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Can't sleep... worried about my dh's surgery Monday! (UPDATE in #96)


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I have been praying here, but it just dawned on me to give your thread a bump.


Praying that the surgery is going absolutely perfectly and that soon your husband's surgeon will be visiting you in the waiting room to let you know that everything went great and your husband is resting comfortably in the recovery room.


I know how hard it is to sit in that waiting room, so I'm praying for you, too. :grouphug:

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Praying for you as you wait. Praying that they are actually able to update you as the procedure progresses. Praying for peace as you wait, and that peace will prevail if the procedure runs longer than you anticipated. Skill for the physicians. Healing for your dh. God is with you.

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UPDATE:  6:30pm Central Time.  Just a quick update -- I've really appreciated your prayers and good thoughts so very much.  THANK YOU.  It has been a long afternoon of surgery, and is still ongoing.  We've just been told that although things are moving slower than expected, it is all going very well.  We are of course very, very grateful.


Three of our daughters are here, my sister, a brother-in-law, plus my brother who works here keeps checking in with us.  Before the surgery, the main surgeon spent about 30 minutes with us (on top of the extensive pre-surgery appointment last week) going over everything again.  We believe my husband is in excellent hands.


Just quoting so your update is here too - for those who look from "new posts."


Glad things are going well so far, and more prayers for things continuing to go well.

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I'll put my update at the end this time!  


9:30pm Central time...  My dh is now in recovery, THANK GOODNESS.  I don't have any details yet, just that it is over and everything went well.  He may be in recovery for 1-3 hours.  Waiting to talk to the surgeon.  I'll get to see my dh once he's brought to his inpatient room.

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I'll put my update at the end this time!


9:30pm Central time... My dh is now in recovery, THANK GOODNESS. I don't have any details yet, just that it is over and everything went well. He may be in recovery for 1-3 hours. Waiting to talk to the surgeon. I'll get to see my dh once he's brought to his inpatient room.

Great news! Thanks for letting us know! Now I hope you are able to get at least some bit of sleep tonight!

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UPDATE:  Thank you so much everybody.  It is such a relief to be at this end, and I thank God that it all went smoothly.


The surgery was very long, longer than they anticipated, but not because of complications.  Just lots of steps and details involved.  Still, I didn't get a lot of updates during it so it was nice to have family here to help keep my mind from racing.


After the surgery had ended, my dd's and I were walking the halls waiting, and finally at 11pm they pushed his gurney right past us!  I didn't even recognize him at first because of his partially shaved head.  They stopped immediately and let us have a moment with him in the hall.  He couldn't see (from bandages) and was still groggy, but he was able to speak a few tender words and hold my hand and was clearly present and aware.  So, hallelujah!!


Yesterday was a busy day trying to manage pain and weird, unending hiccups on top of everything else!  


Today he seems much calmer.  As time goes on we'll be able to see more clearly the results of the surgery, but it appears to have been a success and of course best of all, my dh is still here with me.


Thank you so much again for your many prayers and good thoughts!



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Ahh, such sweet news.  It seems that all went well and, yes, most importantly you're dh is strong and you 2 have each other!  J-rap, prayers continue for you and for all to progress favorably for your dh.  Thanks for the update!    :hurray:

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I will continue to pray! So glad the surgery went well!  :hurray:

Recovery is long. Be patient. Dh thought he would go crazy with boredom before the docs let him drive and go back to work. Adjusting meds was also stressful.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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