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Don't put too much info on the internet!

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I was able to take a poster's user name, google it, and now know her full name, address, phone number, and google gave me a map to her house!:001_huh:


So then I googled MY user name to make sure no one could find me (except cathmom of course!:tongue_smilie:)


Could someone find you?

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I remember when I began blogging, several of my bloggy friends were very concerned about their privacy, gave their kids nicknames (instead of using real names), etc. Then everyone jumped on the Facebook wagon, and all of a sudden, you see not only their first and last names, but maiden names, hometowns, etc. There's a WTM group on FB, I suppose it's not too hard to find many of the people that are already listed there. It's even easier if you have an unusual last name.


And with Google Maps' Street View, if someone has your address, they can take a virtual "drive" down your street, look at your house, check out your neighbors, your cars, your grocery store, whatever.

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I checked mine and in the first six pages of Google there were only links leading to here. I also found a nifty bumper sticker which I will buy. My user name originally came from a bumper sticker (not this same one) that I received in a birthday card. :)


I have been using my user name for over 10 years now. I use it on ebay, paypal, Amazon, myspace and as far as I know I am the only KidsHappen out there. So, if you see a KidsHappen somewhere on the net, you can safetly assume it is me.


Over the years, I have posted my general location, the names of all my children and quite a bit of personal information but I figure that on this planet of over 6 billion people, I am not really going to stand out. There is no real reason for someone to notice or focus on me. I operate on the assumption that I am lost in the crowd.

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CamiBami has a blog, and also 2 girls! But it isn't my blog, or my girls, LOL. Same with FB- there is a Camibami there, but she has blue eyes and is licking a lollypop.Brown eyes here, and my FB name is MY name, not camibami!


A woman with twins on an expecting board nicknamed one of them camibami. Someone on Flickr that speaks Spanish has a photo titled camibami, most of his/her stuff is cars, so go figure that out. Is camibami a car type? There are camibami's that play Star Wars computer games and camibami's in the UK with photos and blogs. They are everywhere!!


(And some of them ARE me, but they lead either here, or to Youtube, where you can watch videos of DD's rhythmic gymnastics!)


:DThat was fun. I'm glad no camibamis are involved in p0rn, though!

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I remember when I began blogging, several of my bloggy friends were very concerned about their privacy, gave their kids nicknames (instead of using real names), etc. Then everyone jumped on the Facebook wagon, and all of a sudden, you see not only their first and last names, but maiden names, hometowns, etc. There's a WTM group on FB, I suppose it's not too hard to find many of the people that are already listed there. It's even easier if you have an unusual last name.


And with Google Maps' Street View, if someone has your address, they can take a virtual "drive" down your street, look at your house, check out your neighbors, your cars, your grocery store, whatever.


But with FB if the settings are such that only friends can see your info, it is still private.

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I think I might be pretty easy to find, but I did want to be able to be found. I had a very large Internet business out of my property and HAD to post my address and business phone. My dd was the model I used and thousands of people around the world knows what she looks like. I used to be a web programmer so I am not clueless. I do pay now to keep my domain name info private, but it wouldn't be hard to find my PO box at least, as that's the address I'm using for the past 3 years.

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I'm pretty safe, there are a few aps and games with my name, and then there is just one or two references to tap dancing LOL. I am fairly safe online, but I think that with enough effort anyone can be found, unless the poster specifically lies about locations of their activities in life, or omits all personal references.

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Since I use my username for all the websites I frequent, and for my blog AND it is not the most common usename(which is why I have been able to use it for 10 years without a problem no matter where I sign up) there is likely lots that comes up on me. However I don't think anything has my last name, or address in it.

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I tried both my user name here as well as my actual name and came up with nothing related to me. I don't have facebook or myspace for privacy reasons. DH got a FB account and posted pictures of us on it and I quickly made him remove them. I don't like unwanted people in my business. Thank you for keeping everyone on alert.

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I'm so excited! I made page 6 on google with a WTM posting for my orange cranberry bread- so good, yum. :D


Other than that, I was just annoyed with how many people are using my name. ;) There is even a big Ron Paul supporter name Betty Jo or Heidi Jo or something. Not me. :lol:


But I couldn't find anything personal.



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I just hope that you don't come and get me in my sleep now :)


Honestly, there are SO many people with my real name - it's so very common - that I doubt anyone could truly find me unless they were stalker material. In our small town there are three of us with the same name. Someone would have to be die-hard sick to do that much work.


What possessed you to google me anyway? To see if I was a real-live person or just for the heck of it?

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Not much with my current moniker: the Laura Corin on facebook and Amazon is not me.


With 'Laura in China' I get my blogs and my Amazon lists, plus a few links to home education posts. My Laura in China Amazon profile has a birthdate, but I never use my real one for non-official internet purposes. After that, I get lots about Laura Bush going to China.



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For various reasons it would be prohibitively difficult to keep people from finding out who I am and where I live. It would also be counter-productive. I arrange my physical security and finances so that this is not a problem for me.


There was a time in my life when a total fruitcake became obsessed with proving that I wasn't really the person I said I was, and that my life history was a confabulation. This person was not encountered on the internet, he was the leader of a ministry at the nearby church. Who knows where he got his loopy notions, but he made a total fool of himself. My family and friends all lived in this area. I've lived in Norfolk Va off and on for all 47 of my relatively uneventful years. What a kook he demonstrated himself to be.


He's still a "leader" among that flock of crazy-clucks, and still spouts his loony-toon slander from time to time. Luckily for me, only his fellow bedlamites take him seriously. My life is an open book, and I have almost no secrets. I don't need them. (I've been tubby all my life, and I hate having people know my weight! Obviously, I prefer people not know the security codes to my finances.) My policy of always being completely open has been a great defense against his deranged attacks.


There is a certain degree of security in having no significant secrets. It simplifies relationships a great deal. If you're really worried about protecting yourself from stalkers and identity thieves, consult some financial and personal security experts. Then you can relax too.

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If you're really worried about protecting yourself from stalkers and identity thieves, consult some financial and personal security experts. Then you can relax too.


I'm very relaxed: I don't think about the precautions I take - they are as easy as not taking them. I agree that people can get crazy ideas in their heads IRL as well as on the internet, but I am happy taking a few simple measures to reduce the likelihood.


Best wishes



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It's not easy to find my address on the internet at all. And I live in a gated community and Google Maps only has an outdated aerial view.


Strangers IRL have a better shot at stalking me with much easier access. And they know my kids' real names.


IT's really not something that freaks me out.

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Guess I never thought of googling my user name or real name. There are many people who use my log in name as theirs -- and here I thought I was being original ;) As for my real name, if for some reason someone found it out, it doesn't come up in google. There are plenty of people with my name, but I am not any of them. Guess I just don't have that much of an internet presence -- which is how I like it. :D

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You can probably find out anything you wanted to about me online. It's been that way for years. My business requires a certain amount of findability. I don't hide my identity when I go out in public, and I find the internet no different. Crazies are everywhere.


*I don't think people who DO protect their identity online are wrong or silly to do so...it's just not a priority for me.

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Yep. I'm "public". My church web site has pictures of me, a bio, contact info... I use my name or similar screen names. There are a few articles that mention me, as well as plenty of United Methodist related resources and sites--I know for a fact that in our denomination clergy salaries are considered public (voted on by churches) and you can find them online on our regional conference site. I don't worry about it any more than I'd worry about people knowing who I am IRL. And I know LOTS of people IRL.


I've always tried very hard to comport myself online as I would in any other public space. There may be a few embarrassing rant about in-laws out there, but I really don't think they'll go looking. I don't expect privacy on the internet... though its fine that others do.

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Well, I can assure you that when you google my username, that top entry is NOT ME!




None of them are, as far as I can tell. Even when I google my username and my city, it calls up lots of other folks instead.


I use the same username across several forums, to be findable by friends. No Facebook though. I do use a separate username on a couple of sites, where I'm a volunteer moderator and don't really want to be trackable by some of the kids that hang out there. :) (It's a game fansite.)

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I've always tried very hard to comport myself online as I would in any other public space. There may be a few embarrassing rant about in-laws out there, but I really don't think they'll go looking. I don't expect privacy on the internet... though its fine that others do.





You're the second United Methodist Church member I've encountered since I started home schooling two years ago. When I started homeschooling, my pastor issued me a 45 minute monologue on the evils of homeschooling. I was so taken aback I didn't say a word. I just sat and stared blankly, like a dazed owl. (Not one of my better moments!) Are there any United Methodist Church Homeschooling Support Groups?





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I actually don't live in that kind of fear! I have used the same username for over 10 years of Internet activity, and I haven't been exactly discreet with my home location. I am in the phone book, and I frequent several civic organizations. I tutor, I run events at my church where my phone number is listed, and I have written articles for several websites. (Not to mention the thousands of posts on forums like this one...)


In fact, I'd like nothing more than for you guys to come see me. :)


Lori, who is currently hosting 200 teens from 5 states at her church...and has her home phone, cell phone and email address out there for all of them to reach her anytime...

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You're the second United Methodist Church member I've encountered since I started home schooling two years ago. When I started homeschooling, my pastor issued me a 45 minute monologue on the evils of homeschooling. I was so taken aback I didn't say a word. I just sat and stared blankly, like a dazed owl. (Not one of my better moments!) Are there any United Methodist Church Homeschooling Support Groups?






I'm not Kay, but if you start one, I'll join. :) We're the only homeschoolers currenly in our congregation.


ETA: One of the Methodist churches in my area actually runs a homeschool program, but since I could never get them to return my phone calls or emails, we had to opt for a different cover school. Sigh.

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Nope. It's always good to check that stuff. There is only one way to find out my last name (and I'm not telling how) and while you could find my ex, you wouldn't find any contact information for me. Google your name every now and then to also make sure what is out there...


Girl, you could be a spy. You look totally different everytime you change your hair. Hope life is being good to you. :)

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If I put in my username and "homeschooling", a post on this board appears on the first page; if I put it with "breastfeeding", a post of mine on MDC appears on like the third page.


If I just put in my username, nothing pertaining to me appears on the first four search pages of Google. If I put my username and DD's first name, I get my blog, and several posts on MDC.


I've used the same username on homeschooling boards, MDC, at least one SCA board, possibly a Heathen board (I don't remember), and my Yahoo userid is a variant that includes "Ravin".


I suppose if someone tried very hard they could find details about me, but there are probably easier ways.

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Thanx Kristen, and apologies to the OP for hijacking her thread. I'll say no more off topic.


I was so busy homeschooling that I didn't search real hard for a support group within the church. My son was seriously ill, and so was my husband's mother, so I was very focused on my family.


Like you, I fell in with another homeschooling group, because they were super friendly and very positive in their outlook. They've been a Godsend, so I can't imagine jumping ship just to be part of a group that happened to be Methodist.

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I'm not Kay, but if you start one, I'll join. :) We're the only homeschoolers currenly in our congregation.


ETA: One of the Methodist churches in my area actually runs a homeschool program, but since I could never get them to return my phone calls or emails, we had to opt for a different cover school. Sigh.


There used to be a yahoo group years ago.


We're also the only homeschoolers in our congregation.

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That's what's so great about using a common word as your username: no one will ever pick you out from the thousands of references!



PS Zaichiki means bunny rabbits in Russian. Dm-i-l uses this nickname for her children/grandchildren. So that's us: zaichiki.

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Nope me neither. But I'm pretty careful about what I post on here and other public forums. This thread is a good reminder for everyone, thanks Renee.:001_smile:


Shucks, I haven't thought that much about it but using my username should yield pages and pages of results.

The twist is that sometimes, we mention something that is inadvertently another identifyer and if someone wants to put two and two together...


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I was able to take a poster's user name, google it, and now know her full name, address, phone number, and google gave me a map to her house!:001_huh:


So then I googled MY user name to make sure no one could find me (except cathmom of course!:tongue_smilie:)


Could someone find you?



I don't think anyone could find me, unless I'm the only Audrey in Canada. :lol: Even then, googlemaps doesn't cover my area. Although there are a few tiny towns within 20 miles of me, none of them appear to register.


Your post has me wondering, though, if you googled the same troll I did.

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