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What did you/will you do on your 10th anniversary?

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In May, my DH and I will celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I'm wondering what I should plan for us to do. What did you guys do? Or will you do if you have not reached it yet?


I do not fly, so we wont be going anywhere too far. Plus, our children are still small (5 and 2) so I will not be venturing too far away for too many nights.


We love Disney and are 2.5 hours from there so I thought about there. Or maybe on the beach somewhere? Not sure....I need some input. :D

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Want to hear a sad story? (I laugh at this now, so it's not too sad) On what was technically our 10th anniversary, I was doing a PartyLite candle show. EX and I were separated.


Before we separated, he suggested that we take a vacation alone for our anniversary, provided we go visit his grandparents.


I informed him that he could take that vacation alone. :lol::lol::lol:

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We bought bikes for ourselves, because (well because we wanted them and also) 10 years is the aluminum/tin anniversary. So they had to have aluminum frames :). It would have been lovely if our present to ourselves could have gone along with a weekend biking trip without the kids, but that wasn't in the cards. We did go on a weekend biking trip WITH the kids a few weeks after our anniversary, though, and that was nice, too.

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Our children were 5 and 3... we had a friend offer to keep the girls for a night and DH and I went to Chicago and stayed in a FANCY hotel and had a romatic dinner...


For our 15th anniversary DH took me to Hawaii.


For our 20th anniversary DH took me out to a nice dinner...


Our 25th is comming up in January and in 2 weeks DH is taking me back to HAWAII!!!

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My husband will owe me a new wedding ring on our 10th anniversary, coming up summer 2010. I am currently wearing the one that his grandfather gave to his grandmother 60 years ago for their wedding, which is great, but it's not entirely me and I want something that's my own. DH and I were 21 and 18 respectively when we got married, so neither of us had the dough to spend on a ring. He's had a nicer one than I've had for our entire marriage, and I'm ready for that to change!


If he knows what's good for him, he'll con his mother to watching the kids for a weekend and taking me to a B&B in South Carolina that I've been wanting to visit for two years.

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Haha, apparently this is my night for shared problems!! :D


My DH and I are about to hit 10 years in February. We've got a 5yo and I'm due with # 2 in April, so it's no big, long (or expensive!) trips for us either. I keep teasing DH, asking where he's taking me and whether I should renew my passport, but the truth is, (a) I love him to death, but he is NOT romantic and is NOT a planner, which means any trip is really up to me; and (b) if we can find a sweet B&B not too far from here (as other posters mentioned they've done) and I can spend at least TWO NIGHTS away, I will be content! (Mostly because I want to wake up one morning and not have to go anywhere!)


I guess my approach is asking myself what I hope to achieve with a trip. Is it just hanging out and having a great time? Then a whirlwind trip like WDW might be perfect. But for me, at this time in life, I'm too busy as it is, and my DH travels 80% of the time and we never see each other. So I want a weekend where it's just the two of us. I want some eyeball time where we stare each other in the eyes and remember we're married and love each other!


And what the heck, I might even plan some surprises myself--maybe my own version of the Newlywed Game or something. I'm having a friend make a tiny version of our wedding cake which I'll bring along. And yes, I'm probably going to write him a super sappy poem or two!


Hope yours is a great one!

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Some of things things sound so special! Congratulations to all of you, especially the OP, on your milestone anniversaries.


Count me in as another who did Hawaii for my 10 year anniversary. Actually, we cruised all of the Hawaiian islands and it was one of the best trips we took during our marriage.


The BETTER trip we took was the following June (our Anniversary was in September) to the courthouse to finalize the divorce. Done. Done. Done. :tongue_smilie:


P.S. My ex and I actually get along quite well and are MUCH better as former spouses than we ever were at being married, which is why I can make light of it the way I do.

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Let's see if I can remember back that far......;)


We were living in a new city for us--one we didn't linger long in--and went to a Polish/Mexican restaurant. Nope, not kidding. Never before or since have I seen such a combo. With at least made it memorable. Because of the new job we couldn't get away, but I did get a lovely emerald ring.


For our twentieth, we were flat broke. I think we gave each other 20 pieces of candy or something like that. No dinner out. Just a nice homecooked supper for us and the boys.


However....for anniversaries 23 and 24 we lived in Europe and made it to Paris both times. Ooo la la...Paris is an incredible city for lovers. Romantic, romantic, romantic. I highly recommend it.


For our 25th we had a very fun party at our house in Texas.


Somewhere between our 25th and 30th, dh arranged to kidnap me to a wonderful B&B. That was a lot of fun. I think we went two years in a row.


For our 30th...he had to work. :glare: So, I asked for a pretty circle of diamonds ring that Christmas.


The last couple of anniversaries have been nice dinners out. We tend to travel a lot during the year, so we don't have to on our actual anniversary.


I hope you have a bunch of anniversaries to celebrate!

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The beach sounds wonderful! There is nothing more relaxing than walking along the beautiful Florida beaches!!


We spent our 10th anniversary comforting our cancer kid during a rough patch, so I'm no help. ;) We had planned to go to Hawaii, but now we are thinking we will do that for our 15th anniversary. I too have to get over the plane fear first.

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Our 10th anniversary was 17 years ago, but I remember it well.......it was a rainy day, and my 8yo ds was in 2nd grade public school.


We put the little girls into their car seats (3yo and 1yo) and went garage sale-ing all day long! At that time in our lives, that was a favorite pass-time as well as a necessity for purchasing clothing we could afford. We picked up cold sandwiches at a gas station and ate in the car. It was a fun day, and I found really dressy Rothschild coats for both girls for real cheap. :001_smile:


We picked ds up from school and got take-out pizza, went home and watched a movie with the kids. Since our marriage was the beginning of our family, we like to celebrate the day with our entire family. Ds was the only one that felt left-out, poor guy, since he was in school...we didn't start homeschooling until he was in 4th grade, but then we spent every anniversary all together as a family.

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this is almost funny given our recent life events but we spent our 10th anniversary in the E.R. with our now 15 yo, whose pulse-ox was 57% on oxygen and had bi-polar pneumonia. He was really really sick and we spent 3 days on the children's ward. What I had in mind was more of a European vaction kinda thing.:)

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Sitting on the floor in the den, watching anime and eating Thai take out ;). At least we *remembered* that one. We don't always---we'll wake up the next day and say, "oh, yeah, happy anniversary yesterday".


Next year will be 15, but I don't foresee it being markedly different, especially as the dentist is talking about braces for our daughter and we still have two car payments and other bills.

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Our youngest was still nursing so we were somewhat limited (earlier this year). We decided to put the kids to bed and make a really nice dinner, as my husband and I both love to cook and love to eat. We bought some expensive Australian free range beef filets, ****ake mushrooms which he used to make Duxelle, a bottle of wine and more. It was a really nice dinner and we had a really nice time cooking it together.


It didn't occur to us until a few days later that it hadn't been just another anniversary, but our 10th anniversary. We're like that. We probably would have gone out to dinner if we had realized which anniversary it was, but I doubt the food would have been as good.

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this is almost funny given our recent life events but we spent our 10th anniversary in the E.R. with our now 15 yo, whose pulse-ox was 57% on oxygen and had bi-polar pneumonia. He was really really sick and we spent 3 days on the children's ward. What I had in mind was more of a European vaction kinda thing.:)
LOL I can sort of relate. We spent our 10th in the ER as well. My dh came home early so we could go out, and our kids were at grandmas. When he got out of his car he saw that the squirrels had taken the cover off the dryer vent again and decided that he would replace it, again, before coming in. The vent is between the 1st and 2nd floors so he used the step ladder. Unfortunately he was in his dress shoes and slid off, falling on the driveway. It completely knocked out the air in his lungs and we thought he broke his arm. I didn't even know he was home until I heard him fall. Dinner ended up being Wendy's drivethru on the way to the hospital and snacks from the machine in the lobby while we waited.
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DH has an uncle who had a lake cottage in the Ozarks. We borrowed the cottage for a few days and spent the time floating on the dock, playing mini-golf, getting our "wedding picture" taken old-timey style, grilling steaks on Uncle's barbie, and reading mind candy novels. It was wonderful!



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For our 11th anniversary, we went to Las Vegas for 3 days/2 nights. My dh's ex-stepfather and great-grandmother came to take care of the kids while we were gone. We couldn't have done it on our 10th anniversary because the youngest was just 6mo then. I had her weaned by 18mo, so leaving her for 3 days wasn't a problem.


This year is our 20th.

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In May, my DH and I will celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I'm wondering what I should plan for us to do. What did you guys do?


Well, I don't know what you should do, but here is what we did. :rofl:


I was 8 months preggo at the time.


We dropped off the kids at grandma's, then drove to a gun show, and were teased several times by big burly gun guys while waiting in line outdoors. After all who takes their very pregnant wife to a gun show on their 10th anniversary.?? :lol:Heehee.... We were there for about 2-3 hours, and couldn't find anything in the price range we were looking for. Then we went to Busters bbq for lunch.


On the way home we went to a nice outdoor mall. We then rented 2 movies, hit the grocery store and had a indoor grown up picnic for dinner, with champage, wine, cheese, chocolate covered cherries etc... while watching the movies.


The 1st half was all him, and the second half was my idea...



I say Disneyland sounds really fun! :D

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We happened to have a business/pleasure trip planned for that week. We spent out 10th anniversary, childless in Acapulco. On the actual day we had a driver take us into town to a beautiful, romantic outdoor restaurant that was perched on a cliff around the bay from the city. It was gorgeous and perfect! :) I'll always remember that, especially since we were SO broke when we got married that our "honeymoon" was going home to our apartment.

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Dh and I were going to back in PA for Christmas anyway so we left ds with Grandma and we spent a few days in Williamsburg, VA where we had gone on our honeymoon. On the way back we stopped in Blacksburg where dh interviewed for a position at Virginia Tech. We ended up living there for 2 years.




In May, my DH and I will celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I'm wondering what I should plan for us to do. What did you guys do? Or will you do if you have not reached it yet?


I do not fly, so we wont be going anywhere too far. Plus, our children are still small (5 and 2) so I will not be venturing too far away for too many nights.


We love Disney and are 2.5 hours from there so I thought about there. Or maybe on the beach somewhere? Not sure....I need some input. :D

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Tomorrow is our 10th! We had hoped to go to Hawaii or Mexico, then we thought maybe Philadelphia to visit my sister...that evolved into dropping the kids off at Grandma's and going out for dinner. :P Our new house is our anniversary gift to each other this year, and we figure our 12th or 13th will be the one where we get to go somewhere fun. :)

Edited by Rosy
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It was 15 years ago and I have no idea. I think that is because we went on our first cruise the year before and on our tenth, dh was busy completing his PhD. I suppose we went to dinner somewhere? I do know we had a grand vacation for our 2Oth. We drove down to Venice, took a Mediterranean Cruise, then drove to Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and through Germany back to Belgium where we were living. It was a fantastic vacation that we shared with our two youngest children. We are starting to think about what we will do for the 25th which is next year.

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Wolf's under the gun to get me a diamond ring for our 10th wedding anniversary. Luckily for him, he has another 3.5 years to save for it :tongue_smilie:


I don't have an engagement ring, and he was really bothered by that before we were married. I told him not to worry about it, but I would expect one for our 10th anniversary :lol:


I have no doubt that *I* will have to save for the ring, hand him the money and shoo him out the door when the time comes though! :lol:


In the best of all possible worlds, we'll go away for the wknd too.

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Wolf's under the gun to get me a diamond ring for our 10th wedding anniversary. Luckily for him, he has another 3.5 years to save for it :tongue_smilie:


I don't have an engagement ring, and he was really bothered by that before we were married. I told him not to worry about it, but I would expect one for our 10th anniversary :lol:


I have no doubt that *I* will have to save for the ring, hand him the money and shoo him out the door when the time comes though! :lol:


In the best of all possible worlds, we'll go away for the wknd too.


My dh did the money part, but he really appreciated me taking him to the jewelry store and saying, 'that one' when we bought my circle of diamonds for our thirtieth.


You could always choose two or three that you like and let hm have the final say. That's how we did our engagement/wedding rings.

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I really can't remember. I think we went out to eat. If it's the night I'm thinking of, it was a really bad restaurant that we thought we'd try. Maybe for the 20th, we'll do something worth remembering.:glare: We just don't have someone to leave our kids with overnight so we never go far. By our 20th, we will have an adult child that may be able to watch the younger ones!:tongue_smilie:

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My DH surprised me by taking me to a place called the Anniversary Inn which is a bed and breakfast with wonderful, themed rooms. He made me think that we were lost until we pulled into the parking lot! He chose the Romeo and Juliet room which was amazing. We had such a nice time that we have gone back for the last four years!!!! They are located in Boise, ID and the Salt Lake City, UT area. Look at them at http://www.anniversaryinn.com I have used the photos on there website as inspiration to do some fun, inexpensive theme things in our bedroom at home to celebrate other special days as well! Have a wonderful time celebrating your love!;)

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The Plan

My highschool best friend and I both married our husbands in the same year. We thought it would be a great idea to have a huge formal ball for our combined 10 year anniversary. We even designed gorgeous ballgowns to wear to this event.


The Reality

On our anniversary, we had a 3yo and a 1yo who couldn't go to sleep without us. We had hardly any money, and a ballgown was about number 56483 on my list of Things to Buy. I can't even remember what we did, but I think it involved candles at the dinner table and possibly a bunch of flowers. I didn't care that much; my priorities had changed a lot over the 10 years. :)

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Wow, some of you have had some great anniversary vacations!!


I don't necessarily mind staying close to home, but I would like to do something that we normally do not do in order to make it special.


The beach is always nice.....but I'm honestly not sure what I'd do there without the kids LOL. We are not "laying out in the sun" people....and we do not like swimming in the ocean. So we usually just end up playing in the sand with the kids. We live about 45 minutes from the beach, so it would be an easy trip though.


As for Disney World, I thought of staying in a deluxe hotel there (which we never do because they are way too expensive) and then taking only one day to go into the Magic Kingdom and take the Keys to the Kingdom tour, which is a 4-5 hour backstage tour, then spend the rest of the day in the park. The next day we could keep to ourself to relax and do whatever. Have a nice dinner somewhere, maybe take a private fireworks cruise out on Bay Lake (Disney's private lake) after dinner. I still don't know LOL.


Or just stay home, send the kids to their grandparents, have a special evening, and use the money to purchase something we could use or enjoy.


Decisons, decisions LOL!


And I'm just so hesitant about leaving the kids. I know Disney is only three hours away from us, but we'd have to leave the kids for 3 nights....I've never done that before! Especailly our two year old.

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We took a trip to Florida - more or less reliving our honeymoon (including Disney). To assist with the kids we took Grandma (my mom) with us. As part of her treat to us she paid for a bit of it AND watched the kids almost 100% on our Anniversary day so we could take off and reminisce together.


We stayed at the Polynesian.

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I know we did something special, but for the life of me I do not remember what. What I do remember is that my husband wrote me a book. He used pictures from the time we met up to our tenth anniversary to illustrate his story. He put a lot of thought into it. Each chapter has a cute little title like The Wonder Years or Is Your Honeymoon Over? The chapters where our boys were born were called One Little... Two Little... Three Little Indians. It was very special and I still show it to people.

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