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The Weirdest Fact About You

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Oh, this thread is absolutely killing me :lol:


My life seems so boring now *sigh* I can only think of one halfway decent one: I never graduated from high school. I just left after my junior year and went to college. For years afterward my grandmother pestered me about getting my GED. I finally told her, "Look, I have a college degree. No one is going to ask about my high school diploma!" However, I also don't have my college degree in hand! I had parking tickets that had to be paid off before I could get it, and though I paid the tickets, I never sent for my diploma :001_huh: In the 14 years since, not one employer or prospective employer has ever asked to see it :lol:


And inspired by Elise: I'm the girl who gets hit in the face with the ball. I'm not at all sporty, but even when I'm sitting on the sidelines or in the bleachers as a spectator, I will get hit in the face with the ball more often than not. In fact, I was once at a Yankee game, in great seats behind first base (Donnie Baseball!). We had met this very nice couple sitting near us, and I had switched to her boyfriend's seat because we were chatting and the guys were talking baseball. I happened to be telling the story about how I always get hit in the face with the ball when the batter fouled off a pitch that headed...straight for my face. The only thing that saved me was my boyfriend reaching up to try to catch it. It bounced off his hand and angled away from my head. His first two fingers were swollen for two days afterward! I would have ended up in the hospital for sure. The woman I was talking to was like, "I cannot believe that just happened to you!!!"

Edited by melissel
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My subconscious is a control freak.


I was pregnant, gestational diabetic and suffering from food psychosis. My horrible subconscious made me dream I was in an ice cream shop and made me take AGES to choose exactly the right flavour. Then I could only have three bites and had to give it away.


My subconscious hates me.




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My subconscious is a control freak.


I was pregnant, gestational diabetic and suffering from food psychosis. My horrible subconscious made me dream I was in an ice cream shop and made me take AGES to choose exactly the right flavour. Then I could only have three bites and had to give it away.


My subconscious hates me.





:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: My subconscious hates me too. Come into my dreams and I'll give you all the ice cream you want. If you can stand to be in my psycho dreams that is. ;) hehe

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I shaved my head and donned a tee-shirt that said "You can't rape a .38" and tried to infiltrate a separatist commune (no men allowed) to find a pair of hitchhikers suspected of murdering my old bf. I also went to the Rainbow Gathering that year, armed with a gun, and spent most of my time in the parking lot checking the VIN number of white Ford vans. Since everyone was nude, I recall tromping up to a mounted forest ranger buck naked and giving him fliers on my missing friend.


kalanamak, are you a paid writer as well as doc? If not, I think you should/could be. Who could top your story?


My entry: I once won $10,000 in a contest.

Edited by mirth
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I have 2 extra holes in my head from where my head was drilled when I had meningitis as a toddler.



I have OCD and am constantly having to run back in the house to RECHECK the lights and faucets and sometimes come back home to check to make sure the garage door is down even if I watched it go down. Not Fun :glare:

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Man, I'm boring. Seriously, on here and IRL, my life has been an open book. What you think I'm obsessed with, I am. What you know I've been doing, I have. And the list goes on. The most interesting thing about me is that I have an undiagnoseable (so-far) illness (well and 16 diagnoses, but hint: NO ONE has 16 different dxes; something covers most of it!); but that has been covered every which way soooooooo....


I'll try to think of something, but.....

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: My subconscious hates me too. Come into my dreams and I'll give you all the ice cream you want. If you can stand to be in my psycho dreams that is. ;) hehe


Perhaps she should come into my dreams and eat all the ice cream she wants instead. I never remember a thing!

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I shaved my head and donned a tee-shirt that said "You can't rape a .38" and tried to infiltrate a separatist commune (no men allowed) to find a pair of hitchhikers suspected of murdering my old bf. I also went to the Rainbow Gathering that year, armed with a gun, and spent most of my time in the parking lot checking the VIN number of white Ford vans. Since everyone was nude, I recall tromping up to a mounted forest ranger buck naked and giving him fliers on my missing friend.


BTW, Mr. FJG, if you ever do turn up alive, you owe me!!


Where'd you carry the gun since you were nude? And I guess you don't need a 'concealed carry permit' under those circumstances, do you?:lol:

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In 6th grade, I won an essay contest and the prize was that I got to conduct the Buffalo Philharmonic.


One of the local TV anchor's was there to introduce me. It was filmed & I was on the news. My dad was in the hospital at the time and the news anchor ask the producer to roll the footage they had as the news was ending so my dad could see as much of it as possible. The acnchor actually said all that on TV!

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Where'd you carry the gun since you were nude? And I guess you don't need a 'concealed carry permit' under those circumstances, do you?:lol:


The gun was in the car in case I found these two. They were criminals who went to places where "hippies" were and preyed on them. They walked into a collective bakery in the midwest "looking for a ride" towards the commune in Oregon. My ex-bf, really a sweet guy, told them he could give them a ride to Kansas City. He was never seen again. We found out later they had robbed a store earlier in the week and given the old man a serious crack on the head.


Hard to believe that was about 30 years ago....

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Here are my two:


1. My grandparents married and divorced each other 5 times. Just lets you know that you truly can't live with them and can't live without them!


2. When I was a freshman in college, some friends and I went out late one night to steal a street sign. I shimmied up the sign with pliers in my teeth to get the sign (the street sign had the same name as my boyfriend). Unknown to us, the local transit station that was located at the end of said street was occupied by policemen. Up comes a police car (no lights or sirens) and we still don't see the policeman until he is standing at the bottom of the sign and asking, "Do you need some bolt cutters to get that down?" Talk about heart dropping in your stomach feeling! He kindly gave us a reprimand and sent us on our way!!!!

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I can not remember people. The part of my brain that is supposed to see and recognize faces simply does not work properly. It does work a little. I've seen programs where people do not even remember their immediate family. I'm not THAT bad off (phew), but if you talk to me this morning, then step out and come back in the afternoon - or even 20 minutes later, I'm unlikely to remember you at all. I'd never be able to pick you out of a group of people. It takes me a LONG time to somewhat permanently put people into my memory - then if they change something major (hairstyle, weight) - I don't know them.


It's really bad when I'm in school, but I make it work by trying to remember people's hair, speech tone or clothing styles and such things - some connection my brain can deal with.


I'd be a horrible witness. I can see it now...


Police: "Did this person just rob that store?"

Me: "I dunno - maybe."

Police: "What do you mean, maybe? It just happened 10 minutes ago and you were standing right there watching it happen."

Me: "And your point is?"


I seriously couldn't finger anyone - esp not in a lineup. And I really don't like this mental handicap, but such is life. Hubby knows about it and helps out whenever he can ("this is so and so, we met them at ___"). Then I can remember the event or whatever...

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I can beat the placenta! I have my son's fingers taped in his baby book! He was born with 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot. The fingers weren't fully developed, so they were tied off and fell off just like the placenta did, and I taped them in his baby book. :D


This is mother love!

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My subconscious is a control freak.


I was pregnant, gestational diabetic and suffering from food psychosis. My horrible subconscious made me dream I was in an ice cream shop and made me take AGES to choose exactly the right flavour. Then I could only have three bites and had to give it away.


My subconscious hates me.





:lurk5: each day I like you more and more, Rosie.

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Ok, my own family tree is so convoluted that almost everyone is related to everyone else in more than one way but I can not even begin to imagine how that could happen. Care to elaborate? :confused:


:lol: Here goes: My grandparents were 2nd cousins (my GF's dad and my GM's mom were 1st cousins) and they met at the funeral of a mutual relative in Canada. No -- I cannot fathom how that happened. I don't know if they were gazing at each other over the corpse and felt sparks or what. According to my family tree software, that makes my mom her own 3rd cousin and all of the grandchildren are their own 4th cousins. The super-creepy thing about all this? It is rumored that my great-grandmother's family moved to Canada from Maine when she was a young teen because she and my great-grandfather were developing more than a cousinly interest in each other. It's weird that their children ended up getting married!


I'd like it noted that I don't talk to myself -- I talk to my inner-cousin ;)

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I can not remember people. ..


Ah! And I thought I was the only one! I live in fear of having to identify someone in a lineup! (like this would be a daily occurence.. sigh..)



Ok, here's my factoid.

As a child, I was the one picked last for teams at school. Phys ed was horrendous, I couldn't do anything, always coming in last.

Fast forward about 10 years, and I was a hopeful for the national karate team! A knee injury stopped that dream though.

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I believe in ghosts. I have been fascinated by the paranormal since I was a kid.


I remember strange things happening in every house we ever lived in. I thought it was just my imagination, though, until one year in my CLUE class we did a mini-study on fears and phobias. Part of that was studying paranormal activity, and we toured some of the places around town that were said to be haunted. I was so relieved to know that other people had seen and heard weird things, too. Of course I had heard ghost stories before, but it was always the "campfire" kind of story that you know was made up just to scare you. I started reading any non-fiction book I could get my hands on about ghosts.


I guess there could be an explanation for these strange happenings, or it could have been my imagination. There were lights and turning themselves on and off, the volume of the television going up and down, weird sounds in the night like whispering and scratching inside the walls, seeing things in mirrors or glass that weren't really there, flashes of light in the house (like lightning), knocking on the kitchen door from inside the garage when no one could have gotten in, footsteps in the attic, etc...


Once I was vaccuuming and someone grabbed my shoulder and yelled "Boo", but no one else was home. After that, I wouldn't vaccuum without my sister walking through the house with me as I did it.


At one house that we lived in, I would wake up almost every night in a panic because I felt like I didn't know where I was. I had three doors in my room (one was a closet, one led to the hallway, and one to the kitchen). One of those nights I tried to get out of the room and each door that I opened was the closet. I started screaming and my mom came and let me out. After that I refused to sleep in my room. I started sleeping on a trundle bed in my sister's room.


I also used to have some sort of psychic ability. I knew who was calling when the phone rang, I knew what song was about to come on the radio, things like that. Sometimes I would just get a bad feeling about things or people, and would always be right. I remember once when I was 15, some friends tried to set me up with a guy. I met him and felt like he was kind of creepy. My friends thought I was crazy and couldn't understand why I wouldn't go out with him. A few weeks later he murdered a girl and then shot himself. I still have the newspaper clipping.


I used to see things happen before they would happen. The worst was the time I saw a really bad car accident happen - it was just a flash of images in my mind, but I clearly saw every detail - and then the accident happened at an intersection right in front of me.


I dreamed that my mother had died and I was going door to door telling the people in every house that my mother was dead. Less than a week later, she died.


All of these things stopped when my mother died. No more strange things happening in the house, no more "psychic visions". It was like something had attached itself to her, rather than the houses.


I still have some sort of intuition about people that I meet, though. My friends think I'm too judgemental; but if someone rubs me the wrong way, I trust my instincts and steer clear of them.


Wow, this got way too long. Sorry about that. :tongue_smilie:

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Nothing too interesting...


My most obscure oddness is that I rarely get a correct meal at a restaurant. It is usually raw, has something in it, is the wrong meal or isn't prepared how I asked. It is a joke in my family and is always a mystery until my plate is served. It can be an expensive meal or a fast food restaurant...it will always be wrong. LOL


I have even shared meals with people and had my part be undercooked/cold and their part be fine. Usually, everyone else's meals are perfect, it is just mine that has issues.


On Sunday, we ate at McGrath's Fish House and I got served plastic shreds in my vegetables. UGHHH!

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I believe in ghosts. I have been fascinated by the paranormal since I was a kid.


I remember strange things happening in every house we ever lived in. I thought it was just my imagination, though, until one year in my CLUE class we did a mini-study on fears and phobias. Part of that was studying paranormal activity, and we toured some of the places around town that were said to be haunted. I was so relieved to know that other people had seen and heard weird things, too. Of course I had heard ghost stories before, but it was always the "campfire" kind of story that you know was made up just to scare you. I started reading any non-fiction book I could get my hands on about ghosts.


I guess there could be an explanation for these strange happenings, or it could have been my imagination. There were lights and turning themselves on and off, the volume of the television going up and down, weird sounds in the night like whispering and scratching inside the walls, seeing things in mirrors or glass that weren't really there, flashes of light in the house (like lightning), knocking on the kitchen door from inside the garage when no one could have gotten in, footsteps in the attic, etc...


Once I was vaccuuming and someone grabbed my shoulder and yelled "Boo", but no one else was home. After that, I wouldn't vaccuum without my sister walking through the house with me as I did it.


At one house that we lived in, I would wake up almost every night in a panic because I felt like I didn't know where I was. I had three doors in my room (one was a closet, one led to the hallway, and one to the kitchen). One of those nights I tried to get out of the room and each door that I opened was the closet. I started screaming and my mom came and let me out. After that I refused to sleep in my room. I started sleeping on a trundle bed in my sister's room.


I also used to have some sort of psychic ability. I knew who was calling when the phone rang, I knew what song was about to come on the radio, things like that. Sometimes I would just get a bad feeling about things or people, and would always be right. I remember once when I was 15, some friends tried to set me up with a guy. I met him and felt like he was kind of creepy. My friends thought I was crazy and couldn't understand why I wouldn't go out with him. A few weeks later he murdered a girl and then shot himself. I still have the newspaper clipping.


I used to see things happen before they would happen. The worst was the time I saw a really bad car accident happen - it was just a flash of images in my mind, but I clearly saw every detail - and then the accident happened at an intersection right in front of me.


I dreamed that my mother had died and I was going door to door telling the people in every house that my mother was dead. Less than a week later, she died.


All of these things stopped when my mother died. No more strange things happening in the house, no more "psychic visions". It was like something had attached itself to her, rather than the houses.


I still have some sort of intuition about people that I meet, though. My friends think I'm too judgemental; but if someone rubs me the wrong way, I trust my instincts and steer clear of them.


Wow, this got way too long. Sorry about that. :tongue_smilie:


I've had similar experiences and still do -- not so much with ghosts, but with psychic flashes. Several times the phone would ring and I would no who it was (before the days of caller ID). I would suddenly think of someone I hadn't heard from or seen in a long time and I would hear from them shortly after. This actually just happened last week with someone from school who I hadn't spoken to in 16 or 17 years. He found me on FB and I had been thinking about him totally out of the blue the week before.


I'd have lots of dreams that would come true. I had a dream several times when I was 13 about the man I was going to marry and how I would recognize him. A few years ago right before my birthday I dreamed that my dad sent me a birthday card that read, "Remember that no matter what, I'll always love you." I woke up with a horrible feeling. He was suicidal and I had tried to get him help. I tried to reach him on the phone and couldn't. That evening I got the call that he killed himself. Most of the dreams aren't big like these. Most of them will be a glimpse of some conversation or setting that I will find myself in the next day. It's very strange.


Supposedly one of my great-grandmothers was psychic and was very good at reading tea-leaves. Maybe I got a little bit of that from her!

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I'm not very exciting. The most unusual I can think of:


My grandmother (Mom's mother) was born in 1894.


Not many people have grandparents that were born in the 19th century anymore. My mom was the 11th out of 12 children (born in 1930 when Grandma was 36). Most of my aunts and uncles were the ages that most of my friend's grandparent's were, and my 2nd cousins were all my age. And then I was born when my mom was 30yo.

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I knew my grandmother died before anyone told me. I was in my 7th grade history class and knew something was wrong with her. I started crying and my teacher sent me to the office. They told me I had probably just dozed off and had a bad dream. While I was there, my dad walked in and when he saw me we both started crying. It was absolutely the weirdest thing that ever happened to me.



I had something similar happen to me--but I was an adult...I knew that my husband was going to die---a few days before he passed. I woke in the middle of the night and could smell death--I don't know how to explain the smell or how I felt--it was very strange....he died a few days later.

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I am a reformed(mostly) bad girl. :tongue_smilie: Honestly, most of my homeschooling friends have NO idea! Only my oldest friends who have known me a long time know. I am very laid back and un-assuming.


Here's one story(of many...sigh) that I don't share at the local co-op, but still makes me laugh to myself.


I was at a umm... club with some friends and we were getting an escort to leave. I can't quite remember why, because they had $1.00 beers and we had a few, even though I wasn't 21. Anyhow, it was really packed and on the way out I got shoved into the door bouncer. He grabbed by "chest" to keep me from falling and was like whoops! So I grabbed his....guy parts.... and yelled WHOOPS! Ahhh, the good 'ol days before kids.


I stole a car when I was 13, with my then 13YO best friend. We were running away and going to drive to California and be famous. That never happened. We also used to take her parents minivan out on the town, until we got caught because the last time we drove it we left the stereo on high blast when we turned the car off...duh! We then went to taking my older brothers car out. We were so dumb we used to put ice on the hood of the car when we got home to "cool it down." :lol: Luckily I'll be smarter parents than mine were...I hope!


Well, I'll have to leave memory lane and get back to school!

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I spent a summer in my early 20's working in a fish packing factory in Alaska. Everyone who worked there was seasonal, some were itinerant laborers, some were college students, some others were questionable (ex-cons? homeless nomads?) and we all lived in tents outside the plant, using the bathrooms inside when we had to go or shower. It was one of those *Survivoresque* type of experiences where you realize how pampered regular life really is, and you are thankful for the most basic things. One night after working almost 20 hours straight, I went to my tent (which was always wet inside) and was trying to dry off my inflatable air mattress with my propane heater. I nodded off and awoke to find my bed in flames! I had only just bought it with my first paycheck! Oops!

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We have some very interesting people on here.:001_smile:

The only thing I can think of is that my great...whatever...grandfather's brother was General Robert E. Lee. On the other side of the family, my great great grandmother's first name was America. :)


One more thing, I am almost ashamed to say I would rather read a really hot romance than any other book :D Please don't take away my posting priveledges ;)

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