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Question for moms who had careers before you left to say home with your children...

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I have a degree in nursing and left that profession when my oldest was 3 years old(he is now 18). Lately I have been thinking about what I am going to do when my youngest(10th grade) graduates. I have thought about doing some sub nursing at the public schools during my youngest last year of school,1 day a week, and then subbing for as many days a week I can get after he graduates until I am able to get on full time.

Jsut wondering what youall were going to do once you graduated all your kiddos.


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I've only just started homeschooling (dd is in 1st), but I have a degree in Math Education (6th-12th grades). I am keeping my cert. up to date so that if I ever need/want to go back to teaching I can with little trouble. I'm hoping that my homeschooling years will count as experience.:D

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I used to work in the engineering field, for a company that designs machine tooling for manufacturing companies; manily automotive.


I quit when Zee was born. I went back on a 'project' basis for 3 months right when he turned one. He spent those three months in daycare. I literally went back counting down the days until I could quit again.


I could see myself possibly getting some sort of teaching or medical degree once my children are old enough for me to attend school again. But that wouldn't be for quite a few years. And, I'd only do it if that's really what dh and I felt the Lord wanted us to do. It would probably be some sort of training that would be useful in the mission field, as that is our long-term dream; that the Lord would call us to missions full-time.


But, I'd be just as happy never going back to school, and never having a career again. I'm very content to keep our home and serve my family. I guess it's just that I can't say what the Lord will call me to in 15 years, so I really don't know. :) I DO know, for pretty certain, that I'd never re-enter my previous career field.

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I was a corporate trainer (on the job training type stuff.) I don't want to go back to that.


I love taking pictures and have been told (often) that the pictures I take are very nice. I have no training in photography, but I think I'll learn that when the kids are a bit older (and I have a bit more time.) I think I might have a natural talent for it.


I would like to become a librarian who does photography on the side (weddings, etc.)

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I'll be 58 when my youngest graduate, and I have a list a mile long of things I would like to do. Raise sheep, learn to spin, brew beer, make wine, perfect baking bread, take long walks with dh, read, read and read, laugh, watch old Cary Grant movies, volunteer at nursing facilities (did this while my dad was recovering and want to go back when I can), be more involved in my parish... The list goes on and on.



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I was on my way to furthering my education, career, while still homeschooling, until permenantly sidelined by an assault and resulting chronic pain injury.


Obviously, I wasn't on the path that I was meant to be. I'm looking at the disability in the pov of, "Pay attention already!!" Harsh lesson, but I've always been a slow learner when its something that *I* don't plan :lol:


I have no idea what my future holds. I'll find out when I get there, I guess. For now, I'm just trusting God, leaning on Him for guidance and strength to get there. :001_smile:

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My career was in Technical Writing. I could, at any time, pursue freelance writing. Right now, I am not ready/willing to do that as we already have very full days as it is. When my kids are older, I will likely go this route, though. I may also take a few college classes in my field before trying to go back into it because the software and such changes and companies like to hire writers who are familiar with the latest software. My last job was done in Freehand 10, for instance. LOL

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Through some self-discovery, I have realized that I don't want to go back into the field I was in before, the field I went to college for. By the time I'm done homeschooling, considering I homeschool my child that will be born in Feb, I would be 57 years old when I'm done. I've pondered this lately. I think I'd be pretty old to go back into any certain line of work, but I just don't know.

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I was a travel agent, which was fun before I had kids, because we were always planning our next trip. But, with the way things have changed (internet, etc..) I wouldn't want to go back to that. Also, the pay stinks!


I have no clue what I would do.:confused: Hopefully, I will know by then-at least I have a ways to go!

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I have a degree in nursing and left that profession when my oldest was 3 years old(he is now 18). Lately I have been thinking about what I am going to do when my youngest(10th grade) graduates. I have thought about doing some sub nursing at the public schools during my youngest last year of school,1 day a week, and then subbing for as many days a week I can get after he graduates until I am able to get on full time.

Jsut wondering what youall were going to do once you graduated all your kiddos.



I, too, have a degree in Nursing, but have kept up my license and ceu's. I'm not sure what I plan to do. I have about 10 more years if I plan to continue schooling the kids through high school so I've got plenty of time to think about it. One thing I have learned is to not make my own plans! I never imagined home schooling my kids so who knows what God has planned for me later. I do know though that He will let me know. I think going back into Nursing would be nice, working in a ministry, or even just staying home, enjoying my free time would be nice too. I'm leaving all the options open to be sure and not miss what God has called me to do!

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I have a degree in Elem. Ed, and may do that again someday... but I'm not sure. Dh and I feel like we are being "called" to marriage building ministry someday in the future, but we don't exactly know how that will all transpire. Since we still have a 2 year old, I won't really have to think about it much for the next 15 or so years.

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My official job title was Administrative Assistant/Event Coordinator but I also did training, writing procedures and form design. I actually had a job that involved a little bit of everything.


My 7 year old daughter has this crazy idea that we are going to be Wedding Planner's together. I don't really think I'm interested in that.


I've been making worksheets for my own kids and some friends. It's been suggested many times that I do make my own business out of that.


I guess I've got a long time to think about it really since my youngest child is due April 15, 2010. Maybe by then I will figure out what I want to do when I grow up.

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My degrees are in business, I was in pharmaceutical sales before I began to stay home. I definitely wouldn't go back to that...I do some teaching at a community college now part time. One of my long term goals is to go back and get my Phd in marketing and teach at a University. When I don't know, I will be 55 by the time my youngest graduates, so I'll have to do it way before then...LOL!

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I used to teach junior high science. I have absolutely no desire to get back in to professional teaching. I love teaching... just not as a job. I'd love to go back to school and do something in horticulture. I may go through the Master Gardeners Program here locally, or I may get some kind of degree in horticulture from our local community college.

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I did a double major in history and english. Then, I decided to try teaching for a year with an 'emergency certificate' as a break (!?) before law school. I wound up loving teaching and went back for a certificate.


I've kept up my certificate for teaching, and plan to return to public school teaching at some point. I really did enjoy it, especially teaching math. I'd love a job as a math specialist. But, I also think I would really enjoy teaching preschool. I worked at a preschool in college, and I just love the little kiddos! Such a kick, and nowhere near the work of teaching K-8.


Our plan is for the boys to go to high school -- presumably the one where my husband teaches. But, who knows? I certainly never planned to homeschool! My current mantra is "no high school homeschooling" -- not for me. But, I used to say I'd never homeschool...

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I left a lucrative (joke) job as a social worker to be at home with my kids. I did work two nights a week up until I had my third, which was at the same time we learned our son has autism.


I keep my social work license current and think about doing something in the field someday . . . very possibly in the field of autism. Although I don't have a great deal of "specialized training" with regards to autism, I have more training than most through workshops, conferences and day to day life training. I figure God will lead me in the right direction when the task of homeschooling is complete.


I would enjoy homeschooling Grandchildren someday . . . I used Five in a Row when the kids were younger and I look forward to the opportunity of doing that again.


Adrianne in IL

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I have a current teaching certificate for grades 7-12, and grades K-12 in electives, which I plan to maintain. I'd like to go back to work for the school district in some capacity when the time comes, whether in subbing or teaching I'm not sure yet. My kiddos are really young and a lot could happen before then!

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I was an officer of foreign service for two years before my twins were born. I don't think I could go back if I wanted to, and I'm not sure I'd want to either. DH and I are hoping for financial security by the time our youngest is out, and would like to travel. What I'm really praying for? My oldest will be at least 30 before my youngest (depending how many I have) moves out. I WANT GRANDCHILDREN!!! (Well, not yet...)


We are also considering fostering for special needs or behavioral needs children. I just love being a mom.

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I have a degree in Political Science, but worked in insurance (as an adjuster - blech - never again), and then in two corporate marketing departments.


The last job that I had, which I worked until the Friday before the Monday that my Princess Duckie Girl was born, was as an Admin Assistant to four top executives at a nationally-ranked credit union. It was a great job. I wouldn't mind being an Admin Assistant again for some professionals.


I know that I don't want the rat race of marketing and trade shows ever again, and I think I might want to be a barista at Starbucks.

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I am going to stay in bed till noon everyday. Then I am going to get a manicure.


I am going to go to the bathroom without interruption.


I am going to enjoy the silence.


That's my plan, too! Well, except for the mani, but a pedi would be nice.


I used to be a software engineer. My skills are already woefully out of date. I'm in a three year program right now to be a community herbalist. I plan to do that part time while my kids are still young, though.

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I am going to stay in bed till noon everyday. Then I am going to get a manicure.


I am going to go to the bathroom without interruption.


I am going to enjoy the silence.



Mine are only 10, and with my luck, will end up staying a really, really long time...


I can't see going back to what I did with twenty years in between. I want to write. So, after I'm done going to the bathroom, enjoying silence and sleeping in, I plan to write the next Great American Novel. :tongue_smilie:

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I had a few careers before I "retired" to be a mom. Insurance underwriting (yuck), vet assistant (toughest job I'll never forget), and a few sundry others.


I plan to write full time when ds graduates. Either that or I'll be working with dh and I don't want to go back to work. I have seven years before that happens. I might have to start doing more housework after that too. :001_huh:

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but because of dh's health, I probably won't be able to return to that profession. Right now, I see myself continuing to teach at the homeschool co-op and tutor math on the side. I have also toyed with the idea of taking a couple of classes at the community college to learn AutoCAD, which would allow me to work from home on a flexible schedule.

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I have a master's degree in professional writing/editing. I worked on the editorial staff of Art & Antiques magazine prior to the birth of DS 2 (my boys have a 5.5 year gap). I have done some writing/editing from home, but once DS2 hit 2, that mostly stopped, due to a combo of him being very high energy and the economy putting a damper on the freelancing industry.


After my kids are bigger, I'd like to go back and get my PhD in creative writing. DH and I are working on a book and I'd like to publish in the fiction genre, and move out of magazines, RPGs, and web content, which is where most of my freelance work is. I'd love to teach creative writing at a college level, too!

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So, after I'm done going to the bathroom, enjoying silence and sleeping in, I plan to write the next Great American Novel. :tongue_smilie:




C'mon....it could happen!!! Besides, I want a job where I can work in my jammies and drink coffee. That said, I do not plan to go back into investments (my last career) or retail management (career before that.)

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I have a current teaching certificate for Elem Ed 1-6 (7-8 non departmentalized) and Special Ed K-12. That is my emergency plan.


When my youngest, Gabriel, graduates (age 18), my oldest, Joshua will be 26... chances are I will have a daughter-in-law or he will have a fiance. There could very well be grandchildren in the offing.


I plan to retire from homeschooling and become active as a volunteer helping other homeschool parents, our local church's missionary ministry, and my children's families.

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Jsut wondering what youall were going to do once you graduated all your kiddos.



Pass out with the help of a good bottle of champagne. :tongue_smilie: When my younger is 18, I'll be...wait, I know my math facts....I'll be 60! THAT was my family planning! I did the major career thing until it was played out, and it almost too late to start a family. Then pulled the rip cord. NEVER looking back.

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I will be so old that I won't care!:lol: Really, I am 42 next week & having a baby. By the time she is in college, I will be of a decent retirement age & exhausted from over 20 yrs of homeschooling.


I guess I hope I have the health, finances, and energy to go to Scotland and a few other places that I want to see. Grab some extra naps, go out to dinner more, and get ready for grandkids!

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I started my second career *after* my kids came. I finished my degree and went to grad school when my kids were little - mostly from home with online classes. It's the best thing I ever did!


Now I work part time as an adjunct college professor, mostly from home. I'll definitely continue when my kids are grown... I think it will ease the transition. But I can't imagine having a regular, 40-hour work week again. :tongue_smilie:

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I have my Master's in Social Work, and worked for a number of years in the medical field. I fell in love with trauma and crisis intervention, and when I no longer have children dependent upon me, I'd love to be a Red Cross Responder (internationally would be great!). But DH has his eye on the ministry, so who knows where we will end up!

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I have thought of this a good deal also. I was a certified nurserymoman/landscaper in my former life. That involved a great deal of physical labor I am not able to do now, so that is proabably out.


Janet, I would love to have some sheep also. I am a herding buff and enjoy it greatly. Did you have any certain type in mind? So far, my DH is put the kibosh on my little sheep dream. :tongue_smilie:

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Gosh, I'm not sure what I want to be when my kids grow up. I loved working as an engineer (all that caldulating and coordinating). But I have grown quite accustomed to setting my own hours. I have a Masters in Teaching but I do not want to teach a class full of kids (unless its Physics or Algebra II or higher) because I prefer teaching people who want to learn. I think it would be great to teach adults but I don't want to have to get an additional degree.


I am happy to have over six years to procrastinate on this decision.


I wonder if I could be a professional book reader?

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I used to work in the engineering field, for a company that designs machine tooling for manufacturing companies; manily automotive.


But, I'd be just as happy never going back to school, and never having a career again. I'm very content to keep our home and serve my family. I guess it's just that I can't say what the Lord will call me to in 15 years, so I really don't know. :) I DO know, for pretty certain, that I'd never re-enter my previous career field.




I have an engineering degree and worked as an engineer and programmer for 13 years BC (before children). By the time both my kids are launched, I'll be "retirement age," literally about 58, though there won't be any retirement for any of us, now will there? I plan to work at something until I die or am too sick to work -- really, there won't be much choice about that.


My professional skills are now thoroughly outdated. I don't care. I have no particular desire to go back to that field. I plan to do some kind of work after the chicks have flown, but I expect it will be entry level work, maybe even menial work. I don't care. Since I quit paid work for child-rearing, I have never once regretted it. There have been days I want to hit myself on the head with a hammer, but I had those days when I was paid for it, too. I guess I'm lucky not to suffer from "grass is greener" syndrome.


Focusing on my dh and our home, and possibly having a job where somebody else is in charge, will be a nice break after the intensity of home schooling high school. And home schooling has allowed me to develop a much richer interior/intellectual life than I had before. So I don't feel like I'll be missing much of anything ... other than the kids, of course.


Well, I sure rambled ... fwiw.


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