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Would you be offended if...

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your SIL brought hand sanitizing wipes to your house to wipe doorknobs off with? Background: my nephew has had the flu complete with vomiting and fever since last weekend. I was told he didn't vomit yesterday (Tuesday) and his fever is gone today (Wednesday.) We are going to their house for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I have stuffed my children full of probiotics, yogurt, D3 and anything else I can think of that's immune boosting. I bought a can of wipes at Jewel today. I plan to wipe off the doorknobs we touch, as well as the bathroom.


Would you be offended, or would you understand I don't want my kids to get sick?

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Would you be offended, or would you understand I don't want my kids to get sick?

I wouldn't be offended at all, but I would think that if your kids go to the grocery, to pre-school, to music lessons, dance lessons, or any outside sports, that you were driving yourself crazy over something you have very little control over. :001_smile: If you suspect that she may be offended, perhaps it's not worth the wipes? (Or maybe just stay home?)

Edited by Julie in CA
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I think it might depend on how it was done. If you walked into my house with a big smile and a hug and you said, "Look, I'm crazy and I just really don't want my kids getting sick because I can't deal with that right now so I'm going to wipe down the doorknobs. Still my friend?" I'd laugh and say, "Whatever floats your boat!"


If you were sneaky about it and acting "strange", I'd be more inclined to think, "What the heck is up with this crazy gal? She got problems with my cleaning or what?"

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I would be thrilled! Because I always feel like such a germ freak, I love it when I see other people acting the way I do. :D Most of my close friends are the same way, so we totally understand. Just tell her "I know you probably think I'm crazy, but I'd rather have that than risk my dc getting sick. Nothing personal."


Happy Thanksgiving!


ps-dh was at about 4 different stores today, and everytime I talked to him on his cell, I would say "You used your sanitizer, right? You didn't use the store's pen, right?"

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I think it might depend on how it was done. If you walked into my house with a big smile and a hug and you said, "Look, I'm crazy and I just really don't want my kids getting sick because I can't deal with that right now so I'm going to wipe down the doorknobs. Still my friend?" I'd laugh and say, "Whatever floats your boat!"


If you were sneaky about it and acting "strange", I'd be more inclined to think, "What the heck is up with this crazy gal? She got problems with my cleaning or what?"


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I wouldn't be offended if my SIL warned me, prepped me, told me ahead of time what she was doing...honestly and being forthcoming is important in those situations. I'd probably be relieved to know that someone else was watching out for buggies besides myself :)


I've just had two close homeschooling friends deal with lice over the past week, and last week begged out of our weekly 3-family co-op day. I was feeling surrounded on all sides by lice. Everyone understood because I was upfront about it.


...of course, for Thanksgiving we're the family coming to dinner with the tail end of the flu, so I'll be doing my own wiping down at my MILs so *we* don't spread it to everyone there!

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Why would that offend me? One of my sisters is a worrier, so that would not surprise me, and I would accept her need. I might be surprised if my brother did it, but I would not be offended. I would chuckle "Thanks! Goodness knows what the kids drag in". I would also probably say "I hear it's a bad flu season". And see if he wants to talk about it.


Everyone goes a little *out there* sometimes, and that is not about me. If ya can't be frealy deaky with your sibs...


Goodness knows what my siblings have had to deal with regarding my quirks over the years. (For a time there, I was pregnant or had babies near major winter holidays). lol

Edited by LibraryLover
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I wouldn't be offended, but I have to wonder how helpful it is to wipe off the doorknobs. What about toys, furniture, etc.? I think if you are really worried (and I would be, in those circumstances), you shouldn't go. I know we can't live in a bubble, but the chances are pretty good that someone else in that house is incubating the virus, and even if they don't have symptoms yet they could still be contagious.

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I wouldn't be offended, but since I am finding myself in the same position that you are in (only the adult has been sick), I am thinking it is pretty much a lost cause. They LIVE in that house...their germs are in the air all around you. Making sure the kids wash their hands and such is about all you can do, unless you want to wear a mask (and you can't really wear a mask and eat, as one person pointed out in my situation! LOL).


Good luck!

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I want to add that I think it's a bit 'out there' to think your kids are never going to get sick, or that they should never get sick. That it's even something you should always try to prevent as a matter of course. If you are very worried and won't feel cmfortable, I don't think you should go.I

Edited by LibraryLover
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I wouldn't be offended at all, but I would think that if your kids go to the grocery, to pre-school, to music lessons, dance lessons, or any outside sports, that you were driving yourself crazy over something you have very little control over. :001_smile: If you suspect that she may be offended, perhaps it's not worth the wipes? (Or maybe just stay home?)




Honestly, it is too much. I understand not wanting illness in the family, but unless someone in the family has an autoimmune issue (and then you should stay home) it is a bit obsessive to wipe down the door knobs. Bring some hand sanitizer with you and remind your dc to wash their hands reguarly, but leave the door wipes at home. :001_smile:

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I don't see the problem with bringing wipes, however the toys are likely to be a bigger problem and that would be a mess to clean all of those. Also everyone else in the house has been exposed and the boy is likely still shedding virus, so cleaning surfaces may not really do much. Just my .02

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your SIL brought hand sanitizing wipes to your house to wipe doorknobs off with? Background: my nephew has had the flu complete with vomiting and fever since last weekend. I was told he didn't vomit yesterday (Tuesday) and his fever is gone today (Wednesday.) We are going to their house for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I have stuffed my children full of probiotics, yogurt, D3 and anything else I can think of that's immune boosting. I bought a can of wipes at Jewel today. I plan to wipe off the doorknobs we touch, as well as the bathroom.


Would you be offended, or would you understand I don't want my kids to get sick?


If I were you, I wouldn't even go. ;) The times we have done it, I've been sorry. Stomach bugs just don't go away in 24-48 hours. . . I wouldn't go if there had been stomach issues for 72 hours. (I wouldn't let them come to my house either!) Normally, I am pretty easy going about illnesses, but stomach bugs are the PITS and are insanely contagious, IME. Runny noses, coughs, colds, no worries. . . but stomach issues, NO WAY!


This year, with H1N1, I also wouldn't go (or host) if anyone had a fever for the past 24 hours, (we can't afford for dh to get sick b/c of our business that would grind to a halt if he was out sick. . . and payroll for 12 staff would continue. . . so he CAN'T get sick!!)


So, I think you are very brave to go at all. I'd take Lysol and sanitizing wipes, and sanitizing hand rub. . . and pray a lot. Better yet, I'd stay home. Definitely. :) And, if your SIL is offended, she is just ridiculous.

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If someone brings wipes to my house with the intention of disinfecting the door knobs, I'd ask them to include all cabinet knobs, furniture knobs, faucet and toilet handles, too.


While they are working, they may as well be thorough. A lack of thoroughness might bother me, but bringing wipes and putting them to good use would not.

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If someone brings wipes to my house with the intention of disinfecting the door knobs, I'd ask them to include all cabinet knobs, furniture knobs, faucet and toilet handles, too.


While they are working, they may as well be thorough. A lack of thoroughness might bother me, but bringing wipes and putting them to good use would not.




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I'm so glad I asked this question! My SIL is not easily offended. We have a very good relationship and she understands me. I am quite normal compared to my brother, whom she is married to. That said, a pp said the virus is in the air in their house, and someone else might be incubating. I agree. I'm not usually so freaky about illness. I just spoke to my SIL yesterday to confirm what I'm bringing to her house (a salad) and she went ON AND ON about how sick the child was, the dr. put him on Tamiflu again, he was vomiting FOREVER, she took two days off work to care for him, how horrible it was. She freaked me out. She did not have a "no big deal" attitude about it. I guess they decided to still have the holiday because he's not vomiting anymore and his fever is gone? We're going to go, but I'm planning my attack. Oil of oregano all around before we go, and I'm bringing it with us. More rounds throughout the day. How long does a virus take to incubate, three days?

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I'd think that if you really wanted to avoid, then you wouldn't go. It's not like there was really enough time to air out the house (something I'd worry more about than wiping off doorknobs).


:iagree: I really would be offended. I'd think it was weird and that she was treating us like dirty, disgusting people. My reaction would be similar to that above: "If you're that bothered by it, why come?" I wouldn't want to host someone who was obviously uncomfortable being there. I would much rather them make their apologies that they're uncomfortable with the possibility of getting sick and can't make it this year than having them come over and wipe everything down.

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I'm so glad I asked this question! My SIL is not easily offended. We have a very good relationship and she understands me. I am quite normal compared to my brother, whom she is married to. That said, a pp said the virus is in the air in their house, and someone else might be incubating. I agree. I'm not usually so freaky about illness. I just spoke to my SIL yesterday to confirm what I'm bringing to her house (a salad) and she went ON AND ON about how sick the child was, the dr. put him on Tamiflu again, he was vomiting FOREVER, she took two days off work to care for him, how horrible it was. She freaked me out. She did not have a "no big deal" attitude about it. I guess they decided to still have the holiday because he's not vomiting anymore and his fever is gone? We're going to go, but I'm planning my attack. Oil of oregano all around before we go, and I'm bringing it with us. More rounds throughout the day. How long does a virus take to incubate, three days?



Honestly, I wouldn't go then because you are still contagious after the flu for several days, even after the fever is gone. You can pick up the flu from anything. It only takes a cough or a sneeze or a quick touch from someone to pass on the flu. No wiping down will prevent that.

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:iagree: My thoughts exactly. :)


I would be thrilled! Because I always feel like such a germ freak, I love it when I see other people acting the way I do. :D Most of my close friends are the same way, so we totally understand. Just tell her "I know you probably think I'm crazy, but I'd rather have that than risk my dc getting sick. Nothing personal."


Happy Thanksgiving!


ps-dh was at about 4 different stores today, and everytime I talked to him on his cell, I would say "You used your sanitizer, right? You didn't use the store's pen, right?"

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I would not want to go to the home of anyone that has had "stomach flu", aka norovirus.


Did you know that:


It is very contagious;


It lives on surfaces for a long time;


Most people will not develop any immunity to it, so families and individuals can keep reinfecting themselves over and over again, unless all surfaces are cleaned;


BLEACH is the recommended agent for killing it on surfaces. Soap and water for hands, because even alcohol does not kill it. So hand sanitizer that is alcohol based is totally ineffective against it.








However this brand of wipes can be used on hands, and contains benzethonium chloride, that can kill norovirus:




If I did go to their home, I would take my own box of Antibacterial Wet Ones and require my family to use them on their hands before eating or drinking, and remind them no hands in mouth or nose. If I had a little one mouthing toys etc or constantly sticking fingers in mouth, I would probably just not go.


If someone was coming to my home in this situation, they would be greeted by the smell of bleach at the front door because I wipe everything down....but I would not be offended if they wanted to do it themselves, or brought their own wipes for their own hands. I would even offer them a box if they didn't have their own.

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I wouldn't go to a home where someone is that sick, or has been that sick within the past 48 hours. I think it's odd that she's still planning it and expecting people to come! If I were her, I wouldn't expect anyone to expose themselves to this illness.



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I wouldn't bring over anyone over to your SIL's dinner that is in the risk group, nor would I give them any leftovers from the meal. But that's me.


I had one child who was in the risk group contract flu so far (rapidtest confirmation) and the precautions taken at the Dr.'s office were facemask and handwashing. At home, no one else was in the risk group and none have contracted the flu. We didn't wear masks, isolate the child from the rest of the household, or do anything beyond the normal handwashing and no sharing of cups/utensils/towels/personals and the standard wash sheets/ditch tootbrush once the flu passed.


I agree totally with laundrycrisis. I actually find out who made what dish, and avoid the known 'stomach flu' households' contributions. I also do not eat anything that has been made the night before and reheated, because I know that my inlaws do not follow food safety rules. The harder thing that I've learned is not to eat any premade meals frozen foods that are served, b/c chances are that they were allowed to thaw on the counter rather than remain frozen and go into the oven. I feed my children before we go make our appearances...easy as the meals are at odd times anyway and my oldest understands the risks from not following food safety rules.

Edited by lgm
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your SIL brought hand sanitizing wipes to your house to wipe doorknobs off with? Background: my nephew has had the flu complete with vomiting and fever since last weekend. I was told he didn't vomit yesterday (Tuesday) and his fever is gone today (Wednesday.) We are going to their house for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I have stuffed my children full of probiotics, yogurt, D3 and anything else I can think of that's immune boosting. I bought a can of wipes at Jewel today. I plan to wipe off the doorknobs we touch, as well as the bathroom.


Would you be offended, or would you understand I don't want my kids to get sick?


I think I would prefer her to bring a Lysol spray and get more than just the doorknobs... How nice of someone to help me disinfect around here... Nobody EVER helps me with that! (Some people in my family don't "believe" in germs.)

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