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What are you missing most from life before the lock down?


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I think I most miss things for my son. He is the only child at home, so this is hard on him. I miss him swimming, going to church and seeing friends, seeing his new girlfriend, and being free to make plans freely. 

For myself, I miss feeling carefree. I never feared germs or viruses before this. I never used hand sanitizer before this, and I even wondered if it could kill good germs and make you more prone to sickness.  I don't even take the flu shot because I've never had the flu, despite caring for all three of my immediate family with it one year. 

I don't miss going to the grocery store more often or running non-essential errands. This may permanently change how I do things.

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I miss my afterschool Friday night routine of picking up carryout and eating with my retired teacher friend.

I miss my classroom and lab equipment. I'm a lab addict so going from a very hands on classroom to online learning is like totally losing my bearings. It also zaps my joy out of watching the discovery process.

I miss connecting with my students (well, most of them  :happy:) and good discussions.  Online videoconferencing is better than nothing, but it just isn't the same when you have already established interaction patterns.

As glad as I am to have that, at the same time I miss my privacy. Honestly it's really weird for me inviting students into my home. I don't have a great setup for a teaching space so if the computer shifts the whole world is going to see my work space clutter. I just don't have the time or space to deal with it right now and it's only going to get worse when dd comes home in a few weeks. :blink:

I miss not being able to drop into a store any time. 

I miss the imminent sense that my young adult children were going to be independent. Two that previously graduated from college just started new jobs--three and six weeks before this started. The third graduated in May and has the kind of skills and resume that would assure she'd normally be snatched up by an employer. She had one interview scheduled before the stock market crashed and now all places she's considered say hiring is on hold. At the same time I'm thankful all three are done with college, because I know this pandemic will make it so much harder for students and families.



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I miss watching my kids do their activities..swim team, karate, horseback riding. I miss chatting with other parents.

I miss ice skating weekly with my daughter.

I hate the feeling that everything is contaminated, like groceries and mail and packages.

I miss normalcy.

It is nice to have a reprieve from feeling like there is never enough time and everything is rushed, but the circumstances aren't allowing me to enjoy it that much. My brother is a doctor down in New Orleans too so I have an underlying worry about him.

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I miss socializing with friends. We usually go out for dinner w/friends once a week and get together at one of our houses once a week. Miss the human contact. We played games and chatted via Zoom last week, which was good, but not quite the same as being together. Did book club via Zoom too. 

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I am not really missing anything that I had before. I am kind of enjoying the break. There was so much pressure before. But I really thought that during this time, the kids would read cooks with me and we could have family movie times and family dinners and so on. Instead, it seems to be a gorgefest of screen time. And I get no support from my husband on this. I think this weird time could have brought so many possibilities and it is just not happening.

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Hugging my grandkids. Our stay at home order just started Thursday but we were already practicing social distancing and haven't seen them in person in more than 2 weeks. It's so hard.

Game nights with my 3 closest friends.

Book Club. We should have met last Tuesday.

16 hours ago, MrsMommy said:

 Wandering around Target for no real reason at all.

This. And really, just being able to go anywhere in general for no reason. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Florida. said:

Game nights with my 3 closest friends.

Book Club. We should have met last Tuesday.



Zoom worked really well for my book club. We've also done Game Night with Zoom, playing scattegories. 

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7 minutes ago, QueenCat said:


Zoom worked really well for my book club. We've also done Game Night with Zoom, playing scattegories. 

Last month we made the early decision to put off the April book club meeting to May. Now we're talking about meeting online if this is still going on when our May meeting comes around.

My game night gals are talking about playing online but we have to decide what to play. We usually play board games like Stone Age or Loyang so we have to come up with something we can easily play online.

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24 minutes ago, SKL said:

Oh also ... I miss my chiropractor!

In Washington and Oregon, chiropractic and therapeutic massage are both considered essential services. If you need an adjustment, you might check your state as well. 

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33 minutes ago, Tap said:

In Washington and Oregon, chiropractic and therapeutic massage are both considered essential services. If you need an adjustment, you might check your state as well. 

I think they are open, I just don't feel like it's a good idea to go there right now.

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1 hour ago, Tap said:

In Washington and Oregon, chiropractic and therapeutic massage are both considered essential services. If you need an adjustment, you might check your state as well. 

I get therapeutic massage for my back at my physical therapy office. Friday was the last one for a while. A few weeks ago they went to face down only. Fortunately my massage is mostly face down for my back with some face up work on my neck. Anyway, when I went Friday they said they're stopping massage and chiropractic until the end of April. Physical therapy will be all hands off - no therapist stretching you or working on you. In my case I have a home PT program I can do, but I feel bad for someone who might have recently had surgery and needs the therapist to work an arm, shoulder, leg, etc.. It's all for the best though as it protects both the therapists and patients.

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I was an early adopter of ordering groceries and meals for delivery. Now I (selfishly) miss the ease of placing those orders and getting a time slot AND everything I want/need as I compete with everyone else in the world. But mostly I miss not feeling torn about whether or not it is morally the right thing to do to order online knowing that people are risking their health by going out into the world so that I don't have to. 

Dinner and a movie. I am wistful over this one. Dinner and a movie is my favorite.

The library. I am doing major research for next year's school plans and I need the library!

Amazon sending me my book orders in two days. I get necessities being prioritized, Amazon, but books are priorities for me. See above. LOL

Produce shopping. 

Motivation to do anything. I am like a cross between a slug and a sloth right now. I tell DH I have one project in me every day, and then that's it. And I use the term project very loosely. 

Planning for anything in the short term with any resemblance of certainty. Things—not life-or-death things, but important things—that I've planned and anticipated for months have been put on indefinite hold, so any (very important and time sensitive!) decisions that would be based on those things are also put on hold, which makes me feel stuck. I miss not feeling like I'm in limbo.

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I miss being able to see my mom.

I miss making plans. It feels like everything changes every few days and not knowing where we will be or what restrictions will be in place in coming weeks/months makes it hard to think ahead. 

I miss being able to hike in an empty park on weekdays lol it isn't "crowded" like people are breaking the rules but the parking areas and trail heads are definitely at Summer levels. We usually hike a couple of times a week but we arent now. 

I miss 2 day shipping. 

I miss my 19 year old feeling like his work is coming to fruition (the job he has been getting certified for was actually on the table and then the company went on a hiring freeze.) This isolation is really hard on young adults - school and work and relationships all a mess. 

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I miss things for my kids- my teen getting to go to dance every day and my oldest being away at college. They have the biggest changes to their lives.
But everything else is actually pretty good here- everyone home, weather warming up, walking for exercise daily, homeschooling again, working from home... we are well stocked and things are good so far. Not many cases in our area that we know of yet though.

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I miss hugging my parents.  Before this crap, they had sometimes annoyed me because they expected a hug hello and a hug good bye everytime.  I was like, 'hello, we see each other 5 times a week.'  But after three weeks of waving to them through a glass storm door, I am so ready for a hug.  😞  

I also miss my congregation.....in person.  We are doing zoom meetings and that is wonderful considering....but again, I need to hug a few people.  

I miss eating out.  

I miss my monthly pedicure.  Getting my hair colored. 

Some of that is frivolous I realize.

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I miss traveling and watching DD do what she loves most. I miss seeing her so incredibly happy with her life.

I miss my (grown) boys, their significant others, and my grand baby.

I miss being able to make plans and having things (mostly travel and seeing those I love) to look forward to. The not knowing how long this will last or what life will be like after this is under control or if it will get under control is the hardest part.

I do enjoy the time at home and having time to do things around the house. I enjoy spending this time with DD. She was on tour when the world went sideways and I though I loved seeing her so happy, I missed her.

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I miss receiving the Eucharist at church each Sunday and I look forward to our Good Friday Tennebraum service all year.

I miss browsing at the local used book store.

I miss watching my son’s sword fighting class.

I miss my monthly knitting group.

I miss having something to look forward to: a beach weekend, a date night, family camping, etc.

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I miss visiting my grandkids most.  I miss driving my daughter to school and listening to the details of her school days in the evening.    I miss knowing I can visit my parents for a day or so.  I miss browsing target and marshals for nothing in particular.  I really miss browsing the library and choosing some random book to read.  

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17 hours ago, Happymomof1 said:

Everything.  I HATE this virus.

I’ve read some of your other posts and I can tell that this is really, really hard for you. I wish I could comfort you. Just know that I hear you and see that this is hard for you. Hang in there. 

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I miss going to bed at night being fairly certain that I will wake up the next morning. Now I go to bed each night with raw swollen airways and I am not totally sure. But at least I have done the taxes so my family doesn’t have to worry about that. 

My symptoms- swollen airways, tight chest, very light cough, very light congestion, tons of fatigue and body aches (but that could just be the fibro), no fever, wouldn’t kick off any alarm bells for me usually. In fact it doesn’t come close to the top five suckiest winters for me. But none of those other winters were in the middle of a pandemic so there is that. 

Otherwise the pandemic has actually brought everyone else to my normal level of activity level so that’s actually a bit nice. By that I mean that friends who are normally too busy off doing stuff are now reaching out for a quick chat. So my social life has actually improved...

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18 hours ago, HeighHo said:


That's wonderful. I'm in a hot zone, things are not so relaxed. Its grab and go at the store for those who are panicking and transiting thru our area to their safe house in the  mountains.  We are on day 24 since school had to close for traveler spread, while they are quite a bit earlier..  Yes, day ten was as you described...idyllic, but starting to realize it is going to be a long haul with a new routine needed as more travelers dropped in on our public spaces.  Enjoy your break. Tip is shop early...before next wave of travelers arrives.

Our lockdown prohibits travelling or much of anything.  Our supermarkets have security guards and a one in one out policy.  So far everyone is being very patient with queueing in the carpark for an hour.  None of much want the army being called out to support the police.

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Tonight I missed being able to buy takeaways.  I really really didn't want to cook.  On the plus side the pharmacy has started to deliver so for the price of $2 I didn't have to drag everyone across town.  I hope the keep that one going.

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