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My sister died yesterday morning...

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:grouphug: I'm so, so sorry. :grouphug:

I don't know the needs of your BIL and what support resources he already has but my sister lost her husband and found an online support group/bulletin board for young widows and widowers helpful. http://www.youngwidow.com/ It's for people (male and female) who lost a spouse. Many have kids. I think it made her feel less alone in it. The site says:

Visit our internationally recognized bulletin board. Connect with other young widows and widowers and share experiences, feelings, and information to help you get through this emotional time. By connecting with others, you know you are not alone.
Edited by sbgrace
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We are traveling tomorow to Ohio. We decided to all go together and spend a week and see everyone again- my younger sis from Bolivia will be there, my dad and his wife and all of my dh's fam. My mil had just seen my sis last Friday and she started crying when I told her. We were all so shocked. Now the reality sets in. She is free from pain and I am so grateful.

Your kind words and support have meant so much to our entire family as we've walked through the past week. Thank-you. Thank-you. Thank-you. (with gratitude that a msg board doesn't show tears).


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