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Do you miss your pets when you travel?


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This last trip we went on I missed our dog like crazy.  We hadn't traveled since we adopted her, so part of it was maybe first time anxiety.   But I cried when I dropped her at the kennel.  We all missed everyday we were gone.  I love to travel and I have talked myself out of so many trips because I know I am going to miss her again. 



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Yes, I especially miss my dog. Honestly, I have pangs every day even when leaving her to go to work, and I am less enthusiastic about travelling because I know how hard that part will be. When we went on a seven-night cruise last fall, I became obsessed with greeting and petting any dog we happened to encounter during shore excursions, because it kind of took the edge off of missing my own puppy. 

I'm not saying it's healthy or normal, but you are not alone!

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I absolutely love my pets (dogs in particular), and they always become very important members of our family.  🙂  But no, I don't really miss them a lot when I'm traveling...  I mean, not to the point of no longer enjoying the trip or thinking about not traveling.  (But I do think about them often, and look forward to seeing them again!)  I think what helps though is that we've always had good options for leaving them behind...  Loving friends or family to leave them with, or even a nice kennel that we know and trust and where we know they'll get special attention.  If we didn't have those options, it would be a lot harder to leave them behind.

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I didn't really miss my dog, but I worried about him. He hated being boarded, and I knew it was stressful for him especially, as he got older. So there was lots of stress/anxiety over it for me. 

Eta: maybe we missed him a little but it was overshadowed. 

Edited by alisoncooks
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Yes.  I miss my sweet dog when we are away.  She's my side-kick... following me around all day long. 

My bigger concern, though, was how much she disliked being boarded.  She was a nervous wreck at the kennel, and I cried, too, when I dropped her off that first time.  Now I still miss her, but I feel MUCH better since I found a trusted college student (friend of dd) to come here to watch the dog when we leave town.  In the end, paying this young lady to pet sit is cheaper than the kennel, and there is someone watching the house as well.  (I provide yummy snack food and she can do her laundry and watch all the television she wants.) 


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Sometimes, like when I see other people in the same location with their dogs. But I know what it is like to travel with a dog. While there are some good moments there is always someone having to stay outside with the dog while the rest go into a museum or whatever. That I do not like. Plus it is hard to walk holding hands when someone has to hold a leash. Our dog isn't that good on a leash when she is excited. But when we get home to an empty house, that is when I miss them the most. We usually go to the kennel the next morning, but one year the kennel was closed for a couple days during the holiday and we couldn't pick up. I didn't like that at all. 

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I miss them (rabbits, dogs, cat).  But not to the point of crying and not being able to enjoy my trip.  But I absolutely trust the people who take care of my animals.  I know that the rabbits are being spoiled rotten at 'bunny camp' with the eccentric bunny rescue lady and the puppy is with her puppy bff and the older cat and dog are at home being taken care of by a neighbor.  So I know that they are all happy and doing well.  It would be the same if my kids were with people who loved and took care of them.  I would miss them but would be also happy for them and able to relax. 

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In general, I don't.  My mom usually takes care of them and she sends pictures of them, so we see that they are happy.  I typically don't really miss them though.

One major exception though was this past May.  One of our two dogs got pneumonia.  It was resistant to the antibiotics that they first used, so they had to resort to some heavy duty antibiotic.  She was in the ICU in an oxygen "bubble" for 8 nights.  When she came home, she still had to have injections of the antibiotic twice a day. Unfortunately, we had a cruise that we were taking with some other family members.  The cruise began on the day she was allowed to leave the hospital. My husband ended up giving up the cruise and staying home with her. It was really hard to be away from home that time, and I constantly missed and worried about her the whole week.

The last couple of years my younger daughter and I have been away from home (on the other side of the country) for five weeks. I don't typically miss our two dogs, but my daughter does! She constantly talks about missing them. 


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No, I don’t. Our dog still has a lot of puppy in him, even though he is 2. He’s boarded at a free range boarding facility, where he also goes to daycare twice a week. They have people on duty 24/7. I’m glad of the break😊 Here’s a picture of him by the front door waiting for us to notice him and if that doesn’t work, he rings his bell🐶


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Generally, no.  The only time I miss my dogs is if my anxiety is high on a trip because they our very much therapy dogs for me when I need them.  Not that I'd ever travel with them as terapy dogs because that would just cause anxiety. 

But when I get home I am always incredibly happy to see them and have been known to knowledge them before other family members.  The kids think I'm just playing a joke on them by paying attention to the dogs first but in reality all my travel stress is released the second my dog puts her head on my shoulder. It properly prepares me for the kid craziness that ensues.

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4 hours ago, alisoncooks said:

I didn't really miss my dog, but I worried about him. He hated being boarded, and I knew it was stressful for him especially, as he got older. So there was lots of stress/anxiety over it for me. 

Eta: maybe we missed him a little but it was overshadowed. 

This is me. I don't miss my dog, but she is almost 14 and I feel almost negligent when we have to board her these days because it's not easy on her.

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I do miss my cats.  But I have more than one family relative who is so insistent that they "can't leave" their pets they miss out on things.  Family gatherings, trips, etc. and it has only gotten worse as time goes on.  So I have in my mind a determination not to get to that point, no matter what type of pet I have.

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We miss them all but enjoy our vacation.  The dogs are boarded at a really nice place with an animal lover.  This trip we had to put one of our dogs to sleep before we left.  The kennel place knew this and gave extra love and play time to the dogs. Even had our anxiety rescue dog “helping” with one of their fosters to ease his anxiety.  This trip we missed them more than usual because of losing our other dog.

The rabbits and guinea pigs are very well taken care of by people we trust.  They go their spoiled and come back spoiled.  

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I do not, but other family member do.  Dh even suggested we take the dog on vacation.  I'm not on board with that.  He will take care of him, but I just don't want to deal with it at all even second hand.

My dog is a cute mini schnauzer and he loves cuddles and he loves to be with us.  He acts like a baby when I hold him.  However, yep need a vacation without the dog.

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We have many pets, but I mostly just miss my cat. He is my sweet Lovey who stalks me every morning in the kitchen, meows at me, and sits in my lap every time I sit down. Right now, for instance, he is on me. There is also another cat to my right and one to my left and a dog at my feet. I love all of my animals. We also have rats and ferrets. I love them all, but my cat is my favorite (just don't tell the others). Thankfully, all of the pets love my mom who takes care of them if we are out. She gives them all too many treats but takes very good care of them.

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I did not miss my big dogs when we traveled. Probably because they were unsnoozable alarm clocks. It's been a few years since we lost them, and we've never traveled without our little dog. He sleeps in!

We do need to start boarding him b/c we discovered he doesn't like camping. I will be a wreck, not so much from missing him but from worrying. He's 3.6lbs with separation anxiety. 😟

I don't mind leaving my cat. He's a jerk, lol.

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