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What gift are you most excited about giving this year?


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I LOVE giving gifts, and every year, I get ridiculously excited about one or two and can hardly wait to give them.


This year, the leader so far is a propane heater for my mom. It uses those small one-pound bottles of propane and is suitable for indoor use. This is perfect because she lost power for two days during last weekend ‘s snow storm and, apparently, stayed in bed shivering all weekend. For future emergencies, she will have the Mr. Heater Big Buddy (no, really—that is its name) to keep her warm. Also, my mom hates me, so it will kill her to get such a great gift from me. Bonus!


Second favorite is a Glory Haus picture frame with “Auburn Girls†on it, for my niece. She is struggling with the fact that her beloved older sister is leaving for college in the fall, so I am putting a picture of the sisters in the frame for little sis.


What is everyone else excited about?

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We bought Nerf dart guns for our kids, plus 1 each for DH and me. We plan to hide ours (along with the extra darts) downstairs and wrap the kids' guns for under the tree. After they open theirs, we'll tell them to bring them downstairs and let the fray begin. I think it's going to be lots of fun  :laugh:

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I've recently started quilting (about a month ago) I've made quilts for my mom, my dad and his wife, my daughters, my fil,  but the one's I'm looking forward to giving the most are for my new nieces, 1 1/2 and 6 months, who I haven't met yet.  The quilts (orange elephant themed) match and have coordinating elephant stuffies.


I'm also looking forward to the air fryer I'm giving "Us", I'll get to eat french fries again! 

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My DH has a messenger bag he loves, and it is getting ratty after a decade of daily use. He has searched online for a replacement, but they don't make the model anymore, and none of the new ones has the features he really wants (namely a zipper across the main compartment under the flap)

I managed to find his beloved bag on ebay in as-new condition.

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We bought Nerf dart guns for our kids, plus 1 each for DH and me. We plan to hide ours (along with the extra darts) downstairs and wrap the kids' guns for under the tree. After they open theirs, we'll tell them to bring them downstairs and let the fray begin. I think it's going to be lots of fun :laugh:

We did this last Christmas, it was the best.

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I am most excited for the gift we found for my stepbrother. They live in Colorado, we live in Texas, and they're the ages of my kids, and a new(ish) addition to the family, so I don't know them well, at all. 


One of them is getting the boring stand in, an Amazon gift card (although in a nice amount). 


But the other....when we were there visiting over the summer, he and I discussed epic board games, and I was able to tell him about a game I had played once with friends. Turns out, this game is on his "bucket list" of games to try. So of course, I had to find it for him. 


We did find it, paid way too much for it (that is dh's fault, and he finally caved when I asked him the total budget for the family and realized that paying the high price for the game didn't put us over budget for that family), and I only wish we could be there in person to watch him open it. First, and possibly only, time we'll have really scored a major hit with them, so I'm super excited. 


Extra excited, because last year, in our cluelessness, we got him what turned out to be a really crappy gift (we gave him $$ to make up for it, because we honestly had no idea that what we were buying wasn't what we thought). 

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We bought Nerf dart guns for our kids, plus 1 each for DH and me. We plan to hide ours (along with the extra darts) downstairs and wrap the kids' guns for under the tree. After they open theirs, we'll tell them to bring them downstairs and let the fray begin. I think it's going to be lots of fun  :laugh:


oh my gosh, I love this idea!

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Probably the trunk gift I mentioned in a different thread. Other than that, we are getting an instrument for my 7 year old. She has been wanting to do music lessons. The boys are getting gifts they'll like, but I'm not especially excited about any of their gifts. More books, more board games, more Legos. This may be the last year I buy Legos for DS13. He seemed to be more interested in other things this year, so I guess I'm excited about those. It was a sad holiday when I realized my boys had outgrown wanting Playmobil.

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DS wanted to redo his room in a certain theme. We couldn’t find anything for it about his birthday. I found a few pieces that are exactly it. I can’t wait for him to open it.


DH always complains that he is cold and I keep the temp low (I can’t sleep in a warm room). I found a self warming blanket for his side of the bed. He hates using an electric blanket as it is costly. It is the perfect gift for him. It won’t beat last year when I got him a complete set of coins from the year he was born.

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Two gifts.


The first is for my dd's boyfriend. I got him a jersey of his favorite Bronco's player at the NFL shop. This is to make up for the knock off I bought for him last year that was just bad. He wore it anyway but I know he didn't love it. He'll be truly happy with this new jersey.


The second is for my DH, and it only cost $5. It's a pair of fingerless gloves. His office keeps the temperature so cold that he works wearing his coat as does many of his coworkers. He says his hands get so cold that he can barely type sometimes. So I'm excited for this gift and am just hoping that they work as well as I think. At least we won't be out a lot of money if they don't work. And if he doesn't like them maybe a coworker will take them.

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I am most excited for the gift we found for my stepbrother. They live in Colorado, we live in Texas, and they're the ages of my kids, and a new(ish) addition to the family, so I don't know them well, at all.


One of them is getting the boring stand in, an Amazon gift card (although in a nice amount).


But the other....when we were there visiting over the summer, he and I discussed epic board games, and I was able to tell him about a game I had played once with friends. Turns out, this game is on his "bucket list" of games to try. So of course, I had to find it for him.


We did find it, paid way too much for it (that is dh's fault, and he finally caved when I asked him the total budget for the family and realized that paying the high price for the game didn't put us over budget for that family), and I only wish we could be there in person to watch him open it. First, and possibly only, time we'll have really scored a major hit with them, so I'm super excited.


Extra excited, because last year, in our cluelessness, we got him what turned out to be a really crappy gift (we gave him $$ to make up for it, because we honestly had no idea that what we were buying wasn't what we thought).

Well done! I’m so curious as to which game this is. Is it out of print?

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We had a photo pillow made for dd with four pics of her doing activities that she's passionate about (trapeze, hand balance, aerial silks, and juggling).  I think (hope) she's going to love it.  She's extremely difficult to buy for and said she didn't want anything.  



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Well done! I’m so curious as to which game this is. Is it out of print?


I'm not sure if it's out of print or just an older edition, or what. I think the edition we got is out of print, maybe....? 


It's Twilight Imperium 3rd edition, and is one of those "stay up all night" strategy games; I think there is a 4th edition out, but it was even more, and 3rd edition is the one we played, and the one we found, so.....


If you look it up, we didn't pay quite as bad as what it's listed at now, but did end up paying $20 over the lowest price we saw earlier on when we were first watching it. 


Oh, here's a link that explains it that is not a shopping link :) 


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I had a terrible bout of norovirus a week or two ago. I can't remember the last time I was so sick, weak, and exhausted. I put what little energy I had into finding the perfect doll for my 2 year old, which isn't as easy as it sounds. She's my third child, but the first one who's shown any interest in caring for dolls or stuffed animals, so this is a new experience for me! The dolly even comes with a little bed/carrier thing. I can't wait to see her little face light up when she meets her new baby!

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You win!

:lol: thanks. Dh tied it onto the tree and we haven't even told the kids what is in the envelope and they are dying!! We also are giving the grandparents a wrapped up picture they dont even know we are revealing the gender at Christmas. Dh took a pic of the game of life board with a vehicle and the little peg people of dh, me, 2 ds, dd and we did one boy one and one girl one on the appropriate baby girl or baby boy spots. After we find out Christmas morning we will know which picture to give them later that day.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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I'm not sure if it's out of print or just an older edition, or what. I think the edition we got is out of print, maybe....?


It's Twilight Imperium 3rd edition, and is one of those "stay up all night" strategy games; I think there is a 4th edition out, but it was even more, and 3rd edition is the one we played, and the one we found, so.....


If you look it up, we didn't pay quite as bad as what it's listed at now, but did end up paying $20 over the lowest price we saw earlier on when we were first watching it.


Oh, here's a link that explains it that is not a shopping link :)


I have heard of this game and it is supposed to be an epic, sweeping, and incredible game playing experience! The hosts of this board game site really love it.




I am sure your gift will be treasured!

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My husband and I don’t normally do big gifts for each other but this year I’m making up for it. He turns 40 next year and I was trying to come up with a big surprise for him. I ending up getting tickets to see his favorite NBA team, at home against their rival. We will fly out for a couple days just the two of us, I even have the childcare lined up.


Ordering everything was an ordeal because he keeps a close eye on the bank account. I ended up using the credit card and told him if they called, yes I had done some unusual spending on our account.


He will be shocked and love it!

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My DH really enjoys playing Twilight Imperium 3. He gets together with some guys from church to play every now and then. And now that TI4 is out, they are planning an all-day game sometime between Christmas and New Year's. :)


I am excited about a couple of things I'm giving my girls. DD#1 really enjoyed reading The Penderwicks (from the library), and I got her the box set of all four books, AND I managed to keep her from being aware there are more books than just that first one. So I think she'll be happy when she opens that. 


DD#2 wants to be an aerospace engineer when she grows up. I got her an Usborne book called Engineer Academy that has activities to explore different types of engineering. I'm certain that she'll be excited when she opens it, and I'm hopeful that she'll really enjoy getting into it.

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I am excited about a couple of things I'm giving my girls. DD#1 really enjoyed reading The Penderwicks (from the library), and I got her the box set of all four books, AND I managed to keep her from being aware there are more books than just that first one. So I think she'll be happy when she opens that.


I need to make a note of these for my daughter for next year.
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I am most excited about the gift we are giving my second son. 


He has grown and matured SO MUCH in the last year.  A year ago his ADHD and ODD were so out of control that we couldn't take him out of the house at all.  Every day he was throwing a dozen or most violent, destructive tantrums.  His room was empty except for a mattress on the floor, and every day we were forced to lock him in there on and off throughout the day when there was simply no other way to keep the family safe.


We were finally able to get him on meds about 9 months ago, and he is now a new child.  He is still impulsive and distractable when his meds wear off, but he hasn't thrown a major tantrum in over 7 months.  This school year he is successfully attending two gym classes, an art class and a weekly immersion Spanish class...this kid who last year could not be safely taken to the grocery store!!!


For Christmas we are giving him a trip to Florida.  He and I are going to fly down and spend 5 days with my aunt at the end of January.  DS is going to be over the moon.  He absolutely thrives on attention and social interaction, and during this trip he will have me, my aunt and a whole state-full of old people doting on him and listening to his incessant chatter.


I am just so thrilled that his mental health has stabilized to the point that he can start exploring a larger world...so, so much larger than his locked bedroom where he was last year.



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Oh I am excited for you! I’m so happy he’s doing better, what a gift to you. Enjoy your trip!


I am most excited about the gift we are giving my second son.


He has grown and matured SO MUCH in the last year. A year ago his ADHD and ODD were so out of control that we couldn't take him out of the house at all. Every day he was throwing a dozen or most violent, destructive tantrums. His room was empty except for a mattress on the floor, and every day we were forced to lock him in there on and off throughout the day when there was simply no other way to keep the family safe.


We were finally able to get him on meds about 9 months ago, and he is now a new child. He is still impulsive and distractable when his meds wear off, but he hasn't thrown a major tantrum in over 7 months. This school year he is successfully attending two gym classes, an art class and a weekly immersion Spanish class...this kid who last year could not be safely taken to the grocery store!!!


For Christmas we are giving him a trip to Florida. He and I are going to fly down and spend 5 days with my aunt at the end of January. DS is going to be over the moon. He absolutely thrives on attention and social interaction, and during this trip he will have me, my aunt and a whole state-full of old people doting on him and listening to his incessant chatter.


I am just so thrilled that his mental health has stabilized to the point that he can start exploring a larger world...so, so much larger than his locked bedroom where he was last year.



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I haven’t played Twilight Imperium for ages. Before kids we would play the second edition. I ended up making spreadsheets for the various races so we could more easily keep track of things. It was cool that when I looked a few years ago I could still find people on board game geek still using them.

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I have three gifts I’m excited to watch being opened. One is the poster that was recommended on here where you scratch off the title as you read it. My step-mom is a big reader, so I am excited to give it to her. I could give her the moon and she would not be excited to get it, if it’s from me, so we’ll see if she has any excitement about it. Now, if someone else gave it to her, she’d be super excited about it, because it is right up her alley. The second gift is a poster that I had made for Dh where you select 50 pictures to be included on it. I was going to make my own, but then I found a company who makes it for you and it will be less expensive to do so. Dh doesn’t get excited about getting any gifts, so I’m not expecting him to be jumping up and down with joy, but I know he will like it. The third is a Playmobil hospital set (and lots of accessories) for youngest dd. She has been asking for that gift all fall. Every time she plays Playmobil she comes and tells me that the policeman told her people that they needed to take so and so to the hospital and she has to tell the policeman that there is no hospital. She finally made a dr’s office, but she says it is not the same. Funny thing is that I wanted to get her the hospital a year or two ago and she didn’t want it. She will jump up and down with joy when she opens that.


Last year, the present that was most well received was a copy of our house key for youngest dd that she got in her stocking. She was so excited and was jumping up and down. That $3 present (was a fancy key) was the hit of the day! I hope to always remember how happy she was when she opened it.

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I'm most excited to give DD9 the Our Generation Vet Clinic. She wants to be a vet when she grows up and has been asking for this for a while. 


I found out my 14yo nephew has really been into reading lately and has started reading Stephen King and the like. I'm trying to restrain myself and not buy him All The Books but I'm quite thrilled to finally have another reader in the family so I'm not sure if I'll succeed. 

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DH always complains that he is cold and I keep the temp low (I can’t sleep in a warm room). I found a self warming blanket for his side of the bed. He hates using an electric blanket as it is costly. It is the perfect gift for him. It won’t beat last year when I got him a complete set of coins from the year he was born.


I'd never heard of a self warming blanket.  Do you have a link you can share?




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Probably this lego set for our oldest. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B014QRO0W6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 He loves all things german, he loves cars and camping. He also loves building things. So I think this should be a big hit. With it we have a book on the history of the Volkswagen bus. The last couple of years I think from a suggestion on here, we try to get a toy, and book to each child. This year I have also added a family game. That is a set of 10, 10 dice. There are all sorts of games that littles to big people can play with those. :)

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We bought Nerf dart guns for our kids, plus 1 each for DH and me. We plan to hide ours (along with the extra darts) downstairs and wrap the kids' guns for under the tree. After they open theirs, we'll tell them to bring them downstairs and let the fray begin. I think it's going to be lots of fun  :laugh:

As the mom of children much older than yours, let me just say that turning off all the lights and having a Nerf free for all never, ever gets old! Enjoy!  :thumbup1:

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Probably this lego set for our oldest. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B014QRO0W6/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 He loves all things german, he loves cars and camping. He also loves building things. So I think this should be a big hit. With it we have a book on the history of the Volkswagen bus. The last couple of years I think from a suggestion on here, we try to get a toy, and book to each child. This year I have also added a family game. That is a set of 10, 10 dice. There are all sorts of games that littles to big people can play with those. :)



I love your idea of pairing it with a book.  Smart

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 This year I have also added a family game. That is a set of 10, 10 dice. There are all sorts of games that littles to big people can play with those. :)


Is this Tenzi, the game?  If so, can I send my 17 yo over to play it with you???  She crushes us all at Tenzi, so no one will play with her any more.  If you could go pro at Tenzi, she could just skip this college nonsense.  Assuming you don't have a professional-level Tenzi player in your family, it's a lot of fun.  Noisy, but fun.

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My DH has a messenger bag he loves, and it is getting ratty after a decade of daily use. He has searched online for a replacement, but they don't make the model anymore, and none of the new ones has the features he really wants (namely a zipper across the main compartment under the flap)

I managed to find his beloved bag on ebay in as-new condition.

this reminds me of one of the best gifts I received.  


I grew up using my mom's sewing machine.  After I married she picked up another brand one for me used, but of course with two little ones I had no time to sit down and learn a new machine.  A few years later she found one just like hers at a garage sale and cleaned it up to gift to me.  Best gift ever!!

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I'm excited about our gift to the kids, the echo dot. We are going to set it up, send them on a scavenger hunt, and the last clue will be in the living room and read, "Alexa turn on the lights." Or whatever the equivalent ends up being once we get it set up. This will turn on the Christmas lights that I will drape all over the living room the night before. Dh and I are going to figure it out this weekend to make sure we can do it that way.

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I am excited to give them more legos since it keeps them busy for hours as they build.


DS loves snap circuits and hasn't wanted the light kit for a while so I am exited about that one.


Mostly though, I am super excited to give my other DS some Doctor Who stuff since he is the world's biggest Whovian at 6 yo. It is his obsession and since he is on the spectrum you can imagine it occupies his every conversation. He likes to pretend his beanie boos are each a Doctor evolution so I got him a Tardis that will fit them. I also got him a Dalek and Cyber man figure to add to the fun. He loves fuzzy blankets so I found him a Tardis blanket. He is going to lose his mind :)

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A new German Shepherd puppy for the whole family!


This will be a surprise gift. We lost our German Shepherd in October and we were all devastated. She was 14 years old and had been with us for most or all of my kids lives.  We were on a list with the breeder for a puppy in March, but in a twist of fate one of the people who had dibs on a puppy in her current litter had to postpone getting the dog. it was a sable female, just what we were looking for, and for some lucky reason we got the option of taking her. 


This will be our gift to the kids. I am picking her up Sunday. The kids will be skiing with DH so they will get the surprise when they get home. I expect none of them will mind foregoing other gifts for this one!

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DS is getting a new game/marble run set that just came out recently. He saw it at a game convention and really wants it. It is this year's must-have gift - apparently the company vastly under-estimated demand (or there were production problems). They show it on TV commercials all the time and it is in print advertising but none of the stores has it. You can get it on ebay/amazon at a mark-up of like 500%. I had already told him there was no way to get it but when I was in the next larger city I saw it in a store window. I was in a rush and didn't go in but I did call a friend and ask her to pick it up for me. She did (it was the last one) and so he will be able to get it after all (at the regular price). I am excited because he really wants it, it seemed a fun game/toy, and I am rather proud for managing to snag one after all.

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