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Getting thin in 2010...anybody in???

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Well, I'm not much of a pack leader around here, but the words of advice yesterday that got me off my couch proved what the power of encouragement could do. I was (bravely against my nature) considering starting 2 threads. One could be: "Getting thin in 2010 Exercise Tips" and the other for Diet Tips. Then we could add some short messages with things we have discovered, activities we've enjoyed, diet tips, foods we discovered etc. I guess it would either be periodically resurrected or if interest waned it could just die...which would be ok if that's what the interest level proved to be as I don't "have" to have it...just thought if there are others in my boat it might be a good source if info and encouragment. And for all you people who are already "there" in fitness and health...you can contribute, too! Your experiences would be very valuable.


But before I walk out on this limb, I thought I'd check to see if there is any interest. Or perhaps someone knows of a different forum that I should check in for this? Again, I don't want to start something that's not needed or helpful.


And fyi - It's currently 0 (F) and wind chill of -15! But I'll be out there this afternoon. Maybe I can make it 12 minutes today!

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Well, Praisefor3, no wonder you don't want to walk in the cold! :) It's the same here where I am...I just converted it (we do celcius) and it's -17 with the wind chill. Since my running clinic doesn't start until next week, I'm not running today, but that's almost my threshold of wanting to be out and run...almost too cold!


Well, I plan to get thin in 2010, so I'm in...I'd love to weigh-in each week, though I'm not sure others are up for that. We could just do pounds lost and what we did for exercise, or how many hours, or something?!?!?! :)

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I'm in. I have gained 40 lbs. since my 3 yr old was born. So, my goal weight loss is 40 lbs. I am going to start fast walking 30 min per day and eating much healthier. I will work my way up to 45 min per day. I am babysitting a friends baby for the next 2 months, after that I will hit the gym again. Good Luck everyone!

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I'm in. Going on South Beach next week. I lost 40 lbs. that way and have kept it off for years, but over the past couple, it's started creeping back on, and this holiday season has not been my friend. So I need to back it up before I don't fit in any of my pants (yes, I threw out the fat pants!)

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Well, I'm not much of a pack leader around here, but the words of advice yesterday that got me off my couch proved what the power of encouragement could do. I was (bravely against my nature) considering starting 2 threads. One could be: "Getting thin in 2010 Exercise Tips" and the other for Diet Tips. Then we could add some short messages with things we have discovered, activities we've enjoyed, diet tips, foods we discovered etc. I guess it would either be periodically resurrected or if interest waned it could just die...which would be ok if that's what the interest level proved to be as I don't "have" to have it...just thought if there are others in my boat it might be a good source if info and encouragment. And for all you people who are already "there" in fitness and health...you can contribute, too! Your experiences would be very valuable.


But before I walk out on this limb, I thought I'd check to see if there is any interest. Or perhaps someone knows of a different forum that I should check in for this? Again, I don't want to start something that's not needed or helpful.


And fyi - It's currently 0 (F) and wind chill of -15! But I'll be out there this afternoon. Maybe I can make it 12 minutes today!



I'd be interested! I'm soooooo discouraged of losing/gaining over the years which I know is NOT the best approach. It seems I'm an emtional eater (which isn't good)....or maybe I look for an excuse to eat ;) Nonetheless, I'm big....recently bought a few clothes which are YES a size bigger and I refuse to do that so I basically don't have anything to wear.


For improved health and to look more feminine are also great motivators for me.


Keep me posted. Thanks. Sheryl <><

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I'm in. I need to loose, erm, alot. I'll *start* by setting a goal to be 50 lbs. lighter by Dec. 31, 2010. There's still more work to do after that. I figure that's just over a pound a week, which is doable and realistic.


I'm in the same boat w/ clothing as Sheryl above - nicer clothing (or that looks nicer on me) is a motivator. Avoiding diabetes, heart problems & stroke are my main concerns though. I have to model better food behavior for the kids and make them eat healthier, too. I don't have the $ for any additional expenses, so diets requiring special foods or costly ingredients are out, as well as any sort of gym membership. I was going to just use what exercise videos I have around and when those get boring, start checking some out from the library. As for food, my 1st step will be to implement some good 'ol common sense and start battling cravings.

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I'm in. I need to loose, erm, alot. I'll *start* by setting a goal to be 50 lbs. lighter by Dec. 31, 2010. There's still more work to do after that. I figure that's just over a pound a week, which is doable and realistic.


I'm in the same boat w/ clothing as Sheryl above - nicer clothing (or that looks nicer on me) is a motivator. Avoiding diabetes, heart problems & stroke are my main concerns though. I have to model better food behavior for the kids and make them eat healthier, too. I don't have the $ for any additional expenses, so diets requiring special foods or costly ingredients are out, as well as any sort of gym membership. I was going to just use what exercise videos I have around and when those get boring, start checking some out from the library. As for food, my 1st step will be to implement some good 'ol common sense and start battling cravings.



Yep, I agree. Health reasons are important..I don't want diabetes or anything else.


I alternate b/t 2 skirts at our church which must look incredibly ridiculous (not that people "need" alot of clothes), but I just won't buy bigger. I bought bigger and the bag is going back to the store. So.........I continue to wear my clothes that are now "wearing" out because I wear them all the time. :glare:

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I'm in! I really want to lose 10 pounds. I had gotten it off about 3 years ago but that was due to a huge amount of stress in my life. It's weird how during times of high stress the pounds just fall off...at least for me. Otherwise, they slowly appear out of nowhere! Never slowly DISAPPEAR...just always slowly APPEAR!:lol:


My problem is I'm a snacker...so I'll just have a little bit of this...then maybe a little more....then a little while later I'll have a little bit of that. All those "littles" really started to add up. I had no idea how many extra calories I was eating! So I joined a free program on line to help me track my intake. It's called Spark People. If I am good about logging in and recording all my eating I can usually stay in my calorie range. But if I don't I'll start to creep back into my old habits.


You can also track calories burned at this site. I just started back at the Y this week. My goal is to go 4 times a week.


It will be great to have another place to be accountable. I'm on this site almost every day.

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Count me in as well. :D


I'm more concerned with getting into a routine of regular exercise than I am dieting at this point though. I know that once I get my body moving daily, the weight will gradually come off on it's own.


Once a solid daily routine of exercise has been established, then I will think about calorie restiction. Until then, following something like the No s Diet will be perfect for me: No seconds, and no sugars except Saturday, Sunday, and Special days (birthday, holiday).

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I'll join in. I'm back on track with Medifast. I started in October and have lost almost 30 # so far. But December was really rough. The stress of family and the holidays pointed me straight for the pantry and fridge (and liquor cabinet sometimes too!). I feel good that the next several months don't have any big food holidays coming and I can just put my head down and get on with it!


I HATE exercise, but I am going to work on walking several times a week and will try some videos too. I have Tae Bo which is fun, and I can rent some from the library. After we move I will see about maybe joining the Y - depends on how the budget shapes up.


I have a LOT to lose too, but I am not going to think about that right now. My focus is 20 pounds because when I hit that goal it will be 50 lost and my reward is a new bike (and probably a few new clothes).

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I'm in! I have a LOT to lose (and I will not tell how much) but I am very, very motivated. I want to be healthy and a good example to my dc.


My plan is to make changes slowly over time. A diet won't work for me - I need to change my lifestyle all together.


I've already started this - my first changes were to drastically increase my fruit and vegetable intake and avoid HFCS. My next change is to go dairy-free. I've always been slightly allergic to dairy, but my reactions are getting worse as I get older (which is what happened to my mother.)


I think Quiver of 10 should be our motivator - I am pretty sure she lost more than 100 pounds a couple of years ago!

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I'll join in. I'm back on track with Medifast. I started in October and have lost almost 30 # so far. But December was really rough. The stress of family and the holidays pointed me straight for the pantry and fridge (and liquor cabinet sometimes too!). I feel good that the next several months don't have any big food holidays coming and I can just put my head down and get on with it!


I HATE exercise, but I am going to work on walking several times a week and will try some videos too. I have Tae Bo which is fun, and I can rent some from the library. After we move I will see about maybe joining the Y - depends on how the budget shapes up.


I have a LOT to lose too, but I am not going to think about that right now. My focus is 20 pounds because when I hit that goal it will be 50 lost and my reward is a new bike (and probably a few new clothes).


Great job. I've been meaning to ask how Medifast was going for you. What things have you found to be the trick, enjoyed eating, etc? You have seriously convicted me because I didn't start when you did and now you are 30# lighter. Great job. Now I need some motivation;)

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I'm in. I need to lose 40 lbs. and seeing my super skinny sis at Thanksgiving gave me just the kick in the butt that I needed. She lost 30-40 lbs. last year.

I have to walk on the treadmill as my youngest is 3 and well my oldest is 9 with some in between those ages. I do plan to start and work up with time.

I too like to eat late at night. I don't know why. I eat more after the kids go to bed than I do all day long.

This sound like fun and some accountability.

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Count me in. :001_smile: I started tracking my food the end of September on Spark People and so far, I'm down 35lbs. I've got...oh about 120 to go, but this year should get a big chunk of it off. I am not doing any particular diet other than eat more sensibly, move more. ;)


Please tell me I am not the only one needing/wanting to lose a large amount of weight. :bigear::blushing:

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Count me in. :001_smile: I started tracking my food the end of September on Spark People and so far, I'm down 35lbs. I've got...oh about 120 to go, but this year should get a big chunk of it off. I am not doing any particular diet other than eat more sensibly, move more. ;)


Please tell me I am not the only one needing/wanting to lose a large amount of weight. :bigear::blushing:


No, you aren't!:D

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Great job. I've been meaning to ask how Medifast was going for you. What things have you found to be the trick, enjoyed eating, etc? You have seriously convicted me because I didn't start when you did and now you are 30# lighter. Great job. Now I need some motivation;)

Hey Kristi! You know, I don't have much in the way of secrets and tips to pass on. Medifast is working for me because I don't have to think much. 5 small meals/snacks are already done for me, so when I'm in my normal routine I don't have to think about food at all. And I'm not really hungry on MF. Don't know why, maybe it's all the protein. I have done some batch cooking so that my family still eats an sometimes I do eat my "lean and green" meal with them. Like last night I made them spaghetti and meatballs, so for me I made a big bowl of green beans and chicken, and put a bit of the sauce on mine. So it doesn't seem like I am deprived. I do that kind of stuff so we can still eat as a family but I'm not eating the carby things they are.


My real challenge is nights and weekends. I am working on curbing my habit of late night eating, so I usually save one of my MF meals for after dinner. Weekends are tough because when DH is home my routine is different and we tend to eat out more. Sometimes, like yesterday, when he got burgers I just had him not get me anything and it was fine. Other times I do stick to salads. I have sometimes allowed myself a "cheat" meal, but I still try to stick in moderation. Like if we decide to have pizza, I make myself my huge salad and have one piece of pizza.


PM me if you want more specifics on Medifast. This works for me because I do better if I'm not focused on food and counting calories or points all the time. It's a behavior modification thing. I totally can see how it won't work for many people, but it seems to be working for my personality.


BUT, I have to get my butt moving! I'll never keep it off long term if I don't find a way to make exercise a priority!

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I'd like to join too for the encouragement. I was hoping to start on New Years Day, but it looks like Monday will be better. I need a couple more planning days. I want to start with exercising and slowing work in the dieting. Drinking more water, logging what I eat, and eliminating late night eating I'm sure will go a long way to jump start my success. Here's to a healthier new us!

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I would love to be in too. I have been on the Jillian Michaels website. There is a fee for it but that okay except i hate the fomat of their forums. they are hard to read and very confusing. I keep thinking how cool it would be if they had a set up like this. Maybe now I don't have to worry about that site and can have some motivation here. I am keeping tabs on a 3 month weight loss challenge that will be starting on there. One of the first items of business was to create a vision board of what your goals will be this new year. It could be pictures or quotes. Just something to inspire you for who you are and what you want to become. I have been making mine and it is fun. Just an idea. It would be a fun thing to get everyone started. Ruby looking to lose 40lbs.

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I'll join! I have about 60 pounds to lose. My simple plan is exercise and eating healthfully - lots of veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, moderate good fats. I am giving some of our favorite family meals a healthy makeover. We're also trying to focus more on fresh, local, seasonal produce and just got back from a lovely trip to the local farmer's market.

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I need to loose at least 60 to get in my ideal weight range, but have no idea where to begin. Could use some help getting started.


I started by tracking my foods every day at sparkpeople. Once I set up an account (it's free) I set up goals and they calculated my caloric needs. Then, I went about trying to stay in range. I stay in my range the best when I'm eating healthier-more fruits and veggies and less casseroles. :tongue_smilie: You can track your weight, exercise, and food intake here. You can set goals and track many kinds of nutrition. I highly recommend the site. :001_smile:

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I'm in! I lost quite a bit of weight a few years ago on a diet forum--it was great because a group of us were all in it together. It was lots of fun.


My DH and I are starting today--mostly a low carb diet and doing the Leslie Sansone walking DVDs (for me).


I lost about 13# over the last couple of months and was able to keep it off during the holidays. I jumped on the scale this morning to be sure! :001_smile: I would like to lose about 30# more.

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I'm in. :) I started off this pg at my previous end-of-pg weight. :glare: I now weigh more than dh. Very depressing. I'd like to lose 55 lbs., but would be happy with 45. What scares me is that in the past I've been able to put on, but not lose weight. I had started a low dose of thyroid meds shortly before becoming pg. My thyroid labs were "normal", but I found an ND who was willing to try medication based on symptoms. I was only on the meds a couple of months, though, before becoming pg (which was a complete surprise, btw), and had to discontinue them shortly thereafter as my labs went into the "hyper" range. So...really hoping I actually lose weight this time. Thanks for the mutual encouragement, ladies. :D

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I'm in. I'm not making a specific weight goal, but rather am focusing on healthy behaviors. First behavior is exercise. I'm going to commit to working in my garden for 1 1/2 hours on Mondays, walking on T and T while my kids are practicing for swimteam. W's I'm going to walk with a friend at lunchtime. Second, after the holidays, junk food is leaving the house. We usually focus on veggies, fruits, and whole grains, but that changed since Thanksgiving. So back to healthy foods.


I may weigh my self after I get going.


Looking forward to the encouragement from everyone.

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I would love an accountability/support group. I would like to lose 35lbs.

Lora in NC


Wouldn't mind an "accountability" group for exercising and interesting tidbits of good food. I could shed a few pounds but it's mainly keeping in shape and keeping toned. I've weighed the same for many years but it seems to want to transform to flab now...

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The threads have been created. They are: Getting Thin in 2010-Diet/Food/Nutrition Tips, Getting Thin in 2010-Exercise/Activity Tips, and Getting Thin in 2010-Accountability. It is so encouraging to know we are in this together! We can see how the threads evolve this year and make them work for us as we figure out what works best or if we need something different. Check out the threads and see if they sound right and help us get started!


Getting thin in 2010 - together!

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