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Prayer request for my family...

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through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. I pray that you and your family feel the assurance that God is with you always no matter what. And I pray for your strength and peace as you travel to Florida and go through the funeral and then the aftermath.

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I am so sorry for this awful loss.

As a nurse I can not believe they sent him home with falling blood pressure.

I wonder what his respirations and heart rate were.

Not that it matters now for you.....but I would like to understand this so that I can use this knowledge in the future and maybe spare another family this tragedy.

What an awful shock to your parents.

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(((Kay))), my friend, I am so sorry. What a terrible turn of events. I really do wonder what happened ~ and why he was sent home from the hospital so quickly. Not that pointing fingers is the priority now. But one does wonder.


May God our Father grant you strength and comfort as you deal with this.

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My little brother, 27 years old, died this morning. He had burned his hand at work, and was treated at the hospital with antibiotics and painkillers. He was sent home to bed, and never woke up. Our current guess is that he was given an accidental overdose, as his blood pressure was dropping very low when they sent him home. His girlfriend is just hysterical. It's so awful.


My parents were here visiting California this week--we got the call while I was driving them to the airport. I am still in shock. I can't believe he's gone. It feels like some horrible mistake. My dh and I are trying to arrange to fly to Florida as soon as possible, but we have to work out who can watch the kids.


Anyhow, I know I haven't been hanging around the boards much any more, but I would appreciate prayers and thoughts from old friends and new.


Words fail. I am praying for your unimaginable pain. I am so very sorry for your loss!!!! :grouphug:

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