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Stranger Things 2 on Netflix Today!!!!!!!!!!


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We can't watch without DH, and then my youngest son has an activity tonight, but we'll manage to squeeze in one episode today! This weekend is also unexpectedly busy, but we'll squeeze in a few episodes before Monday. A few weeks ago, I was sure we'd have binge watched the whole thing by Monday, but then life got in the way. :(.


We're pretty excited about it!


(I think I'm going to hide in the bathroom with my ipad and watch the first 5 minutes without telling anyone...)

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Ok I've avoided this show. However I'm going to have to binge watch. My niece is a writer on the show and I will see her at Thanksgiving.


Encourage me. Why do I want to watch this.


I didn't want to watch it.  Every single episode I said multiple times "OK, this is it, I'm DONE with this."  But I wouldn't get up. And I'd watch the next episode.  It's not my kind of thing at all.  But, I loved it.


As for this season... my husband has got it into his head that we have to rewatch season 1.  We started last Sunday night but because this is a THING for us, we can't watch if others aren't around.  (Well, I wouldn't mind because I don't want to watch season 1 again, but whatever. I use the time to fold laundry.  It's important to him for some reason, and he is not otherwise demanding and rarely has time for relaxation, so, kids and I deal with it.)  So we have 4 episodes of season 1 left to rewatch before we can start season 2.  I doubt it's going to happen for at least another week, week and a half.  


UGH.   :lol:  :lol:

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Ok I've avoided this show. However I'm going to have to binge watch. My niece is a writer on the show and I will see her at Thanksgiving.


Encourage me. Why do I want to watch this.


Because you lived in the 80s? Because it's just THAT good?


We didn't watch it for quite awhile, but person after person told me I had to, so I finally gave in.  What convinced me was the I didn't believe the three people that were pushing so hard could EVER like the same TV show.  I was an idiot to resist.  Of course, I was the one who thought a TV show that my sis described as "space cowboys" sounded stupid.  It was two years before I saw Firefly!  The problem is shows as good and unique as these defy description, so it's hard to tell someone about them and convince them to watch.

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Ok I've avoided this show. However I'm going to have to binge watch. My niece is a writer on the show and I will see her at Thanksgiving.


Encourage me. Why do I want to watch this.



I am generally NOT a fan of Scary Stuff....but this series!  It sucked me in and I binged the entire first season earlier this summer.  I've been harassing DH to WATCH THIS SHOW, so I can talk about it with him, LOL.  It's such a great blend of a little scary, mystery, 80s nostalgia.  If you watched any scary movies in the 70s-80s, you'll see echoes of common themes in the scary elements in this show.


I loved it! :p  I cannot wait for the kids to go to sleep tonight so I can start watching. :D

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We have been watching non-stop since 8 am. We are taking a break for a few hours and will be ordering Chinese from our favorite restaurant and finishing Season 2 tonight. D and I have been looking forward to this for months!

Now THAT'S taking binge watching to a whole new level! :)

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Oh, man, dd went to a lock-in last night and has been asleep since she got home from classes.  I'm dying over here!  Can't wait to start watching!


BTW, when she got home she commented they watched Stranger Things at the lock-in.  My eyes got HUGE.  No worries, though -- it was Season 1.  Apparently our youth pastor decided it was ok for high schoolers.  He used the episode about Barb to emphasize reasons to NOT make out with people with people #justiceforBarb.


I've been finishing up the Common App, and binge watching this is going to be my treat for sitting here typing away with relative decorum (why is it so hard for me to write course descriptions totally devoid of snark? Ugh, 4 pages of me being a grownup is brutal).

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 If you watched any scary movies in the 70s-80s, you'll see echoes of common themes in the scary elements in this show.



Isn't one of the guys from The Goonies in season 2?


I grew up small town Indiana, and one of my BFFs from high school has cleidocranial dysplasia in her family, so I totally swoon over this show.  I don't normally watch scary things, or sad things, or generally icky things (Season 4 episode 3 Sherlock, I'm looking at you), but this is great.

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As I wrote yesterday that's my wife's favorite series and she was in "Marathon" "Binge" mode yesterday. I think here in Colombia the season began yesterday?  Sad that one of the stars is a Cocaine user.  Note that he was refused entry to the USA (deported) and that he was not arrested. 



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Ah, the beauty of homeschooling. "Today, kids, we're going to learn about 80's music and culture." ;)


No spoilers, please, peeps!

We started before 6am, watched three episodes, stopped and did school, watched four more, dd went to nutcracker rehearsal, and we finished the last two when she came home.

It was so awesome.

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Done! The cast is great!


My D and I commented on this as well.  The cast is fantastic!  We liked Season 2 even better than Season 1. 


My boys are too busy at school right now to watch.  They are waiting until they come home for Thanksgiving.  I think we will be having another binge session.  I am really looking forward to it.


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Check out Beyond Stranger Things on Netflix for some behind the scenes.


Doing that now!


And just realized that Dr Owens is from Aliens!  I love these tie-ins!


Okay, I have to admit we had some problems with some of the acting, but I'm watching it with someone who analyzes every moment of every scene (she really should become a director), and was shouting, "I've seen better cold reads at (local youth community) musical theater auditions!" and "most of the kids at BAA could've done that better in a cold read!" about some of the choices someone was making in their acting. 


MOST of the cast was excellent.  So was the directing and camera work.

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I personally just finished season 2. I agree some of the acting is a little off sometimes but the cool thing about a series like this is that they have all really grown into their characters. 

One of my dd's cried actual running-down-her-face tears last night while watching one of the episodes. That one almost got me too. We have to wait another year!? I wish they would come out with another season in 6 months.

How much time passes IRL between the filming of each season? 


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Doing that now!


And just realized that Dr Owens is from Aliens!  I love these tie-ins!


Okay, I have to admit we had some problems with some of the acting, but I'm watching it with someone who analyzes every moment of every scene (she really should become a director), and was shouting, "I've seen better cold reads at (local youth community) musical theater auditions!" and "most of the kids at BAA could've done that better in a cold read!" about some of the choices someone was making in their acting. 


MOST of the cast was excellent.  So was the directing and camera work.


I felt that way when watching Daniel Radcliffe in the Harry Potter series.


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Okay, I have to admit we had some problems with some of the acting, but I'm watching it with someone who analyzes every moment of every scene (she really should become a director), and was shouting, "I've seen better cold reads at (local youth community) musical theater auditions!" and "most of the kids at BAA could've done that better in a cold read!" about some of the choices someone was making in their acting. 


MOST of the cast was excellent.  So was the directing and camera work.


Who do you think is doing a bad job? 


I've watched through episode 5 so far and haven't noticed any bad acting - so now I'm wondering if I'm just so wrapped up in the story that I'm oblivious to it.  :tongue_smilie:

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Doing that now!


And just realized that Dr Owens is from Aliens! I love these tie-ins!


Okay, I have to admit we had some problems with some of the acting, but I'm watching it with someone who analyzes every moment of every scene (she really should become a director), and was shouting, "I've seen better cold reads at (local youth community) musical theater auditions!" and "most of the kids at BAA could've done that better in a cold read!" about some of the choices someone was making in their acting.


MOST of the cast was excellent. So was the directing and camera work.

I would find that much more obnoxious than bad acting. The cast fits well together and is fun to watch. I want to be engaged in a show, not listen to someone blather on about the minutiae of every scene.

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We watched all of season one. I tried to like it. I get the 80's feel. I like watching child actors. This just didn't do anything for me. To me, their acting seems stilted and forced. Is it supposed to be so campy? I also think one of the kids is overly obnoxious. It reminds me of The Goonies, which I'll have to admit was the most stupid movie ever made, with the exact same sort of obnoxious characters.

Yes, it's supposed to be campy and it should remind you of The Goonies. The creators have said The Goonies was a huge influence on them.
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Ok I've avoided this show. However I'm going to have to binge watch. My niece is a writer on the show and I will see her at Thanksgiving.


Encourage me. Why do I want to watch this.

Because it’s ... strange. It’s weirdly mesmerizing.

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We watched all of season one. I tried to like it. I get the 80's feel. I like watching child actors. This just didn't do anything for me. To me, their acting seems stilted and forced. Is it supposed to be so campy? I also think one of the kids is overly obnoxious. It reminds me of The Goonies, which I'll have to admit was the most stupid movie ever made, with the exact same sort of obnoxious characters.

I originally watched season 1 with dh and didn’t love it either. But, we just finished rewatching season 1 and the first couple episodes of season 2. It has really grown on me the second time through. I’m looking forward to the rest of season 2. (And I was Not a Goonies fan either.)

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