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When Would You Go for Testing? Positive Update #72

Crimson Wife

When should I go for my 3rd test?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. When should I go for my next test?

    • This afternoon (~30 hours after yesterday's test)
    • Saturday morning (48 hours)
    • Monday morning (96 hours)

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Background: I turned 41 in January and we have been trying for baby #4 since September. I had an early miscarriage shortly after New Year's. According to my reproductive endocrinologist, the miscarriage rate at my age is 50%. :(


I got a positive home pregnancy test on Sunday night. Went for the blood test Tuesday morning as I was tied up all day Monday with the replacement of our water heater. The first beta looked good at 126 (anything 100+ is considered promising). I went back yesterday morning for the 2nd beta. It has risen to 202 but didn't double. My doctor wants me to go back tomorrow for a 3rd beta to monitor the progression.


The problem is that tomorrow morning I've got a previously scheduled event with my kids that they are really looking forward to. The lab is only open from 8-12 and the event is from 9-12 in San Francisco, which is an hour away. The lab is always super-busy on Saturday mornings and even if I get there at 8 sharp, I could easily be waiting for 1-2 hours just to be seen. So going tomorrow would almost certainly mean missing the event.


The lab is open until 4:30 this afternoon. I could go today but then it'll only be around 30 hours since yesterday's draw. Alternatively, I could wait until Monday morning. But then I'd have to wait until Tuesday for the results. If I go today or tomorrow I should have the results on Monday.


I'm all hormonal and while intellectually I know that the testing date isn't going to change anything about whether or not this pregnancy is a viable one, I want to know so that I can either relax or prepare for another miscarriage.

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My first instinct is that I would want to know ASAP. I don’t know much about the timing so if you think you’d get a more accurate result tomorrow, can you show up at the lab at 7:30 and get in line so you will be one of the first people to be seen? Can you make an appointment online?

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One other thought. Besides your quant HCG, make sure they monitor your progesterone. My prog levels were low with both boys, so I immediately went on prog suppositories, which helped tremendously. Low prog can be the cause of m/c.

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I'm coming from a similar place of pregnancy, then loss, post-40. I'd want to be sure - so I'd wait until Monday.

My mom had two babies after 40 that were both healthy. I have not been so fortunate.

I'm sorry for your recent loss.

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I would probably freak out and go in ASAP, but I had a history of miscarriages. I understand how hard it is. Good luck, whatever you decide. :grouphug:


Just as an idea, not necessarily for you but in case it helps someone reading this: Charting your cycle (keeping a daily record of basal body temperature) is a very good way to track your pregnancy at home (as well as identifying fertile times, for those who are trying to conceive.) I knew each time I was pregnant. Unfortunately, I also knew when things went badly, even before I started to bleed.

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I would probably freak out and go in ASAP, but I had a history of miscarriages. I understand how hard it is. Good luck, whatever you decide. :grouphug:


Just as an idea, not necessarily for you but in case it helps someone reading this: Charting your cycle (keeping a daily record of basal body temperature) is a very good way to track your pregnancy at home (as well as identifying fertile times, for those who are trying to conceive.) I knew each time I was pregnant. Unfortunately, I also knew when things went badly, even before I started to bleed.


My temp was still high this morning and it's been stable so that's an encouraging sign. My temps bounced around a lot with the pregnancy I lost plus the first beta was only 47. So there's still a chance for this one.


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I've endured several miscarriages, but I vote Monday.

Frankly, numbers doubling doesn't mean you are "in the clear", so enjoy the weekend with your kids, do the activities they are looking forward to doing and go in for the test on Monday. 

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Is there any way to go to a lab that's closer to home? Especially since it's a simple blood test? I'm sorry you're going through these anxious times - early pregnancy after a loss is so difficult.


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My first pregnancy. I didn't double and I had spotting on and off for the first 6 weeks - first dark brown then pinkish. There was also no heartbeat and they said it looked like a non viable pregnancy. Ds turns 11 in 3 weeks so it is not necessarily a foregone conclusion.


And yes my dates were correct - his father was only there 3 days that month.

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with dudeling, I spotted starting at seven weeks - about two days after I had a positive pg test.   only via internal US could we see there was a heart beat.   they wanted to see where the blood was coming from.


we also did the testing to see if I was doubling.  I don't remember exactly what they were - just nothing to get excited about. (weren't good, not horrible.)  besides, i was still bleeding (determined to be implantation bleeding).  I bled off and on until I was 12 weeks.  It was hard to find a heart beat in the beginning. I got a look at the placenta after he was born - there was a circle 4ish" (5ish?) in diameter that clearly hadn't been attached.  the rest was normal.


My OB told me you can lose as much as half the placenta - and still have a healthy baby.


eta: I was 42.


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I had cramping and a bit of red bleeding last night but those stopped. Temp was stable this morning. Saturday's beta showed an increase to 285 from 202 on Thursday and 126 on Tuesday but the doubling time was 96.7 hours and it really should be closer to 48.


I've got a message in to my reproductive endocrinologist but I'm not feeling super-optimistic at this point.

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I'm supposed to go tomorrow for another test unless I start bleeding before then. I will be 5 weeks exactly assuming I am still pregnant. The doctor's concern if the levels are rising but slowly is an ectopic. I don't have any known factors that would place me at higher-than-average risk for an ectopic but it's always a possibility.

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I had the blood draw for the 4th beta this morning. Probably won't get the results until tomorrow, though I will call this afternoon to see if they have them.


Temp jumped 0.2 degrees this morning and when I went to make my 1/6 caf coffee this morning (1 scoop half-caf and 2 scoops decaf) it smelled so horrible that I put it away. That doesn't necessarily mean it's a viable pregnancy but I don't think my levels are dropping.

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Results for the 4th beta have posted and they're outside the normal range. :( I also had more spotting last night but it did stop. I'm waiting for my OB's office to open so I can schedule an appointment. I don't know if they will see me today or have me wait until tomorrow or Monday.  ETA: my OB has scheduled me for an ultrasound next Thursday when I will be 6 weeks. Ugh for having to wait so long but I understand that they probably couldn't see anything at this point.


Days Past Ovulation

  Beta Doubling Time 13 126.0 (Undefined) 15 202.0 70.5 hours 17 285.0 96.7 hours 21 656.0 79.8 hours


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Results for the 4th beta have posted and they're outside the normal range. :( I also had more spotting last night but it did stop. I'm waiting for my OB's office to open so I can schedule an appointment. I don't know if they will see me today or have me wait until tomorrow or Monday.


Days Past Ovulation

Beta Doubling Time 13 126.0 (Undefined) 15 202.0 70.5 hours 17 w 285.0 96.7 hours 21 656.0 79.8 hours

I am sorry. :(

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