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So, what is a homeschooling day really like at your house?

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I ran across some bloggers a few weeks ago who were writing about a typical day in their homeschools, and I was just thinking that it would be interesting (and perhaps helpful for those who are brand new to hsing) to start a thread like that. So, here's for being totally honest and real. This is what our first official day of homeschooling this year was like:


Background: This is our fourth year of homeschooling dd8, and our first year to have ds (almost 6) formally doing schoolwork. Dd is in third grade, ds is in kindergarten.


  • 6 am- I got up with dh to help him get his clothes and things ready for work. Ds5 woke up and came out while I was ironing to ask me to help him get back to sleep. After I finished ironing dh's clothes and setting out his things, I took ds back to my bed and lay down with him. We didn't wake up until a little after 8:00.

  • We got up at around 8:15, I think, but maybe it was closer to 8:30. Dc had free time while I made a quick breakfast. We ate together. Then I sent ds to brush his teeth and get dressed while I read one section of SOTW 3 to dd.

  • I sent dd to brush her teeth and get dressed while I cleaned up breakfast. Ds had gone outside and came in excitedly telling us that he thought he had seen a turtle crossing the road. He invited us to go with him to look for it. Dd jumped on her bike and I walked down the road with him to look. We couldn't find it, so we went back inside.

  • I swept the kitchen floor and got dd started mopping it while ds played with playdough at the dining room table. I put away a load of laundry.

  • I got both of the kids started dusting the living room and family room furniture while I showered, dressed, and brushed my teeth.

  • I got dd started doing her independent work so that I could work with ds. She did free reading for about twenty minutes, completed her cursive handwriting practice page for the day, and practiced scales and cadences on the piano. Meanwhile, ds needed a snack before starting, so I got him some cheese crackers to munch on while I led him through his first lesson of FLL. Next we did three pages in his phonics book. I let him squish some play dough in his hands while we did it to keep his hands occupied and help him focus on the lesson. Then we did a lesson in Righstart math.

  • Ds was ready for a break, and we were all ready for a snack. So, the kids poured themselves some cereal, and I decided to have some, too. I think I ran and did some laundry at some point, but I'm not sure about that. Next we took a short (about 15 minute) break outside to ride bikes and swing.

  • Dd and I came back in to do her math lesson. Ds stayed outside to explore in nature. At the end of the math lesson I ran downstairs to do some laundry and came back up to unload the dishwasher while dd did her math worksheet.

  • Dd and I did her spelling lesson together.

  • We took a break for lunch. The kids had free time to play while I made lunch. We had a loaf of crusty french bread, cheese, deli meat, apple and banana slices, grapes, baby carrots, and salad.

  • I cleaned up lunch and loaded the dishwasher while the kids had a little candy for dessert.

  • I got the laundry out of the dryer and hung it up.

  • We drove to our community playground for 30 or 40 minutes of recess. Ds chose to fish at the creek; dd and I ran races, sat in the shade and talked, and played hopscotch on the basketball court.

  • When we got home I got dd some sweet tea to drink while ds hit some golf balls in the yard. I got a chicken ready to roast for dinner, and the kids helped me brush it with olive oil and season it.

  • Dd and I sat down to read The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder. We've been reading through the Little House books over the past year or so. The only one we skipped was Farmer Boy. So dd wanted to finish this last one.

  • Ds came in and asked what he had to do for handwriting today while we were still reading. Normally I would have told him he needed to wait until we were done reading, but he had been so opposed to handwriting before that I decided to let him do it while he was excited to do so. He wanted to get his schoolwork finished for the day so that he could get on the computer for a few minutes. I set him up and then continued reading with dd.

  • I was planning to have dd do grammar and science today as well, but it was clear to me that it would be fruitless to try it so late in the day when she was clearly past her prime hours for mental concentration. All we were going to do for science was a crossword puzzle reviewing some terms, which we can easily do tomorrow without getting behind. Our task for grammar was going to be finishing up our last chapter of Lively Latin Big Book I from last year and practicing some of the vocabulary from last year. I decided to wait for moving on to Big Book II. This year we're planning to do FLL 3 four days a week and use the fifth day to review what we learned in Big Book I. I knew that it wasn't going to go well if we tried to do grammar at 4:40pm, so I decided to try it tomorrow.

  • I was happy with our first day. Most days I will be staying up when dh leaves at 6:30. That way I can shower and dress before the kids get up, and I can do some of the housework before our school day starts.

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Well, if we were using today as an example then....


The alarm went off at 6:30, as usual....


We woke up around 8 (oops!), I helped dh find all his stuff, made coffee while he hopped across the living room trying to get dressed and talk to his boss at the same time.


Made breakfast (ala cereal bowl) at 8:30 (once I'd shoved dh out the door).


School started at 9. We've moved our review days to Monday (so I can make sure ds is "keeping" the information over the weekend).


We started with the review for Lesson 3 in Latina Christiana I. I ended up deducting three points for spelling errors (97%). Greek did not go as well :( Ds decided to have fun with his lines so when I went to check the test I couldn't tell if he connected the right letter with the right symbol with the right sound... (86%) From there we reviewed multiplication... ach. (88%) Finally we hit spelling (96%) and reviewed "The Land of Nod" (100%).


Then we broke... for lunch... coffee... and a much needed reprieve.


After lunch:

-Reading, John Chapman the Story of Johnny Appleseed

-Writing, oral narration for the section covered above.

-Handwriting, screaming angst and an overrall dislike for cursive.

-Grammar, ah adjectives, FLL3 lesson 13; ds found out I forgot to write an entire exercise (we don't have the workbook), this lightened his mood :glare:

-History, Tang Dynasty (STOW 2 Chaper 8), map work, globe work, atlas work... discussion compare and contrast to Islamic Empire and Roman Empire. Woohoo :)

-Music, ala Music Theory for Beginners, Usborne (note this book reads like stereo instructions, it took me all weekend to decifer the first and second page, thus those two pages will be our "music theory" for this week)... Ds thinks music should be heard and not read, he is not amused by the staff, notes, Mommy's little FACE trick or octaves, but did like drawing the clef.


Then, I retreated to the front porch to ponder the intracies of life. Oh and little ds did sing the alphabet a few times, we counted some things and discussed puzzles (his new passion). His schooling is... uh... well... the hope is there that one day we will cover G in OPGtTR.

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I got up at 5:30 because dh had a early morning flight. Talked with dh for a while, checked email.

Gave my middle her medicine and woke up youngest for her weekly dose of Fosomax. Measured out 8 oz, of water and let her watch tv. (She gets 1.5 hours of tv watching in the morning on the day she takes Fosomax).


Did chores and made sure middle one got up. She ate a quick breakfast and started on history. I started making chocolate chip cookies.


Youngest ate breakfast and went down to run. Middle left for doctor's appointment. Woke up oldest. Youngest did math, then literature. Middle came home and did Biology. Youngest did spelling, history, physical science, and life science. I worked on preparations for classes I am teaching at co-op and for the team I am coaching for Odyssey of Mind. Tried to arrange PSAT testing, no one answers or returns my calls.


Middle asks for help in math, goes on to do a PSAT diagnostic test. Somewhere in between she read Beowulf, and did her Spanish. Not quite sure whether she worked on debate or writing. Drove oldest to college. Meantime youngest did Spanish, looked up recipes for barley bread for her ancient Greek class, and then went downstairs to practice trumpet. I made many batches of cookies, read and answered emails from students, parents and team members. Will be cooking dinner soon.

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9-9:30 Hobbes and I work on his speech therapy while Calvin does his memorisation.


9:30 Calvin practises the guitar, then says he wants to work on Classical Civilisation. I say I'll time him, he says hang on a minute; we both forget to set the timer.


9:30-11 Hobbes decides to work on maths, refuses to be taught, tells me that he knows how to do it, gets all the answers wrong, cries, finally submits to being taught.


11-11:30 Hobbes takes a break and plays with the dog. We notice the timer glitch and Calvin realises that he's working slowly, so decides not to take a break.


11:30 to 1:30 Hobbes has calmed down, so finishes his maths, telling me each step he is taking to keep on track. Then he does some English. Calvin finishes his classical civilisation and sends off the assignments to his tutor. He then does some Life of Fred


1:30 to 2:30 lunch and break


2:30 to 3:30 I read Our Island Story with Hobbes. Calvin does some more Life of Fred.


3:30 to 4 I start Hobbes off on Draw Squad, then work on Latin with Calvin


4 to 4:30 Hobbes has his first Latin lesson while Calvin carries on with more maths


4:30 to 5 Hobbes does some English. I start RE with Calvin but get a phone call, and the dog starts running madly round the outside of the house, taking a short cut through the utility room kitchen, homeschool room and sitting room. The day dissolves and the boys wrestle on the sofa.


5 to 8: at some point in there we manage to eat and clear up, the boys strip and remake their beds, Hobbes empties all the bins in the house and takes the big bin out to the road, and Calvin sorts the laundry. There is also a fair bit of stroppiness and a bit of mediation. Calvin helps me sing a good night song to Hobbes. Calvin then insists on being measured and we do a happy-to-be-growing dance together in the kitchen. He's growing a centimetre a month, which gives us 3 months until he overtakes me. He's still singing his happy-to-be-growing song when I put him to bed.


Not a stellar day, but not too bad.


ETA: husband is out of town.



Edited by Laura Corin
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I have a 4th grader (3rd year homeschooling) and a 7/8th grader (1st year).


Today was a different day for us-


9am-wave pool

10am-water slide


11-back to wave pool



2-water bucket




We were at Great Wolf Lodge today and I told my kids this was their schedule. We called it swim school.


A "normal" day begins with me smacking the alarm at 6am. My kids get up at 6:15. At 6:30 we head to the ice skating rink. We get home by 8:45 and have breakfast. School begins 9:15-9:30.


My son usually begins by reading by himself, practicing cursive and doing some practice math worksheets.


While he is occupied I review with my daughter (7/8th grade) what she needs to get done for the day. Then we review yesterdays math (if she had any questions, if she got any of her problems wrong from the day before), we review her vocablulary from Wordly wise, we do spelling, Spanish and review anything else we needed to go over. Then she is good to go (for the most part) for the rest of the day. She knows what needs to get done and does it. Or no skating in the afternoon.


Then I spend the rest of the day working with my son on his stuff.


While he is working alone I will do laundry, get the crockpot going, make a cup of coffee, spend a moment by myself.

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Ok - here's mine:


5:30 am. Woke up when dh got up ready to go to work. While he heated up his breakfast which I had made the night before, I went back to bed.


8 am - woke up. Came on the board for my slow wake up with friends.:)


8:30 am. - kids get up and take care of the animals. They watch DVDs. I'm supposed to be hitting the shower but I'm exhausted from too many late nights and so I take longer on the boards than I'm supposed to.


9 am - I make my weekly Mon. morning call to my elderly parents. I multi-task and make my bed and get breakfast ready. (I decide that the shower is not going to happen before breakfast since we need to get school started).


9:30am - we eat breakfast (eggs and toast) while I read aloud from "A Hive of Busy Bees". We are supposed to be reading about Cortes but I goofed. I can't find my copy and I ordered the library's copy too late to start the book this morning.


9:50am - the kids have 10 min. of morning chores. Dd7 - feeds the dogs, brushes teeth, takes vitamins. Ds12 - brushes teeth, takes vitamins and takes out the recycling. I unload and put away the clean dishes and load up the dishwasher with our breakfast stuff.


10am - Ds12 starts history. I work with dd7 giving her a spelling pre-test, and getting her started on her math. At rare moments when she doesn't need me, I finish cleaning the kitchen, sort laundry and start one load of whites.


11 am - Ds12 finishes history and starts on math. Dd7 and I read our poem for week aloud ("Creation" by Alexander). I give dd7 her music lesson (recorder with some music theory thrown in).


11:10am - Dd7 gets a 15 min. recess. I jump in the shower and dress for the day.


11:25 am - Ds12 takes a break from math and has his recess. Dd7 works on handwriting, and some more math (we are a bit behind).


12:15 - I get a 15 min. break to come on the boards. Dd7 mopes around bugging me. Ds12 finally gets done with math.


12:30 - we quickly make lunch. I eat a salad with some chicken on it. Ds12 makes himself a burrito. I make dd7 a small salami sandwich.


I read aloud from "Hive of Busy Bees" while we eat.


1:00pm - I work with ds12 on grammar. We go over pronouns - I get confused and figure it out. I think ds12 figures it out too. Dd7 has to clean her room while we work. Fifteen minutes later, ds12 goes to do his grammar independently. Dd7 and I work on some more math (told you we were behind).


1:30 - I all of a sudden realize with a start that I promised that I'd drop some Bible club materials to a woman - at 1:30! I call her and let her know I'll be late. I leave ds12 at home with his grammar. Dd7 brings her math along in the car.


2:30 - dd7 and I get home. Ds12 has just finished grammar. He tells me he took so long because he's trying extra hard to do it correctly (his last test on Friday got a C+ and he wants to do better). Ds12 switches to handwriting (we are focusing on cursive this year- again).


3:00 - dd7 puts on Arthur. Ds12 watches Arthur with her while he works on handwriting.


3:30 - Ds12 is done with handwriting. He asks for a break and a 1/2 hour computer time. I say yes. Dd7 is watching him and is offering commentary. I am taking a computer break (which is what I'm doing right now!)


4:00 - DS12 still has science and Latin to do. I forgot that I also need to give him his music lesson too. (recorder but he's learning tenor now as well as soprano). I plan to put dd7 to work with me folding laundry. Then I'll make dinner. (ETA: our reality after it happened: 4:00 - 4:15 Ds12 starts Latin. I can see a meltdown coming, so I send him outside for a 15 min. break. Dd7 and I get 4 loads of laundry folded and put away! 4:30 - Ds12 comes back in and finishes Latin. I start dinner - oven-baked chicken , rice, peas and carrots. Dd7 goes outside to play.


5:00 - Ds12 gives himself another break for 15 min.


5:15 - Ds12 starts science. He tries to talk me into letting him out of doing the experiment since he knows how it will turn out. I tell him, I would know that too, if I read ahead in the text. He has to do the experiment.


5:45 - Ds12 has finished reading/writing portion of science. Dd7 is called in. Everyone helps set the table.


6:00 - Eat supper.


6:30 - Ds12 wants to veg out. Tough - he still has to finish science and have his music lesson. Dh talks to him. He sets up his science experiment. I hear him go into the other room and pull last week's song together for our lesson (he had it in practice but he didn't practice over the weekend and so that made him forget a bit.) He plays his song perfectly for me. Timer rings for experiment. He goes out and finishes the experiment. He comes back, we go over his new song. He works with it a bit and plays it through with sight reading. I play it for him and show him how it is supposed to sound by the end of the week. Yea! School is finally done by 7pm!


7 - 8 pm - we go out for our family walk to the lake and back.


Ds12 usually gets his work done by 4 pm. Today was the first day that I allowed him to listen to music on Pandora on his headphones. 3 extra hours of school time is dramatic proof that he needs to do his work without distraction.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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6:00 I woke and exercised on the treadmill for 30 minutes. This took 50 minutes total because I hadn't prep'd the night before, so I had to find the timer, shorts and tshirt, drink, and get a movie ready to watch.


6:50: took a shower. I do my hair every day, so this takes awhile.


7:00 kids wake up


7:30 Started making breakfast. Ate my breakfast while playing on WTM website. Kids watched cartoons.


8:30: drug ourselves away from our electronic entertainment.


8:40-11:40: school. I jump from boy to boy. While one boy is at school, the other plays. We school in the playroom.

Both kids: Pray

DS4: Read bible story to

DS7: Read chapter from bible to

DS4: Reviewed the numbers 1-5; taught #6--he practiced writing it

DS7: MUS worksheets and TUX Math game

BOTH: Read SOTW 2, chapter 2. Did narrative, review questions and looked at a library book about Celts.


(10:30) gave the kids cheese and pretzels as a snack. I ate an apple.


DS4: practiced writing A, E; learned I

DS7: Explode the code--1st book. His reading isn't up to speed, so we're starting over.

DS4: Sesame street magazine with me

DS7: Primary Language Lessons--started memorizing a poem, learned the difference between Plural and Singular nouns.

BOTH: Noeo science--read what the scientific method is, did 3 experiments adding things like garlic, basil and cloves to olive oil, vinegar, and rubbing alcohol (in a few days, these scents/flavors will mix making salad dressing or perfume.)

DS4: Colored a picture of things beginning with I, played Starfall while I...


11:40 Cooked lunch.


12:00 Ate lunch in front of computer (WTM website). Kids watched cartoons. I played too long, so we didn't start up school again until....


1:25 School:

DS7: Handwriting without tears (took all of 2 minutes.)

DS4: Matching game

BOTH: Read about James Madison and the Constitution (lots of discussion. This took awhile.)

BOTH: I read them a storybook about Park Rangers in Central Park.

DS7: MUS online drill and played War (where we both lay down 2 cards and he has to add them to see who won.)

BOTH: Pulled out a BrainQuest card and they answered the random questions.

BOTH: Listened in silence (while they played) to a piece by Beethoven.


3:00 started cleaning the house. We were on vacation last week so it's a disaster. (Still is. I'm supposed to be cleaning the kitchen right now.)


The boys helped a bit with cleaning, then I let them go play. DS7 just had his birthday party on Saturday (right after getting home from vacation) so there are a LOT of new toys in the house for them to play with. I cleaned for the full 2 hours, but didn't get much done: it's just such a mess right now!! Laundry is jammed in the hampers, but it all barely fits. Sigh.


3:30: we all ate another snack. Cheese Its for the kids and cheese and raisins for me. (continued to clean.)


5:00 started cooking dinner. Chicken and rice-a-roni and mixed veggies. Am cooking very simple, kid-friendly food over the next 3 weeks in an effort to get DS7 to eat more variety. He's gotten soooo picky that he only eats 6 different foods. Not kidding.


5:40: DH came home. Ate dinner. Fought with DS7 over eating, because the new rule is that he has to take ONE bite of everything on his plate before he can leave the table. He ate ONE bite of Rice-a-roni and ONE bite of chicken. He'll be pretty hungry tonight.


6:30: Came online to check when a movie starts (that I'm going to see with MIL tomorrow night), got distracted by this webpage still being open on my computer....and here we are.


The kids are with DH right now watching The Princess Bride. They'll need baths (like, now) because they'll be in bed by 8:00.


At 8:00 I'll pick one of my messy rooms to clean and clean it. There are currently 5 rooms that are just out of control, so I'll focus on one of those each day of the coming week and (hopefully) by Saturday, the house will be cleaned.


All in all, it was a good day. The boys were pretty agreeable. Mondays are usually pretty good. As the week progresses, they get a little more tired and fight me a little more about school. But today they were fine.

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Well, here is what today looks like:


DH woke up at 6am and woke me up with his noise at 6:50. I crawled to the bathroom to splash water on my face since I don't drink coffee.


DH got dressed and then went to check the garden and handwater some things. He left at 7:20.


I checked email and a couple of message boards I like to frequent.


8:10 my 5 yo ds woke up and crawled into my lap. We snuggled a few minutes, sang some songs and then he wanted "Word World."


8:25ish I started trying to wake up 13 yo ds who is not a morning person. He finally came down at 9:40ish.


We had a quick breakfast of grits and OJ.


10:15ish we started school. I would prefer to start at 8:30, but as you can see from above, we just don't move that way.


My 5 yo and I change the calendar, mark what number of school we are on, on his hundreds chart because on day 100 will we have an ice cream party and do activities centered around "100."


We say the pledge to the American flag.


The rest of the day we just tackle our assignments with several breaks for food, burning off energy, a netflix dvd or errands. It is now 6pm. DS and I just finished preparing Sheppard's Pie to put in the oven and when I finish this post we are finally going to get to history! We do WP QMA so I have some read alouds to do and then he will tackle map work. That will complete the school day.


Ideally, we'd start at 8, have no interruptions and be done by 2ish, but it is what it is and it works for us.

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I refuse to post our day. Someone would show up at my door and revoke my right to homeschool on days like today.


Lets just say we had a day that makes me wonder if public school could really do worse, since Diva was willing to do squat.


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There are "clocks" being used in almost everyone of the replies!!:001_smile: My hats off to all you wonderful schedule keepers. It pretty much took us 6 hours to do 3 hours of school work. And that is nearly everyday. Soooooo, daddy and I are going to put a stop to that-today! Haven't figured out exactly how yet but we know things must change. But, here is a basic schedule for our 6 school age children.





copy work






That was today's schedule. Tomorrow will look the same except history will be religion, Wednesday will be the same except the subject of the day will be art/music, Thursday same except daily subject will be science and Friday is Geography for the day along with daily work.

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Today was a nightmare of a day. So very, very atypical.


Normally, though, on Mondays


Dd gets up at 6:45, and does penmanship before breakfast. Breakfast is usually ready between 7 and 7:15, and immediately after breakfast, I do spelling w/ dd while ds gets himself dressed. I spend the next forty-five minutes trying to both entertain dd2 and teach ds phonics, handwriting, etc.


8:30 is my favorite half-hour - dd practices trumpet and does logic problems, ds plays alone in his room, and dd2 has playyard time. :)


The rest of the morning is spent with me floating between dd and ds, all the while keeping the baby entertained. 10 is outside time; we either all go for a walk (dd bikes) or dd and ds go outside. We eat lunch around 11:15 and we leave at 11:45 to take the kids to Master's Academy. Dd reads in the car, as well as when I pick them up.


Normally Monday evenings, I have half-hour w/ each kid, plus dd has time for co-op work and free play and so on.


Today, on the other hand, she's still doing the work that was supposed to be done by 10 this morning. Sigh.

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Today wasn't all the typical for us either. For one thing, DH slept in until 10:00 and I until at least 9...the three oldest boys got up at 8, did all their morning chores and then played lego in the rec room until I came upstairs for breakfast. Before I came up, I got Reid up and took him to our bed to see daddy. I lay down and laid him on top of me and he fell asleep like that, which never happens.


Anyways, school began after breakfast, which probably ended up being around 10:00. I was still in my bathrobe for the entire process. We sat at our wee little table and chairs (kid sized) and I read one lesson from Leading Little Ones to God, supervised math lessons, listened to them read out loud and watched them to HWT. The whole thing probably took less than an hour, and then I got dressed and started the laundry while the boys went outside to play.


This reminds me, I am supposed to give 7yo a piano lesson yet today!

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Here's a day without any major outings:


7:30 Get dressed, walk the dog, shower. Ideally I would do some yoga and calisthenics here. I try, but it would be dishonest to say I do it enough that it is would be included in a typical day. If there was any mess left out from the night before, clean it up.


9:00 Breakfast, start a load of laundry. Kids do their chores.

9:30 Read aloud. Sometimes if we are waking up slowly I do this while we eat breakfast. Right now we're reading Anne of Green Gables.

10:00 Math, Science/History, spelling, grammar, handwriting

12:00 Lunch, which I usually prepare while the kids are doing independent work. Or sometimes they make something themselves. I generally take a little "off duty" time here. The kids have some free time. I like to close my eyes, read a book, or play on the computer for a little while.

1:00 Reading lessons for my daughter; silent reading time for my son; Latin; Extras such as art, music, board games, life skills, or whatever comes up that is interesting.

2:30 School kids start knocking on the door. We're usually either done by then or we're doing something fun and they can join in.

5:00 Three days a week we have karate or soccer here.

6:00 Dinner (average time varies)

7:00 A little more cleaning up, hang out outside visiting with neighbors since it has cooled down some. Somewhere around 2:30-8:00 we'll sometimes end up shopping, going to the library, visiting friends, etc.

8:00 Hang out together, read stories, play games, watch TV, sometimes we'll walk the dog again.

9:00 Kids go to bed. They almost always bring books with them to read whatever they want. They're often in there reading for an hour or more.

11:00 Bedtime for mom and dad.

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I love these kinds of threads! And I envy your local access to a creek!!!

All times are approximate:


* Got up at 5:45am with dh, made his breakfast & packed his lunch


* Welcomed each of the boys as they came downstairs and lay on the couch...about 6, 6:10 and 6:20...all said good-bye to dad at 6:30am


* Made breakfast for boys and drank some juice myself and then ate what was left of 4yob's bagel


* 7:30ish Started school with 9yob, 7 & 4yob played chess right next to us...9yo constantly distracted by illogical or illegal chess moves but completed his MUS Epsilon test 28 and Intermediate Language Lessons


* 8am 14yo & 12yo girls come downstairs and make themselves breakfast then disappear to start their own schoolwork


* 8:30ish Upstairs for boys to get dressed & brush teeth, I make my bed & brush my teeth plus start a load of laundry as I can't remember who has the chore this week


* 9:00 "Do school" with 4yob while 9yo & 7yo play chess, then 9yo does his Latin, then I do IEW with 9yo while 7yo & 4yo sword fight


* 10:00 Give boys a snack of fruit, crackers & cheese, clean kitchen from breakfast while they play and mess up the rest of the house, peek in at girls to see how their work is coming


* 10:30 Let 4yo & 9yo play on computer while doing MUS Alpha & MFW 1st with 7yo


* 11:00 Call girls down from MFW Exp-1850 with 9yo, let 7yo play on computer with 4yo


* 12:00 Make quick lunch of pb&j, fresh veggies & fruit and then its out the door to karate class


* 2:15 Home & 4yo didn't even fall asleep in the car! :) Kids wash up and change and 14yo & 9yo show me nun-chuck moves they learned today


* 3:00 Snack of dried fruit & rice quakes while starting bread, then IEW with girls at the table, send them off to complete their outlines, clean up kitchen


* 4:00 Boys playing together nicely so I slip into office to check email...decide to check WTM since it has been awhile


Now I have to go roll out the bread and then check/go over any of the girls schoolwork they've completed. I'm hoping to make popcorn & watch the Lion King (borrowed from a friend & need to return) this afternoon/evening as dh is on an overnight business trip.


9yob & 7yob need to work on a Cub Scout requirements tonight, then shower and 4yob needs a bath


After they go to bed the girls & I will do some crafting for an upcoming craft fair and they'll get their computer turns. Dh is out of town.


I love homeschooling...now I must go roll out that bread & get it back in the oven to rise again!

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DH is out of town.


7:00 am I got up and made coffee for me and cocoa for the kids. I also packed a snack for my little kids and poured some cereal for their breakfast.


7:30 am I woke up four older children to get dressed and eat. Baby woke up around this time, too. I dressed my younger children, got them to eat, and then brush their teeth and get their rain coats on. Rain again!


8:00 am I took 4 and 6 year old to their German school.


8:25 I returned home and took a look at both of older two kids' planners for the week. I noticed I needed to correct math from Friday and plan history and science for the week. I corrected papers and planned the week's work until around 9:30. While I planned, dd 12 took an algebra quiz and ds 10 worked on his spelling workout lesson.


The baby played in the playpen during this time. She played throw out all of the toys and scream until they're returned to her. It was quite a match. She won, of course.


9:35 DS10 corrected his mistakes from his math. He went on to do a fact practice sheet and the first 15 of the next lesson. He's working on a Geometry unit so he spent some time drawing angles and measuring them after he finished his lesson. DD and I reviewed her quiz and the next lesson. She went on to do the odds.


10:30 DD began to work on her History and DS read his science.


10:50 DD left to go to the middle school for PE. DS finished his science and began the first history pocket for ancient Egypt.


11:00 I gave baby a snack and dressed her for the weather. Baby and I left to pick up DD4 and DS 6. DS 10 stayed home alone working on his history pocket.


11:45 The three littler children and I returned home. DS 10 was out playing with the dog. DS6 and DD4 joined him while I fixed lunch. They all came in soaked!


12:00 Lunch began (chicken nachos made with leftover shredded chicken taco meat from the day before) and I threw in a load of laundry and did the breakfast dishes. DS took out the garbage. The kids changed into dry clothes!


12:45 My older daughter returned from PE. She ate lunch. I got my ds 6 and dd 4 to do their HWT. DS 6 then did his Funnix 2 on the computer and DD practiced writing her name. I then did math with DS 6. Baby took a nap!




1:00 DD 12 and DS 10 did their Latin together. Then they took turns practicing piano and they each did a grammar lesson. Then, DS 10 read his book (GIC Moby Dick) and DD read her Science and worked on her analogies cd.


3:30 I took older two kids to swim practice with the younger three in tow.


3:45 Younger kids and I returned home. DS 6 played on the computer and DD 4 watched Peter Pan and fell asleep.


6:15 We picked up older two from the pool. We came home, and I fixed pancakes, orange slices, and bacon for dinner.


7:15 All the kids showered/bathed and baby went to bed. We read aloud two chapters of The Shakespeare Stealer and two stories from a Christmas book that dd 4 wanted to hear.


8:00 Everyone went to bed. Older two kids read, ds6 listened to Jim Weiss, dd 4 and baby fell asleep right away.


8:30 I folded my load of laundry and did the dishes. I read my book for about an hour.


9:45 I checked email and then I began wasting time on the internet....

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5 am Dd's alarm goes off. I try and go back to sleep at this, but so far I've never been able to. She gets out of the shower and turns the coffee pot on.


6:00 Dh's alarm goes off. We get up, walk the dogs and meet back in the kitchen for coffee.


He drinks his while he checks the fantasty football scroes thingie.


I get his lunch and thermos ready, put in a load, take a load out of the dryer.


6:40 am they both leave (he drives her to school for shop classes) and I grab another cup of coffee and either log on, or, if I'm behind, I map out my day in my planner.


7:15 the first hatchling wakes up and starts to play a computer game. I jump in the shower.


by 8 if they're not up I wake them up. Breakfast, dressed, teeth brushed, and I go out to take care of the chickens.


8:30 all do spelling (and I jump around the table like a flea helping read, answer, explain, what have you.


from there we segue into copywork or penmanship (which I will have written out either last night or this morning. Stuart Little, which I read a chapter of at breakfast.)


9:20 we leave to go get Dd, and this is an hour ride back and forth with gas stops, a grocery stop, vet. Whatever.


Ds reads off the SWB history reading list. Actually I made us ALL do ancients this year just to keep up the continuity.


10:40 we're back. (this morning I put a pork loin in the crock pot with sweet and sour red cabbage, beer, thyme and onions-looks weird, but it's great)


We take a quick regather break and then it's back to work. Girls do English for the Toughtful Child, while I have Ds do Prima Latina. Then we switch. Girls go off and read, I do a Simply Grammar review with with Ds. Little guy gets out his MUS and with little prompting is working and done. Then he goes off to play or check for eggs.


12-12:30 we break for lunch. Kids eat PB&J in front of the computer on a bench and watch NOVA's Origins: The Beginning of Life.


@ 1:30 they go out to burn off some of that food energy.


2:00 they come back in and while I talk to a friend Oldest Daughter reads the girls a para, they narrate back to me while I clean out the parrot cage, and then they draw me a pict.


UPS comes bearing gifts! My R&S order is here and a collective groan is heard throughout the house. No we just have to get those last straggling Singapore math's which shouiild arrive tomorrow.


Ds starts to read out of Usbourne's History and writes out his facts, timeline and what have you.


I start to pour over books.


Of course I let them go at tis point and grab an iced coffee.


Not that I get to drink it. I get up to mop and clean becuase it's been a week and I can't take it one more minute.


It's 8 pm now. The house is clean, dinner was great, the kids are playing Guitar Hero, the dog got washed and now I have to go tuck the chickens in. DH is not home yet, but hopefully soon and I have about 6 loads of laundry on my bed to fold.


AND, I just need to tell you that this is the FIRST YEAR it's been like this. We've been a house of night owls, but Dd getting into this school and having to get up has changed ALL of our schedules. (she has to be driven in because the bus trip is an hour long otherwise and the ride makes her VERY sick). But I love the change. I feel so much more organized and we accomplish so much!

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This is only our second week ever of homeschooling....but our days go something like this:


6 AM - 6:30 - I get up, eat breakfast, do devotion, check email/forums, etc, change clothes


6:30 - 8 - Exercise


8 - 8:15 cool down, rest, get online, maybe start a chore


At 8:30 or 9 Am I get a shower and get dressed for the day, kids usually get up sometime during this time and I'll help them get dressed, get them breakfast, start them a morning TV show


9:30 - 12 PM - do school, probably taking some sort of break in the middle


On Mondays and Fridays, I have the rest of the afternoon free to do chores, run errands, or play with the kids. And we usually do our read alouds in the afternoon as well.


On Tuesdays and Thursdays, DD has speech at the public school at 1 PM, and then the rest of the afternoon is free. Sometimes we have one or two subjects of school to do when we return, depending on if we were running on time that day. DD also has soccer practice on Tuesday evenings.


On Wednesdays is homeschool group, and the above schedule is not correct. My morning is the same, except that we leave at 9:30 and do not return until 2:30 for homeschool group. And then we leave for church at 5 PM.

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Our day looks nothing like any day posted so far. It never does here.


We did have kids' yearly checkups today (we do it in bulk, not by b'day), and the HCP provider did say, "Wow, your kids are smart. They know how to think outside the box! I'm impressed!"


They are light for their height.


Today we also took care of our animals, read aloud , listened to a book on tape, went to the market, went to the library, & worked on some art at home. My youngest dd also brought a pen to the Dr's today as they have piles of word games and crossword puzzles etc in the waiting room. She finished a bunch of anagrams and puzzles before they called her name. All of us also read silently today for over an hour. My teen went to xcountry practice. We're done. lol

Edited by LibraryLover
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Dh woke me up as he was leaving at 5:45 am. I begrudgingly rolled out of bed and started yoga. I'm so glad I did! It always starts my day out right.


6:45am I showered and got myself ready, made beds picked up and straightened, started a load of laundry, washed some dishes and got breakfast for the boys.


8:00 Started school with Tom. He's mad because he's growing his hair out long and it's covering his eyes so I made him clip it back during school. He previously agreed to it but is now mad about it. Ha!


9:00 Tom wraps up; Huck sits down. School for 2 hours and start lunch at

11:00am We all have a nice talk and I switch laundry.


12:00 pm Science and some read aloud time


1pm head to the bank and library.


The rest of the afternoon has been wonderful and quiet. The boys have played nicely and I've finished my book. I made enchiladas for an early dinner and it's now time to head off to soccer practice where I get to talk to adults (6:00pm)


Today has been a wonderful day. The kind of day I wish they would all be like.

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8:30 - I ask, Do you want to put away laundry first, or do school work? No surprise there, they'd rather do school work. 1st grader does math, grammar, WWE, Ker does OPG, math, and colors a picture. We do a bit of reading aloud - Charlotte's Web and Spanish picture books.

10:00 Kids put away laundry while I cut up canteloupe for a snack. Eat snack.

10:30 While I make lunch, kids empty dishwasher and set the table. I tell them if they hurry we can go to the park for a bit. Park.

12:00 Lunch. Also read-alouds.

1:00 Quiet Time. 1st grader comes out twice to tell me about books she's read.

2:00 1st grader comes out from quiet time. We do a bit more math, and Latin. Start German but get distracted by my sister calling.

3:00 Off phone with my sister, and Ker is awake. Kids choose to do art. As they are finishing their drawings, I ask if they want to do music or SOTW. SOTW wins. I tell them they can keep coloring while I read. Read SOTW, 1st grader does a narration.

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We have a co-op on Mondays and on Weds. we're out of the house most of the day also, so I'll do a 'typical' day--however, it won't have the fun ingredients that many of you are sharing w/your unplanned interruptions.


Wake up 6:30 ish, workout, get back home by 8:30 ish, eat breakfast, feed anyone who hasn't fed themselves, get school going by 9 am.


9 we're starting a new tradition it's called our "items du jour" until I can come up w/a better name. We do 1) a word of the day, 2) an idiom of the day 3) a saint of the day, and 4) an item from this day in American history. They're all keeping a notebook to write these items down and can draw a corresponding picture if they like. This takes a good 45 mins, but I'm working on cutting it down.


9:45- half the Saxon problems for ds11, dd9, dd5 and I watch a MUS video together and do a few problems.


10:45 (again Saxon is taking too long especially since they're only doing half the probs). We start Latin. We alternate who watches the video (LCI and II) and who works on the book. DD5 does some worksheets. In between helping dd5, I try to do some cleaning.


11:15 spelling for all 3. I'm usually quizzing at least one of them or helping another.


11:45 Famous Men of Greece for ds, dd9 does some science reading and dd5 reads from one of her Frog and Toad books.


12:15 lunch, usually sandwiches which they prepare themselves.


12:30 recess outside til 1--usually they play volleyball (we have a nice net) or tether ball, while I clean.


1:15 this is when we do CW, dd5 plays on her own.


2:15 SOTW audio while they color, draw maps. DD5 often joins us, but she's not required.


3:15, I take a break and then start grading/preparing for the next day. 4:30 ish, dinner prep.


6:00-8: football, volleyball and/or soccer practice.


8:30 get ready for bed.





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Ill take yesterday as an example:


I got up at 6am for some quiet time.

7am, the kids and dh got up.

The kids (ages 13 and 15) had breakfast, did their chores, dd went for a walk with her ipod, dh and I went for a walk together.

About 8.30 I had everyone do some cleaning, vacuuming, getting rooms in order- I have started doing that first thing Monday mornings and it works well when we all do it together. The kids get their pocket money from their dad ($20) after they pass bedroom inspection.

9am ish we were all at work- me doing some emails that needed attention, the kids on their maths. I also marked some of their work from yesterday.

10.30 or so we stopped and we did our "together work", which in this case was some discussion on how to deal with anger, reading a bit of Dantes Inferno, and half a chapter in Sophie's World. Short discussion. Ds ate the whole time- that is normal. We had strawberries and chocolate sauce.

11.30 The kids went back to their schoolwork and I went and made some soup for lunch.

I had lunch early, while they continued what they were doing and ate in their own time.

All during this were lots of disturbances, breaks, arguments, chats...but somehow stuff gets done anyway.

I went and had a nap at 1pm since I hadnt slept well. I got up at 2.30- ds13 had finished his work, dd14 was still going.

I did some washing and pottered about. Dd14 went to work at 3.30. Ds13 went to play with the street kids once they got home from school.

I went to a yoga class at 4.30.

I chatted with a friend after yoga and didnt get home till 7.30. Dh had decided to take us out to dinner- I missed out but it turned out fine, he spent some quality tyime with the kids.

I was in bed by 9pm when they all got home, and everyone came into my bed to tell me about the food. Then everyone went to bed too.

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Well, I guess today was semi-typical. Not the best day we've ever had, but not the worst :o).

7:30 got up & dressed. DD 18 is already up putzing around. She has CC class at 9:30. Yell at dd16 to turn off the fan in her room and get up.

8:00 take big load of white laundry to the laundry room (we live in a 3br apt)

8:30 yell at dd again (she doesn't get up easily), this time she groans and at least starts moving in the right direction. knock on ds 12's door to get up. He comes down to eat breakfast.

9:00 kids are up, most have eaten, I'm trying to get the younger to onto schoolwork. Have to jet out the door to take dd18 to school, so tell ds12 to start his japanese on the computer till I get back in 15 min.

10:30 go back to pick up dd from class at cc. She is done early.

11:00 Phone call from homeschool group friend.....are you bringing kids to get thier school pics? (my timeslot was 10-10:20, but, as usual every year, I FORGOT!! All is ok, just get them there. Find out via e-mail from dad at work that the computer game that ds ordered from Amazon finally arrived ("maybe ds will have a good day knowing that if he doesn't, it won't come home?"). Yeah right. I tell ds, and he immediately wants me to give him some extra chores so he can earn the few extra dollars he needs to pay for it. "After your schoolwork is done", I tell him. He's not very happy about that, but is ok.

11:15 dd frustratedly scrambling to put makeup on, ds mad (at me for forgetting) and starting to lose it as I yell at him to find a decent shirt and socks (he is mildly spd, so abrupt transitions are not the greatest).

11:30 out the door but slightly harried and rumpled. DD looks beautiful :o). DS looks....well.....passable.

12:00 Pictures are taken. DD's are beautiful. DS's are fine. He was goofy as usual, couldn't smile naturally to save his life, and everybody in line was laughing. As soon as he got outside, he lost it with me because he "hates to be laughed at". Long discussion about maybe next time using a bit more *cough* decorum, so no one *will* laugh??? Sigh.

12:15 Stopped at Burger King on the way home. dd 16 asked for a icee, so I got her one. dd18 asks if she can share. No problem. Ds12 loses it again because I got them one and not him. I can tell he's sliding downhill rapidly. Food comes, and I realize I forgot to order a burger for ds12. oops. Go order burger for ds12 and another icee for ds12 and dd18 to share. Tell ds 12 he can have some when he shapes up. Doesn't handle it very well (undrstatement). Tough darts, I have thick skin and don't embarrass easily. Son is alternately sulking, refusing to eat burger, and trying to grab icee from dd18. I handle it, ds apologizes, eats, goes to play room to look at the computer games leaving us in peace. A dear old lady walks over to our table and informs me that she is a member of the "free hugs" club, and wonders if we need a hug. "I wish the other young man was here that I saw earlier, because he looked like he needed one". (I'm not joking, this actually happened). She made us join hands and recite "everyone needs a hug!" My girls were valiantly trying to keep straight faces through all of this. Old lady gives us her free hug card, and says good day. We beat a retreat from Burger King.

1:00 Home. dd's doing homework. Ds12 has just been informed that the computer game is *not* coming home today(as far as I'm concerned Dad can pitch the thing) So begins a long session of threats, whines, butt dragging, and general nastiness which I mostly ignore. He knows he's incurring consequences faster than he can breathe, but I know better than to impose them when he is being irrational.

2:00 take dd18 to cc class. Son still dragging around doing his best to argue and threaten me into making dad bring home the cd. Uh huh.

3:00 Son losing some steam. He now knows that his rear is is major trouble, and that I expect XY and Z done before theater tonight or he can't go, which would be a bummer, as it's the first night of the fall rehearsals. Take dd16 to violin leaving ds home grudgingly doing school, and feeling totally demoralized because he has a tender heart and knows he's blown his day in many ways.

3:45 Back from violin, son in better spirits, but still depressed. Give him lots of hugs. Make sure he knows I love him, but he will have a big hole to dig himself out of before that computer game crosses the doorway.

4:45 Son working slowly, go pick up dd18 from cc. dd16 has gotten most of her work done on her own. She's pretty competent, but I will check on her work later.

5:00 pick up dd from cc, come home to find hubby home from work. Get son working on schoolwork. He knows he has to finish his LA before theater at 8. He'll be grumpy the rest of the day, except for when he's at theater. He needs the exercise, so I'll make sure he's finished. Hubby goes to run a few errands before dinner. I'm wiped.

6:00 here I am typing. All is quiet for the moment. ds is supposed to be working. dd16 is primping for theater. dd18 is doing I don't know what.


OK, this was definitely not the greatest day my ds has ever had. Believe it or not he's had worse, but usually better. Age has helped some. He's just immature and quirky. Passionate, intense, musician & actor extrordinaire, tempermental, very sensitive, funny, and often delightful. Or unbearable, depending on the day. So there it is. Life.


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Our day:


7:00 I am up and checking e-mails

8:30 the children are up and I am sorting through their clothing to switch out the drawers for winter. They eat breakfast and get dressed.

9:15 Time to feed the rabbits.

9:30 School starts with a Read Aloud, followed by grammar, math, and spelling.

11:10 Lunch break and my oldest tries on pants

12:00 Back to school for history and geography

12:45 One child takes a bath while the other goes through winter clothes.

1:30 The other child takes a shower while the first one plays webkinz

2:30 We finally leave for the library

3:30 Back home and a friend comes to pick up her baby bunny.

4:00 We continue to go through the winter clothes

5:00 Break for dinner

6:00 The clothing is cleaned up and put away, dishes are done and floors have been swept.

7:30 Time to rest.:001_smile:

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Today was not a great day.


I woke up at 5:50am to my 3yo crying. I got her some water and got her back in bed.


I got on the computer for awhile. Everyone was up by 8am (except the 3yo.) I got them breakfast while they were outside. They brought a couple of strange bugs in and we tried to figure out what they were (Two Striped Walking Stick.) Then they found a dead *tiny* paint turtle in the driveway.


Eventually we got settled in and I got the 11yo started on his work. I did a spelling test and had him write a paragraph on any topic. His choice? "Why I Hate Schoolwork!" Then came his MUS work and then some assigned reading for his FL Virtual School.


While he was doing that, I had the 8, 6, and 5yo work on their Explode the Code work. I have to work through every item with the 8yo, so it takes a while. They had already done their ReadyWriter pages earlier.


We took our 1 hour lunch break (but a little late today because we got a late start.)


After lunch, I did MUS with the 5yo (just until I find out which box holds the Singapore Math books!)


My 11yo was working on his Virtual School science. After I finished with his sister, he told me that he had gotten 6 points out of 25 on a quiz. I looked at the work and talked to him and realized that he just doesn't quite get it. I talk to him about redoing the lessons and his attitude starts.:glare: By the time we are done, he has had a complete meltdown and is screaming at me.:tongue_smilie:


Everyone was clamoring to go to the church for Faith Formation. I finally said that the 6yo would go (his class) and the 8yo to finish schoolwork. This led to another meltdown by the 8yo who did not want to do schoolwork and my finally losing my patience. Did I mention that the whole day my mother was home working on her computer with the TV on in the only part of the house where we can do schoolwork?:001_huh: And that my 3yo is into *everything*?:tongue_smilie:


Dh came home and I turned the 11yo over to him with World Geography and science work to do. I took the 8yo, his schoolwork, and the 6yo to the 6yo's Faith Formation class at church. The 8yo and I finished his work during the 1.5 hours that FF took. While in the church library, the lady there (trying to be nice) kept trying to tell me that some dc just learn differently and it would come.:glare: Not what I want to hear when I am teaching my 3rd grader K level math and reading, KWIM?


We then headed home, had dinner, and turned around and went *back* to the same part of town for the 8yo's soccer game (which the won) and then back home again. At 8pm, they were in bed and listening to Island of the Blue Dolphins.


I am tired and I hope tomorrow is better!


ETA: We were supposed to more of a nature walk than they did, but we didn't get to it - attitudes got in the way!

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Wow, a lot of people get up ridiculously early! Today was not typical for us, but our schedules have been so crazy lately, we don't seem to have a 'typical' anymore.


I woke up at 7:30, ate a quick breakfast and jumped on the laptop for my work from home job for an hour from 8-9. Ds was reading in his room during that time. We did a quick spelling review before heading out at 10 to the local tech school to try to enroll in an art class we supposedly could take together. After talking with the teacher and other students who were all fine with it, we were then told by the administrator (who originally said it was up to the teacher) that it was against the rules for a young child to attend the class.:glare: We then went to drop off some clothes ds outgrew at the local consignment shop. While there, ds also talked me into buying 3 totally useless trinkets for a dollar so he could share with his friends (at least he likes to share :tongue_smilie:). We made it home in time for lunch at 12, a quick math lesson, and more reading in his room. Dh was napping on the couch when I got home, but I managed to pry him up and send him out to work on fixing the lawnmower. At 2:30 I left for my other job with dh STILL working on the lawnmower. At 4:30 I got a call at work from dh saying he called the lawnmower place to come get the #%@ mower to fix it (we have a warranty and I wanted to call them in the first place). I also reminded dh that ds needed to do some school, especially since he spent the time after I left until dh gave up on the mower watching Animal Planet. At 5:30 I left work and went to the grocery, then home, where I found that 'school' had consisted of talking about animals on Animal Planet and learning how to grill chicken. So after dinner at 7 (the grilled chicken was very good :tongue_smilie:), I did a grammar lesson with ds. He took his shower, spent the requisite 5 minutes post shower running wet and naked through the house giggling, then we read a few more pages of The Hobbit before bed. I then got back on the computer at 9:30 for my evening shift of my work at home job, which I am now done with.


I'm tired.


Thankfully dh is working tomorrow and I have no errands to run, so we will actually stay home and do some schoolwork :D

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A regular typical day:

Up between 6:30-7 (me). Check to make sure dd, 14, is awake.


Make breakfast. Breakfast at 7:30.


After breakfast--Dh cleans kitchen, I nag...er, help kids get dressed and do chores. I put away and fold laundry too.


8:20 take dd to school.


9:00 start school with the boys. We do a story time or fun activity together, then I rotate between individual lessons and independent work. Ds 4 plays or does his fun workbooks unless we're doing a reading lesson.


Breaks/snacks around 11, then more work until lunch, noonish.


Storytime during lunch.


Projects and read-alouds: Science, art, music, history....


Quiet time and free reading.


Off to afternoon activities: Choir, piano, karate.


Or a typical day like today, since we never know what will happen on a given day:

Semi-emergency orthodontist appointment for ds 8

Send ds 8 to karate with his dad, do lessons with younger guys

Friend calls and says, "Meet us at the arboretum!"

Pack a picnic while I teach ds 8 his math lesson and he completes his math book.

Ditch the rest of schoolwork for the day and head to the river.

Home in time for a short science lesson.

Quiet time

Pick up dd from school

Take ds 8 to choir. His brothers have to come too because dh has a meeting.

Man a table at the choir open house. Ds 8 sings and his brothers play and do dot-to-dot at the table.



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I tried to keep DS on schedule today but I was exhausted. I am just getting over being sick and DH is sick with the flu.


I woke up around 8:00 hearing DS in the kitchen getting a bowl of cereal.

Around 8:30, he finished breakfast and started Bible (MFW)

Prima Latina was next. We watched the DVD and DS completed page 1.

Around 9-9:30 we began Rod and Staff English. I was giving a quiz and falling asleep. :001_huh: DS offered to read the lesson. Thankfully it was a review of something we did last year. DS completed the lesson while I took a short nap.

10-11ish We went over the math lesson (again a review) and completed the coresponding lesson.

DS father called around this time and wanted to do lunch with him. I agreed.

We completed the spelling pretest and WWE copywork.

We met up with DS father and he went out to lunch.

About 2 hours later DS came home and played on the computer for about 45 minutes.

We left for swim practice at 4:15. Swim team from 5-6:30. Arrived home after 7:00.

I was too tired to even being to think about cooking and cleaning so DS and I went out to dinner.

We didn't make it home tonight until after 9. I am still exhausted...:glare:

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Up, showered, dressed, coffee down, and out the door by 6 am. Listened to a TTC lecture on ancient civilizations in the car. Toast and morning report at a quarter of 7. Today it was straight work until 12, when I had lunch. Listened to a whole lot of very loud screaming and cursing for an hour (new admission straight from prison). Left work at 3 pm and listened to more lecture. Monday is a "light day" for us, school-wise, as Sunday we do every subject. The boys were just coming in on their bikes, after riding down to the big state fair. I see hubby scraped the last of the house that need repainting.


Kiddo has something to drink and we do 25 minutes Singapore ("carrying" in addition), and then we count forwards and backwards by 10's, 20's, 5's, and 2's. He suddenly calls me "a wild, crazy woman", which is completely out of blue and we discuss crazy and I introduce the word psychotic. He agrees I'm not crazy.

We do a lab of REAL science, sorting the rocks he dug out of the creek yesterday. We discuss density, and I have him hold out two bowls with his eyes closed and I put things of similar size but not the same density in them and have him guess which one is metal, e.g. He gets them right and giggles through more of this, for some reason.


I tell him to have Puss (his brilliant but needy stuffed Persian) pick out a book. When Puss dawdles, I tell him I'll pick out a book and pick out one far too hard, and he squeals and rapidly picks out two Henry and Mudge books. He reads them to me pretty well. Then I read books like Lief the Lucky to him and at the end of each page, I say a word and ask him to find it in the page and point it out to me. He gets nearly all of them.

We eat together and watch a Mike Venezio video on DaVinci. Son asks me what Mama mia means. I call out many exclamations in various languages (Oy Vey, Holy Cow, Gott in Himmel, etc) in extreme accents. We laugh.


I tell him true dog stories that happened to me (brave or brilliant or funny things my old Dane did) while we weed. I teach him to use the clippers and turn him loose on the old stems of a Red Hot Poker. When that is done, he tastes one leaf of every herb in the garden (many) and we pronounce them carefully, and I spell them. I talk about what we put them in. He loves the sage. Papa comes home, with the groceries for the "metamorphic fudge" we will be making for REAL on Wednesday, but he got the wrong flour. Kiddo and I discuss hard vs. soft wheat, and he sucks a bit of both, and chews the gluten.


Kiddo has more supper while I empty dishwasher, get my stuff ready for the morning, etc. Kiddo watches 30 minutes of Life in the Freezer while I do this. He loves the episode Footprints in the Snow, about Scott's ill-fated trip to the South Pole. I show him a picture of my folks decked out in their climbing gear in 1936, and tell him what a Puttee Boot is.


Kiddo plays outside until dark by himself, while I look in you ladies, and he's just coming in, bringing noise and demands. I am exhausted! Hubby is asleep in front of the TV. I hope to finish cleaning and be asleep by 10:30. We still have our Laura Ingalls Wilder to read tonight, and he'll read to me some more, all cuddled up. We are also looking though How Would You Survive In The Middle Ages during our night cuddles this week.

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We're doing a looping schedule and we're going to do school all year this year. So we only do a few subjects a day.


The boys (10 yrs and 7 yrs old) did run/walk intervals with me for 1/2 hour. We're training for a 5 K race on Thanksgiving. Showers.

Dd went to the pool with dh.

Breakfast & Laundry

I read 2 Samuel chapter 3 to the boys then we did Catechism review.

Packed backpack with piano books

10 y/o did FLL. "Land of Nod" 7 y/o read Frog and friends book.

7 y/o did FLL. "The Months" Old Testament book titles of the bible recited. 10 y/o reviewed Latin cards on my awesome iPhone app.

10 y/o did some cursive writing practice.


J & B: Piano lesson. Dh is looking for a job and is home right now so he took the boys to their piano lesson.

I went thru dd's closet and set aside a bunch of clothing for charity.

I went to the allergist and did some grocery shopping.

Dinner. Hymn singing. Catechism review. 7 y/o earned $.50 for two perfectly complete answers. Once in a while I pay them for correct answers. Dad gave them goodnight blessings.


ETA: I made a list of everything I could think of that the children could work on if I was working with one of them individually. That way, no one is fooling around. We stop school anywhere from 12 to 1:30. I don't want anyone fooling around since I shortened our hours. So, if I'm working with one I give the others something fun or not so fun to do until I work with them.


Edited by Karen FL
Alternative activities info added.
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I need to give background to our typical day, which was today. Two weeks ago, I found out that I have cancer. Naturally, this has hit us hard. The thought of continuing on with our routine seemed very claustrophobic, so we are doing 'lite school.'


6:00-- I woke up, went on the computer and then did Bible reading


7:30-- I woke the kids up, had breakfast (pancakes and yogourt,) cleaned up and did laundry. The kids did their chores.


8:30--read aloud, went on a walk to find twigs to make crosses as today was Holy Cross day. We put the crosses on our seasonal table. My oldest had a hissy fit due to her broken shoes so I told her to stay home with her dad as I couldn't deal with her melt-downs at that moment.


9:30--I did math and reading with the two oldest. Before I could get to those subjects with the youngest, the hospital called and gave me my date for my surgery. This took the wind out of my sails and I couldn't get my mind back on academics. Instead, we read a nature story by Clara Dillingham Pierssons and half of a scene of Hamlet. I also got the two oldest started on copywork. My oldest reads Little Women and writes a narration.


12:00--I still can't get my brain to focus so I get lunch ready and I go on the computer, watch TV and have a nap. The kids are really playing well together. I am thankful for this.


4:00--I gather my wits about me and we start history. We read our history read aloud, the kids make a few minit books as we are doing a scrapbook on Ancient Egypt. My oldest reads a chapter from Tales of Ancient Egypt and writes a narration.


5:30 -- we go for another walk, then get supper. I have a bath and then we watch a video and cuddle on my bed.


Even though this was a hard day for me, I think we did very well in the learning dept.

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Well, today I was up at 6:30, read my Bible. Ds 14 and ds 12 were up at the same time. While they read Bibles and ate breakfast, I did some laundry, unloaded the dishwasher from the night before, and let my parents' dog out in the back yard. (They just moved in with us this past weekend--permanently.)

Made myself turkey bacon and eggs while ds 10 and ds 8 dragged themselves out of bed and poured some cereal. My mom brewed coffee for us both, then I did grammar with ds10 and both math and grammar for ds 8.

Quick shower and made the bed at 9:00. Got almost 3yo ds out of bed at 9:30. (He was awake, but quiet.) Cleaned kitchen and attended to him while he ate breakfast. After that, it was a constant juggling routine checking math lessons, troubleshooting homework problems, keeping the four older boys on task, quizzing ds14 on chapter 2 of Wheelock's Latin, keeping the laundry moving, making lunch, taking the dog out again, keeping toddler entertained, helping my parents straighten out their change of address request etc...

At 2:00 the toddler went down for a nap. More Latin help for ds14 until 3:00. Just before his Great Books class started online at 3:00, a local detective called for more info. on our recent identity theft. (The one that we discovered 2 days after moving into our new house, yeah, that's the one.) I was consumed for the next two hours with id theft phone calls and dinner preparation, and never made it upstairs to spy on the Great Books class. (My goal is to sit in on all of them.)

Served dinner. Ripped stitching out of two old Boy Scout patches so my oldest two boys could duct tape their new rank patches onto their arms. Got hubby and two oldest out the door for scouts. Cleaned kitchen, visited with folks for a few minutes. Did Saxon Math investigation with ds 10 and Maps, Charts, Graphs with both dss 10 and 8 while toddler colored his arms and fingers with washable markers (while in high chair). Read books to toddler, put him to bed, did my weekly assigned "hour" of prayer for our church from 9-10. (Did half in a bubble bath with a Coke Zero and half in my bed.) Told ds 10 and 8 before I went upstairs that they could stay up till 9:30 watching one more I Love Lucy. Talked with dh and two oldest boys about the night's scout meeting after prayer ended at 10:00. Kissed hubby goodnight, took a benadryl, and came to WTM board. (I only need benadryl so I can sleep...since I drank a Coke Zero to stay awake for prayer!)

I think that covers the high points.

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Our clock mostly directs our food times, and everything else pretty much fits in around that.


So this is our basic daily routine:


7:30 Breakfast - kids have to be dressed and have their hair done before breakfast. Most of them make their beds and clean their rooms too. At the breakfast table we have our together Bible/prayer time and another reading (currently Window on the World).


After breakfast, all go and do morning chores: kitchen, sweep, vacuum, garbage, bathroom, beds that still need doing etc. They mostly work in teams and race each other. I hang out the laundry - rarely use the dryer.


SCHOOL WORK time starts as soon as morning chores are done. This is NO LATER than 9:00am but is usually earlier. The kids start on math, spelling/vocab, writing, grammar etc. I start working with the youngers, and whoever needs help.




Continue to work on anything unfinished from previous session, plus science and/or history with notebooks. I do Sonlight readings with youngers. If finished before lunch they will have reading time.


12:30 Lunch


We usually eat lunch outside and I read aloud at this time. This usually lasts for quite awhile as I kept getting asked for just another chapter......:tongue_smilie:


After lunch cleanup, those who haven't had quiet reading time will do so, while others may just have free time. Some afternoons we cook, do art, go to a park, sew, craft etc. The girls all have music practices as well. I'm really strict on our mornings, but we are more relaxed in the afternoons. Works well for us. :001_smile:


Today went pretty much to plan except dd9 was up super early and had done quite a lot of her school work before breakfast which is fine. She has just had more free time, so no drama really.

Edited by LindaOz
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My son wakes up around 8AM. He dresses and feeds himself, and his younger sister if she wakes up. Then he cleans up the kitchen from breakfast, cares for the pets and waters the plants. Finally, he gets to work on his independent stuff (copywork, reading, devotionals).


I wake up around 9AM. We begin our collective work (teaching math and spelling, discussing history and faith) around 930 and do that until about 1130. The 3 year old plays HER "school" - tangrams, puzzles, coloring, painting, etc.


Then we do lunch.


Then we do readalouds. While we're all in the room together, snuggled up, is also when we focus on character studies, tying in to our religious beliefs and cultural traditions and just plain ol' good manners.


Then it's about 1PM and we're sick of being at home. So we pack a snack for the road and do errands, or the park, or the library. We do the park 2-3 days a week, and the library 2-3 days during the schoolweek. Most of the time we'll continue to discuss our literature and history studies from the morning. Lots of independent reading in the afternoons, too, at the library or park, and in the car.


By 3PM we're back at the house. The kids finish up chores, play, and do crafts (both kids love to do "projects") until it's time for evening extracurriculars (usually 530PM - 7PM).


More reading aloud and independent reading in the evenings, usually around bath- and bedtimes. We also play games at night, and follow up on any schoolwork that needed to be re-done or re-taught.


The kids go to bed around 9PM. Some nights the older one will stay up an extra hour and either read, or just hang out and do my chores with me :)

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5:50 - the recycling truck wakes me up, send some emails, dress for running

6:30-7:15 - running in neighborhood

7:30 - coffee & toast

8 - wake girls, instruct them to eat and clear table while I shower

9 - big girls begin with three R's while I do 100 EZ lessons w/ the little one

9:30 - teach math to 2nd grader, check math of 4th grader, teach grammar to 2nd grader, then 4th grader, give dictations, help 4th grader along on Writing Strands.

11:30 - leftovers for lunch (4th grader still writing)

12 - 4th grader eating while I prepare chili for dinner

12:30 - read/discuss history, review poetry, Bible verse, the Transit of Venus and Apologia Astronomy

1:30 - see what's unfinished, cursive for 2nd grader, spelling for 4th grader

2 - emailing people about field trips and meetings that I'm planning.

3 - went to make brownies and found that we don't have enough sugar.


We had a club meeting today, but the car is in the shop so we're stuck at home. I'm sure I left something out, but that's the main stuff. Dh wakes around 9 and interupts us a couple of times now and then. He works from home (upstairs) while we work downstairs. Since finishing, the kids have been reading, catching bugs outside, and doing extra chores to earn for something they want to buy.


We have a science activity from BJU that I'd like to get done today, they'll probably do it after dinner.

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I need to give background to our typical day, which was today. Two weeks ago, I found out that I have cancer. Naturally, this has hit us hard. The thought of continuing on with our routine seemed very claustrophobic, so we are doing 'lite school.'


6:00-- I woke up, went on the computer and then did Bible reading


7:30-- I woke the kids up, had breakfast (pancakes and yogourt,) cleaned up and did laundry. The kids did their chores.


8:30--read aloud, went on a walk to find twigs to make crosses as today was Holy Cross day. We put the crosses on our seasonal table. My oldest had a hissy fit due to her broken shoes so I told her to stay home with her dad as I couldn't deal with her melt-downs at that moment.


9:30--I did math and reading with the two oldest. Before I could get to those subjects with the youngest, the hospital called and gave me my date for my surgery. This took the wind out of my sails and I couldn't get my mind back on academics. Instead, we read a nature story by Clara Dillingham Pierssons and half of a scene of Hamlet. I also got the two oldest started on copywork. My oldest reads Little Women and writes a narration.


12:00--I still can't get my brain to focus so I get lunch ready and I go on the computer, watch TV and have a nap. The kids are really playing well together. I am thankful for this.


4:00--I gather my wits about me and we start history. We read our history read aloud, the kids make a few minit books as we are doing a scrapbook on Ancient Egypt. My oldest reads a chapter from Tales of Ancient Egypt and writes a narration.


5:30 -- we go for another walk, then get supper. I have a bath and then we watch a video and cuddle on my bed.


Even though this was a hard day for me, I think we did very well in the learning dept.



Kudos to you for keeping it together! May the Lord bless you with the desires of your heart, and keep up the good work!

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7 am - get up, eat breakfast, get dressed, and do our housework.


8:30 - 9 school starts, the older kids do math, spelling, and reading

I work with the younger kids in short bursts doing FLL, WWE, RightStart Math/Singapore.


11 or so- we get together for History 3 days a week, includes mapping and narration.

I then go over the weekly and daily writing assignments with the older girls and do WWE with my middle daughter.


1/1:30.- Lunch


Afternoon I work with the younger 3 on science or art, we alternate days and any extra history reading we want to do. The older girls work on their writing assignments,science, art, logic, and Latin or French


Our basic schedule is this:


Monday:Math,History(mapping,narration,outline),grammar/essay, FLL, WWE,science,French, logic,art,music,karate


Tuesday:Math,History(mapping,narration,outline),grammar/creative writing, FLL, WWE,science,Latin,art,photography,music


Wed.: Math, grammar/creative writing, FLL, WWE, French, photography, music, karate


Thurs.: Math, History (mapping, extra reading), grammar/essay, FLL, WWE,science,art,Latin, French, photography,music


Fri.: Math, writing assignments are due, FLL, WWE, Latin, Library day!



My oldest daughter does all of her studies independently, consultations with me during the day, and end of the week


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5:30 I get up and love every minute of quiet before the children get up! Enjoy my cup of coffee and read...


6:45 Whoever is not up already gets up!! Breakfast is to be over by 7:15, we help each other get lunches together for the 4 ps kids.


7:30 Out the door to drop off high schoolers and elementary child


8:00 After a quick tidy up we begin studies. I have a list for the week for each subject for each child. 2 of them do a couple subjects together.


Since the kids homeschooling are 5th grade and up, I work on making dinner ahead of time, laundry, read, iron... etc. and oversee the schooling.


Daily school work finishes by 2:30, for the most part, with about a 20 min. break for lunch.


2:30 I pick up elementary child.


3:00 I pick up high school boy


4:00 Two days a week I drop off a son at tennis courts


5:00 Pick up dd from high school tennis


6:00 Pick up son and sometimes a couple other siblings form tennis courts


Dinner... relax... make a few well meaning threats and try to relax some more (the first time I try to relax it usually doesn't work out!!)


Children usually do dinner chores and I follow up with any necessary kitchen work and prepare coffee for the following morning.


Sometimes I put in a dvd for the children from 7-9pm.


One night a week I teach Awana at church.


One night a week I sing in choir practice at church.


Life is full and I love it.

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My friends and their three kids are staying here, so there are 7 of our kids altogether, plus the kids I watch. Today:


I got up around 7:30.


8:05- The two girls I was watching from 8-12 arrived (ages 4 & 5)


8:15- Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, raspberries, toast w/Nutella or jelly. Everyone helped clean up, then most of the kids went outside to play. 8yods played flashdash Latin at www.classicalacademicpress.com


9:10- 8yo ds did two pages in his CLE Math 4 book. 6yodd did a page in CLE Math 1. Her 5yo friend did a page in her writing journal. Then I read to the younger kids (1yo, 2yo, 3yo, 4yo, 4yo, 5yo, 6yo) while the two older boys (8yo and 12yo) made comics at www.makebeliefcomix.com )


10:00 Kids back outside.


11:15 Fed the mob. Goldfish, mangoes, apples, sandwiches...


11:30 Most of the kids in the dining room drawing. Five of the girls made a poster together, which we put up.


12:30 Two babysitting girls picked up. Friend and I took our kids to the library and met up with another friend. We hung out at the library for about 45 minutes, then walked from there to the mall. Fed the kids and took them to play at the mall playground.


5:00 Arrived back home. Kids played out back. Boys organized a game of baseball out there. Friend and I made dinner together.


6:30 Dinner. Her husband got home. We ate dinner with the kids, then cleaned up.


7:30 We all watched The Secret Garden and talked about how it related to what we were reading about in Story of the World ch. 3.


9:00 Younger 5 kids went to bed. Two older boys showed us the new homeschool song video on youtube. Now they're playing the video games they got at the mall today.

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I refuse to post our day. Someone would show up at my door and revoke my right to homeschool on days like today.


Lets just say we had a day that makes me wonder if public school could really do worse, since Diva was willing to do squat.


That was my day too!

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Ours varies so much

probably the same as most of yours


Some school, some chores, some activities, some more school, some more chores, meals. shower.


I wouldn't even want to keep track of it! :lol:


Some days, homeschooler PE, some days, homeschooler music, other days, homeschooler chess, other days, socializing with homeschooler friends, some days, kids get up way too late, other days, they get up early.

Some days, we take Grandma to a doctor appointment, other days, great grannie needs us to drive a hour to run her an errand, and back.

Other days, we are at home all day having a really productive academic day.

Other days, baby cousins come to visit and throw us all off, but we like to play with the baby. :tongue_smilie:

Some days the kids are eager learners, other days, they whine, moan and complain.

Some other days, they don't whine and moan, but stare into space planning their next birthday party or lego adventure.


And so on and so forth. :lol:


Schedule? ? ? ?


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6:00 up to make breakfast for the college kids, chat with them, help them with anything they need, and see them out the door


Feed cats, my own breakfast, shower & dress for the day.


7:30 Make sure the "baby" of the family is up for breakfast and starts school (He's 16)


Chores, meal prep, cleaning, errands, prep for teaching my astronomy class, gardening, interacting with hubby if he working out of the home... (Friday we run to town for Debate)


11:00 put lunch together for hubby (if working at home), ds, and me


Dishes, etc.


1:00 School with son, grade papers, organize school stuff...


Phone calls, trips to town for cross-country practice, dentist for a crown, do email triage for astronomy club and other responsibilities, trips to doctors, grind flour, start fall cleaning, and think that this may be the 1st year that I can start getting back into my old hobbies that I use to do 20 years ago...


5:00 or 6:00 Supper, dishes


Help kids with math or English papers, listening to college stories and "be there" for my family. OR Civil Air Patrol, astronomy meetings and programs. And sometime, after all the children are in bed, I rest.


There is payback for all of our years of working with our children. I though you might like to hear my story.




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I'll play! Every day is different. Since I'm too old to remember things for very long, I'll just do today, Thursday:


Got up at 7 and went into the schoolroom to lay out the written work items for my son. We had to leave the house by 8 for speech therapy, so I wanted to gather a couple of things to take with us to do in the car and while waiting there. I noticed that my son was up, so I reminded him to get ready so we could leave on time.


I made my bed and tidied up a little in my bed/bath/office area. About 7:30 I showered and dressed. We took off at 8 and stopped for gas on the way across town.


My son took his algebra book in the car and read the 5 sections and samples for next week's lesson.


When we arrived there a couple of minutes early, I did an oral language lesson with him and talked to him about an earth science worksheet on rifting, helping him to correct a couple of mistakes on it.


We entered the building, signed in, then sat and read from The Lantern Bearers until we were called for my son's appointment.


After we left there (at 9), he read Drabne of Dole on the way home.


When we arrived home, he went to work on his written work. I answered questions and finished straightening up around the upstairs, did some laundry chores, etc. I actually checked my email, which seldom happens during the course of a school day.


We left for lunch at noon and he read from a couple of books on the topic of volcanoes, which we're studying for the next two weeks. He read both ways in the car.


When we arrived back home (at 1), we worked through the MS Nucleus info on volcanoes, then began reading from several books about volcanoes.


I suppose I should state what sort of written work he did:


He did a review page from the Singapore 6A textbook. He did his last spelling page for the week (test tomorrow). He did a page in an outlining workbook. He did a page in grammar to finish up a chapter on capitalization rules. He did a page in his Getty-Dubay handwriting. I went over our Bible work for the day. He did three pages in Key to Decimals 2. He did a page in a world geography workbook and did two pages from a map skills workbook. He did a couple of pages in a workbook about caves. I believe that's all - at least that's all I can think of!


I graded some things and made progress notes in a notebook I keep during part of the time while he was working.


Fridays are very light days regarding written work. I've left it that way to allow for field trips. Since we don't have one tomorrow, I'll be able to use the time for extra reading and to get caught up on a couple of things we didn't get done today (Latin and Logic).


As soon as school was over (3:30) I started dinner because I was doing a turkey and knew it would take the entire time until my husband arrived home.


My son has soccer practice at 6:30 in an adjacent county so we have to leave by 6 to get there. We don't get home until about 8:30. My husband and older son had both gone out when we arrived, so I prepared plates for both of us and we ate.


My son then showered and is now in bed. And that's where I'm going, myself!

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Yesterday, I told my ds9 that we were having a "Wacky, Whatever-You-Want Wednesday" and that he could do his work in any order, for any amount of time, as long as he checked off each subject. My thinking was that I had been getting so stressed and grouchy with him because he needs CONSTANT! HAND. HOLDING. and assistance. This was a collosal failure. It was a debacle, a catastrophe, an utter nuclear accident. He spent about four hours laughing and goofing off with a page of MUS stretched out for that whole, ridiculous time. So, I was held hostage for a few hours more for Language Mechanics, WWE, Spelling, History, Science and Latin, none of which he can do independantly. I wanted to shoot myself. I declared the day a total loss even before lunch and realized that lack of structure is clearly nothing he handles well.

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I wrote "a day in the life" blog post a few weeks ago about a day that was crazy, yet fairly typical: What do we do all day?


Today was atypical. I got up after 8:00, checked my email, and took a shower. We ate breakfast around 9:45 and I read scriptures while we finished eating and then we reviewed memory work. 8yo did Latin and WWE, 6yo did reading, WWE, and grammar, and 4yo did number and letter tracing--all in the space of an hour or so. We left the house at 11:30 to head to Grandma's house where I teach music lessons in the afternoons on Thursdays and the boys spend a lot of time digging in the dirt outside. We got back home at 8:30 and everyone is now in bed. I'm playing around on the internet and will probably do a little reading before going to bed in an hour or so.

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