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When did your boy first get facial hair?


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...like a noticeable mustache?  When did they start shaving?  One of my 12 year old has a noticeable mustache.  Nothing in the beard area.  It is noticeable in pictures.  His twin does not.  The doctor wasn't concerned at his 12 year check -- he is going through puberty earlier than his twin.  I just wasn't expecting this -- or maybe I'm not ready for this  :eek:  :scared: !

Edited by mlktwins
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The peach fuzz darkened and became noticeable around 12. It's still fine, soft hair, not a full-on, thick, adult male mustache, but it is dark enough that he started shaving it a few months ago right around his 13th birthday. Instead of a regular razor he uses one of these, and only has to do it once a week or so: 



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The peach fuzz darkened and became noticeable around 12. It's still fine, soft hair, not a full-on, thick, adult male mustache, but it is dark enough that he started shaving it a few months ago right around his 13th birthday. Instead of a regular razor he uses one of these, and only has to do it once a week or so:





This, exactly.

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The peach fuzz darkened and became noticeable around 12. It's still fine, soft hair, not a full-on, thick, adult male mustache, but it is dark enough that he started shaving it a few months ago right around his 13th birthday. Instead of a regular razor he uses one of these, and only has to do it once a week or so:


Same. I would say the closerhe got to his 13th birthday the more noticeable it was, but again, not a full-on thing.

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The peach fuzz darkened and became noticeable around 12. It's still fine, soft hair, not a full-on, thick, adult male mustache, but it is dark enough that he started shaving it a few months ago right around his 13th birthday. Instead of a regular razor he uses one of these, and only has to do it once a week or so: 






One he started doing this, did it come in thicker or stay fine, soft hair?  I am so not ready for this -- LOL

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My people are hairy and DS has had a peach fuzz moustache for two years. He'll be 10 this month, has a decent crop of armpit hair and darkening/coursening leg hair. I haven't seen other areas as I was banned from his room while he's en deshabille a year ago. :rofl: My brother needed to shave his moustache by 12/13 and I expect DS will be similar.

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my older boys were mid/late teens.  1ds got his growth early, 2ds later.  late teens I bought them an electric razor.  they both use an old fashioned one now - it does shave better.  (electric can be easier for boys).


dudeling will be 13 end of january, and has nothing.


2dd went to school with a guy I thought was MUCH older becasue he had a full beard and 'stache in high school.  he might even have been a sophomore, but no more than a jr at the time.

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Not every male will grow facial hair.


Dss is 40 years old and still barely gets a five o'clock shadow. He gets peach fuzz on his upper lip.


Ds 20 has a small amount of dark hair on his upper lip but doesn't need to shave his face. 


Their dad otoh, is scruffy by the end of the day. 

Edited by Lady Florida.
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...like a noticeable mustache?  When did they start shaving?  One of my 12 year old has a noticeable mustache.  Nothing in the beard area.  It is noticeable in pictures.  His twin does not.  The doctor wasn't concerned at his 12 year check -- he is going through puberty earlier than his twin.  I just wasn't expecting this -- or maybe I'm not ready for this  :eek:  :scared: !

This exactly with my twin boys at 12. Sometime after 13 he shaved it with an electric razor. His brother was behind him a little with going into puberty. 

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My 20 year old has a full beard. He started getting facial hair around 11 or 12. I can't remember exactly. His genetic make up is such that he has darker more pronounced facial hair than some others.

My son started getting a moustache at about 12, by 18 had a full beard and moustache. (Those Scottish genes, I reckon). He's in his 20s now and has kept the beard most of the time, varying lengths.
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