclaim that I am an avid gamer.


I feel like I'm at a gamer-anonymous group!


I play WoW the most, ds9, ds6 & hubby play on a more casual basis. DS9 pretty much learned to read between WoW and toontown. Both boys also play toontown when they feel like it. DS9 also plays left4dead (I know- not really kid friendly, but it doesn't bother him. He likes it. He understands its a game), and also designs Left4Dead maps. I have no idea what is involved in making the maps, but it looks pretty technical.


We also have 2 ps2's, 3 nintendo DS, and a Wii. We love playing mario party together on the DS. The Wii is just all out fun for everyone. We usually have friends over and either play the Wii, the Wii fit, any of the singstar games, rock band, you name it!


I'd rather have my kids play some sort of game then stare blankly at a TV all day. Once their schoolwork is done they are free to play what they wish, when they wish. We do spend a lot of time outside in the afternoons, and they get plenty of exercise.


They even have TVs and computers in their rooms....yet they spend all their time in the living room with me. It's rare they spend time in their room by themselves.

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We're on the cusp...trying hard to locate a PS3 250 (also for the purpose of streaming Netflix). I have a feeling we'll have to hold ourselves back. We're not huge TV people (we have our shows but don't watch and watch and watch), but one reasons I HAVEN'T agreed to a gaming system is because I was afraid we'd all become addicted to it!

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I can not be the only one here.


No, you're not, as my name implies. :tongue_smilie:


My ds13 is an avid gamer and regularly plays Gamecube (Resident Evil that isn't on another platform), Wii, PS2, PS3, and Xbox 360. Dd17 has been too busy to play but used to be hardcore World of Warcraft and some PS3 games. Dd12 plays cutsie type games like Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon. DH only does logic games online like Sudoku, Sherlock, and Diplomacy. As for me, I've slowed down. My eyesight and slower reaction time hinder my game play sometimes.


However, I am proud to say that my local game store knows my family by name. It rocks.:D

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