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Anyone else have their tree up?

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No. I love Christmas, but I love fall and Thanksgiving too and don't want to short-change them.


I don't want to hear Christmas carols or see Christmas decorations (or frankly, see Christmas displays in stores) until after Thanksgiving.

:iagree:Yup. No Christmasing here now, but the day after Turkey Day all Christmas heck will break lose around here!

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Oh Good golly, your on top of things. I am still trying to figure out where I am going to park for tomorrows Veterans Day Parade, what dessert I am making for Thanksgiving, What to make for dinner tonight. Christmas, except for what I am wearing for dh Christmas party which is a week after thanksgiving, is not even on the radar at the moment. lol

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What fun!!!! I LOVE a fun way to make the holiday season seem longer. I'm totally jealous that you have everything done. Now you can concentrate on a holy Advent and Christmas season!


I'm almost done with Christmas shopping. I'll finish before Thanksgiving. I still have to take the kids in for pictures. The Christmas letter will be written after Thanksgiving. Then, I can concentrate on a holy Advent too!! We won't decorate until the first weekend of December.

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I like to enjoy my Thanksgiving before I start thinking about Christmas. I never put the tree up until after my birthday - December 1. We usually put it up the weekend following my birthday. I never Christmas shop until a couple of weeks before Christmas, then I do a mad rush.

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Oh, I am jealous. I want to put our tree up so badly. Dh said I could if I wanted to. However, our living room in this house is small. I know I'll be sick of it by Christmas. lol. So, I'm waiting. You can sure bet it'll be up the day after Thanksgiving though. I have just about finished shopping. I may dig out some of my indoor holiday decorations this weekend. ;-)

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WOW! Impressive. I haven't even started shopping yet.:glare:

I'm done shopping, dh and I wrote our Christmas Cards, and the boys put the tree and train up this past weekend. This coming weekend we'll make a Gingerbread house and train. We have the Christmas movies, books, and music going too. I'm sure some neighbor's have strained their neck doing double takes as they've driven by - LOL. We even had snow last Friday!
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No Way!! I can't stand that the stores had Christmas decorations up 2 days before Halloween. I can't stand that I can't find Thanksgiving items the week of Thanksgiving because it has all been pushed aside for Christmas. We observe Advent, so I feel like I am cheating when I put the tree up the third week of December. We keep it up until the Epiphany. The kids have always enjoyed the ritual of moving the wise men around the room and trying to time it so that they would arrive at the manger scene right at the epiphany:).


I have a theory about the commercial push to hype the secular gift orgy of Christmas earlier and earlier. I think it actually reduces sales rather than increases them. Retailers push it earlier and earlier and shoppers wait longer and longer because they keep thinking they have so much time. By having 3 months of Christmas, there is not sense of urgency - which is an important part of sales psychology.

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No Way!! I can't stand that the stores had Christmas decorations up 2 days before Halloween. I can't stand that I can't find Thanksgiving items the week of Thanksgiving because it has all been pushed aside for Christmas. We observe Advent, so I feel like I am cheating when I put the tree up the third week of December. We keep it up until the Epiphany. The kids have always enjoyed the ritual of moving the wise men around the room and trying to time it so that they would arrive at the manger scene right at the epiphany:).


I'm trying to move our celebration more toward observing Advent and then celebrating Christmas until Epiphany, but I confess that my need to have the house clean and clutter-free for New Year's Day makes it difficult for me to leave the tree up.


Maybe it will be different this year, since we have more living space and I won't feel like I am sitting in the tree when I sit on the couch.:lol:

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We put ours up the first Saturday in Dec and I take it down the first week Dh is back at work in Jan (why it goes up as a family and taking it down is all my job I'm still not sure).


I refuse to participate in Christmas activities (shopping, decorating, etc) until after Thanksgiving.

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I have mine out, but not put up yet. SOmetime before next weekend though. We leave for the mountains the week of Thanksgiving and I want to come home to a clean, decorated house! I love everything about Christmas and want to enjoy it this year. I am about 1/2 done shopping and plan to have everything done before the kids get out for Chriistmas so I can enjoy Christmas break this year instead of stressing to make sure everything is done!

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The devil you say!


The earliest would be the weekend after Thanksgiving! (That's with an artificial tree.) If we do fresh cut, the earliest would be 2 wks before Christmas (and that's usually pushing it.)


I don't want to be tired of it before Christmas actually comes. (Same goes for Christmas music - none will be played in my car or home before Thanksgiving. I try not to listen in the stores that have already started.:D)

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This is still AUTUMN! I'm still enjoying my fall decorations.....I put them up just before Halloween and enjoy them through Thanksgiving. I LOVE autumn.


When the kids were little we put the tree up and decorated the house on Christmas Eve day....that was the 'special' activity for Christmas Eve. No anxious children saying, "Is Christmas tomorrow?" when it was still a month away, LOL.


For a few years we tried putting it up the day after Thanksgiving....but it dragged the season out waaayyyy too long and I took down the tree the day after Christmas those year.


Now, we wait until dd comes home from college, usually mid to late December. Then we can all decorate and put up the tree as a family.


Each holiday has it's own time and season; I don't believe in rushing them or prolonging them, but enjoying them when they come.

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Wow! You are on top of things. We used to wait until Gaudette Sunday (3rd Sunday of Advent), but it got to be too much of a hassle waiting that long. Now we start in the weekend after Thanksgiving decorating slowly over Advent. My mom LOVED Christmas and had many, many decorations. I remember helping her decorate the house when I was a child. I have inherited those decorations, so every time we open a box, I have a story to pass on my own children. Anyway, by the last week of Advent, we are decorated and relaxing.

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We usually wait for the tree until after Christmas, but, this year dh will be gone to Belize doing an outreach from Nov. 29th to Dec. 16th, so we'll be putting it up a little earlier. We've been listening to the Christmas music for a few weeks now only because I love the peace it brings to our home and the way it makes me feel! I love it!


We will be making the gingerbread house and baking while he's gone so when he comes home, it will be done and we can just enjoy the week before Christmas with him. I'll also wait to do shopping until he is home.

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No Way!! I can't stand that the stores had Christmas decorations up 2 days before Halloween. I can't stand that I can't find Thanksgiving items the week of Thanksgiving because it has all been pushed aside for Christmas. We observe Advent, so I feel like I am cheating when I put the tree up the third week of December. We keep it up until the Epiphany. The kids have always enjoyed the ritual of moving the wise men around the room and trying to time it so that they would arrive at the manger scene right at the epiphany:).


I have a theory about the commercial push to hype the secular gift orgy of Christmas earlier and earlier. I think it actually reduces sales rather than increases them. Retailers push it earlier and earlier and shoppers wait longer and longer because they keep thinking they have so much time. By having 3 months of Christmas, there is not sense of urgency - which is an important part of sales psychology.


Entirely what she said! :)


I have been in the US for 10 years now and I still can't understand the rush to decorate for celebrations (not just Christmas) a month or more ahead of time! I like all the celebrations just fine, but I feel by starting so early, the actual celebration feels old by the time it finally arrives. I think I am only one of a few who feel this way and althought I still don't understand it, I respect it.

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I'm done shopping, dh and I wrote our Christmas Cards, and the boys put the tree and train up this past weekend. This coming weekend we'll make a Gingerbread house and train. We have the Christmas movies, books, and music going too. I'm sure some neighbor's have strained their neck doing double takes as they've driven by - LOL. We even had snow last Friday!

I want to go to your house!! I'm not ready at all, but I would like to be. Does that count??

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I'm not being snarky.....but, I'm not even sure about what we are having for dinner....so, no, our tree is not up. Probably won't be put up this year as it appears that we will still be living in this hotel through the holidays.


I love the decorations, and the holiday traditions, but in an odd kind of way, part of what I love is the 'flurry' of activity, so whatever we end up doing, I do like to wait and let some excitement build.


Last Christmas, I left the tree up till the middle of January since we were on vacation the week after Christmas, and I could not wait to get it down -- in my mind, I have a somewhat 'specific' time frame for the season in my head.:001_smile:

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My Mom started a tradition where the tree NEVER goes up until after my birthday, which is December 13th. I do the same thing now. I'm also still enjoying my Fall/Thanksgiving decorations.


This is similar to how we try to do it, DH's birthday is Dec 10 and we try to wait until then. We do get the stockings out, though, because we celebrate St. Nicholas Day on Dec 6.


This year we will do things differently. We have out of town family coming for Thanksgiving, and DH having major surgery mid-December, so we've agreed to make one big task of decorating, opting for Christmas, and getting that taken care of in the next week. So, we'll likely have our tree up this weekend.


Our neighbors put theirs up last Saturday, so at least we'll be in good company!

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I usually put it up the weekend after Thanksgiving or during that next week. This year will be different though. Our ds will be coming home for a visit from Dec. 2 - 16. We actually we be heading to FL for a wedding and then Disney, so he will only be home - home for a day or two. I want him to have Christmas while he is here, so I am putting everything up the week of Thanksgiving to make sure I have enough time. Otherwise, I would wait until after Thanksgiving.

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I feel by starting so early, the actual celebration feels old by the time it finally arrives.


I feel this way too. I want to enjoy the autumn season and Thanksgiving before pulling out the paraphernalia for the next holiday. We don't get out the Christmas stuff until the first weekend in December at the earliest. Oftentimes it's later. I might do a bit of early shopping, but we don't get into Christmas until it gets much closer to the actual time.

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Are you kidding??? LOL


No, I don't have my tree up. I am totally not ready for that kind of MESS in my house yet. I do love Christmas, and I am getting excited for the holidays this year, but we don't put a tree up until after the 15th of December or so. My older son ALWAYS leaves the day after Christmas to go with this dad and it makes me so sad that I usually end up taking the tree down that day too. It is hard to have Christmas and then have your child leave for a week. :(


This year, we will probably put up the tree on our first day OFF from school. The kids have to get 90 days of school in before we will call it Christmas Break - we will hit 71 days in on Friday. Looks like the 16th will be the day. :) We always do a live tree because our neighbors have a tree farm and always offer us one. It is our tradition to climb the mountain over there and cut down our own tree and drag it back home. :) We sit it in the house for about 3 days before we start decorating it.


In years past, I was, as my dh called it, Mrs. Department Store tree decorator. LOL I had this blue snowmen themed Christmas tree that had gorgeous glass ornaments and such. I love it. However, my family hated it. The kids would make ornaments and I didn't want to put them on my "perfect" tree. Dh would snarl at me. At one point, we fully decorated 2, 11ft live trees in our home - one for my perfect blue tree and one with family ornaments. Last year, I decided to let that go and we did the "homemade Christmas." Never has a Christmas been so good and so relaxed. :)

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As the turkey leaves the table, I start playing Ella Wishes You a Swinging Christmas.


This year I am chomping at the BIT to put up the Christmas stuff! And watch It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas and Elf and Love Actually. And A Christmas Story! And Charlie Brown, and the Island of Misfit Toys.


Gugh, this is making it worse!

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As the turkey leaves the table, I start playing Ella Wishes You a Swinging Christmas.


This year I am chomping at the BIT to put up the Christmas stuff! And watch It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas and Elf and Love Actually. And A Christmas Story! And Charlie Brown, and the Island of Misfit Toys.


Gugh, this is making it worse!


"Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?"

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