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Yikes!! I just found out what those Ashley Madison commercials are all about!

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Every time I see an Ashley Madison commercial, I make a mental note to find out what the heck they're advertising. You know, the commercial that shows someone with a horrendous spouse, and ends saying, "Isn't it time you called AshleyMadison.com?". Finally, I googled the company, and it's a marital affair website!


I really am floored because the commercials seem so legit, I thought it was a jewelry commercial or something. This just creeps me out. Anyone else disgusted?




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Every time I see an Ashley Madison commercial, I make a mental note to find out what the heck they're advertising. You know, the commercial that shows someone with a horrendous spouse, and ends saying, "Isn't it time you called AshleyMadison.com?". Finally, I googled the company, and it's a marital affair website!


I really am floored because the commercials seem so legit, I thought it was a jewelry commercial or something. This just creeps me out. Anyone else disgusted?




Yep. Totally and completely disgusted!

(But I did guess that was what they were advertising)

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marital affair website as in if you're in a bad marriage, come to our website to find someone with whom to have an affair?


That's insane. What has our world come to? :001_huh:


Yep, that's exactly what it is. Like a singles dating site, you register and find "that perfect match" to have an affair with. Appalling to say the least.


I read that ESPN refused to air the commercials, but I see them all the time on Fox.




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Guest Cindie2dds
We don't watch TV, so I've never seen one or heard of them. Wow. It's amazing what people will do to make money.




Thank you for reminding me why we don't have a tv.




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I thought they were just another regular dating service! I laughed one night when the lady and the the man were out to dinner and he was so incredibly obnoxious (and wearing a wedding ring, to boot!) - I thought he was her blind date going very poorly! Dh had to explain it to me very slowly twice - the first time because he was so shocked that I thought it was funny and the second because I was so shocked at what it actually was!


I have heard that some of the hosts on Fox refuse to have it aired during thier shows. There was a big hoopla about this not too long ago.

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I thought they were just another regular dating service! I laughed one night when the lady and the the man were out to dinner and he was so incredibly obnoxious (and wearing a wedding ring, to boot!) - I thought he was her blind date going very poorly! Dh had to explain it to me very slowly twice - the first time because he was so shocked that I thought it was funny and the second because I was so shocked at what it actually was!


I have heard that some of the hosts on Fox refuse to have it aired during thier shows. There was a big hoopla about this not too long ago.



Lol, that's what I thought, too. Then I realized they were married I couldn't understand what the commercial meant. Since there's a wedding band in the name, I thought it was a jewelry commercial, but that didn't seem to make sense.


The next commercial is even worse. A guy wakes up next to a sloppy, chubby women with empty scotch bottle next to the bed. He quietly scoops up his clothes and tiptoes out of the room, and on his way down the stairs he sees their wedding picture hanging on the wall (with her looking hideous, no less) and realizes he's married to her. The narrator says something like, "Most people can recover from a bad one night stand, but when it lasts the rest of your life . . . Isn't it time to call Ashley Madison?"


That's the one that got me curious enough to google it.




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Un-freekin'- believable! One more reason I'm glad we don't have TV. I've never seen the ads and never heard of them. But, really, disgusting.


:iagree: I've never seen the ads but my children just mentioned that they have seen it ONCE. One more reason I'm wishing we didn't have Cable TV...

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Guest RecumbentHeart



We don't have television and I feel a physical churning in my stomach at the thought of allowing such overt attacks on family (which are common, if not this overt) into our private home and even worse .. paying for them to come in.


If I was inclined to have television at all that recorder thingy that cuts out the commercials would be a necessity but I couldn't personally bring myself to allow the risk of the rest of the spew coming through the cable at the press of a button.

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We don't have television and I feel a physical churning in my stomach at the thought of allowing such overt attacks on family (which are common, if not this overt) into our private home and even worse .. paying for them to come in.


If I was inclined to have television at all that recorder thingy that cuts out the commercials would be a necessity but I couldn't personally bring myself to allow the risk of the rest of the spew coming through the cable at the press of a button.



Yes, t.v. has been my guilty pleasure for too long. I've been thinking about pulling the plug, and this might actually give me the final push. It's pure sewage . . .


I do feel like I need to voice outrage at stations willing to air this stuff. Not that it makes a difference, but It's disappointing that channels are even willing to carry something so controversial.




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I wonder how many marriages will be ruined by the encouragement of that organization? I've seen the Booty Call ads. Yuck.


I woke up at 3:00am and since dh is traveling, snapped on the TV. Something the night before had been recorded on SpikeTV (my adult son recorded something war-ish) so that's the first channel to come up. The paid program which greeted my eyes was for Girls gone Wild.


Oh my.


I knew about those videos, but I didn't know they try to sell those plus a month service with paid programming. The show was....well, I sat there with my mouth hanging open. Yep, parts were censored, but lots and lots of skin and 'getting it on' language.




Fortunately for me, I found a happy old movie to watch.


Where's the romance, people?

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The next commercial is even worse. A guy wakes up next to a sloppy, chubby women with empty scotch bottle next to the bed. He quietly scoops up his clothes and tiptoes out of the room, and on his way down the stairs he sees their wedding picture hanging on the wall (with her looking hideous, no less) and realizes he's married to her. The narrator says something like, "Most people can recover from a bad one night stand, but when it lasts the rest of your life . . . Isn't it time to call Ashley Madison?"


This is the one I saw and I had to back the TV up twice to make sure I saw what I saw. I kind of figured out what the site was. Sick.

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Lol, that's what I thought, too. Then I realized they were married I couldn't understand what the commercial meant. Since there's a wedding band in the name, I thought it was a jewelry commercial, but that didn't seem to make sense.


The next commercial is even worse. A guy wakes up next to a sloppy, chubby women with empty scotch bottle next to the bed. He quietly scoops up his clothes and tiptoes out of the room, and on his way down the stairs he sees their wedding picture hanging on the wall (with her looking hideous, no less) and realizes he's married to her. The narrator says something like, "Most people can recover from a bad one night stand, but when it lasts the rest of your life . . . Isn't it time to call Ashley Madison?"


That's the one that got me curious enough to google it.





This is the commercial I saw. I was only half-way paying attention and didn't see the "life is short" line. My naive mind thought it was an advertisement by a tasteless divorce attorney! Boy do I stand corrected. :ohmy:

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Holy crap. I just watched the commercials on youtube.


It really does say so much about where our society is, and how fallen its become when a site promoting affairs has memberships in the millions, and buying time on tv to air commercials, billboards in Time Square...


Honestly, I think I threw up a bit in my mouth.


And what ever happened with having a bit of respect and honour? "When divorce isn't an option" my foot. If you're that unhappy in your marriage, give the other person, and the promises you made a bit of respect, leave and get a divorce rather than fool around. Have enough self respect to rate yourself more deserving than an affair.

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I've been thinking about this a lot today...


In reality, how long could a company like this keep going? All it would take is for one disgruntled spouse to sue the company over "alienation of affection", or as an accomplice to it, (assuming that person lives in a state with such a law) and the company could be taken to the cleaners. And really, how hard would it be to prove that your cheating spouse used that website? The history files on your computer (or any other computer used) would prove the infidelity.


On the other hand, maybe those of you who claim you've never seen the commercial DO live in states with "alienation of affection" laws in place? Perhaps this company is purposefully not advertising in those states, knowing full well that they could be sued.


Just a few of my thoughts on the subject. Personally, I find the whole concept of that company to be reprehensible. ETA: I've never seen a commercial or heard of this company until this thread. I rather like it down here under my rock!


I had never heard of this site until reading this thread. I think it is totally bizarre, and would tend to think it is a joke, but apparently enough of you have seen it to know it is for real.


I can't imagine their business is very good. Most affairs happen because two people are around each other at work or wherever, and get to know each other. Or else a one-night stand, where opportunity presents itself right then and there. I truly doubt (although I'm pretty naive, so maybe wrong) that many people would go through an "affair service" to find someone to cheat with.


It is quite disgusting, but I wouldn't take it as a sign of society at large. I am absolutely confident that the vast majority of people, of whatever religious or non -religious stripe, would find this site bizarre, disgusting and wrong.

Michelle T

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I've been thinking about this a lot today...


In reality, how long could a company like this keep going? All it would take is for one disgruntled spouse to sue the company over "alienation of affection", or as an accomplice to it, (assuming that person lives in a state with such a law) and the company could be taken to the cleaners. And really, how hard would it be to prove that your cheating spouse used that website? The history files on your computer (or any other computer used) would prove the infidelity.


On the other hand, maybe those of you who claim you've never seen the commercial DO live in states with "alienation of affection" laws in place? Perhaps this company is purposefully not advertising in those states, knowing full well that they could be sued.


Just a few of my thoughts on the subject. Personally, I find the whole concept of that company to be reprehensible. ETA: I've never seen a commercial or heard of this company until this thread. I rather like it down here under my rock!



I am pretty sure that being an accomplice to "alienation of affection" isn't a crime.


I would like to think that Americans don't suck enough to give enough business to these people, but it just isn't true. There are enough awful people out there to make this business run with huge profits.

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I went to YouTube and watched the commercials. I also watched the creator being interviewed on The View and a Tyra Banks show clip about a couple affected by the site.


What made me sad about two of the three commercials (the couple in a restaurant and the man regretting his marriage) are that it perpetuates the belief that marital problems must be the other person's fault. I know so many people who are a victim of this. Let's face it, the guy waking up in bed wasn't so hot either, and I bet the woman in the restaurant has many annoying habits her dh overlooks. Aside from how wrong the site is, the commericals make me angry for validating people's selfish beliefs that their spouse isn't good enough for them.

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And what ever happened with having a bit of respect and honour? "When divorce isn't an option" my foot. If you're that unhappy in your marriage, give the other person, and the promises you made a bit of respect, leave and get a divorce rather than fool around. Have enough self respect to rate yourself more deserving than an affair.


I'm assuming that "divorce isn't an option" because they don't want to lose on the pre-nup.

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