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Trying hard not to overreact, and a prayer request

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My 6 yod went back to the doctor today, and she said that she wants to get dd in for an MRI of the brain as soon as possible. Her symptoms could indicate a serious problem, including a brain tumor. I made the mistake tonight of googling brain cancer in children (I know, I know, TERRIBLE idea, and I will not do that again), and of course it seems like dd has every possible symptom, and has since November. Prayers for dd as she undergoes the MRI, and for all of us as we await the results, would be so greatly appreciated.

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Well, to give you some hope, I had something show up on my last MRI and they said it could be a lesion (cancer). It turned out to be something completely different ( I can't remember the name) but it was just a very small lesion (pin point size) that had ruptured and dissolved by the time that they did the second test.


There are so many things that it could be/couldn't be. From a shadow (yes, one showed up on one of our son's CT scans and they said his brain was bleeding), to something completely benign.


Totally hand it over to God and forget what you have read on google. ALWAYS the worst scenarios show up there. Even if it is something, you still don't know what you are dealing with.


Praying with you and for you and your family. He knows your fears as a mother, He will give you peace if you give it to Him and leave it with Him.



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Well, to give you some hope, I had something show up on my last MRI and they said it could be a lesion (cancer). It turned out to be something completely different ( I can't remember the name) but it was just a very small lesion (pin point size) that had ruptured and dissolved by the time that they did the second test.


There are so many things that it could be/couldn't be. From a shadow (yes, one showed up on one of our son's CT scans and they said his brain was bleeding), to something completely benign.


:iagree: Good friends of the family went through a similar scare with their daughter only to have it turn out to be a benign cyst. Those stories aren't going to be posted on the internet because no one needs support for benign cysts. Keep your courage up, Erica. You will be in my thoughts. Please keep us updated.



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I hope your daughter is okay.


An experience? My son was just a tad older than your daughter when we went to the doctor with a myriad of issues of concern. The doctor wanted him eval'd by a ped neurologist immediately. Of course, Children's doesn't do immediately very well and when I told doc how soon I got the appointment, he sent son for an MRI (like the next day). It wasn't a brain tumor. After a few months, he was okay with very little treatment.


BTW, my daughter was 6 when she was on multiple pain meds, had 2 CT scans, etc also. Her issue turned out to be extremely common and "no big deal." It just took the right doctor (at Texas Children's in her case) to figure it out.


Anyway, so I'll be hoping it is something minor (or nothing). Don't google symptoms!

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My 6 yod went back to the doctor today, and she said that she wants to get dd in for an MRI of the brain as soon as possible. Her symptoms could indicate a serious problem, including a brain tumor. I made the mistake tonight of googling brain cancer in children (I know, I know, TERRIBLE idea, and I will not do that again), and of course it seems like dd has every possible symptom, and has since November. Prayers for dd as she undergoes the MRI, and for all of us as we await the results, would be so greatly appreciated.




I'll be praying for all of you. Please keep us updated.

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My 6 yod went back to the doctor today, and she said that she wants to get dd in for an MRI of the brain as soon as possible. Her symptoms could indicate a serious problem, including a brain tumor. I made the mistake tonight of googling brain cancer in children (I know, I know, TERRIBLE idea, and I will not do that again), and of course it seems like dd has every possible symptom, and has since November. Prayers for dd as she undergoes the MRI, and for all of us as we await the results, would be so greatly appreciated.


Hugs to you, Erica. May you find peace in the middle of this storm.

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Oh, ((Erica))!!! I know the terror you're feeling -- we went through that with T almost exactly three years ago (when he was six). I can only pray that your results are as reassuring as ours were.


But at the time, I felt like I was made of Christmas ornament glass -- ready to shatter at any moment. I'm so, so, so sorry...


Do you have a good children's hospital where you can take her? It was still terrifying, but the CH here made each step more comfortable and less scary than it would have been almost anywhere else.

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