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How much Coke (a-Cola) do you think is excessive?

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If you heard that one person consumed seven 2-liters of Coke (regular, not diet) in 21 days (three weeks), would you think that was a lot? Don't calculate it down to what it is a day yet. Just think of it in the above terms.


Mentally picture seven 2-liter bottles lined up on the counter and someone telling you to consume them completely in 3 weeks. Would you think that was a lot? Would you think it was excessive?


Scroll down for calculations (to save you the trouble).
































That's 21.3 oz a day. A little shy of 2 cans a day. A little more than 2 1/2 8-oz glasses a day. Call it a Coke at lunch and Coke at dinner.


Now do you think it's a lot?


Personally, I think it's excessive when I see that recently my dh alone has done this in that time period. But when he breaks it down like I just did for you, it doesn't seem so bad. I mean, to me it does because I don't drink soda. But I know that when the aisle for soda is twice the size (if not more) of the section for bottled water or coffee/tea, then my thinking is clearly in the minority. So I'm just curious what your thoughts are. And if anyone wants to give me some tips to help convince my dh that soda is a very unhealthful choice of beverage, I welcome it with open arms. He stopped listening to me about it a long time ago.

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It seems like a lot to me personally because I rarely, and I mean rarely, drink soda. Even then I only drink Sprite or 7-Up. I can't handle the caffeine in a can of dark cola. I remember as a girl watching my mother go through Coca-Cola like it was water. She would easily polish off two or three two liters in a week by herself!

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Two cans in a day isn't much. Two cans EVERY day may seem like more of big deal. But think about the sugar content and caffine. If he's drinking it for the caffeine and switched to coffee or tea, would his sugar comsumption really go down? If he likes sweet soda,he'd probably like sweet coffee and tea, and then the big difference would be he'd be adding real sugar into his drink, instead of chemically sugars and things.


My MIL averaged around 40 cans of diet caffiene free soda a week. They'd buy 4 12 packs a week and my FIL would take one to work a day. By Sunday she would have completely run out. Now she's OCD, so she just drank it to drink it. I watched her basically chain drink (instead of chain smoke ) the extra large cokes one day at Stone Mountain. As she was finishing one, she order another and then just pull the straw from one right to the other and take off drinking. But that was the OCD to some extent.


However, after years of drinking that many diet, caffiene free sodas (meaning filled with extra chemicals as opposed to just regular sugar and all) she's in a home for Alzheimer's. I'm convinced that all the fake sweetner stuff and whatever they do to remove the caffiene had something to do with it.

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I stopped drinking Coke a few years ago, and at my high point was drinking 4 or more cans a day. Now I have a diet soda about once a month, and that's it.


A Coke contains almost 10 teaspoons of sugar. That is enough sugar to suppress the immune system for about six hours. Not good during cold and flu season. Drinking that much Coke cannot make a person feel well. High levels of sugar intake are a predictor of diabetes. I actually consider processed sugar closer to a drug or a poison than to an actual food, and I treat it as such. Cutting out the Coke will make your husband feel incredible by reducing his sugar intake considerably.


How's that for a reason to cut the Coke habit? :D

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I was drinking at least that much Dr. Pepper very recently because I *love* the stuff, but I am working very, very hard to severly limit my intake. I didn't have any today. Waaahh!! I know how terrible it is for me for so many reasons, and there are certainly no benefits other than the taste. I had a little bit of green tea today to help with the caffeine issue.

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I stopped drinking Coke a few years ago, and at my high point was drinking 4 or more cans a day. Now I have a diet soda about once a month, and that's it.


A Coke contains almost 10 teaspoons of sugar. That is enough sugar to suppress the immune system for about six hours. Not good during cold and flu season. Drinking that much Coke cannot make a person feel well. High levels of sugar intake are a predictor of diabetes. I actually consider processed sugar closer to a drug or a poison than to an actual food, and I treat it as such. Cutting out the Coke will make your husband feel incredible by reducing his sugar intake considerably.


How's that for a reason to cut the Coke habit? :D


I wish it would work for him, but it won't. He never gets sick. Truth is, my diet is 100 times better than his, and I am sick more. So the suppressed immune system argument wouldn't work. Cutting out the Coke to make him feel better or "incredible" is relative because he already says he feels great, and actually, he has more energy than I do (but I think that's because I don't eat *enough*.). The only viable option in your argument is the diabetes, which I have talked to him about many times.


It's weird too, because dh does not have a sweet tooth. Or at least I never thought he did. I mean, he does for the Coke obviously, and he loves chocolate. But he doesn't crave sweet - I do. :001_huh: Maybe he has a sweet tooth after all and I just never thought he did - he's always able to turn down desserts and stuff, while that is a very hard thing for me to do (unless I am certain that it's made with artificial ingred).

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Interesting that you mention the OCD and chain drinking.


A friend recently looked up from her table in the food court at a mall and realized that almost everyone in her view had a straw up to their lips. She decided it looked like a bunch of adults with pacifiers. Interesting.


Kind of like people who smoke - needing to have a cig. in their hand, whether they're smoking or not. That is kind of interesting...

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21 oz. a day is slightly less than 2 cans of Coke a day. That doesn't seem like a lot to me because DH easily drinks 3 cans of Coke a day. He drinks it all day long.


We don't keep it in the house any more because the kids drink it, too, and it helped take the enamel off DS2's teeth (under his braces). The dental bill convinced DH to stop bringing the stuff home.


I don't like soft drinks, except for maybe twice a year I will have a diet 7-Up. We never had soft drinks at home when I was growing up, so I didn't develop a taste for them.


For those who are interested, Coke has many uses. I plan to see if it will really clean a toilet.





Edited by RoughCollie
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If you heard that one person consumed seven 2-liters of Coke (regular, not diet) in 21 days (three weeks), would you think that was a lot? Don't calculate it down to what it is a day yet. Just think of it in the above terms.


Mentally picture seven 2-liter bottles lined up on the counter and someone telling you to consume them completely in 3 weeks. Would you think that was a lot? Would you think it was excessive?


Scroll down for calculations (to save you the trouble).


That's 21.3 oz a day. A little shy of 2 cans a day. A little more than 2 1/2 8-oz glasses a day. Call it a Coke at lunch and Coke at dinner.


Now do you think it's a lot?


Personally, I think it's excessive when I see that recently my dh alone has done this in that time period. But when he breaks it down like I just did for you, it doesn't seem so bad. I mean, to me it does because I don't drink soda. But I know that when the aisle for soda is twice the size (if not more) of the section for bottled water or coffee/tea, then my thinking is clearly in the minority. So I'm just curious what your thoughts are. And if anyone wants to give me some tips to help convince my dh that soda is a very unhealthful choice of beverage, I welcome it with open arms. He stopped listening to me about it a long time ago.


And how much sugar is in 8oz of cola? 32-35g? Sounds excessive to me. I don't drink soda at all because of the sugar content.

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I drink a can of pop only every now and then. I'd be surprised if it amounted to even once per month. In the winter months I definitely hardly ever drink it, not even at holiday parties.


Pop is basically drinkable candy. It has no nutritional value whatsoever, and plenty of negative nutritional value. Plus it's unbelievably hard on the teeth (it breaks down the enamel).

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I heard a report on what the average soda consumption was for American children, and I remember it being higher than that!


Now, for children, that amount is excessive.


I Googled a bit, but all the online data about soda consumption for children was hidden in articles you had to pay for.

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Interesting that you mention the OCD and chain drinking.


A friend recently looked up from her table in the food court at a mall and realized that almost everyone in her view had a straw up to their lips. She decided it looked like a bunch of adults with pacifiers. Interesting.

I feel the same way about chewing gum. Nasty habit, but just look around some time and see how many people are chewing their cuds. Bleah.

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One coke is 3 carb servings. That's the TOTAL of how many I should have at one meal - just in one drink! Not good.


I LOVE coke. We serve coke one night a week. One coke for myself and 3 of the kids. In shot glasses. ;) It's a great treat! (And no, there's no alcohol!) It is surprisingly satisfying this way.

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That's 4 cans a day. That's why I don't buy it very often. I can't leave it alone. I have a friend that does the same thing.


DH was recently in charge of organizing a small function that included breakfast. He was amazed at the people that wanted diet coke. I wasn't. :)


It's not healthy, but it's not unheard of - at all.


Back to your original question. It doesn't seem excessive to me, but I admit my viewpoint is totally skewed by my own (bad) habits.

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I think drinking soda every day is excessive.

:iagree: There is no nutritional value. There is nothing in it that your body needs. It does real, actual damage to teeth and can cause or exacerbate digestive issues. And, frankly, bombarding your body with chemicals every day just cannot be good. He may feel great now, but how long can it continue?


I do think that's a lot, but I'd rather people drank real sugar coke than artificial sweetener coke. At least I know what sugar is and does.




Ah, yes. If it has to be one or the other, I'd prefer the one with at least one actual food product... of course, here in the US, it's not sugar but high-fructose corn syrup. Actual sugar is apparently too expensive and we wouldn't want to burden anyone with a non-food food that cost three cents more. That would be scandalous. We like our food cheap, plentiful and of dubious origin.


(oh, I'm sorry... rant over.)

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Your dh sounds healthy and happy and two cans a day won't break the bank. I guess he also needs to be healthy and he is consuming more sugar than is healthy but unless his teeth are rotting I would say he might be one of those people who bad habits don't seem to effect.


My dh is unhealthy, unhappy and drinks a 2 liter bottle of diet coke a day. Unless it is a long day and then he drinks more. :confused:


Thats excesssive!

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We recently made rootbeer. It was a fun and successful project but it was almost all sugar and water with a bit of yeast and flavor. I thought that was pretty neat so I thought we might expand our beverage repertoire. I looked up a recipe for coke. :eek: Now I think any coke is too much coke!


Oh, on your husband's ~2 Coke/day habit . . . I personally think it's gross but I'd rather my husband be drinking 2 cokes/day than a lot of things other husbands are doing. I don't buy it to have at home but if my husband really, really, wanted it, I would. Really, he's home with us, enjoying our company, devoted to me and daughter, a couple of cokes is nothing when I look at it that way. If it turned into my daughter wanting cokes all the time, I'd speak to him about that and see what we could do. Still, providing cokes cokes for a good husband is a small thing, I think.


And who am I to talk! I just spent $40 on beverages! I bought one box of soy milk, two boxes of echinacea/golden seal tea (medicinal), one box of tummy tea for my daughter (also medicinal), and my daily irish breakfast. I had NO IDEA how much I spend on drinks! Now, really, I don't consider the echinacea/golden seal tea a beverage at all so I shouldn't count that. I woulndn't consider the tummy tea as a beverage because I got it to see if it would help my daughter's tummy troubles but she loves it and drinks it every chance she gets! The soy milk and tea are definately just beverages. We could save a lot of money if I didn't drink tea, especially the tea I drink.


I say it's a small thing. I wouldn't be caught dead drinking it but I wouldn't nag my husband about it either.

Edited by MomOfOneFunOne
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It sounds like a lot to me, but I don't drink soda. My mom drank about that much Coke. I think it may have contributed to her health problems. Sugar for the diabetes, carbonated water stripping bone calcium for the osteoporosis, high acid content for the ulcer, caffeine for the anxiety and high blood pressure, and who knows what for the Alzheimer's. It could be she would have had all that anyway, but I have to think consuming such quantities of Coke may have had something to do with it. It has no nutritional value, and what it does have is questionable.

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I do think that's a lot, but I'd rather people drank real sugar coke than artificial sweetener coke. At least I know what sugar is and does.




Most coke in the US is high-fructose corn syrup. You can get coke made with real sugar at some Mexican markets, though. Sure tastes a lot different.

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It sounds excessive to me ... do you know how much sugar is in one can of Coke? One 12 oz can has 40 grams of sugar - the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar. A typical sugar packet in a restaurant contains 4 grms of sugar or apprx. a teaspoon. Can you imagine putting 10 packets of sugar in your coffee?


I rarely drink pop. In fact, I don't allow it in my house. DH, however, keeps a stash in the garage. He has a Diet Pepsi as his morning coffee. We also have root beer or orange soda for ice cream floats, but that is maybe once every 2 - 3 months.

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Yes. I am sure a lot of people do it and survive, but it seems grossly too much to me.


Read once that a 12 oz coke has the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar in it. That's a LOT of sugar. I don't put sugar or cream in my coffee, but even if I did, that would be maybe 2 teaspoons of sugar.


I don't buy soda at all for my home, and I am surprised how many people don't seem to think about it. To me, soda seems like the junkiest of junk foods.

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FWIW, snopes take on similar communications about Coke: http://www.snopes.com/cokelore/acid.asp


More FWIW - I shared that snopes link with dh who is a physician and this was his response: "The problem is not your stomach but your mouth which is not used to having extremely acidic solutions there. Coke will dissolve the corrosion off of your car battery (personal witness)."

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Carbonated beverages of any kind do leech the calcium from your bones. I work in the medical imaging department of a large hospital and I have seen several cases of teenagers bordering on osteoporosis. Perhaps that might be a health reason to help your case. I understand the issues. My dh is also a large consumer of soda. I used to be but as I have gotten older, it just makes me feel bad if I drink too much carbonation. Couldn't drink it at all either time I was pregnant.

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My husband has a 44oz refillable cup.


It gets filled with diet coke 3-5 times a day. At a minimum, on his way to work, on his way home, once after dinner at some point. I have no clue how many times he fills it during the day... i know that on the weekends he drives to teh gas station every few hours.


So 7 over 21 days - that isn't nutin'!


Maybe i won't have to file for divorce if i wait long enough?

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Dissenting opinion here. I don't think it's excessive. I drink a couple cans of diet drinks a day. The way I look at it, with my past at least, I don't drink alcohol often, I gave up smoking and drugs. I exercise daily and watch what I eat. I take vitamins and calcium. I can have my diet coke (I drink threw a straw to cut down on teeth issues).

If your dh is healthy, I wouldn't make a mountain out of a mole hill.


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I'm not a big soda drinker, but my dh is. He drinks a can a day for lunch (since that's at work 5 days a week, it doesn't bother me much). The kids know that it's a daddy thing.


Honestly, that can a day is my dh's only vice. I have a great guy and I'm not going to nag him over something he's already taken steps to limit (yeah, it used to be more!).

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My husband has a 44oz refillable cup.


It gets filled with diet coke 3-5 times a day. At a minimum, on his way to work, on his way home, once after dinner at some point. I have no clue how many times he fills it during the day... i know that on the weekends he drives to teh gas station every few hours.


So 7 over 21 days - that isn't nutin'!


Maybe i won't have to file for divorce if i wait long enough?


This is me too :)


I started cutting back just because, but that didn't last too long ;)


Is it excessive? sure. BUt i don't necessarily see that as a bad thing...:lol:

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I think whether you or I think it's excessive is irrelevant. He's an adult. Let him drink what he wants. Why do you think it's necessary to convince him?


Perhaps she has 3 children, one of whom might be a babe-in-arms, and she might prize keeping her husband alive to help father his children and be an companion to her in old age.


Coke is poison. Any amount is excessive.



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And at passover time when Jews can't drink/eat corn products. Many grocery stores carry the sugar coke. :)


You can order sugar cane Dr. Pepper from here anytime of the year. ;) My dad has an intolerance to high fructose corn syrup and he gets his DP from Dublin (Texas, not Ireland). They're lucky to live close enough to pick some up without paying shipping though.

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I think it is excessive, but I just dont touch stuff like that. My dh drinks Coke but its probably half that amount- two small glasses a day, one with lunch and dinner. He reckons it helps him digest his food.

It's all relative. There's not a thing in Coke that is healthy for you, and plenty that is toxic on various levels, so therefore it provides you with a nutritional deficit- it costs your body to process it, without giving anything back.

But you hang out with healthy people, and Coke seems like a poison. You hang out with people who drink a lot of soda and a couple of cans a day won't seem like much at all. Its like hanging out with alcoholics- they can drink a lot before it seems to affect them, but it sure doesnt mean its doign them any good.

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I love Coke! I was drinking a can of Coke or Dr. Pepper a day (more if I could get it) for about a year. Then I went to the dentist in May and found out I had two cavities, after never having any since I was a teen a LONG time ago. That was it for me - I switched to unsweetened tea (mostly green tea) and just water. No more cavities! I've also lost 15 pounds and counting.


I still have a Coke about once a month. I love it but don't crave it as much anymore. I really think I was addicted.


I agree that it's drinkable candy and bad for you. We'd all be better off without it, especially the stuff with hfcs.




PS Have you ever put one of your children's teeth in a glass of Coke? It's amazing how fast it just disappears!

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If you heard that one person consumed seven 2-liters of Coke (regular, not diet) in 21 days (three weeks), would you think that was a lot? Don't calculate it down to what it is a day yet. Just think of it in the above terms.


Mentally picture seven 2-liter bottles lined up on the counter and someone telling you to consume them completely in 3 weeks. Would you think that was a lot? Would you think it was excessive?


Scroll down for calculations (to save you the trouble).



That's 21.3 oz a day. A little shy of 2 cans a day. A little more than 2 1/2 8-oz glasses a day. Call it a Coke at lunch and Coke at dinner.


Now do you think it's a lot?


Personally, I think it's excessive when I see that recently my dh alone has done this in that time period. But when he breaks it down like I just did for you, it doesn't seem so bad. I mean, to me it does because I don't drink soda. But I know that when the aisle for soda is twice the size (if not more) of the section for bottled water or coffee/tea, then my thinking is clearly in the minority. So I'm just curious what your thoughts are. And if anyone wants to give me some tips to help convince my dh that soda is a very unhealthful choice of beverage, I welcome it with open arms. He stopped listening to me about it a long time ago.

Nope. A couple of cans of coke a day isn't too much. I drink an excessive amount. I used to drink 4 2-liters of diet coke per day, and I'm down to 2 now. When I was drinking four a day that was 268 oz./day.


Now I'm down to 134 oz./day. Still excessive by most standards.


But two cans? I don't see how that could be considered too much.

Edited by chaik76
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If you heard that one person consumed seven 2-liters of Coke (regular, not diet) in 21 days (three weeks), would you think that was a lot? Don't calculate it down to what it is a day yet. Just think of it in the above terms.


Mentally picture seven 2-liter bottles lined up on the counter and someone telling you to consume them completely in 3 weeks. Would you think that was a lot? Would you think it was excessive?


Scroll down for calculations (to save you the trouble).


That's 21.3 oz a day. A little shy of 2 cans a day. A little more than 2 1/2 8-oz glasses a day. Call it a Coke at lunch and Coke at dinner.


Now do you think it's a lot?


Personally, I think it's excessive when I see that recently my dh alone has done this in that time period. But when he breaks it down like I just did for you, it doesn't seem so bad. I mean, to me it does because I don't drink soda. But I know that when the aisle for soda is twice the size (if not more) of the section for bottled water or coffee/tea, then my thinking is clearly in the minority. So I'm just curious what your thoughts are. And if anyone wants to give me some tips to help convince my dh that soda is a very unhealthful choice of beverage, I welcome it with open arms. He stopped listening to me about it a long time ago.



Any soda taken regularly is too much, IMO. I don't drink or buy it either though. Too much sugar, and if not sugar, then artificial sweeteners which are a whole separate set of illnesses. Too much caffiene to harden the arteries and raise blood pressure. It's just such an artificial, chemical concoction, so it seems gross to consume it so much. I don't even buy it for birthday parties. My SIL won't let her dd near any of it until she's over age 8 b/c she says it ruins the stomach lining in children - I haven't researched that but don't doubt it. I enjoy a good organic brand or homemade (a friend makes it herself) rootbeer once in a blue moon, like 4-5 times a year. Good luck w/ your dh. :D

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